Don't look at his age because of the time he spent in the disaster world, talking about playing?He really wants to make up for the games that he missed in Disaster World and all kinds of games, such as roller coasters, bungee jumping, etc., that are on top of the former one. He wants to make up for it and play with her for a day It won't be boring either.

The remaining two copies are very simple, three days for the white-haired sister and three days for the black-haired sister... a week was spent perfectly, as for the attention of the old fathers, wouldn't it be gone if they weren't at home?

It's a beautiful idea, but actually...they have to go to school.

"..." Sitting on the roof of a building, Zheng Yichen, who was reading a book with a drink next to him, felt the cool breeze from the high platform, and it would be impossible to jump down, but his mood was so-so, and he could ask for leave at will during work. After all, he has a background related to the government, so whatever, other times?Just go to school well, there is nothing important, skipping class to fall in love?When the school won't contact the family?

After such a situation occurs, the old fathers need to pay attention to their eyesight. Zheng Yichen doesn't want to say anything about it, let alone express anything. Let's just leave it at that. He can talk about things like going to school with his family , It's up, it's up, anyway, there is no shortage of people during the exam, basically there is no problem, and he doesn't expect achievements in this area at the moment.

But here, okay, I found another reason not to take anyone with me for the time being, and if I take it over, it will be an unknown time or at least a week, skipping classes for a week in a row?It's better to wait for them to go on vacation, and the time will come soon, right?Zheng Yichen, who was waiting for the phone, opened the box in his hand, and touched a wine bottle...

After taking a look at it, he put it aside. Alcohol is comparable to gold in the disaster world, but he doesn't like drinking it very much. If he feels uncomfortable, he can resist it with a high physique. If you don't drink it, you don't drink it. As for the timing?

Flowers before the moon under chant.

Other times he would rather drink water than this kind of thing.


"Hey~ I'm leaving today? I'm sorry~" Huang Quan couldn't help showing a helpless smile when he looked at Zheng Yichen, who had a sad face. Although there are weekends and evenings, the daytime is completely useless From Zheng Yichen's expression, it can be seen how entangled she is.

As for this time, she didn't have too many thoughts. The possibility that she might not come back for a long time after leaving, she didn't worry so much when she knew more: "I have other things to do, I will come back next time." The time may be half a month later."

She hurriedly said, "We were also on vacation at that time."

"Well, I'll go first."

" careful when you go to other places." Huang Quan's smile faded a little, not only because of the reason why he wanted to go back, but also because Isayama Mei borrowed some testers through the family and borrowed some connections. It's been two months, although it doesn't matter if you don't return it, but Zheng Yichen made it very clear that he won't intentionally cause any accidents.

"Are you still packing it?" Back at his residence, he looked at Isayama Mei who was waiting here, and the big boxes, and couldn't help but say.

"This is more convenient."

"There are still ten minutes." Zheng Yichen reached out and pressed the two big boxes, took out the mirror and looked at the 'time' and said, the more times he was deported, he got used to adapting, and he could adapt according to the adsorption force. Make a more accurate judgment based on your feeling, and the error will not exceed three minutes.

Under Zheng Yichen's deliberately maintained posture, the two boxes did not appear to be "stuck in the wall" after being repatriated, but behind him, he stuffed them into the space satchel and left the hospital quickly. , have been here several times, he is very familiar with the route here, just like entering and exiting his own back garden, without saying a word, after returning, he immediately made some arrangements for these two unlucky people.

Instead of contacting Bai Ying directly, he contacted a contact person that Bai Ying appointed for him. If it was not a big deal, then contact the other party instead of contacting his boss every day, and arrange for the two condemned prisoners to live a good life for two months. The problem is not too big, is it?Find a hidden place to throw it away, put it on a chain, eat and drink normally, and that's it. If people can run away like this, he will directly beat Bai Ying to death.

"Next time... Tsk, summer vacation over there is better." Zheng Yichen curled his lips slightly, next time over there will be their summer vacation, here?He is still able to attend classes when he returns to school now, it's early.

The matter of the 'new teacher' arranged for Yotsuya Miko and the others has been blown up for the time being, and it has affected some of her arrangements, such as the follow-up arrangements of the Genius Exorcism Girls Group... I have not been running around during this time to hunt those spirits. Class, it feels a bit of a disadvantage to go to Dimiya.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In addition to exchanging with Dimia, there is also the need to upgrade yourself. Not to mention the physical, the spiritual upgrade is easy as long as you fight monsters, but there is no time for the time being. To put it bluntly, I am still restless. I don't want to spend more time on that. After all, I have to learn a lot of special powers, and I can spare some time for leveling... Isn't that using myself as a mule?

The genius exorcist girl group must be pulled up, and they can't be as idle as they are!

"That's great!" He slapped his palm and thought of a new good idea. He asked Dimiya to get a new soul hunter ring. After the ring meets the one in his hand, it will transfer the stored soul power when it gets close to a certain range.

It's okay if you don't like the ring, you can exchange it for other things, such as badges, as long as they are not expensive, you can buy more, so that the spirits they come into contact with every day will not be wasted.

Right now, he didn't delay too long. He came all the way to the tunnel, entered the world behind the door, and then exhaled slightly. When he went to the world on the other side of Huangquan, he felt that his spiritual and physical strength were exhausted. A part of it was consumed, but not much. After checking that there was nothing wrong with the body, I didn’t care. Same as last time, still no problems.

It immediately reminded him of the evil spirit who has a passion for drag racing... Is it the extra loss caused by carrying this kind of existence with special power?When I went back last time, I brought a lot of people with me. That time, I didn’t feel any obvious abnormalities. The two people who took over from Isayama Mei before were ordinary people, and they were ordinary people in a weak state, and he didn’t feel any abnormality. To the extra wrong, the same feeling as entering the world behind the door.

The person who was taken away from Dimia last time was probably a professional, but he was also in a weak state, and there was no such thing as a mage with special power. The special power in this world is magic power, grudge?No way!Whether it is a thief or a warrior, if you want to get special power, you must learn magic and feel the magic.

"Let's pay more attention later." Zheng Yichen shook his head. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of consumption. If the consumption is too small, it is difficult for him to notice that something is wrong. He will naturally ignore those abnormalities. The consumption is obvious. After discovering the problem... Well, write it down.

After making new notes, I took out the road sign and followed the arrow on it to the Magic City. I was lucky this time. I met a caravan going there. On the one hand, the caravan was going there to do business. On the one hand, I went there because of its reputation. After all, it has been highly rated by many appraisers. I must go there when I see it. From the conversation, Zheng Yichen learned that after a while, Stanks and the others seem to be more famous.

At the same time, there are more colleagues in this field, and his original reputation has long since fallen to the bottom because of the long-term non-updated evaluation. When talking about the magic city, the people in the caravan mentioned him with some uncertainty. The name, but I have almost forgotten it, this is the reality.

The location of the caravan is not far from the magic city. After seeing the distance displayed on the road sign, Zheng Yichen simply left the caravan and rushed over by himself. The people in the caravan seemed to be angry young people. Big, I can't help but have some urge to go there quickly.

In fact, they also thought about it, but there were still those goods, and it was impossible to throw away those things and run away.

"Is this really a coincidence? I see you every time I come here." Zheng Yichen looked at the mage in front of him whose eyes were hidden under his hair.

"It's a coincidence." Thies nodded slightly, and put some distance away from Zheng Yichen. For Zheng Yichen's impression, she knew that Zheng Yichen had an unusual relationship with her teacher, and at the same time, she was a kind of person. Occasionally, if you get too close, you will pull out something extra for yourself.

"Here it is, come in quickly." Dimiya didn't let the communication between Zheng Yichen and his disciple continue, and blinked at Zheng Yichen: "What good things did you bring this time?"

She feels that she is really lucky recently. Not only did she meet angels, she also met angels from other worlds. Although she met indirectly, her understanding of angels gave her enough ambition for unknown knowledge, and even She always has the urge to go to the God Realm to see, and then get something related to God.

Well, that's for later, the rules are restrictive, she really can't get too many special things from Klimwell, under normal circumstances, it's very difficult to collect hair, blood and so on Don't even think about it, if you don't have a suitable opportunity, you can't just ask for it.

So she looks forward to Zheng Yichen even more. Angels from other worlds are also angels, and they can also be used for research. Last time Zheng Yichen got a lot of support from her. This time, the things brought here will not be too bad, right?If it's too bad, then we need to re-evaluate his ability, for example, reduce the degree of secrecy with him, and there is no need to use the main body to meet each time, etc.

"Teacher, I'll be leaving first." Thies said quite wittily, she already knew a lot about Zheng Yichen, and Dimia didn't say anything about the next thing, she couldn't squat here to satisfy her curiosity, it was up to her to know For sure.

Dimiya did not refuse her to leave, and when the door was closed, Zheng Yichen poured out other things from the space backpack. Although it was not related to angels, it was not the flesh and blood of creatures in this world. It aroused her great interest, these things are large and full, and there are many kinds.

“Bag space is a bit small.”

"Don't be too greedy, don't you know how precious the things you are carrying?" Dimiya glanced at Zheng Yichen, her smile became brighter, she just left once, and she can make such a request when she comes again, Zheng Yichen Got a lot of good things from the angels, right? ?Otherwise, where does the courage come from?This guy isn't that shameless, except at night.

"do not know."

"The kind that makes me feel bad."

"Then use these to comfort your heart." Zheng Yichen took out a suitcase, an ordinary suitcase can't stop her from peeping at all, the eyes on her clothes and hat opened in unison, staring at the bag in his hand. The box, which contains the things she wants most at the moment, is also a large quantity.

"I accept it!" Zheng Yichen looked at the red-faced and excited 'girl' in front of him, his expression didn't change much, and his psychological reaction was to think about this girl... Does she sometimes give something special? Is there a greater reaction than eating that little pink pill?

The suitcase contained the blood, hair, and nails of the two angel sisters. Originally, he didn't want those miscellaneous things, but the woman in front of him said it very directly, she wanted all the miscellaneous things, and even mentioned excrement... Big shit!Those can be tested.

Just ignore the last sentence.

"Oh, it's really blood, the blood of an angel!!"

When the box was opened, the scene in front of Zheng Yichen was ordinary. In Dimiya's eyes, when the box was opened, a soaring golden light burst out. It must be a good thing, she only has the blood of angels in her eyes, and the hair and nails are far worse than blood.

"This bag..."

"It's impossible. Once the shaping is successful, it can only be like this. The second one will cost too much, and I won't be able to do it in a short time." Dimiya, who was interrupted by Zheng Yichen, also regained some reason. The puzzled Zheng Yichen glanced at him, waved his hand, took the suitcase in his hand and said, and quickly took accurate measurements of all the items inside, and determined the weight, even though the nails were covered with nail polish and the like. Redundant cumbersomeness... but that doesn't matter, it's just an angel's.

From this point of view, angels from other worlds still need to cut their nails.

"And the meat of these beasts you got, let's put it away first, I will study it first..."

"I have a chance to get the currency of heaven."

"...Let's study the meat first."

This woman is so realistic!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You want someone to make something? Use this meat?" Dimiya listened to Zheng Yichen's request, and casually picked up a piece of dangerous flesh and blood that was handled well: "Although there is no magic power, it contains Other powers...something like the monster material of the dungeon?"

At first she was not interested in these things, and was only interested in rare materials related to angels, but now that she came into contact with this thing, she felt that this thing is unusual: "Let's talk about the specific characteristics of this thing in detail first. "

Zheng Yichen described the characteristics of Teigu, and then took out some of his research notes and small objects that he had made. Dimiya picked up a small devil's head ornament, which was in her hand After a tremor, it turned into ashes. She nodded: "The direction of research is correct. This kind of thing does have the high fusion characteristics you mentioned."

The demon head trinket is made of a dangerous species of bone. Although it is affected by alchemy, the special power is more manifested by the material itself. Alchemy stimulates the special power contained in the bone, and then the material The high fusion feature allows the user to indirectly experience a kind of 'fusion influence' when using it. Because this power is very weak, that kind of fusion influence is like a magical blessing, and it will disappear after a while.

Unless other materials are added to make it into a real magic prop, Zheng Yichen can learn it well in this respect.

"This kind of thing is a natural and powerful auxiliary material." Dimiya came to the conclusion that with this kind of high fusion, the magic props made can have strong directionality. Although the attributes change according to the material, but When making it, you can focus more energy on performance, and it is useful for people and dead things.

"Which one is better compared to the material of monsters?"

"Well, this comparison doesn't make much sense." Dimiya said with a smile: "Things in different worlds, even if they have some similarities, their powers are expressed in different forms. If you want to make a comparison, you need to collect enough Only after the information is transformed into matching information applicable to the current world can effective comparison be made.”

"It's like comparing these things now, and we should pay more attention to the performance of the effect."

The special power of these dangerous materials is weak compared to the powerful monsters in the dungeon, but their effects are very unique. The high fusion is a very dominant attribute. As for the effects attached to the materials, There are also monsters, but if you want to use them, you need to back the auxiliary materials for processing.

But the material of dangerous species is different. Zheng Yichen doesn't even need auxiliary materials. He can stimulate the corresponding effect by simply processing it with alchemy. Relying on high fusion, the ability characteristics contained in the material can be temporarily endowed to the holding material. If the technology is good, even if the effect strength of the material itself is not high, those effects can be amplified and improved in other ways to become an excellent effect, which is similar to the direct use of powerful monster materials.

"Can it be used as a magic tool?"

"It's easier to make magic props than using normal monster materials, but it costs more to ensure the strength of the effect." Dimiya said, the more expensive place is naturally the main material, otherwise she would not It would not be said to be powerful auxiliary materials at the beginning. These flesh and blood contain special abilities of dangerous species, but they are not as obvious as powerful monsters. Some of them can be seen on the ground with a substantial aura visible to the naked eye.

So they can only be used as auxiliary materials.

"That's fine." Zheng Yichen pulled out a list, which included the part of the deal negotiated with Chelsea, the part that needs to be customized on his side, and the next-level substitute for the soul hunter ring, etc.

"The request is so simple this time?" Dimiya was a little surprised after reading the list. There are many contents in it, but it is not difficult, and she doesn't even need to do it. Just call the disciples outside and let her do the work. , what needs to be cared about is nothing more than the three sets of equipment highlighted by Zheng Yichen and the lower-level substitutes for the Soul Hunter Ring.

Equipment includes outerwear and underwear, concealed weapons, automatic body adaptation and variable high-performance requirements. The high-performance materials based on these dangerous species make the lower-level substitutes for soul hunters simpler. Those The request is nothing, but through this, Dimiya already knew that Zheng Yichen must have trained 'subordinates', the gender is female, ah, this is not important, he cultivated hunting subordinates who can fight, for him It sure helps.

Dimiya has no opinion on this. The stronger Zheng Yichen becomes, the better. Only when he becomes stronger can he get more rare materials. Even in the future, when the stronger ones can reach the second to none in this world, she will be happier. Although the order of this world is very good, is there no trouble at all... After touching certain taboos, accidents will still happen, including her.

So knowing a powerful enough existence, occasionally some troublesome things can be solved more easily. Of course, at this stage, there are not so many things.

The world is peaceful.

According to the content on the list, the things she needs to solve can be completed in half a day, and the rest can be outsourced, which is unbelievably simple.

"You can't upgrade the space satchel, I want a high-quality alchemy table." Zheng Yichen pouted slightly, and said his additional requirements.

"Ah~ lah, if you use that thing too much, you will become a fool."

A high-quality alchemy table is like a high-precision machine tool. It has all the functions of alchemy, enchanting, and material processing. Some things are even set up in advance. Just throw materials into it. It’s like a magic version of 3D. Like a printer, it has a powerful effect. If you are going to prepare such a thing when you go out, if you want to make some development, you can put the alchemy table on the ground and start directly.

Of course, because the auxiliary effect is so good, mages who come into contact with that kind of things are easily disabled. More often, top mages like her make some things with bare hands. The debugging is also assisted by some simple tools. She doesn’t need the alchemy table very much. Her bare-handed accuracy exceeds the assistance of the alchemy table. After all, those things are tools, and magic matters should be done by people who use magic. After all, the effect adjustment of some details is impossible for machines.

"Compared with you, what's the difference between me and a fool? It's enough to have your genius at the high end." Zheng Yichen said seriously. How long has he been studying alchemy?A high-quality alchemy table is just to increase the speed of one's own prop production, not to pursue more advanced skills like a blacksmith or some craftsman.

"Well~ well, if you want that kind of thing, I will get one for you." Dimiya nodded and agreed, Zheng Yichen was right, he personally prefers fighters Yes, learning so many deputy jobs is a waste of the energy of the main job promotion, and it’s okay to use props to assist the promotion of the deputy job.

Also, this guy's learning ability is not weak, even with the influence of the alchemy platform, he will not be addicted to the convenience of that thing, so that he has no possibility of improvement. Zheng Yichen's attitude is firm and she didn't say anything more. What did you say before?What I said before is the truth, but the reason for saying it is that the thing is very expensive! !

"By the way, don't you want to get yourself a new set of equipment?" Dimiya suddenly smiled at Zheng Yichen: "Did you forget?"

"No, after I get this batch of goods, I will bring better materials next time and make better ones." Zheng Yichen said realistically, the performance of the equipment made of this kind of super dangerous material has not yet been purchased. I don't know for now, but the performance of equipment made of super dangerous materials is definitely better.

And according to his idea, the next time you go to the world behind the door, you will not only get super-dangerous materials, but also things like Tegu. If possible, knowledge systems like alchemy in that world should also be obtained. Get a set, equipment, etc. He has a lot of weapons in his hand, unless it is a magical weapon of mass destruction in some works, or something like a so-called treasure, as long as the others are still normal Within the standard of the weapon, it doesn't make much difference.

A 'Weapon Strengthening Stone' transformed by Dimia allows him to increase the power of a stick even though he hasn't used it much before, but he has tested it.

As for armor, as a person who doesn’t like melee combat very much, he thinks it’s better to get more props to increase his speed than armor. These are not listed on the list, but we will talk to Dimia slowly later. Talking too much in a day will easily affect the actual income, so let's take it easy, anyway, after I come here, I don't plan to wait a week before leaving, there are too many things I can learn here, it can be said that his Many skill trees are opened here.

I came here once, no matter what, I have to light up a few more skills on the skill tree, and by the way, please Dimia to optimize the spiritual power magic he has mastered.

"Good idea, then when this batch of goods is produced, I will also add some test things by the way?" Dimiya said. She has been researching materials related to angels recently, and has a very good development. In terms of potential, the physical resistance of angels is skipped first, but Limville's halo can be damaged by wild beasts, and the physical resistance of angels after they appear needs to be stacked with armor.

In other ways?Going out on an adventure, as long as you don't go to an area full of dark attribute monsters, bringing Klimville is equivalent to carrying an elemental shield of the artifact level. It's okay to grab it to block flames, storms, water arrows, etc. easily Song, by the way, he can fly. When he encounters lava terrain, he can just let him fly over with people. If he thinks it’s not right, he will let him go, so he can just use it as a mount.

How useful it is.

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