"Oh, of course!"

Hearing that his reputation was so loud that everyone in the organization must know it, Thor became obviously happy, and even put down his hand holding the hammer, walked directly in front of Adrian, and stretched out his left hand.

"I am Thor."

"Nice to meet you, Your Highness Thor."

Although it is not Amakusa, Adrian, as Amakusa's apprentice, is still very decent to learn from Amakusa, especially the behavior etiquette that Amakusa taught him must be done by the representative of the Holy Church, always maintain etiquette and smile!

"You look like someone I know. Do you know him? His name is Amakusa, a very strange name."

Thor looked at the smile on Adrian's face, a fake smile because of his inexperience, and felt a little... uncomfortable.

"If you mean His Excellency Amakusa Shiro, I do know that he is my teacher."

"Oh! Your teacher, no wonder you look alike, do you know where he is?"

Thor now doesn't care about the fact that Loki was shot with three black keys by Adrian, and he directly started talking to Adrian about Amakusa. After all, he came here to find Amakusa, in order to let Amakusa Tesla gave Rocky a hard shock.

Of course, before that, Thor didn’t come to beg, but demanded. He wanted to beat Tesla up first. The last time he came to Earth, he was ashamed of himself. He came back this time not to beg Tesla, but to ask Let Tesla feel the power of Thor, as well as that black and tough, and then order Tesla to call Loki as a winner.

Yes, although Loki has been stabbed three times now and looks miserable, Thor still wants to shock him. After all, he loves Loki!

"Your Excellency Amakusa went out. Today, Your Excellency Amakusa and Ms. Matthew went out to eat together, so they should eat at the restaurant outside now. According to the time, they should be back soon. It is getting late now, and His Highness Thor needs to rest here. Wait a minute?"

"Oh, sure, I'd love to."

Hearing that Amakusa was coming back soon, Thor was very happy, and then sat down on the bench next to him.

"Do you have anything to drink here? I haven't had water for a long time."

"Is red wine okay?"

"Beer bar."

"For beer, it may take a while. There is no one in the church. I have to go to the next block to buy it, but I will be back soon."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Thor didn't care, he was waiting anyway.

"Then please wait a moment."

After Adrian nodded to Thor, he got up and walked out. After walking outside the gate, Adrian saw a man with three black keys on his chest leaning against the wall next to the gate, with an indifferent expression on his face. looking at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it just now."

Although he didn't know who he was, Adrian still explained, but what he got was Loki's indifference.

"I heard everything that guy just said to you."

Chapter 131. Thunder God Says He Will Beat You Both Alone!

ton ton ton -

Holding a large glass, Thor, the god of thunder, sipped directly, with a rhythmic sound in his throat.

Beside Thor, there is Loki, the god of trickery, lying on a bench with two black keys pierced on his chest.

There were originally three, but one of them has been taken out, and the one taken out is the Amakusa that has come back.

Looking at the black key that was still stained with blood on the blade in his hand, Amakusa was a little speechless to Loki, you are a frost giant after all, and you have been in Asgard for so many years. With such a low defense, the black key can do it Break your defenses?Your brother Thor is a joker, are you a joker too?

Although Amakusa knew that the physical strength of Thor and Loki was miraculously fluctuating, he didn't expect it to start now.

The so-called magical fluctuations mean that the physical strength of the two of them is changing all the time. Sometimes they will be hard, very resistant to beatings, even able to withstand the impact of stars, and sometimes they will be brittle. Any small knife can stab them. Although Thor is generally mentioned here, Loki is similar, but he is not as resistant to beating as Thor.

So... is Loki in a fragile state right now?

Shaking his head, Amakusa threw away the black key in his hand, then squeezed the second black key, and pulled out the black key directly.

" what!!!!"

After being pulled out of a black key, Loki yelled in pain.

"Take it easy!"

Amakusa shook his head speechlessly, and didn't say anything. Instead, Thor, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but speak while watching the screaming Loki.

"Loki, you have to persevere, you don't have to scream like this all the time, you are a god, the god of Asgard, this is too embarrassing... hiccup~~"

After drinking, Thor's speech was obviously a little drifting. It was completely different from the way of speaking that took care of Loki before. It was full of boldness, and this is what Asgardians look like.

"Shut up, you idiot! Because of a glass of wine, you just threw me out! Then you started talking about me like that after drinking, this is what you say you love me! Try it if you get fucked!"

"Impossible Loki, I'm not weak enough to be stabbed by a dagger, that kind of thing can't hurt me at all."

Thor, who was drinking wine, denied with a smile on his face, and Amakusa couldn't help laughing, because Thor would be stabbed in the kidney by Loki soon.

After finishing speaking, Thor continued to drink tons and tons, and Adrian bought back several cases of beer, so it was enough for him to drink for a while.


With another scream, the third black key on Loki's body was also taken out, and all three black keys on Loki's body have been pulled out so far.

"Your Highness Loki, according to your physical fitness, these wounds will heal soon, so I won't treat them."

That's right, the Asgardians are all so useful, you can see that Thor is like this, and his brother Loki is naturally like this.

"It's okay, Loki, he will get better soon, soon."

Thor also agrees with Amakusa's statement.

"Do you think I'm your muscular bastard! My whole body is full of muscles! My brain is full of muscles, and it only takes a while to recover!"

Loki cursed viciously, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

"Well, while Loki is recovering, Father Amakusa, I have something to tell you."

"Your Highness Thor, please speak."

Amakusa threw away the black key in his hand and looked at Thor quietly.

"Do you still remember those two guys last time, a guy who was discharged, and a big black guy, I want to find them two."

"Oh, so His Royal Highness Thor wants to find the two of them, I know, what do you want to do with them?"

"Last time I lost to both of them, but it was all under unfair circumstances. The guy who discharged beat me when I lost my strength, and the guy who was big and black beat me by sneak attacking me." You defeated me, if you let me fight them head-on, I promise, I can directly beat them to the teeth!"

I don't know if it's really self-confidence, or because of drinking too much and talking too much, Thor is very confident now, confident that he can beat anyone!

"emmm...that is to say, His Royal Highness Thor wants to find the two of them, and then fight with them?"

"That's right! That's it! I want them to understand what the power of a god is!"

Thor patted his chest while raising his wine glass and shouted, making Amakusa nod slightly.

"Yes, it should be like this. If His Highness Thor wishes, I know where they are, and there happens to be a venue for His Highness Thor to fight them."

"Oh, that's really great, go find them, and I'll show you what Thor's power is!"

Thor patted Amakusa on the shoulder very happily, and did not forget to raise his glass with the other hand to take a sip. It seems that this beer is very to Thor's taste.

"Then please come with me first."

Amakusa turned around and walked directly towards the back hall of the church. Thor strode behind him with a wine glass and a hammer in his hand. Loki couldn't help but get up and follow behind Thor. He wanted to Look at how Thor abuses those people on Earth, because he is also very angry with Amakusa, isn’t he? He came to Earth to trouble Amakusa. Since Thor helped him do it, it’s pretty good, so even if his chest is now The three incisions were painful, but Loki still got up and followed Thor, and entered the back hall together.

Adrian had already gone back, because it was getting late, and he was going back to accompany his daughter Liz. Now that Adrian left, Amakusa could open the mysterious basement space of the church.

Thor and Loki followed Amakusa to this basement, and they were very surprised when they saw it, because they didn't expect that there was such a huge basement under this seemingly small church, and this basement could even serve as a place for them. Sgard's battle training ground.

"Then, Your Highness Thor, please wait a moment."

After bringing the two into the basement, Amakusa turned around and left. He was going to call for someone. Uncle B is easy to find. As long as he finds Illya, he will find Uncle B. Illya is in his room now, presumably Playing with mobile phones, recently this kid is addicted to mobile phones, and then Tesla is doing academic exchanges in S.H.I.E.L.D., yes, this guy whose photo is still hanging in the FBI building, after he came out of New Mexico and then released, he was arrested S.H.I.E.L.D., please go drink tea, really drink tea!

In the huge basement, Thor and Loki looked at the blue sky and white cloud patterns painted on the top of the empty basement, each in a daze.

Loki was thinking about what the battle between Thor and Uncle B would be like later, while Thor, who was still drinking with a glass of wine, was thinking, this place is really good!

Chapter 132. Thor: Ace Combat!

"I kept the two of you waiting for a long time, and I have already brought them over."

With Tesla back from S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hercules borrowed from Illya, Amakusa reappeared at the entrance of the basement, turning the heads of the two who were wandering around in the basement.

"Oh, yes, it's them!"

Seeing the person behind Amakusa, Thor happily raised the wine glass in his hand with a smile on his face. The wine in his glass was not finished yet!

"I can't help but show my might!"

Loki beside him looked at Thor's happy expression with his hands on his chest, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. He didn't know what to say to his stupid brother, although he felt that his brother was stupid, but If Thor can really beat Hercules and Tesla, Loki is still happy to see it, after all, he wants to beat them too.If Thor can beat them, that's good. If Thor can't beat them and is beaten by them, then Loki will be happy to see him. Anyway, no matter who gets beaten, Loki will be very happy, and then go out by himself Then bring someone back and beat them all up!

"Has the weak Thor come to Earth again to seek humiliation?"

Behind Amakusa, Tesla, who looked down on God, walked out directly, walked into the basement, and began to hate Thor.

"Huh? Weak?"

Thor was instantly ignited by this sentence, picked up the wine glass and drank the remaining beer in it, and then threw it on the ground, and the wine glass was smashed with a snap.

Dancing the hammer in his hand, Thor's body seemed to shake a little.

"People on earth, it seems that the humiliation I suffered when I lost my power made you think that I am still as easy to bully as I was before. Come down, and I will let you know what the power of God is!"

"Hmph, the power of a god? A god without power is miserable, but a god with power is still so miserable."

Tesla replied while looking at Loki beside Thor.

"What do you think I mean!?"

Rocky glared at Tesla unhappily.

"Hey, mortal, watch your behavior, he is Loki, the younger brother of my Thor, the god of Asgard!"

Thor is also very upset, because Loki is his younger brother, and Tesla looks down on his younger brother so much, which makes him very unhappy.

"So what about Thor's younger brother, who has all the power, but he was still brought down by me with one hand."

"Eh...he's not my real brother."

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