"Oh? You love me? You used your hammer to shock me crazily a few days ago, and now you have the face to say you love me!?"


Thor didn't know how to reply for a moment.

"And does Odin actually have the dark energy to let us go back? It seems that I underestimated Odin's power."

"No, of course it's not Father God who took us back. We're going back by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Didn't you get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

Listening to Thor's words, Loki smiled.

"So your purpose is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, in order to get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, looking for me is just an excuse, simply because the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is with me!"

"No, of course not, Loki, I hope you can go back with me, but we need the Rubik's Cube when we go back."

"After all, you are still doing it for the Rubik's Cube. What's the use of hoping that I will go back? Do you want me to go back and be locked up in a prison!"

Loki glared at Thor and retorted.


Thor was a little annoyed by the question, and directly picked up Loki with one hand.

"Loki, I've told you enough, tell me, where is the Rubik's Cube?"

"The Rubik's Cube is not in my hands, you can't get it from me!"

"Impossible, Heimdall saw that you got the Rubik's Cube!"

"Oh, so it was the watchdog who told you that I was on Earth, yes, that watchdog can't do anything, but the eyes are not so good, it can see everything in the universe, even me I envy him."

Heimdall, the keeper of the Rainbow Bridge, has a pair of eyes that can see through everything. Even in Asgard, he can see everything in the basement of any house on Earth, not infrared but ultra-clear!

"But it's a pity that after I got the Rubik's Cube, I quickly moved it to ensure its safety. If you kill me, you will never know the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube."

Loki looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, which makes Thor very angry. Thor, who has a bad temper, wants to shock him again, but he just said that he loves him, and then Loki told him that he shocked him. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the news about Loki was repeated now?

Wait a minute, if you don't power it yourself, it should be fine, right?Isn't there a guy on earth who can play with electricity?

Thinking of the guy who also looked very uncomfortable, Thor showed a smile on his face, and this smile made Loki feel panicked.

"What are you laughing at? What are you thinking! What are you trying to do! Thor! I tell you, don't mess around!"

Loki panicked.

Chapter 129. Loki, You Have Been Strengthened!

As the god of thunder, Thor was stunned. This is a shame in Thor's eyes. He always wants to take revenge, especially after being stunned, he was grabbed by the black man. After a sudden fall, the pain was even more painful, and even Thor, who had regained his strength, couldn't resist.

So when he returned to Asgard, he wanted to get rid of Loki as soon as possible, and then return to Earth to give them a good meal, just like what Loki thinks now, but unfortunately the Rainbow Bridge was used by him The hammer broke it with his own hands.This made him feel very embarrassed.I can only give up this idea.

But this time after Odin used dark energy to forcibly activate the Rainbow Bridge and came to the earth, this idea appeared again in Thor's mind, especially because he also wanted Dian Loki. Nothing to say.

Turning the hammer in his hand, Thor took Loki and flew towards New York. Before coming to Earth, he did a lot of homework with the help of Heimdall. For example, where Amakusa lives, who is around Amakusa Where are the guys.

Although Heimdall often can't see those servants, he can still see Amakusa, so Thor has Amakusa's address, and now he just needs to find Amakusa's address, and then those servants, Amakusa will Find him.

Loki obviously doesn't want to see those guys. Although he doesn't know what Thor wants to do, God's instinct tells Loki that this is not a good thing!Very, very bad!He came to the earth for fun and revenge, not to be dragged by Thor to some strange place to suffer, but Loki, who was choked by Thor, could not resist, and was choked all the way to fly. It wasn't because of his good physical fitness and Thor didn't use too much strength, he might have been strangled to death.

It was only dark in Berlin, and it was evening in New York. Thor's ultra-fast flying speed allowed him to catch up with the sun easily. Before the sun in New York disappeared, he arrived in New York. According to Heimdall's According to the instructions, he found the Brooklyn area and found Amakusa's church.

As soon as he landed with Loki, the door of the church just opened, and a black key flew out of it directly and shot at Thor.

Thor had just landed, and he hadn't even stood still. Seeing this attack, he reflexively wanted to resist, so he directly raised his left hand.


Loki looked at the black key inserted into his chest, and was stunned for a while before he realized it.


Finally, the pain caused Loki to yell directly.

"Ah, I'm sorry Loki, I just... I just let it go."

Thor realized his mistake, immediately put down his left hand in embarrassment, and apologized embarrassingly.


Just as Thor was about to apologize in embarrassment, two more black keys were thrown from the church and shot directly at Thor's face.


Thor raised his left hand reflexively again, and then it was——puff, puff, puff.

The sound of two blades piercing the flesh sounded, not loudly, but Thor could hear it clearly, and Loki could feel it clearly.

So, under Thor's awkward gaze, Loki, who was held in his left hand, raised his head and yelled again.


Loki has 3 black keys stuck in his chest.

"Oh, sorry Rocky, I really didn't mean to, I'm just... out of habit."

This time Thor learned his lesson, he let go of Loki's left hand, and Loki's feet finally landed on the ground, and then one of them didn't stand still and went straight forward, laying on the ground, piercing his chest The three black keys were directly inserted into Loki's chest because they hit the ground, and this moment almost gave Loki a chill.


The pain caused Loki to curl up directly, and then he turned sideways and lay on the ground with his mouth open. The pain was so painful that he couldn't even speak. He could only breathe in there for a long time. He looked very painful and his eyes were red. Lips are also trembling.


Thor was frightened, and quickly squatted down and hugged Loki, checking Loki's situation.

"Sorry, I'm really, really sorry, I...I didn't know you couldn't even stand up, I just...I'm sorry, really sorry."

Seeing Loki's pain, Thor almost cried himself.

Loki stared at Thor with his aching, teary eyes.

"Are you trying to kill me? Let me tell you, if you kill me, you will never know the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube again."

"No, no, of course not, I just brought you here, how could I kill you, it was done by the people inside! Don't worry, I will save you soon! I will help you pull this thing out. "

Thor grabbed one of the black keys, and pulled out the black key directly.


The pain of pulling it out made Loki scream again.

"Oh, sorry, I made a mistake again."

Thor felt sorry and immediately inserted the black key back.


The blade inserted back again made Loki scream in pain again.


Thor screamed in fright.

"Idiot! Did you mean it! Can you not touch me! If you dare to touch me, I swear I will kill you!"

In order to prevent Thor from messing with himself again, Loki uttered harsh words. If Thor continued to play like this, Loki might not be the first god to die of excessive bloodshed!

"Okay, I'll let go now."

Carefully putting Loki back on the ground, Thor turned his head in embarrassment, but when he saw the door of the church was open, Thor immediately picked up his hammer.

"Loki! You lie here first, and I will avenge you!"

Thor is about to rush in with a hammer in his hand. He won't say that he caused Loki's injury. This is obviously the guy in the church who keeps throwing hidden weapons out!He would not say that this is changing the focus!

But when Thor was about to rush in, the black keys were thrown out again. Thor reacted very quickly this time. He grabbed the hammer in his right hand and easily knocked off the three black keys that flew out. He posed a pose, and Loki on the ground who was looking at that pose was stunned.

"Why didn't you pick it up with your own hammer just now! You can obviously pick it up with your own hammer!"

"You did it on purpose before!"

After being told by Loki, Thor felt a little embarrassed. He ignored Loki, but directly raised his hammer and shouted into the church.

"No matter who you are, you dare to offend the gods of Asgard! Then you will pay for it!! Go to hell!"

Then he rushed in with a hammer in hand, leaving Loki stunned.

Chapter 130. Loki: Look at my indifferent expression

Adrian's world view has undergone drastic changes, yes, drastic changes, especially his understanding of the world.

Although he didn't fully perceive the world correctly, his world view has been completely refreshed.

Magicians, Holy Church, servants, S.H.I.E.L.D., and all kinds of strange things made him completely doubt the seemingly peaceful world he lives in now, especially after Amakusa showed him the magic.

So he joined the Church of the Holy Church, which did not actually exist. Amakusa became his master on the grounds that each representative developed an offline and only one offline, and then taught him Bajiquan, and even He also opened the magic circuit for him, giving him magic power.

After having the magic power, you can use the black keys, and then Amakusa gave him some black keys as weapons. After all, this is the standard configuration of the agent, isn't it?

So these days, apart from spending time with his daughter at home, Adrian came to the church to learn some magic knowledge, and practiced Bajiquan by the way. The power of magic gave Adrian some vigilance capabilities, such as While practicing in the church, there was a sudden movement outside the door, especially the movement was a little strange. Adrian, who had some magic power, felt the fluctuation of magic power outside the door.

So at this time, following Amakusa's instruction, the vigilant Adrian threw a black key to the door as a test. After throwing one black key, he threw two more black keys, Then I heard the screams from outside, and there were some shouts and curses besides the screams, which sounded a bit confusing, because the door of the church was a super thick solid wooden door, so Adrian couldn't quite see the outside What exactly did the person say, but it should sound messy.

After a while, Adrian heard the footsteps of someone about to rush in, so he immediately threw three black keys again, but this time it was different, this time he didn't hit anything, the opponent blocked his attack.

The door of the church was knocked open, and a man in armor and a red cloak rushed in with a hammer.

"No matter who you are, you dare to offend the gods of Asgard! Then you will pay for it!! Go to hell!"

The man who rushed in shouted and rushed in, making Adrian frown. Asgard, which he had heard from his teacher Amakusa, was an alien realm where people claimed to be gods.

When Thor shouted like this, Adrian knew who the outsiders were. Adrian remembered that Amakusa mentioned that the Asgardians are all allies of the people on Earth and they are of great help to the Holy Church. To the Asgardians, no matter what kind of people, you can treat them well, especially Thor and Loki, the god of tricks.

"It turns out that the god of Asgard has descended."

Putting away the black keys in his hand without hesitation, Adrian smiled and saluted Thor. After all, this is the teacher's teaching, and Adrian is still very serious.

"It's my first meeting, the god from Asgard. I'm Adrian, the newcomer of the Church of the Holy Church. It's my first meeting. Please take care of me."

Adrian's sudden polite greeting stunned Thor. He originally rushed in aggressively to find fault, but now that he was suddenly treated so politely, he didn't know whether to get angry or not.

"Earthlings, do you know me?"

"Yes, there are records about His Highness Thunder God in our church, so I still know His Highness Thunder God. Although I am just a new agent, I must know about such an important figure as His Highness Thunder God."

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