Kiyana directly interrupted Nami's words, showing a confident smile.

The faces of the surrounding naval soldiers were dignified, and they were on guard against Qiyana who suddenly appeared, and the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters was knocked into the air with just one blow.

Unlike other members of the Straw Hat Pirates, Chiana's bounty is + [-] million Baileys, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the strongest among them.

Kasa was a little angry. If he had dispatched a major-admiral-level navy earlier, he would have taken Sauron and the others down. Now it’s all right. Kiyana rushed to the rescue in time and successfully reunited with her companions. Now she wants to capture The difficulty of living in Nicole Robin has increased countless times.

"Is this guy a thousand changes? Sure enough, he is very strong. Major General Luo Fuen was beaten away.

"Why is this monster in the Straw Hat Pirates? With her strength, she is not the captain.

The navy soldiers on the surrounding warships looked at Qiyana on the bridge of hesitation in shock. Although Kiyana only used one blow just now, the terrifying destructive power has already made them see the 1.5 billion bounty. terror power.

"Break the ship? Ask me and you're asking the right person

When Frankie saw Kiyana coming, he also smiled slightly. The Frankie family is doing the shipbreaking job. As the leader of the shipbreaking gang, Frankie has quite a lot of experience.

"Tear off their keels, smash them into pieces, and don't leave any roots behind?"

"Is that so? I see.

Kiyana sneered when she heard the words, and then jumped into the air on the moon steps. The weapon that Kiyana had planted on the ground, like Judas, also floated into the air with her, and then Kiyana came to the place of hesitation. Above one of the naval battleships on the side of the bridge, and then looking down at the naval soldiers below.

"Here she comes, ready to shoot!

On the No. [-] warship, a rear admiral saw this and quickly ordered the naval soldiers below to shoot.

Bang bang bang!

For a while, the gunshots continued, and countless bullets flew out, but most of them missed Qiyana. Even if a small number of bullets hit Qiyana, they were blocked by the physical shield of Yamabuki's armor, and they could not hit Qiyana at all. cause any harm.

The bullets shot on the shield of Yamabuki's armor, just set off faint ripples, and had no other impact. Of course, in the eyes of the navy soldiers, the physical shield on Kiyana's body was invisible. It can only be seen that the bullet seems to be blocked not far from Qiyana's side, and it is difficult to make an inch of it.

It was as if there was an invisible barrier blocking it. Under the bombardment of a large number of bullets, Qiyana completely ignored the bullets. At the same time, she couldn't help complaining in her heart, isn't the marksmanship of the navy soldiers too weak? 200 The distance of the meters is not too far, and the bullets are almost five meters away.

It seems that there are still very few sharpshooters in the navy. If they are all snipers of Usopp's level, Kiyana's physical shield will be broken in an instant.

However, the marksmanship of the navy soldiers is also a good thing for Qiyana, she can't wait for it.

"Sink to the bottom of the sea for me!"

Special attack, execution mode, enter Valkyrie state, four combos of basic attacks are converted into burst damage with stronger interrupt ability, activate SP/+, and Valkyrie state lasts for eight seconds. or La Xiaoqing

The nirvana is a passive skill. When the execution starts, the burst will cause physical damage of 750% of the attack power to the surrounding enemies, causing them to enter the bleeding state and float in the air. They will receive [-] points of physical damage every [-] seconds, lasting for four second.

The moment Kiyana activated Shion's special armored skill, a shock wave spread out from Kiyana's body, bombarding the huge naval battleship beneath her feet.

The planks on the deck cracked instantly, and many naval soldiers were directly pressed to the deck by the shock wave, unable to move.

It's also a pity that Qiyana is far away from them. If she gets closer and enters the range of skill damage, she may die on the spot.

"Hey, they're all lying on the ground? Even so, Teresa won't take a nap with you?"

Kiyana whispered to herself, but the stalks she said could not be understood by the people of One Piece World, so let's start the ship breaking mode.

Kiyana waved with one hand, and Judah, who was hanging in the air behind his back, seemed to be lifted by an invisible force and smashed towards the huge naval warship below.


The mast broke immediately, and countless sawdust flew out. Seeing that Judas was about to fall on the deck, as the most powerful rear admiral on this warship, he naturally couldn't sit idly by.

I saw him pull out a huge ax behind his back, - kicked his feet on the deck, jumped towards the imitation Judas, and then vigorously swung the huge battle ax in his hand, trying to give the imitation Judas that Qiyana smashed down to the ground. Resist.

However, Kiyana's strength was beyond his imagination. The moment the huge battle ax touched Judas, the battle ax in his hand shattered directly. Even though he was covered with armed domineering for protection, his weapon It also broke apart in an instant and turned into several pieces.

This is not only the difference in armed domineering, but also the difference in weapon quality, and the exaggerated power gap between the two. Adding up many factors, the shattered tomahawk in the hands of the rear admiral also became It's a matter of course.

The rear admiral didn't seem to think that his weapon would be shattered directly, so he quickly used his armed domineering to protect his body.Bang

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Imitation Judas bombarded him heavily and smashed him down. The poor rear admiral flew upside down like a cannonball and fell heavily on the deck. Immediately afterwards, Imitation Judas landed on him again, huge The naval battleship broke directly from the middle.


The wooden boards broke, and the naval soldiers on the warship were unable to stand still because of the violent shaking of the warship. They fell to sit on the deck one after another, and a large amount of seawater poured in along the breach of the warship, filling the cabin.


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"It's actually a blow to the warship to blow the flow to learn eight =

"Major General Yves!

The majors on the ship and the navy officers at the captain's level were all panicked. They all looked at Qiyana who was flying in mid-air lightly on moon steps with horrified eyes. That petite figure was so terrifying in their eyes at this moment. .

"Is this guy a monster?"

"It's coming again, everyone, dodge, you will definitely die if you get hit head-on!-

Seeing Qiyana raised her hand again, a navy soldier panicked.


Judah once again landed on the half-sunken naval warship, completely blasting away the wreckage floating in the sea, and a large number of sawdust flew out.

Screams and wailing resounded throughout. Looking at this scene, the naval soldiers on the surrounding warships couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and cold sweat broke out behind their backs.

Is this the strength of a 1.5 billion bounty criminal? It is too terrifying. The Admiral of the Central Navy could not survive a single move under her hands, and was directly shot down to the bottom of the sea. His life and death are unknown. Even the regular warships of the Navy Headquarters were also under her bombardment. sink to the bottom of the ocean.

"Fix - ship, let me see who is the lucky one next?"

Kiyana looked with satisfaction at the small vortex caused by the huge battleship falling into the sea. Which of the navy soldiers was trying to escape from the ten areas, and if they were caught in the vortex, they would be seriously injured even if they were not dead.Factory

Kiyana did not continue to add insult to injury, her purpose was to dismantle the ship, not to slaughter the navy.

Although the navy is a force that is hostile to the protagonist in the original book, it is undeniable that in this world, the navy is actually the party of justice. Although there are some rat shit, it is thanks to them that the pirates will not be flooded. Only real civilians have the right to enjoy a happy life.

So Kiyana doesn't intend to kill people, but just wants to dismantle the naval warships, so that they can't chase the Straw Hat Pirates. Kiyana has a lot of blood on her hands, but every life is Chia's life. Na killed the scum with a clear conscience. For these innocent navy soldiers, Qiyana did not intend to get rid of them.

She has her own bottom line and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Just like the rear admiral who came out to stop her just now, Qiyana also showed mercy, otherwise he would have died on the spot with the blow just now.

After solving a naval warship, Kiyana's gaze also swept to other naval warships. For any naval warship that was swept by Kiyana's gaze, the sailors on it would feel a chill in their backs, as if they were facing That's right, it's like a god of death.

So, is this your true strength? Kiyana.

Kasa stood on the deck and looked towards the sky. With Qiyana's current strength, five vice-admirals might not be enough to catch her. For a person with such strength, if he wants to use simple It is impossible to force her to submit by force, but other methods can only be adopted.

Kasa is deeply aware of this, and the methods used by Zi 2 in the past are all wrong. To deal with Qiyana, you can't rely on force, you can only use tricks.

(PS: No. [-] will be updated.


Chapter 40

"What about brother? Kiyana is amazing.

Joanna, who was beside Kasa, was also in a panic at this time, tightly grasping Kasa's sleeve, and said in a panic.

Kasa glanced at her indifferently, but said nothing, he had a premonition of Qiyana's strength, it seems that he misunderstood Aokiji, and originally wanted to trouble him, but now it seems that he should forget it.

"Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, the plan has changed, there is no need to force Qiyana to be captured, as long as you pay all the price to protect the lives of me and my sister.

Casa calmly took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, and then lit it in his mouth. Judging from the current situation, the possibility of catching Kiyana is very small. On the contrary, even if there are five marines The lieutenant general is here, and Casa doesn't feel safe either.

Capture Qiyana? It would be good not to be caught by her and fight back.

In short, the thoughts in Kasa's mind now are how to save his own life. After all, life is the most important thing. After guaranteeing this, we can talk about other things. After saving his life, there are many opportunities to catch Qiyana. Yeah, that's all blind

I see.

Huoshaoshan glanced at Kasa. This Tianlongren has a very keen sense of danger. Unlike other Tianlongren, he is supercilious and ignores everyone.

Although Kasa asked Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan to protect him, he was actually not very worried, because Kiyana might not dare to kill himself. Didn't Kiyana let him go when she caught him last time?

What's more, meeting Kiyana this time didn't even occur to Casa himself, it was all a coincidence, Kiyana came to Judiciary Island to save her companion Nicole Robin, and she also planned to use it because of her father's summons. The Gate of Justice returns to the Admiralty and then to Mariejoa, the holy place where the Draconians live.

Neither of the two sides expected to meet here. The situation is not much different from last time. Kiyana may not dare to kill herself. Of course, Kasa thinks it is better to hide. Wan-Qiana changed Have you decided to kill him?

"Let's go, Anna, let's get out of here first, don't let their fight be affected."

Casa turned around and left, Joanna also followed closely behind Casa, looking back from time to time - Kiyana who was hitting another warship in the distance, Kiyana's terrifying strength left Joanna behind I was deeply impressed.

Seeing that Kasa was about to leave, Huoshaoshan also said to a vice admiral next to him: "You are responsible for the safety of the Tianlong people.

The vice admiral immediately saluted and nodded in response. Seeing this, the vice admiral Huoshaoshan also stepped on the moon step and flew towards Qiyana who was making a fuss in the distance. For the enemy who mastered the moon step, she was too Too flexible, the effect of using warship bombardment is not great, and she can only let their lieutenant general shoot if they can't hit her at all.


Another shot imitated Judah, and the second naval warship was completely sunk by Kiyana. There were naval soldiers everywhere on the sea, most of them were injured, but there were no deaths. Happening.

After all, they also saw how powerful the blood-red cross behind Kiyana was, and they didn't dare to resist, and Kiyana didn't deliberately aim at them, so no one died for the time being.

After taking back the imitation Judas, the duration of Ziyuan's armor special move was also released, and there were still a lot of SP left, and it only needed to attack a few times to launch the special move again.

In Qiyana's impression.Shion's special attack seems to be released until the SP is exhausted, but now it has become a burst attack that consumes a fixed SP and lasts for eight seconds.

It seems that the version of the previous life should have updated the skill effect, but Qiyana didn't pay attention at all, and now is not the time to care about it.

"Thousands of changes, it's over.

A loud shout came from a distance, and Qiyana turned her head to look, only to see a navy wearing a lavender striped suit and a dark blue shirt flying towards this side, using one of the six navy styles of moon steps.

Kiyana just saw the other party's punk head and immediately recognized who it was, it was Vice Admiral of the Admiralty, Flying Squirrel.

He is a master who is good at the six styles. When Qi Wuhai was forced to call in the Dingshang War, he had contact with the Empress Hancock.

Kiyana was very impressed with this vice admiral. So, is he still involved in the Demon Slaying Order this time? Kiyana secretly thought that the five vice admirals in the Judiciary Island Demon Slaying Order incident did not have much Kiyana didn't pay special attention to the scenes, so she basically forgot about the vice admirals.

After all, it has been almost two years since I was reincarnated, and I still remember the main plot, but I can't remember some small details clearly.

Not only the Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral flew over, but also another Vice Admiral who Kiyana was familiar with in the distance also came towards him. Or because his style is too similar to Akainu, and extreme justice is too cruel.

But did the two vice admirals make a move? You really think highly of me, Qiyana thought to herself, and at the same time - launched a charged attack and hit out.

Charged attack, sanctioning long spears, can launch a charged attack during the four-hit combo of normal attacks, and release it immediately when the charge is fully charged in a short period of time, hitting physical damage of [-]%--[-]% of the attack power in each of the nine stages and floating in the air.

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