Of course, this is still in the stage of suspicion. If the other party knows their true identity, they will naturally know what their mother's name is. Therefore, the other party may also be a very dangerous element.

Really dangerous people often look harmless to humans and animals, but their hearts are full of darkness. These villains are more troublesome than those guys who jumped out with guns in the open.

Batman's intuition from fighting criminals for many years told him that these two people are definitely not ordinary people, and their purpose is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Therefore, on the surface, Batman simply greeted Amakusa and Thor and left, but in fact he did not leave, but kept monitoring them from a distance.

The time he had just been in contact was too short, and Batman was not good at doing anything, so he needed to keep staring at Amakusa and Thor, find their hiding places, and then make arrangements in the dark.

And this, Amakusa and Thor naturally also noticed it. After all, there is such a big bat fighter in the sky. Although ordinary people can't notice it, Amakusa and Thor can still perceive it.

"Where should we go now?"

"Let's find a place to stay. His Highness Thor doesn't want to live on the streets, does he?"

"I don't care about this, anyway, I slept outside for a long time in that place before."


Well, the prince from Asgard doesn't care much about where he rests.

"In that case, let's split up."

Amakusa raised his hand and pulled a hair from Thor's body.

"I'm looking for a foothold. As for His Royal Highness Thor, let's move freely first. I think with His Highness Thor's strength, you don't have to worry about safety."

"Oh, no problem."

Thor scratched the place where his hair was plucked, and it hurt a little. As for why he plucked his hair, he didn't ask, because Amakusa also plucked his hair once at the black bullet, and it turned out that it was used to find It is not used by people to open the portal.

After grabbing a few times, after the pain disappeared, Thor held the strap behind the hammer with his right hand, then turned the hammer a few times and threw it directly to the front while holding the handle of the hammer. Batman's eyes widened.

After that, Amakusa stunned Batman even more, and Amakusa's actions became even more outrageous. He opened a portal directly in front of Batman. The Marvel magic portal with sparks splashing is still applicable in the DC world. Opposite the portal, is On the street below the building, Amakusa stepped out and came to the street below the building. The whole process was watched by Batman.

One flew away out of thin air, and the other opened an incomparably magical portal. Batman felt that his three views had been impacted. Lying in the bat fighter, Batman began to think whether he was hallucinating. His old housekeeper asked for help.

"Ah Fu, have you seen everything?"

"Master, I have seen it all."

"That is to say, these are all true?"

"Yes, these are all true, two incredible people have come to Gotham City."

"No, there are two very troublesome people here."

In the eyes of Batman, there is no one who is not a big deal, everyone has weaknesses, only simple people can deal with, and people who are more troublesome to deal with, and Amakusa and Thor, in terms of ability, are more troublesome people, especially It's Amakusa's performance that makes Batman very vigilant, and those who use hypocrisy to cover themselves will be even more troublesome!

"Master, the two of them have separated, what should we do now?"

"Ah Fu, you use the satellite to track the guy who flew away, and I'll track the other one."

"Good sir."

After quickly assigning tasks to each other, Batman jumped off the bat fighter again, opened his cloak like a bat, glides to the ground again, landed on the top of a building by the side of the road, and followed quietly all the way , In the middle of the night, they are constantly swinging between buildings like bats.

Amakusa was walking on the street below while paying attention to Batman who was following him. He couldn't complain about Batman's actions. He was obviously Batman, but why did he always swing around like Spiderman? Do you have anything against Batman? misunderstanding?

In this way, one walked below, and the other followed above, until they came to the side of an abandoned building.

Gotham City looks bright on the surface, but in fact there are slums. This building is an abandoned building in the slums. Does the whole building look dilapidated? It looks like it will collapse at any time.

"It's so rotten that there should be no master."

Amakusa looked at the dilapidated building and muttered, then raised his right hand and pointed at the building.

After seeing Amakusa's sudden strange movements, the Batman in the building behind immediately opened his eyes wide and observed, and even turned on the detector and camera he carried on his body, wanting to take pictures of Amakusa's next movements. Tell him what Amakusa is going to do next.

Then, under the gaze of Batman, a black-red light appeared from Amakusa's raised right hand. The originally dark street, after Amakusa released the black-red light, looked even more eerie, black-red, This color scheme doesn't look like a good thing, it's a villainous atmosphere!

In front of Batman, Amakusa used the power of the Reality Gem to attach the power of the Reality Gem to the dilapidated building. The black-red light enveloped the entire building, and then accompanied by the rhythm of Amakusa's fingers, it began to change. It soon became a fixed appearance, and then the black and red light dissipated, and a brand new church appeared, which was exactly the same as Amakusa's church in the Marvel world. Well, the church is more suitable for me.

Batman watched Amakusa complete the renovation of the entire building, then watched Amakusa enter the church, and then slowly opened the communication channel.

"Ah Fu, guess what I just saw?"

"Master, what did you see, the beauty who just came out of the bath?"


Batman was a little speechless about his butler's ridicule.

"I saw something very magical."


"That's right, a magic that can drive real estate developers all over the world crazy."

Chapter 6. Thor who can shut down power plants

From the perspective of construction, Reality Gem is really strong, so it is understandable for Batman to think of real estate convenience. After all, Grandpa Wayne is the son of Gotham, the richest man in Gotham, and even the richest man in DC. He has the ability to do whatever he wants with money.

But no matter how strong the banknote ability is, it also needs cost, but Amakusa's construction technology does not tell you the cost at all. This is something that all capitalists dream of!

After explaining to Afu what Amakusa did just now, Batman took off again, hung a rope and swung to a building next to Amakusa's new church, and placed a lot of surveillance equipment around the church, and then After running to the top of the church and installing a few cameras, they jumped and left.

From Batman's point of view, Amakusa should stay here and never leave, so he doesn't need to stay here all the time, because it's useless to stay here, unless Amakusa does something bad on the spot, Batman has no Qualified to find trouble with Amakusa.

On the other hand, the guy who can fly doesn't know what he's doing now.

Back on the bat fighter, Batman contacted Alfred again.

"Ah Fu, where is the other person?"

"Master, another person is about five kilometers to the northeast of you, and the address will be sent to you now."

Iron Man has the almighty Jarvis, Batman does not have Jarvis, but has the almighty Alfred.

Soon, Thor's address was sent to Batman's terminal. Batman frowned slightly as he looked at the address.

"Why is this place?"

"Yes, I'm also quite surprised, it's your favorite bar, sir."

Batman is Batman at night, Bruce Wayne during the day, and sometimes at night, in order to pretend, he will take a short break, and then turn back into Bruce Wayne, to attend various high-class banquets, and occasionally run Go crazy in the bar, continue to maintain your rich second-generation persona, and then the people of Gotham City will be blind like the people of Great Britain, and they will believe whatever Bruce Wayne says.

And the bar that Bruce Wayne usually runs the most is the bar where Thor is now, Blue Rose.

"I think I need a change of clothes."

"Yes sir, I'm ready for you."

Batman controlled the Batfighter to quickly return to the Batcave, and then a high-end sports car rushed out of Wayne Manor, and soon arrived outside the Blue Rose Bar, ignoring the traffic speed limit.

Bruce Wayne's car was so conspicuous that the security personnel at the bar's entrance recognized it at a glance, immediately called a waiter to come out of the bar, and then opened the VIP passage.

The so-called VIP channel is that ordinary people will be restricted after the number of people in the bar reaches a certain amount. Unless one person comes out, the people behind will have to line up, while the VIP channel means that no matter how many people are inside, they can enter and exit at any time .

Bruce Wayne can naturally go through the VIP channel, even if he doesn't run the VIP channel, but this dandy rich second generation always throws money everywhere. If you don't let him lose money, he will even be in a hurry with you!

"Ah Fu, how's the signal?"

"Although there are some fluctuations, I can stabilize the signal, no problem."

"Very well, let me see what kind of guy this Prince of Asgard is."

Walking through the long passage, Bruce Wayne came to the lobby of the bar, which is where everyone dances. This bar has always been very lively before, and it is still the same today, but compared with the previous one, today is even more lively. People gathered around the center of the ballroom, where there was a stage with a hammer on it. A muscular man was holding the handle of the hammer with both hands, and then his fat face was flushed. It seemed that he was exerting force, but he seemed to be holding A little constipated while hammering.

And next to this constipated man was the Thor he saw before. Thor was sitting there with a big thorn, one hand on the thigh of a big big girl, and the other hand, holding a Huge cups, filled with beer, are drinking tons of beer with their heads up.

After taking a few sips, Thor looked down at the muscular man next to him who was blushing, with a sneer on his face.

"How? Can't you lift it? Just tell me if you can't lift it. I won't laugh at you. After all, only Thor can pick up Mjolnir."

"Thor? So you're Thor?"

A big open girl next to him asked Thor.

"Yes, I am the prince of Asgard, the son of Odin, Thor."

"Cool! It turns out to be a prince, you are so cool."

"Hey, Style, can you show me what Thor is?"

"No problem at all."

Thor patted the thigh of the beautiful woman next to him, then directly raised his hand to push away the big man who was still trying to move the hammer, grabbed the handle of the hammer with one hand, and lifted the hammer up lightly.

"Look, only I can pick up the hammer, and not just that."

After Thor finished speaking, he threw the hammer towards the sky, then jumped onto the stage, and shook his right hand towards the air.

The hammer that was originally thrown suddenly stagnated in mid-air and remained motionless.




"Hahahaha, it's not over yet."

Thor held the wine glass in one hand while laughing, took a sip of beer, and then turned his body. With Thor's turning, the thrown hammer also began to turn around Thor.

"Mjolnir only obeys my orders. If I let it go out, it will go out. If I let it come back, it will come back!"

Thor withdrew his right hand sharply, and the hammer that turned a few times flew directly back into his hand and was held by him.


The onlookers cheered again, and Thor was very helpful.

Yes, that's right, that's it, this is the treatment I deserve, it's wrong to be suppressed by the red tin woodman!


Thor, who was holding the hammer, slammed the hammer on the ground, and a burst of thunder flashed.

When crossing with Amakusa, Thor was wearing an expensive suit, he looked like a successful person, a rich second generation, plus his hair was shaved short by Hella, so when he entered the bar, the security guard at the door directly gave He has a VIP channel, and he regards him as a kid from a rich family.

But now, after a flash of lightning, blue scale armor, bright red cloak, and exploding muscles instantly appeared, and Thor's true appearance was exposed to everyone's eyes.


Inside the bar, the cheers reached their peak in an instant.

"Yeah, that's what I want."

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