The palace, where the atmosphere was becoming more and more dignified, instantly burst into an uproar.

"What? Three breakthrough masters of the universe??"

"This, how is this possible, it shouldn't be like this!"

"Isn't it possible for the human race to break through as advertised? How could it break through three places at once!"

"Those three broke through? Could it be that they are about to break through!"

The masters of the Zerg universe lost their voices.

Even the queen's star-like eyes moved to Xue Linna.

"These three are Red Spear Peak Master and Venerable Xue Yu from the Hongmeng, and Venerable Honglin from the cosmic mercenary alliance of the human race!"

The voice fell.

The memory of the Zerg Queen and the other masters of the universe immediately had the information of these three universe masters. With the powerful soul of the master of the universe, they quickly found out their detailed information.

Among them, Venerable Honglin is the most potential overlord of the universe in the lineage of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance of the human race, and Venerable Xueyu is one of the first batch of ethnic groups to join the Hongmeng. His talent and understanding are not top-notch, but It is also relatively excellent.

The last Red Spear Peak Master is a special life that has been silent for countless epochs. Many masters of the universe think that their potential is completely exhausted and they cannot break through to the master of the universe. host!

After understanding what this meant, there was a deathly silence in the Queen's Palace.

Until a long time ago.

The Zerg Queen spoke slowly, "I need to discuss this matter carefully with the Monster Race, the Machine Race, etc., so as to determine the future of our race!"


Not only the Zerg race, but almost half a day after the human race announced the results of the preaching, the billions of races in the universe, as long as they are well-informed, all know that three universe lords have broken through to the master of the universe this time!

Northern Alliance.

A large number of idle groups and the masters of the universe of powerful groups gathered, all of them looked dignified. Obviously, the result of the human race Zhou Hao's preaching this time was too shocking.

Among them, the Lord of Galaxy, the Lord of Lan Lan, and the Lord of Black Lotus represent the special life group in Northern Xinjiang, the Lan Lan group, and the faction speakers of the six major plant life groups, standing in the first place. As for the Northern Xinjiang Alliance The leader of the Northern Xinjiang leader is not there.

"Everyone, I believe everyone has heard the news from the human race. In this meeting, we will mainly discuss whether to form an alliance with the human race to form a united front!" said the prestigious Lord of the Galaxy , the first to speak.

The master of the universe immediately said, "Xinghe, do we still need to discuss this? In the entire universe, our Northern Border Alliance has the largest number of cosmic venerables and overlords. They were neutral before. Although they won some places to observe, they are all at the level of immortal kings." , and some of the universe venerables who have just broken through, if we choose to form an alliance with the human race, then we will definitely be able to win more places, and even let some powerful universe venerables and cosmic overlords participate!"

"Hmph, even a cosmic overlord with no potential like Chiqiang can break through to the cosmic overlord. I believe that the cosmic overlords and cosmic overlords of our Northern Xinjiang Alliance are more likely to break through!"

"Maybe, it only takes one chance to add five to ten universe masters to our Northern Xinjiang Alliance!"

These words were very provocative, and they also expressed the first thoughts in the hearts of other universe masters when they heard the news.

Therefore, many universe masters secretly nodded in agreement.

Especially the special life group represented by the Lord of the Galaxy and the masters of the universe of the six plant life groups represented by the Lord of the Black Lotus are full of anticipation.

"Hehe, if the masters of the universe can break through at will, how can the human race allow us alien races to break through? Wouldn't it be better for them to break through the masters of the universe themselves? When the number of masters of the universe in the human race exceeds hundreds, then the human race can Easily become the number one ethnic group in the primordial universe!"

"So I think that the breakthrough of the three masters of the universe this time is only an accidental event. Besides, even if it is not an accidental event, think about it, everyone. The rise of the human race is inevitable. If we form an alliance with the human race again , that will definitely intensify this process, and by then, once the human race becomes stronger, it will definitely occupy more fertile territories!"

The other masters of the universe of the Lan Lan group spoke.

"So what, the scope of the original universe is so huge, can the human race still occupy it all?"

"Short-sighted, the human race becomes the overlord, which will definitely compress our living space. By that time, we will even have a problem of reproduction and survival. What about development!"

"As long as I can break through to the strongest in the universe, when the original universe is shattered, I will have a place to live. If I don't form an alliance with the human race, when will I be able to appear the strongest in the universe? Have I been relying on the leader of the northern border?" ?”

Soon the masters of the universe of the three major factions quarreled. The Yanlan group is the strongest group in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance and occupies a vast territory. Naturally, they don't want the human group to be strong, but the six plant life groups and other small special life groups Ethnic groups do not rely on territory, so they dismiss the threat theory of the human race, and they are only willing to improve their own strength.

And quarrels like the Northern Xinjiang Alliance quickly spread to the entire universe and intensified.

Chapter 377 The Proposal of Hongmeng and Zhou Hao, who Are Soaring Rapidly

Xueyu, Honglin, and Chiqiang, the three cosmic lords, the influence caused by the overlord crossing the threshold of the lord of the universe is far beyond the expectations of Zhou Hao and the human race. Simply put, it is equivalent to a super star on an ordinary planet. The nuclear bomb directly and completely detonated in the entire universe.

In less than a month, hundreds of millions of ethnic groups in the universe, even those in remote areas with little information, are discussing whether to join the Hongmeng immediately after hearing the shocking news.

And more idle ethnic groups directly left the original alliance and threw themselves into the arms of the human ethnic group alliance, and even some powerful ethnic groups joined the Hongmeng alliance without hesitation.

Although the threat theory of the human race is becoming more and more popular, it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the idle and weak groups among the hundreds of millions of ethnic groups. After all, for many ethnic groups, having a master of the universe in the ethnic group will bring huge changes to the ethnic group , whether it is the territory or the right to speak in the universe, it will be significantly improved.

Moreover, many ethnic groups believe that even special life forms with exhausted potentials such as Chiqiang can break through the Lord of the Universe, so if some of their ethnic groups' talented venerables and overlords with excellent understanding, if they listen in, they will definitely be able to break through the Lord of the Universe. ?

No one can stay sane before breaking through the chance to become the master of the universe!

So under such circumstances, Hongmeng, which was already expanding rapidly, grew crazily at the speed of blowing up a balloon. Within half a year after the news spread, the number of masters of the universe skyrocketed to nearly [-], becoming a veritable leader of the universe. Alliance of First Forces.

Regarding this, the upper echelons of the human race were all stupefied. They never imagined that just one realistic preaching would increase Hongmeng's overall strength by more than several times, and now, the pressure that the human race is facing because of Zhou Hao's talent , completely dissipated.

In front of the giant crocodile of the Hongmeng, the alliance of the five major ethnic groups such as the monster race and the Zerg can no longer maintain its advantage. Not only that, they also have to worry about the Hongmeng's provocation and starting a war at all times, because the ethnic groups that joined the Hongmeng are very clear. If you want to get a real audition spot, you must have enough contributions, and where the contributions come from, naturally it comes from the war with the alliance of the five major ethnic groups!

This point can be seen from the increase in the number of immortal kings by nearly one million in the frontier battlefield within half a year, and how active the new groups joining the Hongmeng are.


virtual universe.

Inside the Great Ax Temple.

Another change in the situation in the universe, and the rapid growth of the human race alliance, forced the giant axe to hold a giant axe meeting, mainly because the human race is now in a critical period, and this situation, which the human race has never encountered, must be resolved. Caution.

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