The long spear wrapped in flames slammed down on Darkseid, and Darkseid crossed his hands to resist. The flame gun hit Darkseid's armguard, and a violent explosion occurred directly, like a bomb explosion The same thing happened, the flames instantly enveloped the place where the two were located, and the ice surface was also instantly melted, turning into a large amount of water vapor and floating up, but soon turned into ice balls and fell to the ground due to the extremely cold environment of the Antarctic.

Clark in the distance has already got up, ready to go forward to help Karna, and Wonder Woman is also ready to go forward to help, but they are all stopped by Amakusa who suddenly appeared.

"Give Darkseid to Karna, you don't have any deadly means to Darkseid now, only Karna can."

"Then us?"

Clark is the one who believes in Amakusa the most. Since Amakusa said that Karna can do it, then Karna must be able to do it. What he has to worry about is what he will do next.

"Let's go clean up those miscellaneous soldiers, and find a way to turn off this sonic boom channel."

Amakusa looked at the miscellaneous soldiers who had begun to spread out in the sky, as well as the black and red sonic channel that existed.

"Although Atta and Achilles are very capable of clearing miscellaneous soldiers, there are too many miscellaneous soldiers here, and many of them have already started to run out in the cold weather of Antarctica. We must find a way to deal with them, otherwise the southern hemisphere Residents are bound to be in trouble."

"I'll go after those that fly away."

Clark flies the fastest and has the best power, so good that he can see the mining workers on the moon's surface with the naked eye, although there are no mining workers on the moon's surface.

"I'm going to organize these miscellaneous soldiers to run outside."

Although Wonder Woman has speed, her field of vision is not as good as Clark's, so she chose to stop those miscellaneous soldiers from fleeing here.

Both of them positioned themselves according to their abilities, and then immediately started to act.

Amakusa glanced at Karna in the distance, which was transformed into an AP Fatan and AD equipped Darkseid, and then completely focused on the sonic boom channel.

The link opposite to this thing is Apocalypse. Before Darkseid came out, he released a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers. The ghost knows that something will come out if this thing is always on. What if another Darkseid's men come? After all, Darkseid, the big boss who has not appeared in the movie so far, has jumped out unexpectedly, and no one is sure if there are other accidents later.

Therefore, it is better to close the sonic boom channel.

In the distance, because Karna took over the battle, Atta and Achilles also started their cleaning work again, green rain began to fall in the sky again, and the miscellaneous soldiers began to fall down with a clatter.

Achilles drove his own chariot and started rushing in the sky to harvest. Although the efficiency is not as high as Atta, it is at least higher than Batman. Batman can only be chased by those miscellaneous soldiers. It is a miracle that it has not been shot down until now!

Amakusa didn't intend to slowly clean up the miscellaneous soldiers, nor did he intend to use any skill to crack the sonic boom channel. After thinking for a while, Amakusa directly used his own treasure on the sonic boom channel.

A huge black sphere appeared in the center of the sonic explosion channel, while blocking the sonic boom channel, it quickly attracted the surrounding miscellaneous soldiers who had not dispersed far to gather towards the center, and harvested hundreds of miscellaneous soldiers at once. Bing, but also blocked the explosion channel.

The boom channel is open, but no matter who comes from the opposite side, or the magma, they must first pass through the black hole opened by Amakusa. If you are strong enough to practice Amakusa's black hole, then it is you Niu, Amakusa can't afford to offend him, otherwise, he'll be ready to die without even leaving his ashes!

Although this still can't close the sonic boom channel that doesn't know how it works, at least it can lock the sonic boom channel for a certain period of time to prevent people from appearing on the opposite side. After this step is done, the rest is for others to harvest the miscellaneous soldiers , and then Karna solved Darkseid.

Don't look at the miscellaneous soldiers, those miscellaneous soldiers are too weak, and it is only a matter of time before they are harvested. Amakusa focuses on Karna next to him.

At this time, Karna had already become angry with Darkseid, and Karna's flame gun and death stare had become ordinary flat A, constantly bombing Darkseid, And Darkseid also kept staring at Karna with death. The two stared at each other like this, while constantly creating explosions. There was no intact ice sheet within the fighting range of the two.

Amakusa saw that the two of them were almost playing well, so he decided to go straight to Darkseid's ult move. The act of double-handedly flipping the bottom card is too boring. If Amakusa wants to go up to level 1, he will learn level 3 R and then flash R to face!

"Karna, release your Noble Phantasm, and give him the strongest blow!"

Through the command spell, Amakusa issued an order to Karna, which is a rare use of the command spell by Amakusa to give an order.

"Understood, master."

Karna also began to execute the order very seriously. With infinite magic power as the background, Karna doesn't need to care about magic power, he only needs to attack and attack again!

But now, to deal with Darkseid, Karna must take out his strongest treasure, the Thunder Spear that kills even gods with one blow!

Chapter 190. Brahma, Curse My Body

"Brahma, curse me!"

The announcement of the liberation of the treasure was read out, and the flames instantly covered the body of the golden gun, and then Karna threw it directly, and the flame gun turned into a red meteor, across the sky in the polar night state of Antarctica, Fall towards Darkseid on the ground of the Ice Field.

The flame gun does not pursue 100% hit, because it is an anti-army treasure, and it is a weapon with a large range of strikes.

This kind of super-wide-range attack is not so easy to dodge, because it only needs to put the enemy within the attack range.

Facing the sudden nuclear bomb attack, Darkseid was unusually calm. He was strong enough and his defense was strong enough, so he chose his Retinazer again.

Retinazer shot before the flames projected by Karna, and Darkseid prepared to use the attack to block the attack.

Darkseid's Retinazer is not an ordinary Retinazer. The Kryptonian's Retinazer is powerful high temperature and destructive. Simply put, it is a pure attack weapon. Daxede's is not, because this laser can turn!

Of course, the reason why we can turn the corner is because this ray is a particularly magical omega ray in the DC universe. Omega ray contains the power of the omega effect, which can completely obliterate the opponent or revive it. In short, it is very good Miraculously, Darkseid can also use Omega rays to shuttle around in the universe, and even use this characteristic to drive enemies into parallel worlds.

Of course, these are all the settings for Darkseid in the comics. This setting is too perverted. It will definitely be weakened in the movie world where Amakusa is now, but it must have the power it should have.

After the crimson flame gun collided with the turning omega rays, it immediately exploded.

The attack that caused an explosion occurred outside Gotham City, this time it exploded in Antarctica. The expanding ball of light instantly illuminated the sky in Antarctica. The scorching light wave instantly melted a layer of the ice sheet and was evaporated into water. Steam, and because the temperature of the air is heated to an extremely terrifying level, the water vapor cannot be atomized when it is cold, it directly becomes scorching water vapor and rises to the sky quickly, and it is atomized after reaching a sufficient height. Rapid cooling and cooling into a huge cloud.

As soon as the Noble Phantasm was issued, a huge pothole with a diameter of nearly 5 kilometers was created directly on the Antarctic ice sheet, and at the same time, a huge cloud with a size of tens of kilometers was created in the sky. As long as the heat dissipated, the cloud would immediately It's starting to snow, but only if the heat dissipates.

The battle between Karna and Darkseid is not over, so the heat cannot be dissipated!

Amakusa stood in the distance, maintaining his Noble Phantasm and continuing to block the boom channel, while watching the battle between Karna and Darkseid.

"The expressive power of movies is really limited. No matter how powerful a character is in a movie, it has to be weakened. Otherwise, the scene is too big to play, and special effects also need money."

In the movie, the big scenes cannot be unfolded all the time. He is basically a ruthless person. In the movie, the big scenes will turn into small scenes. A simple fight, and then the camera has been following the two of them.

Looking at the battlefield again, Karna's nuclear bombing against the army did not succeed in disposing of Dakseid. After the explosion, the golden gun returned to Karna's hands again, looking at Dakseid on the edge of the pit below. Said, Karna is not discouraged, because he knows that this person cannot be dealt with by his anti-army treasure, so he uses the anti-army treasure to bomb a wave first, in order to test Darkseid and see him Are there any other hole cards that can be thrown out.

But the result was that Darkseid either didn't have any other trump cards, or the anti-army treasure just now couldn't pose a threat to him at all.

If it is the first type, then Karna can safely use his strongest blow to kill Darkseid next.

But if not, Karna must be careful in the next attack. If he abandons all defenses and launches the strongest attack on Darkseid, he will not only fail to deal with Darkseid, but will even be killed. Darkseid retaliated, so it was a very hurtful thing for Karna, and it was also a very hurtful thing for Amakusa. This is directly missing a top servant, Gilgamesh It's true that it's a top-level servant, but that guy doesn't listen to you at all.

Karna is so good, although it is not as exaggerated as Gilgamesh, but it is easy to use and obedient.

Amakusa watched Karna floating in the sky without any action for a while, and understood Karna's concerns.

It is still too reluctant for Karna to face Darkseid alone. This is Darkseid, not a weak chicken.

"Karna, don't worry about attacking, I will support you by the side."

Karna encountered a problem, so as the master, he naturally wanted to help.


With the help of Amakusa, there should be no problem. After all, Amakusa has powerful means of beheading and control. With the help of Amakusa, Karna feels that he does not need to worry about Darkseid's other methods.

In fact, Darkseid doesn't have any other means. Although Darkseid can use Retinazer, his main ability is his body, which is stronger than Superman. He is a half-meat AD.

"Since that's the case, then here I present my strongest attack!"

At this moment, Karna's magic power reached its peak, and the clouds in the entire sky that had evaporated from the last anti-army treasure began to be driven away by the terrifying high temperature at this moment.

"Comprehend the mercy of the king of the gods!"

Karna raised his golden spear high, and the magic power overflowed from Karna's body, turning into a red beam of light and rising to the sky. The sky was illuminated again, and the clouds were directly dispersed. Others are being resolved All the miscellaneous soldiers looked at Karna in a daze. They had already been taken aback by the anti-army treasure before, and now Karna is going to make a big one again, which makes them These people looked even more dazed.

"King of the gods?"

Darkseid stood on the ice field, listening to Karna's declaration in the sky, and became interested. As the king of the new gods, he had never heard of other gods.

"Indra, watch carefully!"

Who is Indra?A name I've never heard of.

Darkseid thought for a while, and continued to wait for Karna's answer.

"Extinction, at this moment!"

Karna's magic power erupted again, and the clouds in the sky were instantly dispersed. The scorching air current caused the ice sheet on the ground to crack and sink, and a large piece of ice evaporated instantly.

"Burn it completely!"

The golden gun became a god-killing gun composed purely of lightning.

"O sun wheel, obey death!"

Calling loudly, Karna threw this god-killing spear at Darkseid!

Chapter 191. Sun Wheel, Obey Death

The God Killing Spear, the strongest treasure of Karna, abandons all defenses and focuses on attacking. No matter if it is a monster, a mythical beast or even a god, it is the strongest spear that can kill with one blow, even the gods cannot. defense.

Of course, the gods here refer to those gods in Indian mythology that sound awesome, but are actually all kinds of gods who are rubbed on the ground, including the emperor Indra.

After all, everyone knows that except for the three supreme gods in Indian mythology, the rest are not qualified to be called gods at all.

From Amakusa's point of view, this god-killing spear is just enough. Of course, this is Amakusa's complaint about Indian mythology.

In the Xingyue world, the Indian mythology that Karna lives in is still very good. After all, Karna is the golden three-target. , there is nothing invincible to kill, only the [world] can resist this god-killing gun, which is why Achilles' treasure is just perfect for Karna. The reason for surviving the duel with Karna is that it is easy to kill with one hand, but it is very boring to force it.

"O sun wheel, obey death!"

Under Amakusa's watchful eyes, Karna threw out the lightning gun in his hand, the lightning gun disappeared in a flash, and reappeared, not far from Darkseid.

Dakseid didn't stand up and get beaten. When Karna uttered the declaration of the liberation of those treasures, although he didn't understand who those gods were and what kind of shit Indra was, he was sure that Karna The Thunder Gun in Na's last hand is a threat to him!Threat to life!

Therefore, this Lightning Spear cannot be picked up!

Darkseid launched a counterattack immediately after Karna threw the light gun, and the omega rays were launched!

Although Darkseid doesn't have many abilities, the Omega Rays are cheating, and the cheating is over. One punch can kill everyone, so why do you need other fancy abilities!

Darkseid is going to use his own omega rays to fight against this thunder gun. The characteristics of omega rays can resist or exile this attack.

The red light flew directly towards the Thunder Light Gun, and the Thunder Light Gun also fell towards the red light sharply. It went up and down, and when it was about to collide, a portal with sparks flying everywhere appeared.

What is Amakusa's response to Karna? It is to shorten the attack distance for Karna, so that Karna's god-killing blow from the front becomes a backstab from behind. Karna's attack Very strong, but not unstoppable, such as Achilles' [Small World Surrounded by the Sky], who knows how Darkseid will respond, if the attack fails, Darkseid will break up With a shot of Retinazer, it would be a big loss for Karna to lose Amakusa. After all, even that bastard can hack Karna to death with the help of cheats, and Darkseid can't do it.

Therefore, Amakusa's portal can solve this problem. A portal directly makes Karna's attack into a disappearing serve. When it reappears, it is directly behind Darkseid, making Darkseid have no reaction at all. time.

As for the time to open the portal, Amakusa has been staring at Darkseid, waiting for Darkseid to make a shot. Only after Darkseid makes a shot, his defense will be the weakest, because the interrupted attack , and then counterattack, it takes a certain amount of time, and this short moment is enough!

Lei Guang was engulfed by the portal before, and reappeared directly behind Darkseid's back, and the gun head even directly touched Darkseid's vest.

Darkseid watched the portal swallow the thunder gun, and his own omega rays were directly emptied, and he was shocked instantly. When he reacted, the severe pain on his back made him unable to bear the pain. call out.



What was even more exaggerated than Darkseid's screams was the terrifying explosion.

After the god-killing gun hit Darkseid, a huge mushroom cloud appeared over the Antarctic sky. This time, the expansion of the light sphere was several times more exaggerated than the previous pair of military treasures. The center of the entire Antarctic continent The whole area was affected. Amakusa not far away had to open a farewell door to block himself because the distance was too close to prevent himself from being blown away by the terrifying impact air current. The center of the Antarctic ice sheet was It directly melted dozens of meters, turned into scalding hot water and steam, and was continuously blown away.

Amakusa hid behind the portal, listening to the sound of hula-la in his ears, and looking at the water flowing around him, he felt helpless for a while. He originally wanted to solve it in a place with few people, but now it seems that the problem seems to be bigger , Melting so much water at once, will it have a great impact on the global temperature, and will there be a "The Day After Tomorrow" in the DC world.

Probably not. This is the center of Antarctica. The water should be frozen again if it cannot be separated from the Antarctic continent. It should be like this.

The surrounding shocks began to slow down, and then began to flow back, and the airflow that rushed out before began to accelerate backflow, so Amakusa closed the portal, opened a portal behind him, and watched the water that was washed out was sucked back again , um, don't worry now.

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