"Such an exciting thing, you didn't call me!?"

Thor was very dissatisfied when he heard about this. He was fighting mobs there, but you are here playing elite monsters.Have you forgotten that the organization you are in now is called the Thunder God Clan, and I, Thor, the God of Thunder, are the boss. Why don't you talk to me, the boss, about such an important matter?

"I think you'll spend a lot of time there dealing with those battles, so we didn't call you, and we didn't feel the need to call you."

no need?What do you mean, isn't this just looking down on yourself?Sure enough, these guys didn't take their identity as the boss of the Thunder Gods seriously at all!

"Next time you meet them, let me come!"

"They're fast."

"I'm also fast."

"So fast that you can't see clearly?"

"That's unlikely."

"They still have a lot of strength."

"I'm also very strong."

"But they are strong and fast at the same time, they can directly attack you."


When it comes to sneak attacks, Thor is deflated. He is really afraid of sneak attacks, especially when he was facing Uncle B. Once he is caught by the calf, he is basically finished. There is no possibility of escape, he will only be caught Catch it, then beat it left and right, and nothing is left in the end.

He always feels that the opponents he has encountered recently are all overly agile. They may not be the fastest, but the reaction speed that erupts in a short period of time is really fast. This is agility. Responding and making moves at the fastest speed made it difficult for a player like Thor, who is used to fighting in open and closed positions, with a heavy force but unable to react in a timely manner.

This is why even though Thor is awakened, he is still suppressed by Tony in melee combat. Tony's three-red overload combined with Jarvis's super calculation, the reaction ability is too powerful.

So, when it comes to this sneak attack, Thor is helpless again. Although he has become a servant now, his style of painting is completely different from the summoned servants. Each of these servants ignores the laws of physics. It is not scientific at all to run out of supersonic speed and explode the enemy's armor a few kilometers away.

Although Thor is not scientific, there are still some aspects that he still has to abide by. Although Newton is also very dissatisfied with him, but at most it has reached the level of lifting the coffin, but it is different when dealing with servants. Newton said directly: These people don't belong to me.

"Then why don't you just ignore it? The other party hit you directly in the face."

Although Thor doesn't dare to trouble the other party, he can't let the other party ride on the face of his Thunder Gods. This is the Thunder Gods. Now Thor is the boss of the Thunder Gods.

"We didn't say we didn't care."

Achilles spread his hands, looking innocent.

"Since they have all called back like this, we must call back, but before calling back, we need to make some preparations."

"Make some preparations, what preparations are you going to make?"

Thor looked at Achilles and Atta suspiciously.

"Naturally, we want to find a way to limit the opponent. The speed and strength that the opponent has shown so far are beyond the limits of what we can deal with, so we need to find a way to limit the speed and strength of the opponent."

Achilles said and looked at Atta next to him.

"That's right, otherwise, if we fight, especially in open areas, we will lose all our advantages, especially as a sniper, I will be directly exposed to the opponent's blade."

Atta nodded seriously.

"Exclude the two seemingly useless guys on the other side. The speed of the other two guys is very fast. One is so fast that he can directly catch my arrow with his hand, making my attack lose its power, while the other is fast enough It's so fast that Achilles can't handle it at all, so the first thing we need to do is to weaken the opponent's speed!"

"How do you do it? Don't you expect the other party to take the initiative to tie some sandbags on their legs?"

"Sandbags are useless to them, and they won't be affected in any way even if they carry a person on their backs."

"Then how do you limit their speed?"

"Of course let them directly enter our territory."


Thor looked at Ata and frowned to express his confusion, but Ata didn't bother to look at him or answer him at all. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Asterios next to him, This character who was born as a monster has a legend of a labyrinth monster.

And if you want to borrow Asterios, you need the consent of the three Gorgon sisters, because Asterios ran with them.

Chapter 38. The Clown Is Coming

Gotham City exploded, not Gotham City exploded, but the news of Gotham City exploded.

The battle and various explosions that broke out in Port 44 last night, and even the green light rain fell to the ground and directly blew up the factories and containers in an area as large as two football fields. No one can do this kind of thing I can't hold back, many people near the port area have seen it, because Gotham City is very chaotic, so the news in Gotham City is very valuable, so everyone basically carries the equipment for taking pictures with them, so that it is convenient when needed A picture of Batman or something.

As a result, many scenes of the battle in the port area were photographed from a distance, especially the treasure released by Atta, and the scene of Achilles charging in the sky on a chariot Don't think that Achilles can't be captured by humans because he runs fast. Various cameras have captured his trajectory, especially some fast-frequency shots, which can even be slowed down for you.

So the next day, the news in Gotham City exploded.

"Shock!Such a thing happened in Gotham City last night! "

"surprise!Batman did such a thing! "

"Thunder God's interior turned out to be like this, the men were silent when they saw it, and the women cried when they saw it!" "

In short, there are all kinds of news, especially the naming of the news, all kinds of strange things, so Amakusa in the church saw it, and even thought it was someone from the UC shock department.

These news did not attract much attention in the eyes of ordinary people in Gotham City, because they are just ordinary people, what they have to do is to work hard, ensure that they have income, and can live a good life.

But for some people, these news are very interesting, because the person they focus on is Batman.

As the dark guardian of Gotham City, Batman cooperates with Director Gordon, and it can be said that it is going smoothly in Gotham City, but now, he has done nothing, and he has not done anything when facing the Thunder Gods. What are you wearing?It means that Batman has encountered an unsolvable enemy. This unsolvable enemy is not only unsolvable, but even impossible to deal with.

Hahaha, Batman, the mountain that has been pressing down on the heads of criminals, can't do it now!He was defeated by the Thunder Gods!In other words, criminals like them can get high!

What Batman doesn't know is that because of his behavior that he has been hiding recently, the terrorists in Gotham City have begun to have other thoughts. The existence of Batman before suppressed them too hard, and now they can finally breathe In one breath.

In particular, there is one person who is very concerned about Batman's recent performance.

"So disappointing, Batman, you are so disappointing."

The Joker is the person who pays the most attention to Batman. As a mentally ill criminal, the Joker is a lunatic who knows nothing, but his madness is relative. For Batman's madness, the Joker is just an ordinary person in essence. , but he was driven crazy by the indifferent society of Gotham City, so he began to find a vent point for his madness, and he put this vent point on Batman.

A vigilante who has been doing justice for the safety of the city sounds very heroic, but the clown doesn't think Batman is such a hero, because Batman has never killed any criminals, he just throws them away. To the police station, although it is said that the law and order environment in Gotham City has improved because of Batman's activity, but is this all right?Is this enough?

After those criminals came out of the prison, they carried out sabotage activities again, burned, killed and looted again. Batman could stop them again, but he didn't kill them every time. He just locked them in for a period of time and came out again. Those Batmans didn't Who will bear the losses caused by the arrival?Are those criminals?Don't be kidding, if they have that much money, they won't be criminals, and how can the people who were killed or maimed survive?

Batman is only responsible for solving the criminals, but not for cleaning up the scene. The criminals were hit, but Batman doesn’t care about other things. He can’t do what Superman does. Before the tragedy happens, he’s just as timely as light Rush to prevent accidents, even sometimes, the damage caused by Batman fighting with criminals is even more exaggerated than that caused by the criminals themselves, and the criminals who caused all this were only locked in for a few years, even in the dirty city of Gotham. In the dirty and dark prison, it came out again after not being used for a few years.

"You only do such things to satisfy the bloody and violent desire in your heart, to satisfy your sense of vanity to punish others, and to make yourself a god. Those people you imprisoned are all deliberately raised by you. Pets, you need to use them to satisfy your own sense of accomplishment and satisfy your own desires!"

The clown looked at the photo of the Bat fighter explosion in the newspaper, and couldn't help but grimly.

"But now, you can't even tame a pet. How can you maintain your status, satisfy your vanity, and satisfy your sense of accomplishment?"

As if he was questioning Batman, the Joker stayed in his room, shaking his head at the newspaper, and then he smiled again.

"But this is just right, my dear Batman, let me tell you what kind of person you are, just as I planned it, let me tell you what your own essence is, and then Give up that boring game, and be a good executioner!"

It looks like a smile, but with the white clown makeup on the clown’s face, it becomes very scary. If you throw it in a place with few street lights at night, you can start shooting ghost movies directly, and the children will be scared to cry. kind of.

"Hey hey hey~~~~~hahahaha~~~~"

The weird laughter came from inside the clown's room. No one was outside the house, and no one knew that there was a crazy guy here who was planning an extremely crazy thing, something that might ruin Batman's reputation!

Outside the house, the residents of Gotham City are still doing their own things, running hard and busy with their own lives. They don't have much time to care about other things. They are so indifferent, and this indifference is The environment of Gotham City caused the clown to be a monster born in this indifference.

At the same time, Batman, whom the clown was thinking of, was also busy. He and his teammates gathered together again to discuss how to deal with the enemy's meeting.

Chapter 39. Let Sea King Go

"You are too strong!"

"because I?"

"That's right, I didn't expect you to be so strong, you are too strong."

In the Batcave of the Justice League, Batman frowned with an ugly expression.

"Then what should I do?"

"Let's not show up for now."

Batman is aggrieved. He managed to find Wonder Woman. He originally thought that the other party's ability should not be so exaggerated, but now he finds that the other party is so strong that it explodes. This should be a happy thing, but in the end he is not happy at all .

Because the strength is too strong, suppressing the opponent's people caused the opponent to attack with the whole army as soon as they came up, and gave them enough respect, but this also brought about a problem, and the effect of temptation could not be achieved!

A test generally requires a certain ability, but the ability does not exceed the upper limit that the test target cannot bear, so that it will not attract more enemies and will not attract the attention of others. Even if one is solved, the enemy will not I will attach great importance to it. At most, I think it may be due to underestimation of the enemy, or it may be due to bad luck. In short, there are various reasons.

But when you come up, you are at the crushing level. You, a brave man, start at level 100, which is one level higher than the demon king at level 99. How can the four heavenly kings at level 70 not shout at you?

Therefore, the way to reduce the opponent's attention now is to tell Wonder Woman not to come forward, once she comes forward to arouse the alert of the opponent and directly surrounds her, it will be over.

Haiwang looked at Batman's distressed look, couldn't help but scratched his itchy buttocks because of the tight pants, and then spoke.

"So, we have a very powerful combat power, but we can't use it at the moment?"

"It's not that it can't be used, but the risk is very high after use."

"Is there any risk in this? Can't we kill each other first? With the amazing speed of this Wonder Woman, I think it should be fine."

"But we don't have the right to judge others. They broke the law in Gotham City, so they should be judged by the laws of Gotham City."

? ? ? ?

Batman's answer stunned Aquaman for a moment, with question marks all over his head.

Although it is said that he is not a murderer, he is still a benevolent person in a sense, but is there a problem with this statement, the other party is not even a human being, and you actually said that you want them to accept legal sanctions? And do you even care about Greek mythology?Is it that strong?

"Moreover, we still don't know what they want to do. They usually hide very well, and they seem to have no purpose in doing things, but it is obvious that they have a purpose. Thor and Father Amakusa are their vanguards. , after Thor took over the entire ghetto, they immediately summoned more men."

In Batman's view, Amakusa and the others have a purpose no matter how they look at it, and it is likely to be a terrifying conspiracy, just like the master ninja and the scarecrow he solved before, they seem to be nothing on the surface, but in fact they have always been They are doing things to destroy the world. Gotham City was almost destroyed by them last time, and their Wayne Manor was also burned down. If they hadn't had the money to rebuild, the Batcave would be in ruins now!

"So, we can't be confused by their superficial performance. Maybe the other party expects us to focus on them. We have been fighting the other party. In fact, they have many other intentions secretly."

Batman remembers very clearly that the last time Master Ninja and the Scarecrow secretly robbed the Wayne Group's equipment, and then poured the psychedelic potion into the city's waterways where no one was paying attention, and then used the rhythmic Wayne Group Microwave equipment evaporates water, allowing the psychedelic potion to spread directly in the air of Gotham City. As long as it is inhaled, it can produce very terrifying hallucinations.

At that time, if Batman didn't know the news, Gotham City would be over, so this time Amakusa and the others came suddenly. They were placed in the church on the surface, and they were chatting there in front of the camera in Batman's hand. , but the content of their chat never talked about the most important thing from the beginning. Batman now suspects that the other party knew his identity at the beginning, so when he passed by, he would act like that, and then deliberately let himself install The camera, all of these, are actually deliberately guiding themselves, in order to mislead themselves.

Because sometimes, deceiving people with the truth is more likely to misunderstand others than deceiving them with lies, especially Batman, a very suspicious guy. If you tell him lies, he will not believe it, but you Tell him the truth, he will not believe it even more, and he will definitely check it when he goes back.

In short, Amakusa didn't intend to hide anything from Batman, but simply thought it would be interesting to play with the master like this. The master's favorite void fighting method, Amakusa also wanted to know if the master could really come up with any way to deal with him. After all, unlike the Iron Man next door who can't reverse anything, the master can really reverse everything, and this person has no flag on him.

"So, who will we be next time?"

No way, what Batman said makes sense, so in order to deal with it, Aquaman wants to know who will go up and get beaten next time. In his opinion, among the four people, except Wonder Woman, the rest will go up. All are beaten.

"How about I go? My speed is very fast, and their attacks can't do anything to me."

The Flash introduced himself. Although he didn't stop Atta's rain of arrows before, if he was the only one, he was confident that he would be able to avoid all the rain of arrows and not be hit by the opponent's attack. As the fastest he , although he is not good at attacking, there is no problem in escaping and dodging. He is a qualified dodging T.

"Yes, your words are the best..."

Aquaman was very happy to agree, but Batman interrupted him in the middle of his words.

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