"Remember the leader of the Apocalypse I told you about?"


Clark thought for a moment and came up with a name.

"It's Darkseid, the dark lord Darkseid, this is the famous dark lord Darkseid in the universe, the ruler of Apocalypse, and the direct leader of Steppenwolf."

The expressions of the crowd suddenly became dignified. The previous one was the Steppenwolf, the general under Darkseid. Although the Steppenwolf was ambushed by the four of them, his strength was not fake. Although the scar on his face stopped bleeding, it still left a scar. He has never been injured when he grows up, and he hides whenever he can get blood for the physical examination in school. Even if he was in a PK with General Zod before. Although the punch was to the flesh, it was fine at all, it just felt a little painful.

Steppenwolf has such fighting power, and as the leader of Steppenwolf, Darkseid will definitely not be weak, so this should be regarded as encountering a big boss!

His expression became more dignified.

"Yes, we have encountered the most difficult and troublesome enemy."

This customer is one of the ultimate bosses in the DC universe. Although it has not appeared in the movie, Amakusa still has some understanding of Darkseid. After all, the bosses in the DC world have lasers in their eyes. Superman can, and Darkseid It's also possible, and the most coquettish thing is that Darkseid's laser can also turn around!That's right, the mechanism released by his eyes will turn around, twist back and forth in a lightning posture to avoid obstacles and attack the enemy, coquettishly forced.

Dakseid didn't act in a hurry, but glanced at the few people in front of him with his hands behind his back. Well, it was mainly the three thugs plus Amakusa, and then scanned the ice again.

"Not long ago, my subordinate Steppenwolf came here, but just now, I lost his sense. In my sense, his life disappeared. Can any of you tell me where did Steppenwolf go? ?”

The body of the Steppenwolf was disposed of by Amakusa, and the weapons were also disposed of, not even the blood was spared, no trace was left, only the shards of ice were left on the ground, it looked like the four people here were Playing with ice, rather than someone coming over and being hacked to death, the destruction of corpses and traces is done too well.

You know, in the universe, the strong usually don't bother to destroy their corpses and wipe out their traces after they finish their work, and even leave traces on purpose to declare their own power. In the style of comic superhero stories, this is not super.

If you are an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, forget it, after all, that's what they do, but you're not!Why is he so proficient in the business of destroying corpses and destroying traces?

Karna didn't speak. As a quiet and handsome man, Karna didn't talk much. Clark was not familiar with this kind of occasion, so he didn't speak. Amakusa was far away, so he still didn't speak.So the last one to speak was the only female Wonder Woman on the fighting team.

Wonder Woman raised her shield and faced Darkseid with it.

"The Steppenwolf is dead, killed by us."

"You killed the Steppenwolf?"

Darkseid was a little surprised. Although the gap between Steppenwolf and him is quite large, he is still a strong man with a strong reputation in the universe. Even the Green Lantern Corps will choose to retreat first when they see Steppenwolf, and then call someone to deal with it. A person who encounters a Steppenwolf is basically waiting to die, but now there are only a few people here, and they actually killed the Steppenwolf?Are you sure you're not joking?

"Yes, we killed him."

Wonder Woman spoke first, and Clark naturally couldn't keep silent.

"You were able to kill the Steppenwolf, which shows that you have good strength. I will give you a chance."

Darkseid didn't suddenly start killing people, but still acted like a leader.


"The Steppenwolf is my subordinate. Although he said he is not necessary, he is also one of my generals. If you cost me a general, then you can replace the Steppenwolf as my subordinate."

Darkseid has a big heart, and his subordinates died?Then recruit a few more.

Chapter 187. Darkside 1v3!

Just like when Guan Yu resigned from Cao Cao and ran to Yuan Shao to look for Liu Bei after Yan Liangwen Chou was chopped off, Liu Bei asked why you didn’t recruit Guan Yu directly, since you can kill Steppenwolf, even the corpse If you don't have it, it means that you are better than Steppenwolves. If you are willing to be my subordinates, then I will not trouble you.

That's what Darkseid thinks. As the overlord of the universe, he must have no shortage of men, but Steppenwolf is considered a relatively powerful one, with one man under ten thousand, but for Darkseid, Steppenwolf is not a must. Without him, the pace of conquering the universe will slow down, but it does not mean that without Steppenwolf, the universe cannot be conquered.

So, as a recruiter, what Darkseid has to do now is to wait for the answer from the recruiter.

"Then, what's your answer? Should you replace Steppenwolf as my subordinate, or bear my wrath?"

Darkseid's meaning is obvious, either surrender to be my subordinate and help me instead of Steppenwolf, or die.

"When we got rid of Steppenwolf, what we thought was to get rid of the threat from Apocalypse, including you."

Wonder Woman spoke again, expressing her attitude, and Clark naturally did the same. As a Kryptonian, Clark now takes protecting the earth as his own responsibility.

"In other words, you refuse to be my subordinates."

"I think it would be more direct to answer like this instead of talking slowly."

After Wonder Woman finished speaking, she dragged out an afterimage and rushed towards Darkseid, and a shield slammed at Darkseid with a collision.


Darkseid was not stunned like before when he hit Steppenwolf. Wonder Woman's shield was directly blocked by Darkseid with one hand. Wonder Woman attacked with one hand. Darkseid De also has a hand to resist, which is fair.

Clark saw that Wonder Woman's attack was blocked by one hand, and she was still motionless. This shows that Darkseid's strength is stronger than Wonder Woman's, and it is much stronger, so he was able to do it. In this way, he resisted directly in place.

Clark understood that Darkseid was not a monster of the same level as the previous Steppenwolf, and immediately rushed to help Wonder Woman, and instantly came to Darkseid at the same speed as Wonder Woman, and Clark waved his fist at Darkseid. Seid's head came with a hammer, but like Wonder Woman, Clark's fist was caught by Darkseid. Superman's fist, which could easily smash a mountain, was caught lightly like this. Living.

Karna also found that the situation was wrong, and immediately activated the magic power to release, and rushed over wrapped in flames, waving his long spear at Darkseid with a cleave.

The huge spear was turned into a battle ax by Karna, and it fell directly at Darkseid from top to bottom. Finally, Darkseid had other movements, and he directly raised his leg to face Wonder Woman's shield With a kick, Wonder Woman was kicked back, and then he directly caught Karna's big gun with his free hand. The attacks of the three were all resolved with one move.

Amakusa watched from a distance, amazed, it is indeed one of the ultimate bosses in DC, this is Odin in Marvel, three fights against one can not gain an advantage in the first place.

Looking at the battlefield again, Wonder Woman rushed back again after being kicked away. This time, she was not going to slam with her shield, and this time she directly chose the Vulcan sword.

However, when there was still a certain distance from Darkseid, Darkseid locked his eyes on Wonder Woman, and suddenly two rays of light were emitted from his masked red eyes, and went straight to Wonder Woman , This trick, Clark is familiar with!

Wonder Woman also reacted quickly, and directly raised her shield to block it, but Amakusa, watching from the side, knew that the light couldn't be blocked.

When the light was about to touch the shield, it turned suddenly, a 90° turn bypassed the shield and then turned back, directly hitting Wonder Woman's shoulder, Wonder Woman let out a scream, and was directly caught It flew away, and after falling to the ground, it rolled for dozens of meters before stopping. Amakusa could clearly see that Wonder Woman's shoulder strap was broken, and the skin underneath had burns in her eyes.

Wonder Woman, who has been out since World War I, was rarely injured. Wonder Woman, who was not injured in the fight against Ares, was injured by the counterattack when she came up today and launched her first attack.

A troublesome enemy, no doubt a big boss!

Clark saw that Wonder Woman was directly injured, and immediately started to act, retracted his fist, and began to attack around Darkseid, but Darkseid was also powerful, and directly grabbed Karna's spear and pointed at him. Superman smashed over, and Karna once again suffered the pain of being weak in strength. Once the strength contestants in the American manga are announced, their strength is too terrifying. Although Karna's strength is already considered high among servants, But I'm sorry, in the world of American comics, it's really not the top level. Apart from those servants whose settings are extremely exaggerated, as a servant, he still has to rely on his own skills and treasures.

As a result, Clark was hit directly by Karna and fell hard to the ground.

Darkseid did not let go of Karna's big gun while pulling Karna out, and Karna also did not let go. This is his weapon, his treasure, and he did not let go. It makes sense, but in this way, Darkseid, who has an advantage in strength, can continue to attack.

Darkseid clenched his spear tightly and swung it. Karna was smashed to the ground, and then hit Clark again. Just like that, Amakusa looked at it from a distance, as if he saw the Hulk beating him. Thor, it's just that this time it's not Thor, it's Karna. This is the first time Amakusa has seen a gold three-target figure being beaten like this. Is this the ultimate big boss?Sure enough, compared with Gilgamesh, Karna is still a little bit behind. Although Karna can special attack against Shining in the game, but after coming out, it is a bit troublesome. Golden Shining's fighting style and endless Noble Phantasm, as long as you are serious, you can hit the enemy in a fancy way, which Karna can't do.

After a violent fall, Dakseid threw Karna out, hit Clark, and rolled away with Clark.

After repelling all the three generals of Amakusa, Darkseid slowly looked at Amakusa, um, the fake Amakusa.

"So, their choice is like this, what about yours?"

Although Amakusa didn't seem to have much power, but he was able to face his dark lord Darkseid with a smile on his face. This person must have some skills.

Chapter 188. Amakusa is dead again

The three generals under him were directly repelled, and he had to face the enemy's big boss in person. If he was an ordinary person, he would probably be scared to pee now, because the enemy's big boss is indeed a bit big. Speaking of it, it is really difficult to face this big BOSS. Superman has not yet fully grown up. Although Wonder Woman has the power of Shazam, she does not know enough about Darkseid. Facing the unknown It is really dangerous to act rashly.

But Amakusa is not worried about this, because he used the reality gem, unless Darkseid can destroy all the area where Amakusa's real body is located in an instant, making Amakusa die directly from unknown AOE like an ADC in a team battle, otherwise Amakusa You will definitely be able to escape.

Therefore, facing Darkseid, "Amakusa" was very calm, even smiling.

"I'm afraid not, because I'm the same as them. I even swung the last knife that killed the Steppenwolf."

Amakusa not only rejected Darkseid's offer, but even told him that he killed Steppenwolf.

"Not only that, but I personally hid his axe, and then destroyed his body, leaving not even a little ashes or a drop of blood."

That's right, the ashes are not left for you, now you hear that your subordinates died so badly, what will you do?

"Very well, it seems you have made your choice."

Hearing Amakusa's answer, Dakseid was not angry, but replied indifferently, then his eyes suddenly lit up, and a red light shot towards Amakusa instantly.

Amakusa hurriedly moved her body to dodge, dodging the first attack, but not the second one, just like Wonder Woman's shield did not defend before, this light can be bent, it just turned back and pierced through from behind. Amakusa's body was penetrated and Amakusa was directly ignited, so Dakseid watched Amakusa's whole body being incinerated by high temperature in an instant, turning into a black and bare skeleton. Unfortunately, a lot of ashes were left behind. Even the ashes were raised.

"It's really weak, so weak that it can kill the Steppenwolf?"

Seeing Amakusa's leftover bones, Dakseid couldn't help being a little puzzled. Steppenwolf is his number one general after all, and he won't be dealt with by this guy who can't even handle his own attack. Well, it's normal for the Wonder Woman next to her to suffer some burns. Isn't it a little too good to be burned all at once?Was this person just talking nonsense?

Forget it, anyway, there are only bones left, so I don't bother to care about it.

Darkseid focused on the three people who have stood up again. These three people are the real combat power. Although Wonder Woman was injured, the wound has almost recovered now, and the strength and Speed, that's right, these three must have maimed the Steppenwolf to the last drop of blood, and then happened to be robbed by that supporter to Flash Ping A.

Now, this crispy support is really given by myself, so the next step is to solve the upper middle field on the opposite side. You mean the ADC on the opposite side?This identity should be Batman who is flying around in the sky in a bat fighter, he will die of unknown AOE soon, don't worry.

As for the other two people who have been cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, sorry, Darkseid really didn't notice.

"Then, you guys will be the ones who will die next."

After the head-grabbing support with a small skill, the enemy boss Darkseid is going to let our upper and middle field die together, but Clark, Wonder Woman, and Karna will not let him succeed, because The three of them are upper middle field, all of them are fighters, and they all come out in half-meat suits. In addition, DC is now in the version of S5 heavy warriors. No matter how high the output is, Darkseid cannot beat the opposite These three.

A body of steel, a body of Shazam, and a sun armor, all of which have superimposed damage reduction to the extreme, and instant kills are impossible.

The three of them stood up again, and they already understood that Dakseid in front of him was a ruthless man who had an advantage in strength. If he wanted to fight against him, he had to start from other aspects. Strength alone should be useless.

I’m only talking about the issue of Amakusa’s death. Sorry, it doesn’t exist. They don’t think Amakusa died just like that. If Amakusa really died like this, then the part where the valuable Kryptonian was played is too fake, so it was The burning must be fake Amakusa, I still want to deal with Darkseid.

Well, speed plus power!

Clark and Wonder Woman chose this attack method at the same time. Although the two had not cooperated for a long time, the two of them chose to shoot together in a tacit understanding, and rushed towards Darkseid one from the left and the other from the right.

"Useless struggle."

Darkseid snorted coldly, then stared, Retinazer appeared again, and the red light shot directly at Wonder Woman. Darkseid felt that Wonder Woman's Vulcan sword should be dealt with more priority.

But this time, Wonder Woman doesn't need to defend the opponent's Retinazer, because this Retinazer has another Retinazer to deal with.

An old man once said that Retinazer needs to be defeated with Retinazer, so Darkseid's Retinazer was dealt with by another Retinazer. Clark was on the side and shot a laser at Darkseid. The laser forced Darkseid's laser to turn around and meet Clark's Retinazer on its way to Wonder Woman.

As a result, on the Antarctic continent, there was a scene where two aliens confronted waves with laser eyes.

But this time, from Amakusa's point of view, Clark stood on the left in this confrontation!You know, since ancient times, the left side of the wave has lost!

Therefore, in front of Amakusa, although Clark briefly blocked Darkseid's Retinazer with Retinazer, there was an obvious difference in output power between the two, so Clark's Retinazer didn't last even a second. Being pushed back directly, Clark directly faced Darkseid's Retinazer, and flew out again, but Wonder Woman also seized this opportunity to rush in front of Darkseid, taking advantage of her low height With the advantage, Wonder Woman swung her sword and slashed at Darkseid's calf, wanting to repeat the previous routine of dealing with Steppenwolf.

But this time, the Vulcan sword did not break through Darkseid's armor. Darkseid was wearing armor all over his body, and he looked like an Iron Man. A gap was cut instead of directly cutting Dakseid, and this sword also made the blade stuck in the armor and could not be pulled out.

"I've said it all, useless struggle."

Darkseid waved his fist condescendingly at Wonder Woman, and hit Wonder Woman's head directly.

Chapter 189. Karna Prepares to Release AP

Wonder Woman was not attacked, because Clark was not the only one with laser eyes among the three.

When Dakseid's fist was about to fall, Karna next to him used his true hero to kill with his eyes, and a magic laser eye directly blasted Dakseid's fist away.

As a half-human, half-god hero in Indian mythology, when has Karna been thrown around like rubbish? Although Karna himself has a good personality, he is not afraid of being easily abused by others. I don't want to experience it, so after realizing that his strength and speed may not have the advantage, he directly chose to show his unique power as a servant, various skills and treasures, and the power of magic!

Since you like to play AD heavy fighters, then I will play AP Fatan top order and play slowly with you!

The eye cannon came over, and Darkseid was directly blasted away. Karna's staring ability, which can directly blast through the mountain peak, is absolutely lethal enough. Even if Darkseid cannot be seriously injured, it can still make Darkseid have to retreat And defend.

Wonder Woman took back the Vulcan sword and stood up, nodding to Karna to express her gratitude, and Karna also nodded slightly in response, and then the flames wrapped around her body, and the magic power (flame) was opened to the maximum, as if stepping on a hot wheel He rushed directly to Darkseid.

strength?No no no, since the strength is not as good as yours, then I will not play strength, and bring AP bonus when I directly tie A!

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