A man with short purple hair stood in front of the crowd, with a leather mask covering his head, completely covering the right half of his face, and the dark circles under his eyes on the bridge of his dark nose were extremely conspicuous.

Yuan Chu, two government officials in black suits looked at the man with short purple hair and whispered: "Mr. Spandam seems a little excited.

"I heard that a big person is coming, but I don't know.

In the distance, Spandam seemed to have heard the words of his subordinates, although he couldn't hear what was said clearly, he also turned his head with a black face and reprimanded loudly: "Shut up, be careful, don't talk!


The two government officials immediately stood up straight and did not dare to speak anymore. After all, the other party was the chief of the CP9 organization and the boss of these officials.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Spandam also turned his head, looking at the track on the sea in the distance, with a faint smile on his face.

It's coming, the opportunity is coming, I never expected that God would give me a chance to receive such an important person, this time I must entertain the other party well, if I am happy to serve the other party, I will definitely be promoted. .

At that time, my power will undoubtedly be even greater, so I must not mess up this time.Woo

A long beep sounded, and a sea train in the distance was heading towards Judiciary Island. Gray steam came out of the chimney and was blown away by the sea breeze.

Here they come.

Spandam cheered up instantly, turned around and shouted to the five hundred navy soldiers behind him: "Come on, everyone, pay attention to vigilance, I don't want any accidents to happen, you know?


Five hundred naval soldiers responded in unison, and all of them stood up straight, with long guns in their hands. Seeing this, Spandam nodded in satisfaction, very good, just keep it like this.

In fact, even Spandam felt that he was making a big deal out of a molehill, and actually sent [-] naval soldiers to greet him. You have to know where this place is? This is Judiciary Island, the site of the world government, where would anyone come to make trouble?

It's a bit too much for me to be so careful, but the other party is really worth it. Presumably the other party will be very happy to see Zi 2 greet them with such a battle.

The sea train came along the track, and when it was about to reach the former island of Judiciary Island, it also started to slow down. The speed became slower and slower. It passed through the gate of the iron fence around Judiciary Island, and finally came to the main entrance and stopped. .

Spandam walked quickly towards the stopped sea train, and greeted the person with a smile on his face.

The train door opened slowly, and a government official stepped out, put down the pedal, and then hurried down, bent over to face the door and respectfully greeted the person facing him. 0) QEZ;

Spandam was also standing underneath, clasping his hands together and rubbing his hands, looking into the car door.

I saw a strong man with watermelon hair come out of it, with a dagger with a pattern of blood-colored cherry blossoms on his waist in his right hand, walked out along the pedals, looked around, and only went in after confirming that it was safe. The person said: "Lord Kasa, it's safe, please come out."

Then, a handsome blond guy walked out of the train door. He wore a light blue suit shirt with black pants, and his polished leather shoes slowly stepped on the pedals, stepping down step by step.

And behind him, an obese woman also walked out, her foot stepped on the pedal, and the pedal bent slightly as if it couldn't bear her weight.

"Wait for me, brother."

The cymbal woman quickly walked down to Kasa's side, and then - hugged Kasa's left arm, smiling foolishly.

A look of boredom flashed in Casa's eyes, but he didn't say anything. After all, she was his sister. Then he took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth, intending to light it, but his lighter was pressed repeatedly. After a few clicks, there was only a clicking sound, but no flame came out.

Seeing this, Spandam quickly took out the lighter from his pocket and walked forward, ignited it, and prepared to light a cigarette for Kasa. He had heard that Kasa liked to smoke, so he specially prepared a lighter. It's great to use it.

Spandam couldn't help laughing secretly at his own foresight.

Kasa looked at Spandam who suddenly approached and asked suspiciously.

"My lord Kasa San, I am the chief of CP9, Spandam."

Spandam quickly reported his identity and showed a flattering smile. At the same time, he was under a lot of pressure. After all, the other party was a Tianlongren. According to rumors, Tianlongren are not easy to serve. Maybe the idea will go to waste.

"So it's the chief of CP9? You don't need to add the suffix of holy when addressing me, I don't like it.

- Mu Xiaowan

Spandam nodded, then protected the fire with one hand, and brought it to Kasa to light the cigarette in his mouth.

Kasa slowly exhaled a puff of white smoke, and then looked in the direction she came from, showing some regret. It was a pity that she couldn't be caught, and she had been out for a long time this time.

-Besides, Joanna naturally noticed Kasa's expression, and her expression couldn't help but feel sad. It's this expression again. Could it be that her brother is still thinking about that?

Is it about that woman?

The nasty guy completely took away all the attention of her brother. In the past two months, Casa has treated herself more coldly than before, and Joanna can feel this.

You'd better not fall into my hands, Qi Yaxiang, or I will definitely tear you to pieces, Joanna thought viciously, the strong jealousy distorted her face, making her look even uglier.

"Lord Kasa, I have worked hard all the way, I have prepared a first-class room and rich food for you, and I will clean up the dust for you, please come with me.

Spandam put away the lighter, then bent down and said very respectfully.

"Lead the way.

Afterwards, Spandam led the way for Kasa and Kasa, while Pombatov followed behind them all the time, keeping his eyes on the surroundings, ready to draw his sword to protect Kasa at any time, but this is Judiciary Island. He was already more relaxed than usual.


Kasa walked all the way, and noticed the huge Gate of Justice in the distance. No matter how many times he looked at it, the shock that the Gate of Justice brought to him was so strong.

This time I came to Judiciary Island, mainly to use the special current in the Gate of Justice to return to the Admiralty, and then return to the holy land of Mary Gioia. Using the Gate of Justice, the sailing speed is very fast. o small job

It has been more than four months since he left Mary Gioia, and if it wasn't for his father's urging, Kasa would not have wanted to go back so early, especially since he hadn't caught Qiyana yet.

It's the first time he wants a woman so much, like an addictive poppy, and now his mind is full of her

After her last battle with Kuzan, Kasa heard that Kuzan went back and lay in bed for a week. Kasa was a little surprised by Kiyana's hidden strength. It seems that it is not so easy to catch her Woolen cloth.

Moreover, since the last time, Kasa has not received any news about Qiyana, and does not know where she is now. Kasa has been searching for it for a month but has not received any news.

At this time, the father summoned Zi 2 to go back again, and Kasa had no choice but to go back first--then talk about it later.

Spandam, who was leading the way, was also very happy at this time. His subordinates called just now, and the bug came to report that Nicole Robin, the orphan who had captured O'Hara, and Franky, who had the design blueprint of the ancient weapon Pluto, At this time, they are taking the sea train to Judiciary Island.

Nicole Robin, who can decipher ancient characters, is the key figure in the resurrection of the ancient weapon Pluto. With this great contribution, he has been promoted, and Tianlongren is here at this time, which is really great.

Wouldn't it be great if Tianlong people could see their ability to do things and promote themselves, not to mention CP9, I'm afraid I will be the chief of CPO by then?

Spandam fell into anticipation of the bright future, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised, he was laughing wildly in his heart, and even laughed out loud, then he quickly controlled his expression, if he laughed out loud in front of the Tianlong people, That would be so rude.

Especially Joanna next to Casa, if she laughed out loud, what if she misunderstood that she was laughing at her appearance? Although her appearance is indeed a bit funny, what is the matter with the deformed facial features? Puff haha.

... Tsk, why do you feel that this guy is so annoying?"

Joanna frowned and muttered to herself, wondering why Spandam's sight made her uncomfortable.

(PS: The addition of NO.15.)


Chapter 2 Pretending to fail

The sea breeze blows slowly at night, and a pirate ship is shaking up and down with the undulating sea water.

"What's going on? The weather is a bit weird tonight."

"It's the god of water, Akula Ragna, I told you a long time ago not to set sail, but you didn't listen, is it okay now?"

"What to do? Boss.

-The crew members panicked. The name of the Gods of Water is not a bluff. If the super tsunami is shot directly, it is possible for the pirate ship to fall apart.

"Cut, don't panic, I haven't seen any scenes of Silver Fox Foxy, hold on!"


-All the younger brothers looked at their captain with admiration, a small pirate with a split head and a red pointed nose.

However, although Foxy looked calm on the surface, he was actually terribly scared in his heart. They should be regarded as above the safe sea, so they should be fine, right?

Although the wind was a bit strong and the rain made people's vision a little blurred, the boat should not capsize.

"Boss, there seems to be a person on the sea."

At this time, a crew member pointed to the distant sea and shouted in surprise, everyone immediately looked in the direction he pointed, and indeed saw a person.

I saw that person walking on the surface of the sea, strolling leisurely, very leisurely, no matter how turbulent the surrounding sea water was, no matter how big the waves were, he did not show any panic at all.

"Eh? What's the matter with that person? He can actually walk on water.

.Really, why?"

Foxy also ran to the side and looked over there. It was the first time he saw someone who could walk on water, and he had seen people who could fly.

But how is it possible to walk on water?

Could it be a Devil Fruit user? Foxy secretly guessed that the other party seemed to have noticed their ship at this time, turned around and walked towards them.

"Ugh, here he comes, boss, what shall we do?"

Foxy thought about it, but didn't answer. It's not clear what ability this person has, but he can walk in the sea without showing a flustered look, so he must be confident that he won't fall into the sea. or Mu Xiaokeng

I feel that it is a talent. If it can be included in the pirate group, it may come in handy when it comes to the DavyBackFight challenge in the future.

The so-called DavyBockFight is actually a game among pirates. It was circulated in a certain Pirate Paradise a long time ago. In order to get the best crew from others, pirates compete with each other for their fellow pirates. People's Congress fights", the loser must swear to the winner for the rest of his life.

If there is no satisfactory crew member, the pirate flag, which is regarded as the life of the ship, can also be taken away. This is a cruel comparison that bets on the companionship and dignity.

At the same time, DavyBackFight also has three major contracts. The first one is that what is lost in DavyBackFight must be won back with DavyBackFight.

The second rule is that the loser's crew selected by the winner must immediately swear allegiance to the enemy captain.

Third, the flag taken from the losers is never hoisted again.

Especially the third one, Foxy looked at the Pirate Flag hanging next to it, tears could not help falling down, what kind of Pirate Flag is this painting? Straw Hat Boy, you bastard.

After losing to the Straw Hat Pirates, their flag of the Foxy Pirates was taken away and could no longer be used, so Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, used his soul painter to draw a new set for them. Pirate Flag, it's just this pirate -- Foxy wiped his tears with his hand. =

One day the flag is going to be won back, damn it.

Just when Foxy was lost in memory, the man with short black hair walking on the sea water in the distance finally came to their boat

The powerful force even blasted the sea surface into big splashes, and he also jumped onto the deck of the Foxy pirate ship.

"This pirate ship is really big, and I'm tired from walking, can you let me rest for a while?"

The black-haired man looked around at the pirates who were nervously looking at him and said.

"who are you?"

-A pirate pointed a gun at the other party and asked, the black-haired man showed a faint smile.

"Me? My name is Sammy."

Sammy? I haven’t heard of the name, but it seems that his skills are extraordinary. He can jump onto their boat on the sea water without helping the bag. It has a height of +[-] meters.

Can normal people jump so high? No, normal people can't walk on sea water, right?

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