(PS: Add more updates on the [-]nd, it will explode tomorrow, at least four chapters.


Chapter 38 Teach me how to break a ship

"Well, the colonel level is enough, and with their strength, there is absolutely no problem in capturing the members of the Straw Hats except Qianbian.

Huoshaoshan said with a little embarrassment, mainly because of the navy's promotion system, even if you have strength, it depends on your military exploits. Back then, even if you were as strong as Aokiji and Red Dog Admiral, it was because you participated in the Ohara Demon Slaying 20 years ago. Only those who have accumulated merits in the event are eligible to be promoted to generals.

And looking at the current situation, it is not a big problem for two hundred lieutenant colonel and colonel-level navies to capture the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates. How about sending a few major generals to grab the credit? In this case, who will get most of the credit? On the major general's body.

Besides, in the Straw Hat Pirates, only Qianbian is very troublesome, and the others are nothing to be afraid of. If Qianbian really comes, the five vice admirals will swarm up and deal with her together, definitely not Will keep it.

"The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, in order to prevent changes from happening, let's send a few major generals down, lieutenant general.

Kasa said slowly exhaling the smoke in his lungs, and began to put pressure on General Huoshaoshan with his eyes.

In order to catch Qiyana, wouldn't it be good to send a few major generals down to capture all the members of the Straw Hats with absolute crushing strength, and threaten their lives to force Qiyana to submit?

Isn't Nicole Robin very important to the world government? Casa really doesn't understand why the major general is not sent down.

Especially now that the Straw Hats have fought against the lieutenant-colonel and senior-level officers, Kasa can see clearly from the deck how strong the resistance of Zoro and others is, even if it is a colonel-level navy. They cannot be taken down in a short time.

If Qiyana arrives to meet them later, it can be said that they all lose their initiative and become passive. Kasa is watching the situation below from the deck of the warship, and he is almost panicked to death.

Are all navy idiots? Accumulating military exploits can be done at any time, but Nicole Robin and Kiyana’s Pluto design blueprints are right in front of them. What if they are let go? Casa cursed inwardly. .

If the major general had been dispatched from the beginning, the Straw Hat Pirates would have been subdued now, which would reduce the number of variables.

"Why don't you take a look?"

Huoshaoshan couldn't bear the pressure anymore, and Kasa's gaze was fixed on him, which made him really unbearable.

What else are you looking at? Send people directly, really, so much time wasted, since you decided to capture Nicole Robin alive, then you should send a navy of the level of a major general that they can't beat, procrastinating, It made Kasa think that they were suspected of letting the Straw Hat Pirates go on purpose.

On the Bridge of Hesitation, although Sauron and the others resisted tenaciously, the [-] navy at the rank of lieutenant colonel was still very threatening to them.

The range they can defend is getting smaller and smaller, and they are gradually being pushed aside.

"Hasn't Lu Qifei defeated that guy yet?

Sauron was sweating slightly on his forehead, but it was quickly absorbed by the scarf.

"No, that guy named Lu Qi is very strong.

Usopp watched the battle between Luffy and Lu Qi on the first pillar with a telescope. The two fought for a long time, and the first pillar became dilapidated. One can imagine the brutality of the battle.

"Are you Roronoa Sauron?"

During the battle, a navy man wearing a white cloth asked Sauron, and Sauron looked at him.

"So what?"

After all, the navy rushed towards Sauron, Sauron saw it and slashed directly, but the thermal cutting edge was directly grabbed by the other party with both hands.

Sauron couldn't help being surprised when he saw this. This person actually grabbed it with his hands? Isn't he afraid of death? No matter how hard his hands are, it's impossible to compare them directly with knives, right?

After blocking Sauron's attack with armed domineering, a sneer appeared on the face of the navy man hidden behind the white cloth.

"I ate the Rust Fruit. You can't defeat me with a sword. Let me corrode all the swords you are proud of, wow?"

Before Hai Hai could say anything, he was stunned. The thermal cutting blade in his hand didn't respond. Even if he activated the ability, Sauron's saber still didn't change.

"There's something wrong."

Sauron swung the Pulse Taidao in his left hand with a backhand and slashed at the navy's chest. He was directly thrown out of the bridge and fell into the water. The opponent was also too surprised, and was directly chopped off. .

"Hurry up and save him, he is a capable person, if he falls into the sea, he cannot rely on his own strength to get out.

Seeing this, the naval soldiers on the warship immediately jumped down from the warship, preparing to rescue Colonel Xiu En who was chopped off by Sauron.

"How? Are you not ready to send the major general out?"

On the warship , casa turned his head and asked huoshaoshan , he believed that he had seen the fact that sauron chopped off the captain of the navy just now , why not send a rear admiral

Huoshaoshan really had no other choice, Kasa kept urging him, so he just sent two people out to deal with it.

Frankie fired shells at the densely populated areas of the navy, but it didn't have any good effect. After all, the enemies were all experienced school-level navies, and the shells didn't have much effect on them.

Just at this moment, several naval officers jumped off from the warship beside the bridge of hesitation, all of them were tall, and just by looking at their imposing manner, they felt that they were very dangerous, and they were not the same as the naval officers and soldiers who were currently fighting with them. Enemy of grade.

A more powerful person took action, and Sauron - what he had been worrying about for a long time finally happened.

"Everyone, pay attention, there are a few more powerful guys from the navy."

Sauron quickly reminded everyone that Robin's face could not help but become solemn. Seeing that his companions around him had been fighting to save him until now, Robin felt very sorry.

The current situation is very bad. It seems that Luffy - - can't figure it out for a while, it can be described as a desperate situation.

"It's the major general, the major generals have finally made their move."

Seeing the arrival of the major general, the school-level navy who was fighting hard on the bridge felt more confident. They thought that their 200 people would be able to easily take down the opponent, but they did not expect the opponent's resistance to be so fierce.

Now that the Rear Admiral is out, the Straw Hat Pirates definitely have no chance. The delicate balance of combat power between the two sides on the bridge was instantly broken.

One of the rear admirals came not far from Sauron with a sword in his hand.

"Is the knife in your hand made of Hailou Stone? It can actually invalidate Xiu En's ability. No matter how I think about it, I can't think of any other reason." 口F Mu novel

Hailou stone? Sauron looked at the two katanas in his hands. Sauron didn't know what material the two knives Kiyana gave him were made of, but judging from the reaction of the navy, just now The guy with the white cloth covering the lower half of his face is indeed capable

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But Sauron himself didn't know why the weapon in his hand wasn't corroded. If it was Hailoushi, Luffy had touched his sword before, but nothing unusual happened.

People with abilities - when they touch Hailou Stone, they will feel weak all over. Luffy is very normal, but Zoro can't figure it out.

"Let me be your opponent, Roronoa Zoro!"

After all, the rear admiral smashed the ground and flew straight towards Sauron.


The swords of the two collided fiercely. After the blow, Sauron stepped back a long way, and his feet also rubbed two long scratches on the ground.He is already very tired after holding on until now, and it is already very good to be able to withstand this blow against the Rear Admiral who is in full swing.

"Can you still block my attack? Not bad."

The rear admiral on the opposite side was also a little surprised when he saw this, and said that after breaking through Judicial Island, he also fought against the CP9 organization, and then fought against the school-level navy. Normal people have already died.

The Straw Hat Pirates? It's really scary. Although it is only a small number of pirates, their threat is not lost at all to the large pirates with hundreds of people.

"Not only can I block it, but I will also defeat you.

Sauron panted slightly, and controlled his hands not to tremble.

"Oh? What a big talker. Don't you guys still see the current situation? You have nowhere to go. It's only a matter of time before you are caught. Give up unnecessary resistance.

"I'm so annoying, can't I hit you?


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The face of the rear admiral changed slightly, this man was really looking for death.


The Lieutenant Commander rushed towards Sauron again, this time even using the razor, so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

"Three Hundred Troubled Winds!"

Three streams of sword energy flew out from the tip of Sauron's knife, and the scorching flames and cold ice blades also flew out at the same time, mixing with the sword energy to add a bit of power.

The Rear Admiral was not afraid, but just waved the sword in his hand slightly, and a sword energy blasted out to defuse Sauron's attack and disperse it.


Sauron's eyes widened. He didn't expect that his full blow would be so easily dispelled by the opponent, but this must have something to do with how tired and weak he is now.

"Die, Roronoa Sauron!"

The blade in the Rear Admiral's hand was raised high, and it was about to fall on Sauron's body.

Bang bang!

Several sounds exploded in the distance, a large number of white air waves exploded and spread, and a petite figure rushed to the battlefield in time.


I saw that petite figure waving a huge blood-red cross like a bat--and directly blasted the mighty Rear Admiral into the air.

The Rear Admiral's rapid reverse flight directly hit the bridge - the deck of a naval battleship and passed through. Even the iron outer deck was deformed by the impact.

Almost everyone was attracted by the huge movement here, and they turned their attention to this petite figure on the bridge.

"Hey, Franky, are you an expert at breaking ships? Can you teach me how to break ships?"

Kiyana put the imitation Judas in her hand hard on the ground, put it on, then looked at the surrounding warships coldly and said.

(PS: No. [-] is guaranteed. It may be a little late to say that the fourth is better, but there will definitely be one.)


Chapter 39 Smash the ship?Be cool, move fast

Are you Kiyana?"

Sauron looked at the silver-haired little loli in front of him and asked suspiciously. Although he knew that Qiyana had several forms, it was the first time Sauron had seen this form.

"It's me, you've worked hard to support me.

Kiyana turned her head and looked around, and found that it was different from the original book. It seemed that several rear admirals had also joined the battle. With the current strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, the rear admiral is still hard to resist, especially with CP9 just now. After the war.

Now most of the Straw Hat Pirates are injured and exhausted. Facing the siege of a large number of elite navy troops, it will be a matter of time before they are defeated.

It's great that you're all right, you haven't been here for so long, I thought it was a navy gun

"How could that thing hurt me?"

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