The research of the local angels and the angels of other worlds gave her the idea to come up with a unique fire-resistant equipment!It is not for adventurers to deal with some fire attribute monsters in dungeons. Although it is very effective and the sales volume is not too bad, after all, there are specific occasions to play a sufficient role.

Apart from adventures and battles, don't forget what is the mainstream of this world!

whoring - cough!In short, the mainstream is like this, so what is the role of the fire resistance ring?The world is so big, and there are so many men and women. With the blessing of the fire-resistant ring, you can get in touch with those fire-attribute custom girls. Existences like the fire dragon girl can't be touched by those who don't have enough fire resistance.

As for the situation after getting the angel's ritual intermarriage, it is an exception... Well, it is normal for different races in this world to get married, that kind of physique matching, temperature and state matching can be normal, but some physiques are too different. It is not impossible to solve, as long as there is a corresponding ceremony, after the completion, the orc and the small goblin can marry each other, and there is no obstacle to private life.

Well, what is the reason for the barrier-free access without any change in the size of sockets and sockets on both sides?Gan, ask the god of this world.

In addition to this kind of operation, it is the matching of the temperature difference. With the corresponding wedding ceremony, even if it is a fire dragon girl or an ice-type creature that can freeze people to death, it can also marry that normal temperature existence normally. Yes, there will be no discomfort when the two parties are in close contact!

But the premise of all this is based on such a very idealistic ceremony, not a normal transaction. Unless this difference in body shape and temperature is resolved by marriage, it is difficult to make up for it in other ways, just like Like fairies who don’t accept guests who are too big, fire-attributed or ice-attributed girls will not reject some guests like fairies, but that’s not a matter of whether they refuse or not, but a matter of whether the guests can suffer or not.

Either turn it into charcoal or turn it into a popsicle and knock it out. Who can stand it? It’s too uncomfortable to see it or not to eat it, so as long as the fire-resistant ring is made, there will definitely be a lot of old men and women who are against this kind of thing. Things generate enough interest, the price is not a matter, who would think so much when the interest comes up.

After that, after the fire-resistant ring is successfully made, rings such as anti-ice will also be produced.

"Big business!"

"...You are such a genius." Zheng Yichen, who maintained a professional state, almost jumped out of this state. The research on this kind of thing is not mainly for fighting, but for prostitution? ? ?This is a bit too much, I made a ring that is immune to fire, and the result is to allow a group of people to have closer contact with fire-attributed creatures, and then have sex...

In short, the impression of Dimiya in Zheng Yichen's heart as a super expert has almost collapsed since the contact. Although she is a qualified seeker, in this toxic world, her painting style will inevitably be misleading. Yes, Zheng Yichen thinks, what kind of fire resistance ring, make a potion!

Temporary ones are enough. After making the fire-resistant ring, a lot of adventurers who are immune to fire attributes will be produced. Don't you think it may cause trouble for yourself?Uh, in the style of this world, the chances are a bit low, but after troubles, can she still produce equipment with fire attribute penetration on the spot?

Let her continue to toss in this way of thinking, thanks to the weak and dark angels in this world!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Originally, I was going to arrange some things and ask Stanks to test it out, but it seems better to have you." Dimiya said with a smile, and asked Stanks to get in touch with them better. Angels, and the Demon King City is also near their permanent area.

Well... the demon king of this world is the king of the demon race, one of the different races, not the kind of demon king who will destroy the world at every turn, but something like a king, so you don't need to hear the title I can't help thinking about that aspect, not only that, but when operating in certain aspects, I can also go to the Demon King City as a guest.

At the same time, the appearance of the current Demon King... looks like a young girl, eight meters tall, the kind that can trample an adult to death, strength?Although the style of painting in this world is like a book, some can be given away for nothing after spending money, but if there is a real fight, don't take the current devil king as the devil king.

"...The Demon King?"

"Hey, don't think about the past for now, I'll talk about it after I try Abyss' idea." Dimiya said with a pun.

She really wants to monopolize everything about Zheng Yichen, but as Zheng Yichen grows stronger in the future, she will definitely come into contact with more things. The current demon king, Death Abyss, is also interested in things from other worlds, such as airplanes... She is very I want it, even as a toy collection.

"You arrange it." Zheng Yichen glanced at her, didn't say anything more, but took out another thing along the way: "You mentioned equipment just now, and I remembered this."

She looked at the things Zheng Yichen took out, and raised her eyebrows slightly. This is not remembering, but intentional, right?If it weren't for what she said just now, Zheng Yichen would probably not show this thing out until two days later. After all, there are too many materials that can be studied right now. Looking at other things, I really can't get excited, but now she concentrates on watching. read.

Take it as a reward for Zheng Yichen's cooperation with some of his arrangements.

"this is?"

"Evil spirits from another world, existences that are hostile to angels."

"Oh! Let me see!" Dimiya immediately became interested, not to mention which one is more powerful against angels, just being the enemy of angels can make her extra interested, The black box was opened, and the evil spirit with the driver's head inside jumped out immediately, looking left and right, trying to find a means of transportation that can parasitize, not to mention trains and cars, even bicycles can easily fly under the influence of its ability Out of the speed of eighty miles.

"Oh! Is it your new woman? Why does she look like a bitch..."

Dimiya reached out and pressed the evil spirit on the table, and the magic circle firmly suppressed it: "I will study this thing carefully, leave the rest to me, this will be a very good one. material."

She was not angry at all, but the little thing scolded her at the beginning, so there is nothing to say. It is true that sometimes those clones will be "resulted" when facing some customers, but it is the customers anyway, and they paid for it. Yes, and what is this, Zheng Yichen just said that it is equipped, right?He even took this thing out, so you don't even need to guess what it means.

It is probably because Zheng Yichen took a fancy to the ability of this evil spirit and wanted to use it as a material to make a useful thing, just like the killing stone. The nature of that thing is special, and it cannot be fundamentally transformed. External improvement, and the evil spirit doesn't matter now, and the production can be easily completed after getting it.

"Then I'll leave it to you. I'll read some books. By the way, there is this." Zheng Yichen nodded, and the head of the evil spirit was also handed over to Dimiya. He didn't have anything else to solve. Yes, he took off the soul hunter ring, and Dimiya took it over.

"The soul power this time is much less than last time."

"That's why you were asked to do those things."

Zheng Yichen waved his hand. It is not what he thought. If possible, he wanted to fill the capacity of the soul hunter ring, but the last world was not the kind of world with spirits. This thing basically Can't play any role.

When it comes to the number of spirits, his own native world still has the upper hand.

"The potion will be delivered to you later by the doll."

"Okay, you won't lose consciousness this time, will you?"

"A little bit."

Zheng Yichen went to the library, and there was a Dimiya doll beside him. To sum it up, it’s just two words...comfortable. When you want to read a book, you can find it directly. When you don’t understand something , these puppets can also answer accurately, and even when Zheng Yichen doesn't need their help, they can get together to chat about some daily life and even get together to play mahjong.

For the rest of the day, Dimia was busy with work. Zheng Yichen thought about it, the main purpose of her work was still related to angels, and the rest accounted for more than half of it?It's mysterious, even though it is like that, but his life here is very chic, he can study hard and relax in various senses after studying.

If this kind of life ignores the things like online games and novels that you want to get in touch with, then the speed of time passes very quickly. On the last day, except for upgrading a level, the most important things on his side are It's already in hand, needless to say about the deal with Chelsea, the outsourcing project is very simple, probably in line with waste utilization... No, it's because of cost reduction, those weapons and equipment are all demon mages made it.

As a result, the painting style is not very serious, and elements such as horns are indispensable. He even saw a style similar to the killing father sword, and the quality of that sword is still one of the best. The remaining ten are ordinary. The typical thing is that the mages are free to play, and the armor is similar, but because they are the mages of the demon race, they all seem a little evil, and they are not serious weapons at first glance.

"Holding this thing won't make people crazy, right?" Zheng Yichen casually picked up the one next to the father's loving son's filial piety sword, which seemed normal... The magic sword, shaking it in his hand, feels good in the hand, cold to the touch, and When holding it, there is a feeling that the skin has become tougher, and the strength has also increased. In the game, it is the attribute of strength + XX, constitution + XX. I haven’t tried the special effects, so I will check the list later.

"The style of the demons is like this. The appearance looks a bit like that, but it is actually similar to normal weapons." Dimiya said, the people on the demons will definitely not choose human aesthetics in terms of material selection, most of them are Dark attribute-biased materials, but the main materials used in making this weapon are those materials of dangerous species, so this weapon is more of a continuation of the characteristics of the dangerous species, and will not confuse the bearer's mind.

At most, it was because of the influence of the main material that the person who was cut suffered additional dark attribute damage.

It has to be said that those materials of dangerous species are indeed fusion explosions. After processing, they can have a deep fusion effect on the main materials of weaponry and equipment. If the activity of those materials is strong enough, they can even affect the main materials in reverse, making them The main material retains the activity and ability characteristics of the dangerous material in another form.

However, the materials brought back by Zheng Yichen are not very qualified, not up to that level. Even so, after really understanding the characteristics of this material beyond estimation, Dimiya has quietly left quite a few. The raw materials are kept, anyway, after making these equipments, there are still a lot of those dangerous materials left, and Zheng Yichen doesn't seem to want to go back, it doesn't matter if she stays instead of letting them rot.

Zheng Yichen picked up the list and looked at it, well, weapons generally have a dark attribute attack bonus, the strength is not high, but it is still very lethal to ordinary people, the dark attribute attack, after being hit, the injured place will be It quickly turns black and necrotic. If it is stronger, it will die even if it is scratched.

Weapon types are mainly swords, and there are not so many weird weapons in this world. Spears, axes, heavy hammers, two-handed swords, and double daggers are considered mainstream weapons. There are no bows and arrows in the list. The main reason is that the material effects of those dangerous types are not suitable. For that type of weapon, the main characteristic of those dangerous species is rough skin, thick flesh and strong resilience. Only the dragon species has more obvious special abilities, which are related to the power of the earth.

This type of ability is suitable for making heavy weapons. Those mages are very accurate in arranging the material attributes of dangerous species, and the armor is similar.

Zheng Yichen didn't know how powerful the Teigu was in that world, but relying on these equipments, he knew it directly enough. If the power was too great, they would definitely not be able to resist looking for him. Was the power weak?Still can't help it, who made this thing a real magic equipment?

"Is this thing still usable after a thousand years?" Zheng Yichen suddenly thought of a question and asked directly.

"One thousand years is a long time, but these weapons are greatly affected by the materials of the dangerous species you mentioned, and the materials have also undergone some changes due to high fusion, um... if they are not damaged and maintained properly, five or six hundred years It’s no problem.” Dimiya gave a general time, such a long time is already a long time for magic equipment, after all, the general magic equipment is stored properly, and the magic power inside is not enough. will slowly drain away.

However, the properties of magic equipment affected by dangerous materials have undergone some changes. The high fusion nature has continued to the equipment. It is the power of the equipment, but the power of the holder itself, such as physical strength and energy, which can be converted into equipment needs.

This kind of ultra-high fusion is simply a unique biological transformation device, which can be inherited from props, this is the most rare.

The time she mentioned is not so much the failure of this special magic item, but rather the fact that the durability of the material has reached the upper limit. There is enough quality assurance for five or six hundred years. After that, it is not that it cannot be used, but that it has been followed The shelf life of snacks is the same, you can eat it if you can eat it, but there is not enough guarantee.

"It can be used as a family heirloom." Zheng Yichen packed these weapons and equipment, which are regarded as goods. He has no interest in these mass products. Half a month ago, he wanted to do a similar magic modification to the Red Lotus Balrog, but the effect of the materials did not match. Give up, that kind of initial weapon will not consider the compatibility, the material is enough to stuff it in, the Red Lotus Balrog is a mature fire attribute weapon, and the compatibility of the material is considered.

Then there is the internal equipment of the genius exorcist girl club, three pieces of pajama-like clothes, magic equipment that combines dangerous materials, and the most important thing is to step on the ground to enhance resilience. Changes are also added according to Zheng Yichen's requirements. The initial shape of the dress-style pajamas is for better wearing. After all, the shape can be changed within the upper limit of the material. The simpler the initial shape, the better.

This was decided by Zheng Yichen who suddenly realized some problems, and took the initiative to 'discuss' with Dimiya, otherwise she was going to make the initial shape of the clothes into the kind of sexy clothes, and the underwear part was directly built into these three sets of clothes , even after adjusting the shape, it can be worn directly as underwear. Although it will be heavier, it is not a problem if the camouflage is high enough.

Zheng Yichen's thoughts?He is interested in beautiful girls, but he doesn't want to make so many bells and whistles in this regard. If he has an idea, just say it directly, and it's too much trouble to hint.

Produced by Dimia herself, the effect is much better than the best equipment of those goods. The main reason is that she has preserved the restorative properties to a high degree. It can also recover by itself, as long as the equipment is not damaged more than half and the wearer can touch the soil.

In order to meet this requirement, high technology is required, and other mages who use the same type of materials do not have such an effect.

In short, the internal equipment of this association fully meets Zheng Yichen's requirements. It has high defense, durable leather, high camouflage, and additional blood recovery speed. Except for ghosts, this is enough for them.

The weapon is a bracelet. In addition to integrating the recovery ability of dangerous species, it also has the aggressiveness that affects the outbreak of the earth. It can be transformed into a variety of weapon forms. Due to the limited quality, it can only be transformed into swords, daggers, and flying knives associated with silk threads. These forms are enough. At the same time, it comes with the magical effect of destroying demons, which is more lethal to spirits. This thing and clothes are a complete set. It will be automatically recovered after leaving a certain range of the holder. It can be matched with clothes for both offense and defense. , which is also a low-level substitute for the soul hunter ring, and comes with a pair of glasses of the same style as Miko Yotsuya and the others.

As for club badges, Dimia has also made a batch, which also have the role of substituting soul hunters. Although they have no direct lethality, they belong to those who cast a wide net. The area will passively collect part of the soul power, even if the amount is not much, it can add up to a lot.

Number of badges?A big box.

Zheng Yichen went through these things one by one, and after making sure there were no problems, he put them all away. After going back this time, he will first meet Yotsuya and the others, and then continue to do his own business. In the end, the things belong to Zheng Yichen, that stinky mouth Zheng Yichen is not interested in knowing what kind of dire experience the driver Evil Spirit has experienced on Dimia's side. What he is waiting for is the finished product made by Dimia.

A key pendant in the shape of a red and black key: "I have also studied this evil spirit carefully. Its ability is to attach to the vehicle, force the vehicle to be modified, and endow the vehicle with extraordinary performance, without using the original matching key. You can drive it, only for cars with wheels."

Zheng Yichen nodded, giving up the idea of ​​stealing the plane.

"What about consumption?"

"It will recover on its own." Dimiya said looking at the key pendant in Zheng Yichen's hand. The driver's evil spirit was made into a magic item by her, but the characteristics of the entire evil spirit were preserved, except for the mouth and brain. They are already made into props, there is no need to keep those brains belonging to evil spirits, or wait for the Lord to eat?

"It can also be upgraded by devouring its own kind."

"...Very good." Zheng Yichen hung the key pendant on his waist. The thing that can be upgraded is self-willed, although the requirement for upgrading this thing is suspected of competing with him for experience points.

He took all these things for granted, and he didn't say anything about Dimiya's materials related to angels. They are all deserved!

"Any angel bullets? No I'm ready to leave."

"Hey, of course there is, hurry up and get stronger and bring me back more good things." Dimiya handed the last box to Zheng Yichen, this time there were more angel bullets, thirty rounds.

"See you next time."

"Don't forget my Paradise Coin~"

After activating the system, the browser was hijacked... What a day!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I... always feel that you guys are hiding it from me." On the school rooftop, where the main character can stay and eat, Ermutang Yulia looked suspiciously at the big breasts and small breasts in front of her. The two wore the same clothes as her They are all school uniforms in this school, and the glasses they wear are also the same style. Although they are flat glasses, they are still good as decorations.

But that's fine, the key is that these two people suddenly got an extra bracelet, one with a left hand and the other with a right hand, just like a couple's style!

" think too much." Yotsuya Miko scratched her cheek slightly, and replied without turning her head, there must be some concealment, and now she and Lily Chuanhua are the backbone of the genius girl club in the true sense The reason is that after Zheng Yichen came back yesterday, he called them for a meeting and did not bring Yulia from Ermutang.

Zheng Yichen brought back the equipment that Zheng Yichen had agreed upon before, and when they saw it, they thought it was pretty cool, three pieces of pajamas, three wristbands, and a box full of badges. Not scary, cute, regiment emblem, this is the equipment he got during his disappearance?

You won't just buy it in any store, right?It's like the last time Zheng Yichen didn't know what to do, and gave them a lot of clothes, but when he asked, he couldn't remember the style of those clothes. Now the three pajamas... It seems a bit suggestive the meaning of?

As a result, after trying it, they knew that they thought less.

When wearing it, Zheng Yichen said very clearly, don’t bring any clothes to change, just vacuum it up, this can also experience the full effect, of course, you can wear it normally if you don’t want to in the future, wear pajamas under the vacuum state, just at home After taking a shower, I just did it. It's normal and there is no pressure. In a boy's house, the two of them are under a little pressure. After wearing it, I feel different immediately!

The moment they put it on, they felt the clothes squirming, and immediately lifted the clothes up in surprise. As a result, there were more underwear built into the clothes, both on the top and bottom, which was amazing!What's even more amazing is yet to come. According to Zheng Yichen's follow-up reminder, the clothes can also change their shape, and pajamas are just the default shape. Although changing the shape will consume their physical strength and energy, it will be fine after changing. .

Needless to say, increasing the speed of physical recovery, this is something that none of them could have imagined two months ago. Is this the power of magic?It's amazing!Of course, Zheng Yichen also requested that the bonus effects of clothes are not allowed to be used during exercise, and the matching bracelets are also different.

There are three types of sword, dagger, and chain knife. The sword is simple, just chop and chop. The dagger is the same as above, and the chain knife is similar, but it is more useful to look at the terrain when used well. Zheng Yichen said that this weapon is a blessing with a serious face. The magical weapon that used the magic-breaking magic is mainly used to deal with non-human beings, but thinking about his daily operations, Yotsuya Miko felt that this was unreliable. Although it is mainly used to deal with non-human beings, it is also useful for dealing with humans, right?

Well, this thing and pajamas are a complete set, and it can be used as an ordinary decoration in daily life, and it will never be used in other places. Then there are badges, a lot of which you can choose at will, still in the words of Zheng Yichen, the current member There are only three, but the possibility of continuing to increase in the future cannot be ruled out. Although this thing is only symbolic, it is at least a proof of identity.

Ermutang Yulia is currently excluded. Zheng Yichen said that if she insists on a month, it will be a month. Before the time, even if the corresponding things are prepared in advance, they will be kept. She persisted, and after that, she sent the two girls who got the new equipment home one by one. When she heard that Zheng Yichen was going to visit Yotsuya Miko's house, she felt a little uncomfortable at the time.

And a little bit of anticipation...

As a result, her expression became a little more paralyzed at the time. Didn't she go to her house to do something shy, but to see the hamster? ?

That's right, it was the hamster that Zheng Yichen stuffed to her younger brother back then!

"This is for you." Baihe Chuanhua put down the bento in his hand, took out a badge from his pocket, and put it in the palm of Ermutang Yulia: "The exclusive badge of the club, it was supposed to be for a while Time for you."

"!!" Ermutang Yulia opened her eyes wide, staring at the light and dark eye badge in the palm of her hand: "I, am I recognized??"

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