So Sinestro's fate was saved, and Sinestro's encounter also made Tomare and Kilowog understand what kind of pervert Deadpool is.

Being stabbed with a sword by Sinestro made my heart shudder, but it turned out that there were only four holes in my clothes, and nothing happened to my body, what is this?With super healing ability?

Is this why Deadpool was chosen by the ring!After learning about Deadpool's abilities, Sinestro couldn't help thinking of this.

Although the Green Lantern is powerful, if there is no Green Lantern ring, in fact, he does not have any particularly powerful power, even if he is injured, he cannot recover, just like Abin Sur, who is called the greatest Green Lantern, but also because of Being attacked by parallax monsters, he was seriously injured and died. Sometimes, life is so fragile.

Possessing a special self-healing ability, coupled with not weak fighting consciousness, Sinestro barely recognized Deadpool, after all, he didn't want to be stabbed by Deadpool again, but his resentment towards Deadpool has also deepened Yes, because Deadpool hurt him as a rookie!

Sinestro is contradictory. He is happy that Deadpool has the right to inherit the ring of Abin Sur, but he is also angry that the heir of Abin Sur stabbed himself because he has always used Abin Sur The student and heir of the school wants to be like Abin Sur, the next Abin Sur.

Now, the next Abin Sur is likely to be Deadpool, not him, which is why he is so conflicted.

But no matter what, Deadpool’s Green Lantern novice training on Planet Au is over, and he can leave Planet Au to go to the universe sector where the earth is on duty, but whether Deadpool will really be on duty is another matter After all, he became a Green Lantern only to kill that worthless Canadian, not to really act chivalrously and maintain peace in the universe. Appeared, Green Lantern would not appear to save them.

As for the earth, there are quite a lot of bigwigs on the earth. It doesn’t matter if you don’t need Green Lantern at all. Now Superman has not awakened. When Superman awakens and forms the Big Three with Wonder Woman and Batman, there will be no Green Lantern. something happened.

Deadpool wants to fly back to the earth by himself, but Amakusa doesn't need it. He just needs to open a portal and he can go back to the earth directly. Sorry, magic is just like this.

Deadpool has become Green Lantern, only Amakusa knows, others don't know, especially the US government, they are frying the pot.

Amakusa took away Abin Sur's body, and took away Abin Sur's rescue spaceship, leaving only some broken fragments on the ground, a lot of purple blood, and the body of the pilot Hal whose head was shot .

This situation made the American intelligence organization very puzzled. They were sure that there was something here at the time, and it was seen by Hal, but now, Hal was shot dead, and all the things here disappeared, of course not all Disappeared, those fragments and blood were collected by the US military, and then investigated and studied.

After investigation and research, it was found that neither the purple liquid nor the fragments were products of the earth. The metal fragments were not alloys on the earth at all. Why did they dare to be so sure? Because in the eyes of the U.S. military In this world, what the United States cannot research, other countries must not be able to research, so as long as the United States does not have it, then the earth does not.

So, they began to research and investigate what happened here at that time, but they were destined to find nothing, because Amakusa and Deadpool were teleported by the space gem, and then opened the portal to leave, leaving nothing behind For any traces of contact, unless they can monitor the movement of space, there is no way to find Amakusa and Deadpool.

Amakusa, on the other hand, was studying Abin Sur's body at this time.

The location where Amakusa transferred Abin Sur's body was the basement of the church, including Abin Sur's spaceship, but what Amakusa studied was not the physiological structure of Abin Sur, an alien, but Abin Sur The thing in the body, the fear energy bomb that was beaten by the parallax like Abin Sur, is the entity condensed by fear. In the original state, it was a friend of Hal who came into contact with this energy bomb, and his head became huge. So he has superpowers, but now, he doesn't have that chance.

Amakusa took out the golden fear energy bullet directly from Abin Sur's body with his hands, and the fear energy that can turn humans into superpowers wanted to invade Amakusa's body, but failed, and was blocked by Amakusa with magical power Stuck, he could only scurry around in Amakusa's hands, but he couldn't get out no matter what.

Amakusa studied a lot of things in the Marvel world, went to a few dungeon worlds, and learned a lot, but now that he came to the DC world, he saw such a novel thing again.

"The emotional spectrum, from the power of emotion, is interesting."

Whether it is Green Lantern, Parallax, or the future Yellow Lantern, their energy all comes from the emotional spectrum. This is a very special projection in the DC world. Intelligent species and even creatures have emotions, and in this emotion , Different emotions also have different energies.

Green Lantern's energy comes from the will of creatures, while the energy of fear comes from the fear of others.

The guardians, on the other hand, materialized these emotional energies and turned them into usable energies, which led to Green Lantern and the out-of-control parallax monster.

The energy of Green Lantern now has a very mature system due to the perfection of the guardians, but the fear energy currently has only one parallax monster, and the parallax monster is still out of control and has not been truly controlled.

It's just that compared to the willpower of the green light energy, the fear energy seems to be the energy used by the villain, creating fear in the opponent's body, and then absorbing the fear generated by the opponent to make himself stronger.

I probably studied the energy of fear, and Amakusa also had a little understanding of the so-called emotional spectrum, which gave Amakusa some ideas. Should I also study this emotional spectrum by myself, and then develop a mysterious color energy?

Chapter 78. The Parallax Monster Attacks the Earth

Amakusa researched fear energy, but did not consider that this fear energy bomb was launched by Parallax Monster, and as the only super monster in the universe that possesses fear energy, Parallax Monster has the ability to sense fear energy, because the current He is the sole source of fear.

Therefore, when Amakusa was researching, the fear energy radiated out, like a distress signal, and it was sent out into the universe. The parallax monsters in the universe that were collecting fear energy immediately noticed this signal.

The parallax monster was sealed by Abin Sur before, so the parallax monster attacked Abin Sur the hardest, and directly gathered fear energy to attack, so he understood what was going on with this signal, it was the energy in Abin Sur's body The signal released by the bomb.

Therefore, the place where this signal was sent is the location of Abin Sur!

He wasn't sure if Abin Sur was dead, but he wanted Abin Sur to die!Because Abin Sur sealed him, he needed the other party to die!This is his revenge after being sealed away for so many years.

Therefore, the parallax monster who was planning to go to the planet Au after gathering energy, chose to make a temporary U-turn and head to the earth. He had to deal with his number one enemy Abin Sur first, and then go back to the planet Au to kill the Green Lantern.

Although there is no Hal, Amakusa personally acts as a guide and leads the parallax monster to the earth. When the huge parallax monster descends on the earth, I don’t know how to deal with it. The original Hal led the parallax monster to the sun Then, very unreasonably with Newton, he flew in space with the F35 using the jet engine as the propeller, and finally punched the parallax monster into the sun.

Now, if I didn't think of killing the parallax monster with the sun for the first time, I don't know how Deadpool will respond. After all, Superman on Earth has not yet awakened, and he can't just fly into the universe to play casually, and Wonder Woman has never left. Earth, as for Deadpool, it is impossible for him to have such a thing as fear, but whether he will take the parallax monster to the sun for fun is a question.

But no matter what, Amakusa can solve the parallax monster, because although Amakusa's treasure cannot be burned at super high temperature, it can devour everything. Black holes are sometimes more terrifying than the sun.

With the guarantee of Amakusa, no matter what Deadpool does, it can ensure that the earth is safe and sound.

In short, the arrival of the parallax monster has no effect, and Earth Lord has no pressure.

Correspondingly, because Amakusa guided the parallax monsters to the earth, the pressure on the Green Lantern Corps on Planet Au was much less. After being stabbed by Deadpool, Sinestro took a while to fully recover, and then took the Green Lantern The Xia elite team went to find trouble with the parallax monsters, but the result was the same as before, they were beaten crazily, there was no room for retaliation, and several people died as soon as they went up.

Only this time, because the parallax monsters were running towards the earth when they encountered them, Sinestro was not particularly anxious, and did not immediately think about casting a yellow light ring, which also gave Deadpool A certain amount of time, or he can live longer, otherwise Deadpool will be the first to jump out and kill him.

On Earth, Amakusa has not been studying emotional energy for a long time, but because of the power of the Infinity Gem, his perception of energy is very strong, and soon he perceives other emotional spectrums, for example, green represents will, yellow Represents fear, red represents anger, well, in this world, anger is not green, it is red, and there are white and blue.

In short, all kinds of emotions have unique colors. If Amakusa has the time and materials, he can create a colorful army!

But firstly, he doesn’t have the materials to make rings, there is no such material as green light rings on the earth, and secondly, he doesn’t understand the craft of making rings, he can understand the power of the emotional spectrum, and he can use it a little bit, and he doesn’t need rings , but compared to his own power, it is still a little weak, so it is not used at all.

Therefore, although he has mastered some emotional spectrum energy, Amakusa does not intend to use it, because for Amakusa, these energies are more used to deal with miscellaneous soldiers, not to deal with elite monsters and BOSS enemies, elite monsters and enemies, or Opening the portal and backstabbing directly is much simpler and more straightforward.

In the universe, parallax monsters are constantly approaching the earth, but on the earth, Gotham City is still peaceful. The Batman trilogy in Gotham City directly fast forwarded because of the arrival of Amakusa and Thor, so there is no What about Batman, Gotham City has really become peaceful. Except for the small fights that appear every day, under the deterrence of the Thor crowd, other gangsters dare not even do trouble. The most chaotic slum area has now become In the safest area, a street stall economy even appeared in the slums at night. Many people went to the slums to set up small businesses, especially in the food area. The original slums seemed to be developing into new commercial areas.

Even Bruce Wayne has to admit that the area controlled by the Thors is even safer than the rich area. There, girls can even come out to run at night. This kind of thing happens in the United States and it is Gotham. How dare you letter?

Even Bruce Wayne himself began to wonder after seeing the situation in the slums, whether the purpose of the Thunder Gods is to destroy Gotham City or to save Gotham City. Why is this gangster governing better than the government and the police department? ah?Especially during the period of Bruce's recuperation, Wonder Woman, who was in charge of inquiring about news, was even a little obsessed with the snack street here. There are all kinds of cheap and delicious snacks, which are more expensive than the ones that have been eaten in Wayne Manor. Western food should have a lot of taste, so she would use the excuse of inquiring about news every day to come out to eat something. After eating for several days, Wonder Woman’s rare weight has also increased, and her already sensual thighs are even more sensual Fortunately, Wonder Woman has been exercising, so there is no fat on her body.

In such a peaceful environment, Thor and the Justice League maintained a balance, until one day, a huge shadow appeared in the sky.

The parallax monster has been flying in the universe for so long, and finally arrived on the earth, and when it arrived, it deliberately based on the location of the fear energy emitted by Amakusa, which is Gotham City.

As a result, the cosmic monster invasion that Haibin City was supposed to encounter turned into Gotham City encountering a cosmic monster invasion, and just like Haibin, it encountered a cosmic monster falling from the sky in broad daylight, completely inconsistent with the dark and cold style of Gotham City. Very un-DC and very un-Nolan.

So, at this moment, Deadpool stood up!

Chapter 79. Deadpool is an Iron Waste

The huge parallax monster looks like a thick dark cloud. It directly broke through the atmosphere from space and came into the atmosphere, and directly rushed to Gotham City where Amakusa was located. It was constantly surging like a dark cloud. Yellow lightning flashes constantly, and even flames burst out. If there is a bit of sulfur smell, it looks like hell.

The huge body of the parallax monster appeared in the sky, causing the citizens of Gotham City to look up one by one. The members of the Justice League in Wayne Manor also looked up at the sky.

They have never been to the universe, so they don't know what this thing is, but their intuition tells them that this thing is very dangerous.

After reaching the top of Gotham City, the huge body of the parallax monster like a cloud suddenly spread out like a pancake, covering the entire downtown area of ​​Gotham, and then a huge head appeared in the center, staring down. Gotham City, open your mouth.

"Abin Sur, come out, I'm here to find you."

He could feel his fear energy bombarding the city, but he didn't know the specific details. Considering that the opponent was still moving, he thought that Abin Sur might not be dead yet, so he directly asked for a fight, and at the same time There is a threat.

"If you don't come out, I will kill everyone in this city!"

This is just a threat. In fact, the parallax monster does not intend to let go of any creature on the earth. He is going to kill Abin Sur here, and then kill all the people on the earth, turning them all into fear energy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is it me you're looking for? But I'm not Abin Sur, you can call me Dad Deadpool."

Abin Sur can't come out, but Deadpool can stand up as the new Green Lantern.

Wearing the ring and harnessing the power of the ring, Deadpool floats in mid-air, shoulder to shoulder with the parallax monster, all the while talking obscenities.

The appearance of Deadpool surprised Parallax, and also surprised the Justice League. They didn't expect that there was such a person hidden in Gotham City, who was covered in red clothes, had two knives behind his back, and could fly. !

Batman committed an old problem for a while, and immediately asked Ah Fu to start investigating the identity of Deadpool, but Ah Fu may have to work for a while, because Deadpool jumped from the next door, and the DC world can't find the other party's information at all of.

Under the watchful eyes of many people in Gotham City, Deadpool kept flying and had a conversation with the parallax monster in the sky.

"who are you?"

Parallax Monster looked at Deadpool floating in front of him, and questioned very slowly. It seemed that the boss was full of temperament.

"Seeing this ring, you still don't know who I am?"

Deadpool raised the green light ring in his hand, and the green light on the ring flickered continuously, telling Deadpool that he was in an extremely dangerous state now, but Deadpool didn't care at all.

"Green Lantern, there is only one Green Lantern in each sector. It seems that you are the heir of Abin Sur. Abin Sur is dead."

"Oh, if you're talking about the purple-looking guy who's much shorter than Thanos, he's dead."

"Very well, since Abin Sur is dead, I just need to kill you, that's enough."

Abin Sur is dead, which is great news for Parallax Monster, there is no pressure at all on Earth, not only is there no pressure at all, he can even kill another Green Lantern, Abin Sur The heir, who can't even turn green, can be easily solved!

Opening his mouth wide, yellow fear energy gathered in his mouth, and then fired an energy bomb at Deadpool.

The yellow energy bomb rushed towards Deadpool, but Deadpool also reacted quickly. He directly pulled out his Edman metal katana, and slashed at the energy bomb. Because he thought Deadpool was a newcomer, the parallax monster Not much energy was used, which caused the yellow energy bomb to be split directly by Deadpool.

Parallax Monster looked at Deadpool directly splitting his attack with a knife, and was a little stunned for a while. As a materialized aggregate of fear, Parallax Monster knew very well that the katana sword was not a product of green light energy, but it was not The product of the energy of the green light actually split his fear energy?

"OK, since you did it first, don't blame me for doing it to you."

Deadpool holds a katana sword in one hand and clenches his fist at the parallax monster with the other.

"Oh, let me think about it, your body is so big, so you must have a guy big enough to play with you, well, I've already thought about it!"

The green energy shot out from Deadpool's ring, flew directly above the parallax monster, and then directly turned into a huge monster, Mecha Ghidorah!

"To be honest, I originally wanted to use Godzilla, but then I thought about it. Mecha Godzilla can't fly, so I will give you a Mecha Ghidorah. I hope you like it, and then you don't have to thank me!"

The green light energy can create a lot of things relying on one's own imagination, especially the things created will have real physical properties, but the green light energy cannot create life, so Godzilla cannot be created. The two dogs that come out are actually just mechanical actions, not life. Therefore, in the face of the big guy, Parallax, he can only throw out a big machine for one round, and Mechagodzilla and Mechaquido La is the best choice for Deadpool. Obviously, Deadpool is also a Tokusai fan, the kind who is very interested in Tokusai monsters.

The huge mechanical Ghidorah jumped directly from above and landed on the body of the parallax monster. The three heads were ready to tear the parallax monster into pieces, but unfortunately, the parallax monster was originally an aggregation of fear energy. It can only be said to be a cloud of energy, and this cloud of energy will not be harmed by too many physical means, just like the natural system in a certain pirate world, ordinary physical means cannot be effective .

Therefore, although the mechanical Ghidorah kept attacking the parallax monster, it couldn't really hurt the parallax monster, it just tore the parallax monster's body continuously, and then kept repairing it.

Seen from below, there is a group of dark clouds above Gotham City, and then this group of dark clouds is constantly dividing and converging.

When Parallax was divided by Mechanical Gidora, he did not forget to fight back. The golden energy surged, and the fear energy bombs continued to attack. He forcibly removed Mechanical Gidora, because it was created by Deadpool. Yes, so although the mechanical Ghidorah has some mechanical characteristics, it is an energy body, and it will not be able to withstand constant energy attacks, and then it will be eliminated.

His own creations were destroyed, and Deadpool really couldn't think of new creations in a short time, so some deadpools who were in a daze were directly swallowed by parallax monsters.

Chapter 80. Golden Triple Target Karna!

Deadpool was swallowed by the big mouth of the parallax monster. Although it looked scary, Amakusa didn't panic at all. If the parallax monster wants to kill its prey, it must create fear on the other party, make the other party afraid of itself, and then absorb it. The essence of the opponent, so that it can suck the opponent to death alive, even if it is a Green Lantern, as long as there is fear, then the parallax monster can suck it.

If the opponent can't feel fear towards him, then he can only be chosen, which is to kill the opponent with energy bullets and fight head-on.

Obviously, a person like Deadpool, who is not afraid of anything, will not be afraid of Parallax Monster. Even if Parallax Monster swallows Deadpool, Deadpool will lie in the belly of Parallax Monster and chat with Parallax Monster. , instead of panicking, this person is such a bitch.

Therefore, Amakusa is not worried at all that Deadpool will die in the mouth of the parallax monster.

However, what worried Amakusa was that Deadpool was fine, but he didn't cause enough trouble for Parallax Monster. After swallowing Deadpool, Parallax Monster turned his attention to Gotham City below.

Even if Deadpool isn't dead yet, Parallax feels that Deadpool is certain to die. He doesn't need to worry about Deadpool anymore. He needs to get rid of the people below first, and let them turn into nutrients of fear energy to strengthen himself!

The thundercloud-like parallax monster began to lower its body, and its huge body began to press into Gotham City. If it fell down, the citizens of Gotham City would be wiped out in ashes.

Amakusa would not allow this kind of thing to happen. He stood at the door of the church and opened a portal leading to the top of Gotham City. Gotham City, because of the existence of parallax monsters, is now overlooking the parallax monsters.

The position is very good, Amakusa raised his hands, the magic power gathered in his hands, and opened his treasure to the parallax monster opposite the portal.

The magic power of black and white gathered in the sky, and after colliding together, they turned into a huge black hole floating in the sky, just above the parallax monster, and the huge attraction directly acted on the parallax monster below.

Parallax Monster, who was about to pounce down to empty Gotham City, was directly pulled back. No matter how much he probed, he couldn't get down, and his body had a faint upward trend. This situation made Parallax Monster feel puzzled. He moved his head from below to above, trying to see why it became like this, and then saw the black hole in the sky.

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