The attack power is too strong, Qiyana does not have any good defensive stigmata at present, and the level is not high, the blood volume and defense are not very strong, and Qiyana almost seriously injured with one punch.

At this time, the pacifist also closed his mouth, and the noise disappeared, which made Qiyana feel a little puzzled, why didn't he continue playing?As long as the ear-piercing noise is maintained, it shouldn't be a problem to beat yourself.

Could it be that there is still a time limit for that thing?After much deliberation, Qiyana only thought of this one reason, but it was a bit ridiculous, it was just a noise, and it was not a big move that consumed too much, and it was not impossible to persist in releasing it for a long time.

But it stopped making that harsh noise, which was a good thing for Qiyana, at least it gave her time to think calmly.

Now that Qiyana is about to quickly eliminate this weakness, I saw Qiyana looking at the pacifist with a resolute face, with a trace of fierceness in her eyes.

Holding Raiqie in his right hand, he changed direction and held it back, aiming at himself.

If you were a normal person, you would definitely not dare to do it, right?Kiyana laughed at herself.


The sharp Rachel pierced directly into Kiana's small and delicate ear.

"Uh ah ah ah!"

The strong pain came, which made Qiyana couldn't help shouting loudly, but Qiyana held back the pain that almost made her faint, and stirred her right ear vigorously with her right hand, completely scrapping her right ear.

A big hole appeared in Qiyana Yuan's right ear, and blood flowed out continuously.

Qiyana didn't stop either, and quickly switched Raiqie to her left hand, doing the same thing, destroying her left ear as well.

The splashed blood almost dyed Kiyana's entire face red, and the blood seeped into her eyes, dyeing the world in front of Kiyana's eyes a blood-red color.

Qiyana, who experienced the feeling of deafness for the first time, showed a slight evil smile, and wanted to win, if she dared not even pay the price of two ears, then what's the point of fighting?

Although Qiyana's crazy move reduced her blood volume by about 5.00% again, leaving only 40.00% of Si's total blood volume, she finally completely eliminated the influence of that strange noise on her.

Now even if the other party made that harsh noise again, it would have little impact on him.

Qiyana's series of actions were so quick that it took less than five seconds, from making up her mind to executing it, without any hesitation.

Even if they knew that they could still recover, normal people wouldn't make up their minds so easily when they thought of digging out their own ears, right?

But in order to win, Qiyana had to do this, and it could be said that she didn't show any mercy to herself.

"Look how I tear you apart!"

Qiyana held Rachel tightly, although the blood red blood slightly obstructed her vision, but Qiyana was full of confidence at this time.


In an instant, Qiyana narrowed the distance between the pacifist and saw it open its mouth slightly, wanting to repeat its tricks and release harsh noises again.

But this time Qiyana is not afraid at all, let it come, this time my actions are influenced by you again, I recognize you as my father!

The terrifying sonic attack was sent out again, this time Kiyana only felt the slight vibration of the skin on her body, but the noise that gave her a headache did not reach her ears.

Unaffected, Qiyana stabbed into the pacifist's mouth and stirred vigorously. Immediately, the pacifist's sonic attack stopped abruptly, making the sound of circuit damage and explosion.

"Turn me into scrap metal, bastard!"

Kiyana picked it hard, and directly flew the pacifist's head away. The internal wiring was directly broken, and the wire with electric sparks was exposed.

Then Qiyana slashed the pacifist in two unequivocally from the middle.

With a click, the two halves of the pacifist's body fell directly on the ground, unable to move, and parts were scattered all over the ground.

Seeing this, Qiyana also heaved a sigh of relief, and then relaxed her body and mind. Suddenly, the pacifist's body began to sound an alarm.

"There are still ten, nine, eight before the self-explosion..."

Qiyana, who was temporarily deaf, didn't notice at all, but instead sat down on the half of the pacifist's body and patted the new cushion vigorously.

I saw Qiyana laughing wildly triumphantly: "Huh, aren't you awesome? Are you pulling? You also have a sonic attack, pull me again if you have something to do?!"

"three two……"


Chapter 22 Funeral

"It hurts."

Qiyana switched back to the crimson armor, and the attack was close to being scrapped, and Shadow Dance went straight to rest. The only thing that was good was the crimson armor.

The injury suffered by the Strike Armor was not small, the whole body hurt like hell, and Qiyana didn't have the habit of self-torture, so she switched directly.

"Three, two, one!"


Just as Kiyana switched back to the crimson armor, she heard a strange countdown, and the sound seemed to be coming from the pacifist under her ass.

Before Qiyana had time to think, a powerful explosive impact came from below her body, the flames of the explosion soared into the sky, and countless fragments splashed out from the explosion, bombarding Qiyana's body heavily.

Qiyana's blood volume dropped rapidly at a terrifying speed, falling directly below 30.00%.

Wounds began to appear on his body, and his right arm was directly blown off and separated, and blood spurted out from the cut.

The air wave generated by the explosion directly blasted Qiyana out, hit the opposite hill, and then rebounded, her body fell uncontrollably towards the gap between the two hills.

"Cough wow!"

Qiyana spat out a mouthful of blood and almost lost consciousness, but she didn't stop, desperately reaching out to grab something to stop her falling trend.


Qiyana's left and right were tightly clasped on the steep mountain wall, but there was nothing to hold on to, but a layer of hand skin was worn out.

In the end, Qiyana grabbed a small piece of protruding rock wall, and the whole person was hung in midair, and the situation was still not optimistic.

There is no way around that can make Kiyana fall to the ground safely. There is still a height of more than 300 meters from the ground, and there is a raging river running through the entire island. If Kiyana falls, it will be [-]%. fall into the water.

For Kiyana, a devil fruit capable user, this is certain death. Unless someone comes to rescue her, she will probably be washed into the sea by the river.

Those with devil fruit abilities in the water are landlubbers, and if no one saves them, they can only wait to die.

Moreover, the excruciating pain from her hand made Qiyana a little unbearable, because of the scraping, a deep bone-deep gash appeared on Kiyana's only left hand, and Rachel had already fallen down.

But it doesn't matter, after all, Kiyana didn't remove Rachel's equipment, she can sense its position, as long as she switches the armor within 100 meters, it will return to her hand, unlike the two armors given to Sauron.

The problem is how to go on now, one will probably die if it is not done well.

"Hey, anyone? Kasa? Can you hear me? Hello!"

Qiyana yelled desperately, but no one responded to her, and the surroundings were quiet, only the rain kept beating on her body.

In this way, Qiyana persisted for 10 minutes, hanging her whole body with one hand, not to mention that she was still seriously injured, her right arm was broken, and a lot of blood flowed out. Qiyana felt that her body was getting colder and colder, and her eyelids were heavy.

Suddenly, the protruding rock that Qiyana was holding onto was finally overwhelmed and broke.


The bewildered Kiyana fell into the abyss just like this, and fell directly into the water from a height of more than 300 meters, causing a splash of more than seven meters high.

Qiyana only felt that her entire back seemed to hit the concrete floor, her ribs broke suddenly, and blood spurted wildly from her mouth.

Then Qiyana was washed away by the rapid current and drifted all the way down the river. Kiyana completely lost consciousness the moment she fell into the water, her eyes went dark, and she couldn't feel anything.


"Is that guy okay?"

Casa, who had already returned to the small town, looked at the mountain that seemed to have returned to calm. There had been no movement since just now, and Casa didn't know which side had won.

Wait a little longer, if Kiyana wins, she should come back.

But Kasa waited for a long time, but there was still no sign of Kiyana's return, so she couldn't help feeling a little worried. Could it be that Kiyana lost?


Kasa couldn't hold back, and braved the rain to set foot on the road up the mountain again. If Kiana died, he vowed to kill the guy who made the pacifist.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for a pacifist to target himself, a Tianlong person, who is manipulating that pacifist?

Kasa ran wildly while guessing the identity of the person who was manipulating the pacifist behind the scenes.


In a small dark room, a white-haired old man was bent over, holding a screwdriver in front of the table and fixing parts for a spherical metal object.

The light in the room was very dark, and beside the table, an undeveloped pacifist was standing quietly, with a wooden ladder next to it.

The 60-year-old man, who seemed to be about more than [-] years old, put down the screwdriver tremblingly, and then smiled with satisfaction as he looked at his work.

Then the white-haired old man picked up the spherical metal object, carried it with great difficulty to the wooden ladder and climbed up, and then put the spherical object on the neck of the pacifist.

So far, this pacifist has finally succeeded, and the automatic connection parts save a lot of effort.

The white-haired old man slowly stepped back from the wooden ladder, then moved the wooden ladder to the side and placed it on the wall.

"PZ series, Destroyer, number 24, it's finally done, oops, I'm really tired."

The white-haired old man smiled gratifiedly, then returned to the chair beside the table and sat down, looking at his work with admiring eyes, it was simply beautiful.

Picking up the tea on the table and taking a sip, the white-haired old man turned his attention to other things.

"By the way, let's see if the No.13 weapon test is successful."

The old man turned on the crude signal receiver on one side of the table. In order not to be disturbed when he was seriously researching and developing, he usually turned off the receiver.

But what surprised him was that the signal light representing PZNO.13 was actually in red.

broken?Something went wrong?how is this possible?The white-haired old man was stunned for a while.

"Number 24, go and have a look!"

No. 24, who had been standing very quietly, suddenly moved. The black metal texture all over his body seemed very heavy, and he could feel a slight shaking when he walked on the ground.

The large artificial man called the destroyer called the white-haired old man slowly came to the exit of the room, and the white-haired old man pressed a button on the signal receiver.

The steel gates blocking the saboteurs slowly receded to both sides, and were inserted into the wall.

Only then did the destroyer go out, watching its leaving back, the white-haired old man turned around and picked up a pair of glasses on the table to put them on. There were several small buttons on the frame of the glasses that would be ignored if you didn't look carefully.

The white-haired old man reached out and pressed a few times on the glasses, and quickly adjusted to the vandal's PZ24 perspective.

Then he began to control it remotely, and the white-haired old man couldn't help but secretly wondered, obviously he just asked NO.13 to go out to test the weapon, why did it break down?

Although it is raining outside now, the destroyer he created will not malfunction because of this little rain. Could it be that someone came to destroy it?

Thinking of this, several figures floated in the mind of the white-haired old man, and he couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

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