"Aren't those little guys dead yet? Tch, I don't know where they are hiding. They always come to sabotage my good things. Sooner or later, you will be caught."

After all, the white-haired old man began to seriously control the Saboteur 24 remotely. He was holding a joystick in his hand, and there were dozens of buttons on the side, but there was no lettering on it, and they all looked the same. Only the old man I know what function that button represents.

The mountain wall on the opposite side of the hill where Kiyana and the Destroyer fought just now suddenly opened, revealing a long passage. Destroyer No. 24 stepped out of it, and saw the tragedy on the other side of the suspension bridge at a glance.

Seeing this scene, the white-haired old man couldn't help being shocked. He didn't expect such a fierce battle to happen. Even the mountain road was blown out of a huge pothole with a diameter of more than ten meters.

He hurriedly steered No. 24 across the suspension bridge to the battlefield. Seeing the wreckage of No. 13 after it blew up, the white-haired old man was shocked. He thought No. 13 was just a simple malfunction, but he was forced to blew himself up. .

"...What the hell is going on here? It's impossible for those little brats to force NO.13 to self-destruct, right? Could it be that there are outsiders?"

The white-haired old man manipulated No. 24 to search the surroundings, wanting to see the person who fought No. 13, but he couldn't find it. He didn't even see Mao, let alone the corpse, except for No. 13. Nothing but wreckage.

"There is no body, is it still not dead? Or did it fall?"

Looking at the gap between the two mountains, the white-haired old man guessed the possibility. If he fell from here, he would be 100% dead. No one would die if he fell from such a height, unless the other party Not ordinary people.

"Hmph, are you an outsider? Don't even think about going out once you're here, just stay on this island for me."

The white-haired old man said fiercely that he was very angry at the loss of a saboteur. You must know that the cost of materials needed to build one is a lot.

I have exhausted everything, and only 24 units have been produced so far, ten of which have serious defects and cannot be used at all.

Losing one now like this really made him extremely angry.

"Hmph, I came to you after I recovered NO.13, and you dared to destroy my favorite work..."

The white-haired old man thought about it, and then manipulated No. 24 to take back the wreckage of the scrapped No.13. Although it blew itself up, maybe some parts can still be used.

I don't have much money, so I have to use what I can, otherwise how can I defeat that man?


Kasa, who was peeking silently in the dark, had cold eyes, did Qiyana lose?Very good, since you killed the woman I was looking for, then you can go and bury her with her.


Chapter 23

Casa tried his best not to make any noise. He also saw it just now. It seems that something like a pacifist came out of the opposite mountain. Now that passage is still open, and the deep and long passage is just one glance away. Can't see to the end, and Casa doesn't know what's going on there.


Kasa wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he remembered that he had already smoked his cigarette, so he could only give up, waiting for the big guy to complete the action of collecting the wreckage.

Although he just arrived, he didn't find any sign of Qiyana. It's not clear whether Kasa is dead or alive. Is it possible that she was arrested?

If this is the case, it is necessary to sneak in, Kasa thought to himself looking at the abrupt hole on the opposite mountain wall.

The phone bug was on Kiyana's body, and Kasa couldn't contact Butov. After thinking about it, he seemed to be unable to do anything now.

How to sneak in?Kasa thought about the method of sneaking in, staring at the saboteur in front of him, and immediately had a very dangerous idea.

"I don't know if it will work, but I can only try."

Kasa muttered softly, and at the same time his body moved. I saw Kasa thinking about his footsteps, trying to soften the sound of his footsteps, and slowly walking towards the destroyer who was cleaning up the wreckage on the ground.

Soon Kasa came behind the saboteur, but the other party didn't seem to notice him.

Kasa tried to poke the opponent, but there was no response. Well, it is metal after all, and it is impossible for someone to react so sensitively.

Now Casa was relieved, boldly climbed to the back of the destroyer and got into the black cloth, everything went very smoothly, and then he waited for this big guy to bring him in.

(PS: Don't complain about why it's so easy to get close. The plot requires that Nami and the others can still run back and forth in the bedroom of the four emperors without being discovered.)

Soon the saboteurs collected the wreckage, walked back with a lot of things in their hands, crossed the suspension bridge back to the mountain here, and then entered the passage.

When the saboteurs entered, the passage was also closed, and the rock walls on both sides closed towards the middle. The whole process took less than ten seconds. As long as you don't check carefully, you can hardly find any abnormalities here.



Kiyana opened her eyes slightly, and what she saw was darkness, with the sound of running water around her.

Am I not dead?Qiyana was lying flat, her mind was a little unconscious, and she couldn't react for a while, remembering that she seemed to have fallen from the mountain and then fell into the water.

Because the light was too dark, Qiyana couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly, but she could feel that she seemed to be lying on a thick quilt, which was very warm.

The broken right arm injury seemed to have been treated urgently, and there was no more bleeding, and a thick bandage was wrapped around the right arm indiscriminately.

Someone save me?Who is it?

Looking at the surrounding environment, Qiyana thought that because the injury was a bit serious, it would be excruciatingly painful to move, so Qiyana could only turn her eyeballs to look at the surrounding environment.

Although Qiyana can now switch to other armors to avoid her own injuries, the Shadow Dance armor of the same Mei series has entered a state of rest, and the damage from the assault is worse than now, and the scarlet is the least injured.

Of course, Qiyana can also switch to other armors, but in that case it will change her appearance. Qiyana doesn't want to reveal this. hidden.

In this way, Qiyana looked at the surrounding environment. She seemed to be in a cave now, with the sound of running water beside it, and it was very close, which sounded like she was by the river.

The light was very dim, and the entrance of the cave was a little far away, so Qiyana could only see a faint light coming from her position.

The whole cave is not very big, only one-third of the width of a basketball court, about three meters high, but the length of the cave is quite long, from Kiana to the entrance of the cave should be more than 200 meters .

Qiyana just lay on the quilt, listening to the sound of running water, she didn't know how long time had passed, how many hours had she been unconscious?

Judging from the state of the injury that has not recovered, it should be less than a day. After all, at four o'clock in the morning, all armor status will be reset and the injury will recover.

But this is not certain, if you soak yourself in water at four o'clock in the morning, the ability will not activate.

Qiyana has tried this before, when she was still on the island in the West Sea, at that time she only had Yusanjia, Crimson White Training and Chariot Armor.

Both Bai Lian and Chariot have entered a resting state, and only Crimson still has 50.00% HP. Now that I think about it, it was really dangerous at that time, the real last life.

At that time, Qiyana didn't have shadow dance armor, so she didn't have a clone to warn at night, and she was surrounded by a group of wild beasts unknowingly. In the panic, Bai Lian was directly attacked and killed, and the tank was no exception. It was still relying on the crimson armor to completely kill the group of beasts.

In order to clean the blood and wounds on her body, Kiyana went to the river on the island to wash her body. It was at that time that Kiyana discovered that the state of all the Valkyries would be reset at four o'clock in the morning.

And the armor used at that time would not be reset if it was soaked in water for four o'clock in the morning.

At that time, Qiyana did not use Bailian and the chariot, and only the crimson armor was in contact with the water, so at four o'clock, the Bailian and the chariot armor in the background had been reset, and only the crimson armor remained the same.

So now that my injury has not recovered, it does not necessarily mean that the state has not been reset. It is possible that I was still soaked in the water before.

But the best way to confirm the time is to take out your phone and check it.

Kiyana slowly moved her left hand, which was wrapped with a thick bandage. Even moving it made her heart-piercingly painful, but Kiyana didn't dare to switch to other armors. Know if anyone is watching you secretly?

With great difficulty, Qiyana pulled out the phone clamped to her chest with her injured hand, and then checked the time on the screen.

It's seven o'clock in the morning?Kiyana remembered that it was already ten o'clock when she came to the island, which meant that it had already been a day?

After I fell from the mountain yesterday, I was still soaked in the water until just now?How long have I been soaking in water?

Qiyana couldn't help but want to complain, but she was lucky that she didn't drown, but Qiyana couldn't figure out why she didn't drown after staying in the water for so long.

Could it be that he was washed to the shore and half of his body was still in the water?If so, it can be explained.

Just as Kiyana was thinking wildly, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the entrance of the cave, and after hearing that, Kiyana also looked there.

I saw two figures, one big and one small, walking towards me, they looked like women.

Seeing this, Qiyana couldn't help but feel relieved. The other party was a woman, so Qiyana was relieved. She was just worried that someone would take advantage of her when she was unconscious. After all, the appearance of this body is too amazing.

If the other party is a woman, there should be no need to worry about this.

Soon, the two came to a place not far from Qiyana, and with the help of the faint light coming from the entrance of the cave, Qiyana finally saw each other clearly.

Among them, the taller woman has long blue hair that reaches to her waist. She simply combs her hair into a single ponytail and has bangs on her forehead. She looks a little cute.

The height of about 1.6 meters five is slightly shorter than Qiyana's current body. In terms of age, Kiyana is probably about the same as herself, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

And next to the blue-haired girl is a girl about 12 years old, 1.4 meters tall, flaxen curly hair with personality, and a few freckles on her face, but this still can't conceal her cute features.

"Huh? Big sister, are you awake?"

Lori with flaxen curly hair ran over and sat beside Kiyana when she saw Qiyana's eyes open.

"How are you feeling, big sister? Are you thirsty? I brought fresh water back."

Little Loli opened the lid of a small kettle in her hand, and handed it to Qiyana.


Kiyana nodded to thank the other party, then reached out to take a sip, then handed it back.

"Did you save me? Thank you very much."

Qiyana thanked them very solemnly. Fortunately, she met them, otherwise she would have died.


Facing Qiyana's thank you, the blue-haired girl didn't react at all, she just sat aside, closed her eyes and rested her mind, not intending to talk to Qiyana.


Unexpectedly, Qiyana, who had such a cold attitude, was a little embarrassed, but the little loli said very enthusiastically: "Big sister, my name is Lila, and the blue-haired sister over there is called Mia, what's your name?"

"Me? Er... My name is Kiyana."

After thinking about it, Kiyana still told the other party her name.

"Then can I call you sister Kiyana?"

Lyra asked with a smile.

"Okay, by the way, what happened on your island?"

After introducing herself, Qiyana also got straight to the point, why are there so many corpses on the island?Kiyana was curious to know what caused this.


Lila, who was still a little happy, dimmed in an instant, and Qiyana knew that she might have touched the other party's sadness.

"Sorry, forget what you don't want to say."

Kiana touched Laila's head and said, people always have a lot of things they don't want to recall.

"Sister Kiyana, when did you come? Is the boat still there?"

Lila changed the subject and started asking about Kiana instead.


Chapter 24 Causes

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