Deadpool seems to have made up his mind.

"Well, just do what Father Heipi told you!"

The invisible Amakusa couldn't help but hold his forehead.

No, that's not what I said, I wasn't, I didn't!

Chapter 75. Deadpool: Never Trust Your Enemies

The meeting of the Green Lanterns ended quickly, because Xenitos is not a long-winded guy. Although he is a leader among the Green Lanterns, he is not an absolute power. There is a group of guardians.

After the rally, Tomare began to take Deadpool to training. He wanted to teach Deadpool how to use the energy of the Green Lantern Ring and how to be an excellent Green Lantern.

"The energy of the green light comes from our will. The stronger your willpower, the stronger the energy you have, and the more powerful the material you create, and the material you can create is based on your imagination. Yes, what you can imagine, then what you can create...."

While using his own ring to realize what he imagined, Tomare also explained to the Deadpool next to him, but before he finished speaking, the Deadpool next to him had already started his own operation, Deadpool passed The green light ring limited what he imagined, but what Deadpool imagined was actually two dogs, one dog riding on the other dog, constantly stirring.


Looking at what Deadpool imagined, Tomare didn't know what to say for a while. This imagination is really...

"Oh, this is great, I can watch Animal World anytime and anywhere in the future!"

Deadpool also gave a timely explanation.

"Your imagination seems to be very rich, so let's start the next tutorial."

Tomare felt a little tired. He didn't want to talk to Deadpool anymore. He was really peaceful, otherwise he would have been scolding his mother.

"Next, the exam you will face is called Kilowog."

As soon as Tomare finished speaking, Deadpool was suddenly sent flying by the attack from behind, and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Deadpool lying on the ground turned his head to look at Kilowog who fell from the sky, an alien Green Lantern who was over two meters tall and looked as strong as a rhinoceros.

"Hehehe, Earthlings, I am your next trainer, Kilowog."

"Oh, so that's why you sneak up on me?"

Deadpool jumped up from the ground, pointed at Kilowogg's nose and yelled.

"Your ring will remind you when danger is approaching. He has already reminded you just now, but you didn't pay attention."

Kilowog wouldn't talk about sneak attacks or anything, all of this was for training newcomers.

"Now, I will continue to train you, and I will test your... umm!!!"

Before Kilowogg finished speaking, he was knocked away by a green light, and it was Deadpool who got up from the ground that knocked Kilowogo away.

"Sorry, what you wanted to say just now, Mr. Trainer, oh, I see, you must have said again, from the moment you appeared, the training has left, that's right, it must be this!"

Deadpool is not a guy who plays cards according to common sense. He came to this planet for fun, not for real training, so he was very upset when he was attacked by someone. Naturally, he wanted to get back. Never lose to others.

Tomare looked at Deadpool who was slowly retracting his arm in surprise, not knowing what to say, and then looked at Kilowog, his old friend, who was tricked by the newcomer in teaching the newcomer. This is a rare thing.


The rhinoceros-like Kilowog couldn't resist the energy bomb attack. After getting up from the ground, he was a little dizzy, shook his head, and then looked up at Deadpool.

"Okay, you're not what I imagined, but that's okay, I'll let you know how a real Green Lantern should handle different situations, and now I'll start the attack."

Kilowog raised his hand and fired two energy bombs at Deadpool. The energy bombs turned into two chains that directly locked Deadpool's feet and pinned him to the ground, which made Deadpool frown. ?

"Come on, come on me too?"

Beside Kilowog, several gold coin frisbees appeared, one weighing dozens of kilograms.

Deadpool naturally understands what the other party wants to do, and he doesn't want to wait to be beaten by the other party to test his imagination and willpower. His Deadpool doesn't need to be tested by this kind of person.

Deadpool fired directly at the chains on his feet with his own ring, and opened the chains. He didn't care whether his feet would be hurt. After all, the worst thing about Deadpool was regeneration, not powerful attacks. .

Kilowog watched Deadpool directly remove the chain nailed to the ground, and didn't know what to do for a while, because Deadpool really didn't follow common sense. You can't say that he didn't accept training, because Deadpool Opening the chain by himself is also a cracking method, but this cracking method makes Kilowog's next idea impossible to implement.

"In this case, let's skip this and go to the second item."

Kilowog raised his right hand and fired an energy bomb at the sky behind Deadpool. The energy bomb exploded when it flew behind Deadpool, turning into a green sun, which is a smaller version of the sun in the universe .

The sun has a very terrifying high temperature and a terrifying quality. The terrifying quality brings a very strong attraction. Therefore, Deadpool was pulled by the gravitational force to leave the ground and fly towards the sun. When flying over, Deadpool directly used the energy of the green light ring to pin himself, and then fired an energy bomb at Kilowog's back. This energy bomb turned into an explosive, and then exploded with a bang. Kilowog was sent to the sky, and the direction he flew was the sun he created himself.

Kilowog quickly released the manifestation of the sun, and then the two fell to the ground together. Because of his own control of the flight, Deadpool landed on both feet, while Kilowog was more miserable. He fell to the ground on his stomach. on the ground.

"Hey buddy, need help?"

Deadpool walked up to Kilowog and stretched out his left hand to him, as if he wanted to pull him up. Kilowog felt a little useless. For three consecutive times, his training was always occupied by Deadpool. Advantage, this is not training at all!

Seeing Deadpool reach out to him now, Kilowog has another idea. Later, he will reach out and grab Deadpool's next door, and then punch Deadpool's head hard, and finally find a reason to teach him a lesson. Him: Never trust your enemies to reach out to you!

That's right, that's it!

Thinking in this way, Kilowogg raised his hand to grab Deadpool, but before he raised his hand, Deadpool's ring shone brightly, and an energy bomb landed on Kilowogg's stomach.

"Never let your guard down, my trainer."

Deadpool straightened up and crossed his hands over his chest, his face full of fright, but he couldn't see it because he was wearing a mask.

And Tomare, who was next to him, watched Kilowog being tortured from beginning to end, opened his mouth wide and didn't know what to say.

Chapter 76. The Death of the Yellow Lantern?

Kilowog's novice training failed. Not only did Deadpool not follow the routine, he even read the script and knew every move of Kilowog, so Kilowog was suppressed throughout the process, and there was no way to train .

Sinestro, who had been watching the entire training scene not far away, couldn't help frowning. Since the beginning of training, Sinestro had been observing not far away. He wanted to see, this inherited Abinsu How about the earthlings in Erring's ring?

He was going to watch Deadpool's jokes, because in his opinion, people on Earth have always been just a race on a backward planet, and they couldn't be a Green Lantern at all. As a result, he watched Kilowog being brutally abused by Deadpool, and it seemed It wasn't that Deadpool was trained by Kilowog, but Kilowog was trained by Deadpool, which made him very upset. He didn't admit that people on Earth could do this, so he chose to do it himself.

"Are you proud?"

Sinestro fell from the sky with his arms folded, just as pompous as he was at the rally.

"Proud to have taken advantage of Kilowog."

"No, I'm not proud, I just want to say that Deadpool's father doesn't need your kind of training, because Deadpool's father has seen more scenes than you have seen!"

The DC world is very dark, but there are many big scenes in the Marvel world. At least in the current movie universe, there are more big scenes in the Marvel movie universe. Amakusa doesn’t know how many big scenes this Deadpool has experienced, but there must be no less .

"Then let me see what you, who inherited the ring of Abin Sur, are capable of."

Sinestro looked at Kilowog who was getting up on the ground next to him.

"Come on to me next."


Kilowog responded, got up and walked to Tomare next to him, and watched the match between Senitos and Deadpool with Tomare.

"Oh, no, I just sent away a big guy, and another red-faced man came, don't you have a tradition of looking for abuse when you have nothing to do?"

"Looking for abuse, you are very arrogant, but I hope you have the same ability to match your arrogance."

Xenitos looked at Deadpool, raised his left hand, and the ring on his left hand was shining brightly, as if if you don't make a move, I will make it first.

"Well, since you think so, then..."

Deadpool pulled out the Edman metal katana on his back.

"Knife? Interesting."

Sinestro smiled mockingly, then clenched his hands slightly, the energy of the green light gathered in his hands and turned into two Western swords.

"Come on, let me see your ability."

Sinestro is ready to defeat the opponent in the opponent's field, so that he can hit the opponent to the greatest extent, but Deadpool is not a person who follows the usual routine.

Deadpool pulled out another knife from his back, entered the dual-wielding stage like Sinestro, and grinned his mouth under the mask.

"Okay, since you're so persistent, baby, I'm here!"

Deadpool with both hands holding knives rushed up, without any precautions, he rushed up with the door wide open. Seeing Deadpool like this, Sinestro couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

How can such a person become a Green Lantern even if he doesn't even have defense in his middle door?It was ridiculous, so he pointed his sword at Deadpool's chest with both hands, trying to force Deadpool to stop by himself.

However, a shocking thing happened. Not only did Deadpool not stop, but he slammed into it directly, allowing two swords to pierce his chest directly and stab out from behind.


Sinestro was dumbfounded. He just wanted Deadpool to stop by himself. He never thought about killing Deadpool. Although he did not admit that Deadpool was Abin Sur's successor, but... No matter how Deadpool is now considered a Green Lantern, he is a small leader of the Green Lantern and killed a newcomer Green Lantern. If this matter gets out, it’s okay, why is he in the Green Lantern Corps?

(⊙?⊙)! !

The same is true for Tomare and Kilowog next to them. They are all dumbfounded. Just now, Deadpool abused Kilowog so much, but now he directly gives away the head directly. This contrast is too great.

However, what happened next made the three of them even more dumbfounded, because Deadpool who was pierced in the chest didn't care about his wound at all, he waved his hands directly, and stabbed Sinestro with the Edman metal katana in his hand. In the past, because the distance was too close, and both hands were still holding the hilt of the sword, coupled with the shock of the death of Deadpool, Sinestro had no way to dodge, and was directly stabbed by Deadpool.

(⊙?⊙)! ! !

The mouths of the three grew at the same time, Sinestro's mouths grew out of pain, while Tomare and Kilowog's mouths grew out of fright.

What did they see, Deadpool chose to die together after being stabbed to the core, oh my god, what kind of novice training camp is this?One is a rookie who has inherited the hero ring of Abin Sur. If trained, the future will be limitless. The other is a student of Abin Sur. He is now the leader of the Green Lantern Corps after the fall of Abin Sur. These two They are all very important people, and now, in front of them, they are exchanging their limit during the novice training?

Tomare couldn't help but hugged his fish head with his hands. He wanted to calm down. He thought he might have seen hallucinations. As for Kilowog, he was stunned and didn't know how to react.

"Oh baby, are you feeling good? I feel so good!"

It was Deadpool's words that broke the stalemate between the two. Although he was still pierced in the chest by two swords, he didn't feel disgusted that Deadpool continued to talk. He felt that he didn't need air to pass his lungs.

However, what responded to him was Sinestro spit out a mouthful of blood. Although Green Lantern is awesome, the Edman metal katana is not an ordinary thing. Sinestro's physical fitness is only ordinary after all. Green light energy comes, and green light energy has no healing function.

The pain made Sinestro lose control of the energy of the green light, and the two swords stuck in Deadpool's chest disappeared, but the two katanas stuck in Sinestro's chest remained solid.

Deadpool stirred vigorously with both hands, turned the samurai sword in Sinestro's body, distorted Sinestro's face in pain, and then pulled it out forcefully, bringing out a patch of red blood.

Well, Sinestro's blood is red, which is quite similar to people on Earth.

After pulling out the samurai sword, Sinestro fell straight backwards, but Tomare and Kilowog only reacted at this time, and hurried over to check Sinestro's situation.

Amakusa witnessed the whole process and felt sad for Sinestro. This man is really unlucky. When he met such a pervert as Deadpool, he spoke with a voice that only Deadpool could hear.

"Didn't you say you left this planet before attacking him?"

"I originally thought so, but he has come to the door himself. If I don't give him two knives, won't I not give him face?"

Deadpool's answer was taken for granted, leaving Amakusa speechless.

Chapter 77. Amakusa Became a Leading Party

Sinestro is not dead. Although he was stabbed by Forty, this is the base camp of the Green Lantern Corps. There are still first aid measures. It is not like Abin Sur. The equipment can support him to quickly return to Planet Ao for treatment.

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