After repelling, Wonder Woman picked up her shield sword and rushed forward, slashing at Achilles. She was repelled several times by Achilles' sudden and violent sweep before, this time it was Wonder Woman's turn The heroine began her own suppression.

The previous temptation was over, it was time for Wonder Woman to rush forward and start suppressing.

With a power so strong that it even surpassed the servant level, he rushed directly, and a shield slammed at Achilles. No matter what opponent you are, it is always right to use the shield first.

Wonder Woman pushed Achilles back with a shield, and then chased after him with a sword. Achilles' hair was not cut this time, but a gash was directly cut on his face. The hero with strong defense was directly injured here, even though his heel hadn't been attacked yet.

Chapter 35. Achilles being completely suppressed

Can't beat it!There is something that can't be beat!In terms of strength, it was actually suppressed!

Achilles was surprised. As a demigod hero and a rider, Achilles' strength was never weak, but now, he was simply suppressed in strength.

How rare is this, there are almost no ordinary people who can suppress him in strength, and the demigods who suppress him in strength, he only recognizes Hercules, that is, Uncle B, but now, he actually Overwhelmed by Wonder Woman.

Although he knew that the other party also possessed divinity, he didn't think that the power of a goddess would surpass that of Hercules. It was obvious that there was something wrong with this demigod!

"You're wrong!"

Confused, Achilles directly questioned Wonder Woman who overwhelmed him with a dagger.

"Is something wrong?"

Wonder Woman was also puzzled by Achilles' sudden question, and asked the same question.

"How is your strength so strong?"

It may seem strange and even illegal to ask how the enemy is stronger than you in battle, but Achilles asked that because he was really curious about how Wonder Woman did it .

"Sorry, I've been like this since I was a kid."

Wonder Woman replied with a smile. At the same time, the power in her hand did not decrease, but increased, and she increased her strength towards Achilles!

"Well, it seems that I need to perform well."

Achilles understood that he could not suppress the opponent with pure competition of strength, so he chose another way of fighting, that is his own speed!

Comet running method!

Achilles' legs are very strong, which can bring him the speed of a comet. It is called the fastest speed of human beings. He can directly cross the battlefield in one breath. In all the battles he has experienced in history, no one can Can catch up with him.

Both feet exerted strength at the same time, the green light radiated from him again, his whole body became emerald green, entwined with the light of magic power, Achilles rushed out, and instantly rushed from the front of Wonder Woman to the back of Wonder Woman .

"Sorry, don't blame me for attacking from behind!"

Achilles rushed to Wonder Woman's back and stabbed Wonder Woman's back with his spear, ready to end Wonder Woman's life directly. Achilles is not a person who accepts mercy just because the other party is a woman.

"I won't blame you, because you won't have a chance to do it from behind."

When the tip of the gun was pointed at Wonder Woman's back, a shield suddenly appeared, blocking the tip of the gun, and then the Vulcan sword radiating divine power slashed directly from above.


Achilles couldn't react in time, and was directly slashed in the chest. His armor was directly cut, and a vertical wound appeared on his chest.

But Achilles' reaction was also quick. He immediately activated again, rushed to the side, and then swung his spear at Wonder Woman.

This time, Achilles didn't even see the shield, and Achilles just felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Wonder Woman disappeared directly in front of him.


Achilles' eyes are wide open. As a man of the wind, he is very fast, so his dynamic vision is extremely strong. According to the canyon theory of relativity, when you run fast, in your eyes, the enemy is running very slowly. When Achilles started to run, everything in his eyes would slow down, and everything would be so clear, but just now, he found that he didn't see Wonder Woman's figure clearly, that is to say, Wonder Woman's speed , exceeding the limit of Achilles' dynamic vision.

This surprised Achilles!

Before he recovered from the shock, Achilles felt a heavy blow on his back, and his shield was fierce!

Instead of using a sword, he slammed with his shield first.


The pain caused Achilles to scream out loud, and at the same time his body was pushed out, but with rich combat experience, Achilles still stabilized his body in time and even turned to face behind him, but when Achilles turned around When preparing to fight, he didn't see Wonder Woman, and then he felt a sharp pain in his left hand.

injured!And I haven't seen the other party's shadow yet!Achilles couldn't believe it, this kind of thing couldn't happen!

After stabilizing his feet, Achilles immediately started to run vigorously with both feet. His whole body turned into a green shooting star and ran across the entire port area. Run, no building can stop him.

"Where? Where!"

While running, Achilles kept scanning the audience, looking for the figure of Wonder Woman. The speed of the opponent was so fast that he had no time to react. Lucy is the fastest human being in the world, the man of the wind, the man of ultimate happiness, but now, even if he has been surpassed in strength, he has also been surpassed in speed. This kind of thing is impossible!

Also shocked was Atta who was dragged by the Flash in the distance. Although Atta was dragged by the Flash, she had been paying attention to the battle on Achilles' side, and she was also shocked. As a Hunter, an archer, her dynamic vision is naturally very powerful, but like Achilles, she only saw a shadow, and then saw Wonder Woman appearing behind Achilles, and then Appearing beside Achilles, he stabbed Achilles' left hand. Unfortunately, because Achilles also had a corresponding reaction, the wound was not deep, and then disappeared again.

Achilles is running all over the field now, and Ata can see the light trail of Achilles running, but Wonder Woman seems to have disappeared directly, she can't see the opponent's movement track at all, which shows What?This means that the opponent's speed is so fast that the dynamic vision can't be locked at all!

However, the reason why Achilles' trajectory can be mastered is that the speed is not fast enough and it is difficult to pay attention to it. Although it is the fastest speed of human beings, it is always human beings, not the fastest speed of gods. Fast speed, Wonder Woman is a demigod, and she is also the daughter of Zeus, with blessings from the gods of Olympus. However, the Kryptonian who is hanging out is super, but on the earth, her combat effectiveness is definitely not low!

As soon as they came up, the combination from Greece met the strongest character in the Justice League besides Superman. Even if Batman and Aquaman next to them were paddling wildly, it did not affect the current absolute advantage of Wonder Woman over them. They Lack of advantages against Wonder Woman.

Achilles ran for several laps, and finally found Wonder Woman. At this time, Wonder Woman was standing on a pier, holding a shield in her left hand and a sword in her right hand, looking at Achilles with a smile. No matter how Si ran, Wonder Woman's body turned to face Achilles, telling Achilles with actions: I saw you!

Then, Wonder Woman on the pier disappeared, and a shining short sword appeared in Achilles' vision.

Chapter 36. The Gorgon Rangers

The shining Vulcan sword stopped at a distance of about five centimeters from the tip of Achilles' nose. Achilles' nose could clearly feel the burning sensation in the air. Although the Vulcan sword did not really The ability to summon flames, but the scorching sensation brought by the attachment of divine power still made Achilles worry that his nose would be scalded directly by the scorching blade.

Although the sword of Vulcan slashed over, it failed to reach Achilles, because a sickle was in front of Achilles, blocking the sword of Vulcan.

"Miss Anna?"

A petite figure stood in front of Achilles, which surprised Achilles. Although the other person was wearing a long cloak and even a hood, Achilles knew who the other person was, and was also captured by Amakusa. Summoned, and Anna who also has two older sisters.


Anna turned her back to Achilles, without turning her head, but nodded lightly, as a response to Achilles.

When the Vulcan sword was about to hit Achilles, Atta was too late to support, but there were other people to support, and the people who came to support were naturally other servants. If Atta could not support, let others support !

In Greek mythology, the three Gorgon sisters did not have any favor with those so-called heroes, because the three sisters were demonized, especially Medusa was even beheaded by Perseus.

So the attitude of the three Gorgon sisters towards Achilles should be regarded as not very happy, but here, at least they are fellow servants who were summoned together, so Amakusa, please help me, then come and help me.

Amakusa opened the portal very accurately, and then sent Anna over. Immediately after sending her over, she blocked Wonder Woman's Vulcan sword with the sickle in her hand.

"Three Goddesses!"

Wonder Woman has read Anna's information. Although she doesn't know which of the three is Medusa, she is sure that one of them is Medusa. If one of the three goddesses appears, then the other two will definitely appear. retreat!

Wonder Woman quickly drew back her Vulcan sword, and then used her speed to distance herself. Immediately after she distanced herself, two arrows appeared on the ground, one was green, and the other was is blue.

Obviously, someone else came!

Wonder Woman backed up several steps in a row and landed on the corner of the pier. When she backed up, several arrows landed on her way back, and one almost hit her, but was blocked by the shield .

"Ala Allah, it seems that it is indeed a bit difficult to deal with."

In the distance, beside Atta, a tall figure appeared, and Atta couldn't help turning his head to look at it. Asterios, the big guy who hasn't spoken since he was summoned, is in Greek mythology. Born to be a monster, bearing the fate of being crusaded, in terms of camp, it belongs to the kind of existence that is destined to be crusaded by heroes and become a stepping stone for heroes to become famous.

Of course the blue arrow was not shot by Asterios. The person who shot it was the girl sitting on Asterios' shoulder, Euryelle, the second child of the three Gorgon sisters, Anna's second sister.

Although she is a goddess, like Atta, her weapon is a bow and arrow, but the expressive ability of this bow and arrow does not simply use bows and arrows to kill like Atta, but Yuri Ellie's arrows have Different effects, but this effect is for men, it has no effect on women, but it can provide some lethality alone, which is still very weak.

"If it was easy to deal with, it wouldn't be our turn to play."

Beside Asterios, another girl in a pink dress came out, and Steno, the longest of the three Gorgon sisters, also came out.

Another group that was analyzed by Batman to operate alone in a group of four was also considered by Batman to be the most difficult group to deal with. Before, Batman thought that the other party would not appear, but now, the other party has appeared!

I saw Wonder Woman burst out with supernatural power before, suppressing Achilles, and even felt a little rubbing on the ground, which made Batman start to drift a little bit. My teammates are awesome!

It turned out that it wasn't too long before the other party called someone, and the call was too fast, and the call was too thorough, as soon as he came up, he called four people over, and the Thunder God next to him was there, but They didn't even make any noise at all. Could it be that Greek mythology looks down on Norse mythology so much?

"It's a little troublesome."

Batman and Aquaman ran out of the ruins. Looking at the current situation on the field, they had a headache for a while, and it was very uncomfortable. They didn't think about it and started a full-scale war. They just wanted to test each other. I directly stabbed the nest, except for Thor who was still playing with the gangsters, Amakusa was in the church behind, and everyone else was here!

Moreover, from the way these four people appeared just now, it can be seen that they were sent by Father Amakusa with a portal, which means that their side was completely exposed.

It's like when a team of braves goes to attack the devil, they usually have to defeat a few mobs first, then the four heavenly kings, and finally the devil.

The current situation is that there are no mobs in the Thunder Gods, so they directly started touching the Four Heavenly Kings. As a result, the first Four Heavenly Kings only started to touch, and they directly touched all the other three Four Heavenly Kings, and they had to face the Four Heavenly Kings as a whole. Now, even the big devil is watching from the rear, which is a bit difficult.

"We have to retreat, or we'll be left here."

Batman spoke to Aquaman, who was beside him.


"I want to leave too, but I dare not go out now. Believe it or not, if I go out, I will be shot through the head by an arrow flying from nowhere."

Sea King's speed on land is too slow, even if he runs, he can't run very fast, and the place where he and Batman are located is the kind of place that is far away from the sea, so he can't run too far It's far away, and there is also the danger of being shot in the head if you run out.

"It's a pity that my bat suit has a few holes and I can't fly now."

"I think even if you can fly, you will be shot down!"

On the cloak behind Batman, there are several holes, one big one and several small ones. The big ones were directly pierced by Atta's arrows, and the small ones were pierced by Atta's treasure falling down, so Batman can no longer fly now. If he flies again, even if he can fly, at his speed, he will be directly hit by Atta's sniper.

"If that's the case, there's no other way to do it."

"Any other way? What way?"

Aquaman was very puzzled, and in front of Aquaman, Batman pressed his ear.

"Barry, send us back, Diana, you cover us, and then withdraw from the battlefield."


"Yes, Mr. Wayne."

Batman chose to let Flash, a super fast guy, send him home!

Chapter 37. The method against Wonder Woman

The Flash gives away, and Wonder Woman escorts. If there is another Superman, then this escort lineup is really luxurious, but it is luxurious enough without Superman now.

The Speed ​​Force of The Flash is very fast, not only very fast, but also too much. After all, as long as there is any problem in the DC world, the Flash can be reset. Compared with Marvel next door, the earth in the DC world is too much Most of the people who are too much in Marvel are in the universe, and there are a bunch of ruthless people in DC on the earth, all kinds of gods and magic, even alien supermen may overturn on the earth.

In short, using the Flash's sending ability and Wonder Woman's protective ability, Batman and Aquaman escaped successfully. The speed of the two was too fast, so neither Ata nor Achilles could work through their own eyes, and In terms of magic perception, they don't have magic power, so they can't perceive it.

Although Amakusa knows where they are, Amakusa will not tell them, that would be meaningless, visit the Batcave, find out the true identity of Batman, let them do it themselves, Amakusa will not get involved , Maybe Atta and Achilles can't find each other's location, but if the three Gorgon sisters go out together, it is impossible to find them. It may be slower to find a woman, but if you want to find a man, the three Gorgon sisters don't too convenient.

But, the three Gorgon sisters are not interested in finding someone. They are just Shiro Amakusa asking for help. It does not mean that they are going to chase Batman to the ground. Just for the safety of Achilles.

"What? You were attacked?"

Batman and the others ran away, and Thor got rid of those gangsters and ran back. After running back, Thor saw that all six people from Greece were here, and couldn't help asking curiously what was going on. Before that, Atta The movement of the Noble Phantasm was too loud, and it was difficult for him not to pay attention, but because he had many gangsters to deal with, he didn't care. Now that he heard what happened just now from Achilles, he was completely shocked .

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