Brush brush.

Huangjian, Peng Gong, Qingdong, Xujin, Darkness and other masters of the universe appeared one by one, and the number of stone chairs around the huge round table continued to increase.

Following Zhou Hao's arrival, the masters of the universe who were talking with each other focused their eyes on Zhou Hao, and then greeted him warmly and politely.

"The Lord of Jianhe is here!"

"Zhou Hao!"

Zhou Hao also responded with a smile.


The great ax arrives.

However, the other masters of the universe were surprised when they saw the vacancy of the Chaos City Lord. You must know that the Chaos City Lord has never been absent from such an important meeting, and has never been late.

"Chaos is at the critical point of cultivation, so I will not participate in this meeting!"

After the giant ax finished speaking, the faces of the other universe masters showed joy, and they didn't even participate in this kind of meeting. It was obvious that the chaos city master was about to break through. The newly promoted Honglin master was puzzled at first, and then heard the explanation from the star prison master next to him , Suddenly suddenly, a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

"The purpose of calling everyone here this time is mainly to discuss the future direction of our human group. Now that Chaos is unable to manage affairs due to his cultivation, Xu Jin is temporarily in charge of the big and small matters in the group."

The giant ax looked at Xu Jin.

The Lord of Void Gold nodded, and then continued: "The main planning direction of our human race before was to improve the overall strength of the race as much as possible, seek the cooperation and support of all races in the universe, so as to withstand the pressure of the alliance of the five major races, so all matters are It was built on this basis. But now, the situation has changed, due to the influence of Lord Jianhe’s preaching, the number of Hongmeng universe masters has reached 387, far exceeding the current strength of other superpower alliances!”

"The alliance of the five major ethnic groups no longer has the strength to put pressure on our human ethnic groups at will. At the same time, the scope of activities of the alliance of the five major ethnic groups is also shrinking sharply. I believe that in the next hundred years, the battlefield outside the territory will turn to the territory of the alliance of the five major ethnic groups!"

"Therefore, my plan for the rise of the human race should also advance to the second stage..."

The other masters of the universe, including Zhou Hao, listened patiently.

The growth of the Hongmeng allowed the human race to solve the most pressing pressure, but it also brought new pressure, that is how to maintain the core relationship in the Hongmeng, which is dominated by the human race!

In the original Hongmeng, there were only about forty masters of the universe, and humans dominated it, but now it has skyrocketed to nearly four hundred masters of the universe, and the proportion of the human race has dropped sharply. The nearly four hundred masters of the universe will definitely not be dominated by the human race. Even so, there are many other voices in the Hongmeng.

These voices suggested that Hongmeng re-establish internal resources, clarify the issue of the number of observers, and some even said that if the human race does not give a clear response, then they will turn to join the five major race alliances to put pressure on the human race .

Although these voices are still small and there are not many supporting groups, if the human group does not handle it well, it will always be a hidden danger.

In addition to these, there are still many problems. For example, some idle ethnic groups originally hated each other, but now they are in the Hongmeng, and naturally attack each other, and some form cliques to form factions under the Hongmeng...

In fact, in the final analysis, it is mainly the strength of the human race, which has been unable to keep up with the rapid growth of the Hongmeng, and there is a faint tendency to be unstoppable, especially for the next real preaching and virtual preaching, whether the number of places needs to be expanded, and how to distribute it Wait, it's an immediate problem.

As those voices said, these idle groups can join the Hongmeng to dissipate the pressure faced by the human group, and they can also immediately join the five major group alliances to put the pressure on the human group again.

It can be said that in the face of these problems, even if Chaos City immediately becomes the strongest in the universe, it still exists.

After the Void Metal Lord summed up the crux of the main problem, the other Universe Lords also spoke up one after another, expressing their own worries and solutions.

The meeting lasted for three consecutive days before finally coming to an end.

The giant ax looked at Zhou Hao, "Zhou Hao, you are the core of the rising plan. Do you have any solutions or suggestions for the problems faced by Hongmeng this time?"

The other masters of the universe all looked at Zhou Hao.

"Me?" Zhou Hao was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the giant axe would ask his own suggestion at the end. After all, he has the shortest training time and lacks all kinds of experience, especially when facing the problem of ethnic alliance, but he thought about it and said , "The creators of the giant axe, everyone, when it comes to suggestions, I do have some suggestions."

Darkness, Bingfeng and other masters of the universe couldn't help but cheer up, with interest in their eyes.

Juxue also looked at Zhou Hao with a smile.

"Just now everyone discussed the many problems and some solutions in Hongmeng today. They think that the most important thing in Hongmeng is the number of observers. My human race cannot give a clear solution. This is the source of the problem. I agree with what everyone said. of."

Zhou Hao pondered for a while, and continued: "Although the more audit seats for me, the better, but first of all, we must ensure the advantages of the human race, and we cannot expand the seats too blindly."

Juxue and the other masters of the universe nodded one after another, and at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief. They were really worried that Zhou Hao would continue to expand the number of places for the sake of the preaching effect. Although this would unite the Hongmeng in a short time, it would undoubtedly make the clan The right to speak is gradually weakened.

After all, the purpose of the real preaching was to improve the overall strength of the human race as soon as possible. If the number of Hongmeng observers in the real preaching exceeds that of the human race, it will be no different from the virtual preaching.

Zhou Hao smiled slightly, and said again: "So under the premise that this problem cannot be solved, we can only give some quotas appropriately, and the proportion of the quotas, the Hongmeng and other ethnic groups can only occupy less than [-]%, not only In this way, the proportion of virtual sermons must also be re-controlled.”

"As for the two quotas, how to allocate them more clearly is what everyone discussed the most just now. I think it is the most fair and reasonable to allocate according to the previous contribution."

Hear this.

The Lord of Desolate Mirror couldn't help but said, "Jianhe, we all think that the contribution rate is the most reasonable, but the problem now is that many new ethnic groups in the Hongmeng cannot get more contributions. Withdrew from the battlefield outside the territory, and in the original star, they also kept a low profile as much as possible, unless our human race and the Hongmeng formally start a war with the five major ethnic group alliances, otherwise the contribution of the Hongmeng will be less and less!"

Xujin, Qingdong, Peng Gong, Darkness and other masters of the universe couldn't help but nod. This is the most difficult problem to solve at present. The number of idle groups who have newly joined the Hongmeng is extremely large, and the total number of masters of the universe exceeds two hundred. They knew that the ethnic group came later, and they could not compete with the first to join, so in order to fight for more places, they would inevitably join together, form factions, or form larger alliances.

Therefore, as long as there is some unfairness in the allocation of places among the human races, they will definitely make a fuss about it, and this is exactly what the five major race alliances and other forces want to see.

In fact, before the expansion of the Hongmeng, the human race used the initial Hongmeng vassal races to win over and give places to some stronger races to curb internal disputes, but now this method is not easy to use because there are too many new joiners , the ethnic groups are not stupid, even if the human ethnic group gives more places, they will not really completely fall to the human race.

Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Huang Jian, of course I know this, so I suggest that, regarding contributions, you can use the previous method, and still use treasures to exchange contribution points and quotas. In addition, you can also use the exploration map of the universe sea, etc. Come to exchange, and the contribution amount of the latter proportion can be appropriately increased!"

Just listen.

Juxue and the other masters of the universe immediately understood what Zhou Hao meant. It was nothing more than using the masters of the universe who could not get more contributions from the Hongmeng to expand the exploration map of the universe for the human race.

"If it is purely about the treasure exchange contribution and quota, even if other ethnic groups have objections, it will not be too big, but if the exploration of the universe sea is added, I am afraid that many ethnic groups will object. After all, the universe sea is different from the original universe, and it is dangerous. It's too high, and there are also strong people from the era of reincarnation!"

"Yes, it is estimated that there will be many opponents."

"The cosmic sea is too dangerous. The strength of the universe lords of many idle groups is relatively ordinary. They rarely go to the cosmic sea. Those who dare to go to the cosmic sea are basically the cosmic lords of powerful groups."

Darkness, Bingfeng and others said one after another, they knew that Zhou Hao had never been to the Universe Sea, so these words were also to remind Zhou Hao that this suggestion was not realistic.

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