Granny Ke Keluo popularized the knowledge for Sanji and others.

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Robin stood - watching - the happy companions as before, and the feeling of fear in his heart faded a lot. As long as they are there, he has nothing to be afraid of, and he is no longer alone, because Have them by my side.

"Robin Sauce!

At this time, Sanji also noticed Robin l and ran over excitedly, trying to save Robin, but Nami and Chopper took the first step, and Sanji hit his head on the mast, feeling very emotional depressed-

After some exchanges, everyone had a thorough understanding of the current situation. Luffy and Lu Qi were fighting on the first pillar of the Bridge of Hesitation. Franky's younger brother and the foremen of the Carrera Company seemed to be still there. On Judicial Island, Qiyana was also fighting with the guards of the Tianlongren.

Everyone couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Nami looked at Judiciary Island, which had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and muttered in a low voice, - Pang Zoro also said slowly after hearing the words: "Don't worry!

Even though he said that, Zoro didn't have a clue in his heart. It's true that Kiana is very strong, but the watermelon-headed swordsman is not bad either. He faced Luffy with his own strength, Kiana Sanji plus himself. All four can -- sometimes gain the upper hand.

This kind of strength has to be said to be very strong, even much stronger than that guy named Lu Qi who raises pigeons, but it is useless to worry now, Zoro believes that Kiyana will definitely be able to solve the opponent.

"Judicial Island has become like this, why don't they stop shelling?"

Usopp looked at Judiciary Island, which had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and said in shock.

"This is the Demon Slaying Order, they just wiped it off the map without any emotion - a small island.

Robin looked sadly at the naval warships that were constantly shelling in the distance. Looking at this familiar scene, Robin couldn't help thinking of the past, and the memories in his mind gradually overlapped with the current scene. There was a lot of artillery fire.

Billowing thick smoke rose into the sky, blocking the sunlight in the sky, and the sky became very dark, as if it was about to rain.

"Why doesn't the navy attack us?

Nami looked at the naval warship not far away from the bridge of hesitation, and said doubtfully.

"I'm afraid they haven't given up on taking Robin back. In order to take Robin back alive, they will definitely send people to the bridge next."

Sanji can see at a glance why the navy has no intention of attacking the bridge of hesitation. There are no navy soldiers on the bridge now, only pirates. There is no accidental injury or anything. They can launch an attack, but they did not shell here , then there is only one possibility.

That is, they wanted to capture Robin, a person who could decipher ancient texts, so they did not launch shelling, otherwise they would have died

"Speaking of which, Franky, your friends are also on the island

It's okay, those guys are dead, even if I die, they won't die.

Frankie forced himself to smile, but even he himself did not believe what he said. Now that the island is being bombarded by countless shells, under such circumstances, the possibility of anyone surviving on the island is very slim.

At this moment, the telephone bug broadcast on the naval battleship also rang.

"This is in front of the main entrance to the northwest. The naval soldiers and government officials of Judiciary Island have been taken in. In addition, a pirate including a giant was found fleeing in front of the main entrance.

"It's like them, haha, let me just say, they can't die, they're very fateful.

After Frankie heard the news, he was also relieved, but what he said next on the radio made his mood fall to the bottom

"It was all destroyed by the bombardment of the fleet.""

(PS: No. [-] guarantee.


Chapter 37

"It was completely destroyed by the bombardment of the fleet, and all the crew died. Judging from the current situation, the island can no longer survive. There are zero survivors on Judiciary Island. Here is the report from the second ship."

Frankie froze on the spot. He couldn't believe that those younger brothers who came to rescue him died so easily. They had just met each other. What are you kidding? If you say die, you will die?

Frankie couldn't help recalling all the past, and felt very uncomfortable. Soon, the announcement of the No. [-] warship sounded again.

"The southeastern part of the island, the courthouse, the tower of justice, and the underground passage connecting the bridge have all been destroyed, and the remaining targets of attack are only the bridge of hesitation

finally coming?"

After hearing the words, Sauron watched the surrounding warships turn their bows and approach the Bridge of Hesitation, his expression became serious, and he tied the scarf on his head.

Then there will be a fierce battle. In order to get Robin back, the navy will definitely not use shelling. Instead, they will send powerful naval soldiers to fight hand-to-hand with them and capture Robin back in hand-to-hand combat. .

On another warship near the Bridge of Hesitation, Kasa stood on the deck, and Bartov's life paper in his hand had been burned out, indicating that Bartov was dead, and he failed, losing to Qiyana.


Casa whispered softly, I didn't expect that Bartoff would lose to Kiyana. It seems that Kiyana really has the strength to defeat the general because of her own guessing error. Aokiji's injury is not a lie, but a real one. was injured by Qiyana.

I really didn't expect Kiyana to have such strength. After being a little sad, Kasa no longer thought about Bartoff's affairs. It was just a hand F. It's a pity to die, but there are as many substitutes as you want. Just go back and find another one.

Soon, several warships have completely surrounded the bridge of hesitation. Even if the huge warship is compared with the bridge of hesitation, it is very huge. The sun is completely blocked by the warships, and a huge shadow will cover the bridge of hesitation Sauron and others on the sky were enveloped.

The situation is very threatening, but Kiana and Luffy haven't come back yet, Sauron and the others can't leave here, they can only stick to the transport ship, otherwise they have no way to escape here.

"Jun Xian Tang is coming over here." SF light novel

Nami looked at the approaching warship and said, her eyes widened slightly, and she could already clearly see the officers of the rank of admiral who were staring at the side of the warship deck.

"The pirates at the main gate are all wiped out, let them come back."

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan took the phone bug and informed the other three naval warships who had bypassed the main entrance of the island, and they were going to gather all their strength to wipe out the Straw Hat Pirates.

The three naval warships at the main entrance received the order and sailed towards the bridge of hesitation behind the island, and the situation became more and more dangerous.

"Is Luffy still fighting Luki?"

Sauron turned his head and asked Usopp. Usopp looked at the battlefield on the first pillar with a telescope, and nodded solemnly: Ah, he is still fighting, that fellow Lu Qi is simply too strong. "

"Is that so? Hey, everyone, listen up, we have to wait until Luffy and Kiana come back and hold the transport ship, this is our last means of escaping from here.


Everyone nodded, Sauron was right, if they didn't guard the transport ship, they couldn't leave on the Rocketman train like they did when they came, without a ship, in this vast sea king, he wanted to escape from ten warships , that's just nonsense, it's impossible

Just as the naval warships completely surrounded the bridge of hesitation, the radio also rang.

"The whole ship listened to the order and immediately set up around the bridge of hesitation. There were nine pirates on the bridge and the escort ship, including the pirate hunter Sauron and Nicole Robin. It can be inferred that they were in the Tower of Justice. The main pirate who defeated CP9."

As soon as this broadcast came out, the naval soldiers on the warship were also a little surprised. They defeated CP9? The reason why Judiciary Island has been able to maintain the myth of being invincible in the past 800 years is because there are generations of CP9 stationed here , and now the rest of the members are defeated by little-known little pirates.

Even Rob Lucci, known as the strongest among CP9 in the past, can only be compared with the captain of this pirate group. It is really surprising. Who is this group of pirates?

And just now it seems that someone said that the wanted criminal with a bounty + [-] million Baileys, Chiana is actually a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, and they have never heard of such a high bounty. Strength is also conceivable.

"I heard that Chiana is also a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. There is a reward of 1.5 billion. Do you really want to fight them?"

"What are you afraid of? There is a reward of 1.5 billion for Qianbian, but her companions are not sure. Besides, we still have five vice admirals here. There is nothing to be afraid of. They will definitely be able to defeat Qianbian. "

"That's right, the Vice Admiral is here, and he will definitely be able to defeat Qianbian. Besides, who knows why there is such a high bounty for Qianbian? I don't even know what that guy did, and suddenly there is a bounty of 1.5 billion. "

"Haven't you heard? That woman seems to have kidnapped a Celestial Dragon, that's why there is such a high reward.

"So she kidnapped the Celestial Dragon? No wonder there is such a high reward. It seems that her real combat power may not be so high-"

A group of navy soldiers whispered below, standing in the middle of the deck, a vice admiral wearing a navy justice cloak coat, a ghost spider, a tall man, wearing a helmet engraved with a two-headed dragon pattern, with a ferocious expression.

As a vice admiral, he naturally knew the reason why Kiyana had such a high bounty. The other navy soldiers had no idea why Kiyana's bounty was so high because of their low status, because Aokiji But Admiral of the Admiralty, one of the highest combat effectiveness of the Navy.

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The news that he was seriously injured - once it gets out, it will have a great impact on the image of the navy, so the high-level navy decided to block the news. Even in the navy, there are many general-level officers who don't know about it. Not to mention these school-level naval officers and soldiers.

Seeing them speculate about Kiana's strength, the ghost spider also snorted and said: "You guys are too underestimating Qian Bian. There is a reason for her bounty of 1.5 billion Baileys. You can underestimate her, or you will suffer a lot.

After Lieutenant General Ghost Spider said these words, the navy soldiers below also shut up. Now that the lieutenant general has said this, they also have a preliminary understanding of Qiyana's true strength. or Mu Xiaowan

"About Qianbian, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider seems to know something.

"Stop talking, since we don't know, then there must be something to hide from us.

"That being said, aren't you curious?

"Stop talking, the lieutenant general is watching this way.

The lieutenant commanders of the navy immediately stopped talking, and there was faint sweat on their foreheads. Among the navy, in terms of the degree of bad personality, Admiral Akainu ranked first - then Lieutenant Admiral Ghost Spider ranked second. Their style is very similar, and they are both intolerable for evil.

Usually he is unsmiling towards these subordinates, just being swept by his gaze will make them, the navy soldiers, feel a chill behind their backs and shudder.

There are also rumors that he has a cruel personality, and he doesn't care even if he hurts his subordinates when performing tasks. It seems that in order to eliminate Hae Sung, it is okay to sacrifice his subordinates.

Powerful and ruthless, this is the impression most naval soldiers have of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, who is even scarier than some pirates, so when Ghost Spider looked towards them, they all -Everyone didn't dare to speak at once, and they didn't even dare to breathe- -0.

"Stop talking about it.'

The ghost spider took a puff of cigarette slowly, and then said to the majors who had just whispered to each other

Several majors nodded quickly, fearing that they would offend the ghost spiders. Seeing these idiots calm down, the ghost spiders also retracted their gaze. The news of Aokiji's injury must not be spread, and it will damage the image of the navy. Influence, not even just talking about it

Soon, the warship completely surrounded the Bridge of Hesitation, and the surrounding area was completely tight. It can be said that the Straw Hat Pirates could hardly fly even with their wings. At this moment, the broadcast sounded again and again.EZ Xiaozhi

"There is no need for the major and below to go to battle, the colonel and lieutenant colonel form an elite force of 200 people, and quickly subdue the enemy.

As the voice of the broadcast fell, some naval officers jumped down from various naval warships, holding weapons tightly in their hands, and stared at Sauron and others on the bridge of hesitation.

"Hai - Captain of the Navy? Isn't that a navy of the same level as Smokey Smoker? Are there so many people who are so powerful?"

Usopp on the bridge heard this broadcast, and his expression under the mask became much stiffer. Smoker is a natural fruit ability user stationed in Luoge Town in the East China Sea. Even Luffy is not his opponent. was easily subdued.

Although controlling Luffy has something to do with Smoker being the strongest natural-type fruit ability user, his strength is unquestionable. There are two hundred of such a powerful navy? Are you kidding me?

Zoro looked solemnly at the navy soldiers who were attacking them. Where did Sanji's perverted cook go at this time? Wan disappeared at this time.

"-We must hold here until Luffy and Kiyana come back.

Sauron, Franky and others are all ready to fight.

On the No. [-] warship, Kasa stood beside Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan and asked suspiciously: "Why didn't you send a major general to play? They can't resist any major general, right?"

"Enough is enough, the Straw Hat Pirates can't run away, and these colonels need to be promoted by merit, so it's unappetizing for them to practice with these pirates."

"What if we let them escape? Nicole Robin is very important, isn't it? Is it difficult to send a few major generals down? And they are Qianbian's companions, can't we catch them and use them to threaten Qianbian?"

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