The next morning, Qiyana got up early, and after the state was reset at four o'clock in the morning, her body had already returned to its best state, and she was extremely energetic at the moment.


Kiyana stretched her hands upwards and yawned. The 90 million [-] million Baileys that Cook exchanged for, Kiyana didn't plan to use them, but directly saved them. At present, her money is not enough to withdraw Qiyana didn't bother to change the supplies that were drawn ten times in a row.

And she still needs a certain amount of cash. Today is the day she is leaving, and the practice of domineering has come to an end. It can be said that although Qiyana's current level is the same as half a month ago, her combat power is still Raised several notches.

If at this time, Qiyana uses the Zhenyan Xinghun Trial Card to fight Kuzan again, Kiyana is sure that the loser will definitely be Kuzan, and she will never repeat the same mistake.

"Hmph, damned guy, if you dare to play tricks on me next time, let's see how I deal with you.

Kiyana muttered in a low voice, losing to Kuzan last time made Kiyana very depressed, all because she didn't know how to be domineering.

Kiyana came to the washbasin on the side, poured hot water into it, and began to wash.

The sound of Cook preparing breakfast can already be heard in the kitchen upstairs, it seems that he got up very early.

After Kiyana washed, she opened the door and came to the deck outside. The morning sun shone on Kiyana's body, and it wasn't very hot. The sea breeze caressed Kiyana's black hair, and she felt a little comfortable. .

"Oh? Kiyana, you're awake, waiting for a while, you can eat right away.

Cook in the kitchen heard the movement and came out of the kitchen with a pot.

"Thanks a lot!"

Kiyana nodded, then came to the next room and knocked on the door.

"Master, are you up? Have breakfast."

Aisha's voice came from inside, and then there was a movement. Kiyana didn't care about it when she saw it, but walked up the escalator next to it and sat down in the kitchen on the second floor.

Looking at the back of Cook who was preparing breakfast, he took out his mobile phone and checked the small map.

Today I will bid farewell to Cook and set off to look for Sami. After half a month of practice, the results still make Qiyana very satisfied. Armed and knowledge-colored arrogance have been cultivated to the point where they can be used in actual combat. s level.

Now the color of the red dot representing Sami on the small map has changed from when I saw it for the first time, the color has become much lighter, it is no longer blood red, and now it looks like it is very dark pink-like.

Qiyana is obviously very satisfied with such progress. It seems that as long as she uses a trial card, she may be able to beat the opponent.

Besta also told Kiyana that she will help her in the battle. Although Besta cannot directly attack Sami, it is also possible to get rid of Sami in a disguised form by strengthening Kiyana. Anyway, it is not her Direct hands, Besta is not afraid of being punished.

And Besta also gave "Kiana a white sphere prop the size of a basketball. I heard that this thing can completely kill Sami's soul.

Make him unable to reincarnate again.

That guy Sami is amazing to make Besta come up with such vicious props, and Kiana doesn't know how much Sami is hated, and Besta's determination to eradicate him is so firm.

But Kiyana doesn't plan to care so much, Sami is a ruthless person who has been reincarnated in hundreds of worlds, and the protagonists of each world have died in his hands. This time he has his eyes on Lu Fei, Qi Yana couldn't sit idly by.

In addition, the goal of the main task of Dragon Ball has also become Sami's head, and Qiyana can't do it if she doesn't want to.

Kiyana looked at the red dot representing Sami on the small map. At this time, his position was on the sea three islands away from Kiyana

Compared with the last time I looked at the mini-map, the distance between him and himself has been shortened a lot. It may take only three days to reach the distance, which saves Qiyana from going to me. Are you here?

After looking at the small map for a while, Kiyana also put her phone back into the material space. At this time, Aisha also came to the kitchen. After saying hello to Aisha, Kiyana was ready to eat.

Cook brought breakfast to the dining table, and the three of them sat - - eating together.

"Kiana, are you leaving today?"

Cook asked while drinking porridge, and Qiyana nodded and replied: "Well, I'm in a hurry now, and I can't stay for long, otherwise I want to send Master back to Seth Island.

"It's okay, I'll take grandma back, since you have something urgent." S Ye

Cook said quickly.

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"Then trouble you.

"What's the trouble, it's only natural for me to send grandma back.

After breakfast, Kiana and Cook packed Aisha's luggage together and packed them to Cook's boat.

After working for a long time, Qiyana returned to her boat, collected the anchors, and was ready to sail.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and a few seagulls were flying on the blue water.

Cook and Aisha waved goodbye to Kiyana standing at the bow, and Kiyana also waved in response.

"Cook, thank you very much this time, for helping me in exchange for a reward.

"It's nothing, we are a cooperative relationship.

"Well, thank you anyway.

Kiyana smiled, and then shifted her gaze to Aisha next to Cook.

"By the way, master, didn't I say last night that I would send you a teacher apprentice ceremony?"

"Forget it, I don't need those things.

Aisha shook her head slowly, but Kiyana responded with a smile: "This is not acceptable, this is the etiquette in our hometown, I hope you like this apprenticeship ceremony." After finishing speaking, Kiyana turned around and directed the clone Putting down the sails, and the sea breeze blowing, Kiyana's ship moved away from the coast and moved into the distance.

Cook looked at Qiyana who was going away, and couldn't help but wonder, eh? What about the teacher's apprentice ceremony? Why did she leave?

Aisha was also a little puzzled, but immediately, a familiar voice sounded in her mind.

The voice was a little choked, as if crying. Although the voice was a little old, Aisha still recognized it, and looked around quickly, looking for the person who spoke. Notes from 0P SE

But she didn't see each other. Seeing Aisha's strange behavior, Cook couldn't help asking: "Grandma, what's wrong with you?"

"Did you hear someone talking just now?

"Talk? No, no one talks.

Aisha was slightly stunned, could it be that she had an auditory hallucination, but the voice was so real, as if it was right next to her ear

"Aisha, it's me, Nino.'

Just when Aisha thought it was because she missed the other party too much and had an illusion, the voice sounded again.

Aisha's eyes widened slightly, tears fell from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably, and her body trembled slightly due to excitement.

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"Is that really you? Am I dreaming?"

"No, it's unbelievable, but it's really me.


Aisha suddenly lost control of her emotions, knelt down on the spot, and began to cry loudly. At this moment, her wish for many years finally came true.

On the other side, Qiyana, who was already lying on the beach chair with a book and reading, was smiling slightly. As an apprentice, there was only so much she could do.

Suddenly, Besta's voice sounded in her mind.

"Really, I was asked to find a person who died for 50 years. Do you know how much work is involved? I checked the records for several days, and my dark circles came out.

"Thank you, my lord."

"It's just hard work? You have to get rid of Sami according to the agreement, otherwise you won't be able to change back for the rest of your life."

OK, I see. "

Kiyana seemed to be troublesome, turned over, turned her back to the sky, closed her eyes and began to sleep. Seeing this, Besta didn't bother to talk anymore. She stayed up all night looking for information for several days. She was already too sleepy. Cut off the connection with Pirate World, lying on the bed and falling into a deep sleep

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"I'm sorry, Aisha, obviously I said I would come back, I

Aisha knelt on the ground, letting the tears slide down her cheeks. She never dreamed that there would be a day when she could hear his voice again-

Pan Cook looked at the grandma who suddenly knelt on the ground and cried, and was a little confused. Why did he cry all of a sudden?

"Grandma you

"Cook, let me-personally be quiet and leave me alone.


Although he was puzzled, Cook left the bow and went back to his room. Although he was a little worried about his grandma, he should wait for her to calm down before asking.

After Cook left, Aisha slowly said: "-It's great to hear your voice again, I miss you so much.

"Me too, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I can't come back to you now, only in this way

It's okay, it's enough, it's enough.

Aisha's voice was a little choked. For her, as long as she could hear his voice again, it was enough, and she didn't dare to ask for more.

At this time, she finally understood the meaning of the apprenticeship ceremony that Qiyana said before leaving, and she finally couldn't help crying loudly as she looked at the ship that was gradually going away in the distance with her red eyes.

The long-cherished wish of her life was finally fulfilled, and in such an unexpected way, Aisha couldn't help but sigh.

Kiyana, thank you for letting me hear his voice again, thank you very much, this gift - I love it, thank you.

On Seth Island, the sea breeze blew gently, bringing up a piece of snow-white dandelion fluff, which fluttered in the air and flew towards the distance. The beautiful scenery made passers-by stop and watch.

(PS: NO.15 guarantee.


Volume VI

Chapter 1 Bigs coming to Judicial Isle

Judiciary Island, the island that never sleeps, is an island without night, surrounded by ocean currents and waterfalls. It is clearly in the middle of the sea, but a waterfall appears miraculously, and the water level drops towards the sea level.

It's like a small hole opened in the sea, and the sea falls down, so deep that you can't see what's underneath, and the water vapor from the sea waterfall obstructs your sight.Son, this is the island of Judicial Island, opposite to the island is the World Government Office Building, the Tower of Judiciary.

In the distance, the huge Gate of Justice soared into the sky, and the top could not be seen. Even the giants seemed so small in front of it.

Once through this gate of justice, what awaits the prisoner is endless darkness and despair. No one has ever come out alive after passing through this huge gate of justice before.

Behind the Gate of Justice is a strange ocean current. Following this ocean current, the speed of the ship has increased by more than a hundred times, and there are only two destinations that can be reached. One is the Admiralty, and the other is the deep sea prison and the city.

At this time, at the gate of the former island of Judiciary Island, a brigade of naval soldiers and world government officials in suits gathered together, all of them with serious expressions, ready to fight.

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