Lieutenant General Stoloberg came in front of Kiana, a man with a tall skull, a long beard, slightly squinted eyes, and a knife in both hands.

Seeing this, Qiyana didn't stop, but accumulated strength with her hands, stepped on the moon steps and went straight to Stoloberry, getting close in an instant.

Branch attack, sanction spear!

I saw the nine long spears arching like waves and attacking Stoloberg. Because the distance was too close, Stolobergan couldn't avoid it and could only cover the armed domineering on the double knives, resisting with difficulty Looking at the series of spears that appeared out of thin air.

Bang bang bang!

Every impact made Stoloberg's arms numb, and he almost couldn't hold the double knives in his hands.

Finally, the nine-stage long spear attack was resisted by Stoloberry. Before he could catch his breath, Qiyana appeared above him. The petite figure blocked the sunlight above his head.

Qiyana directly grabbed the imitation Judas behind him with one hand and slammed it heavily on his head, throwing him into the sea.

Splashes more than ten meters high rose from the sea again, and the small area seemed to be raining, and the water vapor drifted away.

After successfully flying the lieutenant general who was in the way, Qiyana didn't stop, and landed directly on the deck of one of the warships, and activated the weapon's active skill imitating Judas, Blood Embrace.

(PS: Adding updates on the [-]th, I feel that my day and night are reversed, I need to fall into jet lag, and my state is not very good. After a while, the update will definitely catch up with your timeline.)


Chapter 42

Imitation of Judas. Blood Embrace is the recommended weapon for Ziyuan Armor. Its active skill Blood Embrace has high damage and strong ability to break shields. It is a magic skill with a short cooling time.

Active skill, Blood Embrace, summoning weapons and deploying them, knocking enemies within the range into the air, causing physical damage equal to 760% of attack power every [-] seconds within two seconds, and slashing enemies into the air Into the state of bleeding, every [-] seconds by [-] points of physical damage, for five seconds.

Kiyana inserted the imitation Judas in the middle of the deck, and the surrounding naval soldiers did not dare to approach. Just as they were hesitating, not knowing whether to come forward to attack Kiyana, Kiyana also spoke up.

"Come and try if you want to die?"

As soon as these words came out, those major generals and some colonel-level navies were immediately shocked. Qiyana was secretly relieved to see that they did not approach her. It would be difficult if they came over. Yana was able to control it, and couldn't stop at all.

If someone enters the range of the skill attack, they will definitely be hanged by the fan blade that imitates Judas. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as broken limbs and bloody flesh.

After the imitation Judas was inserted into the ground, after a short delay, the imitation Judas also unfolded and revealed its ferocious fangs, turning crazily, involving and tearing apart everything around it, the mast, the iron outer deck, everything All - cut, as long as it is within its attack range, it will be involved and shredded.

- Seeing this, the navy soldiers nearby were scared out of their wits and dared not approach at all. What's more, they jumped off the boat and fled into the sea

After seeing the power of imitating Judas, they couldn't resist at all, and only wanted to stay away from Kiyana, a seemingly cute, but actually devil-like existence in hell.

Soon, the first deck was almost destroyed by Qiyana, and the naval soldiers on the ship almost escaped.

At this time, several cannons rang out, which were shells fired by other warships, but these shells were not aimed at the warship where Kiyana was on, but the transport ship that broadcast the announcement just now.

book. SFA

Bang bang!

A few deafening cannons sounded, and Qiyana also turned her head to look in the direction of the Bridge of Hesitation, only to see a flame soaring into the sky, and a large amount of black smoke rising.

Zoro and the others on Bridge of Hesitation_ were shocked when they saw this. In order to protect the transport ship, Nami, Granny Kokoro, and Chopper, who was completely immobile after the devil fruit power runaway, were all on the transport ship.

In order not to place the battlefield on the transport ship, the only tool that can escape, Sauron and the others stayed as far away from the position of the transport ship as possible, so that their battle would not affect the transport ship, and almost reached the other side of the bridge of hesitation. one end.

"Chopper, Nami!"

Sauron - After cutting down the enemy in front of him with a knife, he looked at the transport ship billowing in black smoke and let out a roar. Could it be that they are dead?

If it is said that Luffy is on that ship, Sauron is not too worried, because that guy Luffy is a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed one by one, and he won't die no matter how much he tosses, but Chopper's state at this time Very bad, and Nami, they are not as resistant as Luffy, if they are hit head-on by the shelling, they will definitely die.

Zoro knew this very well, and Usopp's eyes widened, his mouth was open and he couldn't speak.

At this moment, a huge figure faintly appeared in a large amount of black smoke. Zoro and others looked carefully, and it turned out to be Sanji, and he was carrying Chopper and Nami, as well as Granny Kokoro and Her granddaughter Zimone.

One person carried so many people and fled crazily amidst the artillery fire.

"Ooh oh oh oh! E =

Soon, Sanji brought Nami and others to the side of Zoro and others, then put them down, and took a few deep breaths.

"Sanji, that's great!

Usopp jumped happily on the spot,

"Chef... where did you go just now?"

Zoro looked at Sanji, and said with black lines all over his head, Sanji didn't know where he went when the battle started just now.

"Well, I did some trivial things that are not worth mentioning." CC friend died

After panting slightly, Sanji also took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, lit it in his mouth, and asked, "Haven't Luffy won 3 yet?"

"Not yet, that guy named Lu Qi is very powerful, not at the same level as the CP9 members we defeated.

"Really? And what about Kiyana-chan? Hasn't she come over yet?"

.. see for yourself.

Sauron raised his finger and pointed to a naval battleship in the distance, and Sanji also looked up in the direction Sauron pointed.


- There was a loud noise, and a naval battleship was shattered and disintegrated, and then sank to the bottom of the sea. Kiyana, who was flying in the air, retracted and imitated Judas, and at the same time kicked Lieutenant Admiral Dauberman who was rushing over. , Kicking him away, Dauberman immediately flew upside down and hit the side of another naval warship.

- An exaggeratedly large hole suddenly appeared, and the dust rose high.

...Damn it, Kiyana-chan!"

Sanji's eyes suddenly turned into a heart shape, and he knelt down under Kiana's pomegranate skirt with his hands together. Taking a closer look,

After Kiyana kicked Dauberman into the air, she also turned her head to look at the remaining naval warships. At this time, only six warships were left among the ten warships of the Demon Slaying Order.

Among them, Kiyana alone has dismantled as many as three warships, and the other warship was affected by the battle between Luffy and Lu Qi, sank into the bottom of the sea, and helped Kiyana in disguise. A little favor, one step closer to dismantling all of the Navy's warships.

Kiyana turned her head and glanced at the bridge of hesitation, and found that Sanji had returned, and rescued Chopper and others. She immediately understood that Sanji had completed the task and closed the door of justice.

The Gate of Justice in the distance has already begun to close, but the huge Iron Gate wants to close completely, the speed is very slow, at least it will take about + minutes.

What will be the consequences after the door of justice is closed? That is the sea current. When the original door of justice was closed, the surrounding sea area of ​​the bridge of hesitation was full of turbulent whirlpools. Around the bridge, the Gate of Justice was fully opened for the first time, and the sea current became very normal.

J Jie F Mu Xiaowan

The closure of the Gate of Justice will definitely have an impact on these ten naval warships. In the original book, after the Straw Hat Pirates escaped from Judicial Island, the reason why the naval warships did not pursue them was because the change of the sea current made it difficult for them to sail.

But it's different now, even if Sanji didn't close the door of justice and change the current, these naval warships would not be able to chase the Straw Hat Pirates, because Kiana would take them down one by one.

Not only for the agreement with Sanji, but also for Robin.

The O'Hara Demon Slaying Order 20 years ago not only razed Robin's hometown to the ground, but also caused her to lose her only relative, an eight-year-old girl with a reward of tens of millions. Days can be imagined.

In the original book, the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates is not enough to wipe out the shadow of Robin's childhood, so let Kiana do it. After all, the trial card can't be used for nothing, right?

And Kasa is also here, Kiyana's doing this is also a warning, showing her super strength that is absolutely crushing to warn him, forcing him to give up thinking about herself, I believe that Kasa has also seen her performance just now, although Qiyana doesn't know where he is hiding now, but Qiyana is sure that Kasa has definitely seen his strength.

Now Qiyana can only take advantage of the trial card to express a wave quickly. As for killing Casa? Although Kiyana really wants to do this, her reason tells her that this is not possible.

After all, it is still very difficult to fight against the World Government with Qiyana's current strength. If Qiyana can fight against the World Government without relying on the power of the trial card, then Qiyana will definitely take the Kasa The bastard found it and whipped him a hundred times before chopping him up and throwing him into the sea to feed the fish - without hesitation at all.

Now it’s better to be a deterrent. Anyway, Kasa is also a sensible person. After showing his strength this time, if he still doesn’t give up his thoughts on himself, Qiyana promises to get rid of him next time she sees him, no matter what price she pays. drop him.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking about it, some people have always wanted to catch her doing such shameful things, but Qiyana still refused.


"Kuzan, where are you from?


On the calm sea, Kuzan was riding a bicycle on the ice. A long and thin ice road continued to spread out, heading towards the bridge of hesitation that was faintly visible in the distance.

And Kuzan just palmed the front of the car with one hand, and held a small phone bug with the other hand. The voice of Admiral Sengoku came out of the small phone bug.

"I'm on my way to Judiciary Island now, and I guess there are still 10 minutes to go.

"Well, hurry up, the warship has already sent out a call for help. I didn't expect that Qianbian guy is also a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Isn't she a bounty hunter? I really don't understand.'

...Probably because we issued a bounty, after all, we pushed her to the side of the pirates.

Kuzan hesitated - before speaking for a moment.

"Currently, Qianbian doesn't seem to have any plans to kill. No one has died yet. In short, you'd better hurry there. Polusalino is already on his way. He's the fastest. It won't be long before we join you.


Kuzan sighed slightly when he heard the words, is that fellow Huang Yuan coming too? I feel that he is not very good at contributing, why don't the two of them paddle together and deal with it casually?

Anyway, Kuzan doesn't want to lie on the bed anymore, his body still hurts a bit, and Qiyana doesn't seem to have any plans to kill the navy, otherwise, according to the strength she showed when we met last time, I'm afraid someone would have died long ago .

To be honest, Kuzan doesn't want to make a move very much, because Kiyana seems to be following the agreement with him and not to make a move against the Navy. Although now that Kiyana has made a move, it seems that she did not follow the agreement, but no one died. Yana still remembers the best proof of the agreement.

If he really took action to fight Qiyana, wouldn't that be the same as breaking the agreement first? No matter what Kiyana does, he will have nothing to say. This is what Kuzan worries about.

But the Tianlong people are also there, and it's not enough if Kuzan doesn't go.

(PS: No. [-] guarantee, today is gone, and it will be changed tomorrow.)


Chapter 43

After all, when the Tianlong people are in danger, the general must come forward. This is Kuzan's duty as the admiral of the navy, even if he doesn't want to have trouble with Qiyana.

But what surprised Kuzan was that Kiana was still in contact with the Straw Hat Pirates. Adding fuel to the flames is inevitable.

He didn't expect that Qiyana would appear here, and he might have played a little too big this time.

The more Kuzan thought about it, the more he felt unlucky, and the speed of stepping on the bicycle pedal slowed down more and more. It only took two 10 minutes, but at such a slow speed, it became four 10 minutes.

Not long after, a light yellow streamer flew from far behind Kuzan, very fast, and then stopped beside Kuzan.

"Yeah? Isn't this Kuzan?

The streamer gradually turned into a figure, an old man wearing a yellow and white striped suit, with a beard around his face, who looked a bit wretched, landed on the ice behind Kuzan.

Kuzan sighed slightly, stopped his movements, put his feet on the ground and turned his head to look at the yellow ape.

"I heard that Qianbian is also on Judicial Island, it's really scary~!"

Huang Yuan's tone is very drawn out, which is his habit of speaking, but people who hear it for the first time may think that Huang Yuan is mocking them, but Kuzan has long been used to it, and he doesn't feel much.

"It's kind of scary, it's not good to lie in bed.

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