Kuzan propped his forehead and said, lying on the bed - Zhou, he hadn't suffered such a serious injury for a long time, when he returned to the Admiralty, his pale face surprised even Sengoku.

Let's go, it's just ahead.

Kuzan left the ground with one foot, stepped on the pedal, and continued to walk towards Judiciary Island, while the yellow ape turned into a stream of light, and then took a step forward and flew towards the distant sky.

Right in front of them, the faintly visible Judiciary Island has turned into a sea of ​​flames, and a large black smoke rises, covering the sky, and the sky becomes very dark, which makes people feel oppressed.

SF Light Novel

"Six Types of Mysteries, Six King Spears!"

Lu Qi transforms into a leopard form, and his long tail will wrap around Luffy's waist, making it impossible for Luffy to escape his attack with shaving.

Clenched fists with both hands aimed at Luffy's stomach, a powerful impact came from his hands, penetrated Luffy's body, and then shattered the wall behind Luffy, and the wall was instantly covered with cracks.

Luffy immediately coughed up a pool of blood. The powerful impact was different from ordinary blows, and it caused a lot of damage to him, the rubber man.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes, almost lost consciousness, and the steam from his body kept drifting away. After Lu Qi hit him, seeing Lu Fei in such a mess, he also thought that the overall situation was settled and he had won.

Then he let go of the tail that was wrapped around Luffy, and then walked towards the hole in the broken wall of the first pillar, intending to go to the warship outside.

Lu Qi panted slightly. After a big battle, he was almost at his limit. Luffy was much stronger than his previous enemies, and then he bypassed Luffy. Luffy staggered a few steps, but in the end he still Relying on his tenacious willpower, he forcibly survived, then turned to face Lu Qi, and launched his final attack.

How can I fall down here? My companions are still waiting for me.

"Rubber Jet Machine Gun!"

Numerous fist shadows appeared, and Lu Qi was also a little surprised. He didn't fall down yet, and he turned around and started confronting the desperate Luffy.

What's the matter with this power? He should have reached the limit, why can he still erupt with such a powerful force? The more Lu Qi hit, the more frightened he became.

Gradually, Lu Qi couldn't stand Luffy's attack anymore, one punch, two punches, hit him one after another.

"Oh oh oh oh!

Novel by Kou Hiromu

Luffy screamed, desperately driving every muscle in his body, must knock him down, and then return to his companions.

Soon, Lu Qi couldn't resist anymore, he couldn't keep up with Lu Fei's speed, he could only be beaten passively, even though he had used iron blocks to defend, Lu Fei's fist still dented his chest .

His body was pushed back all the time, his feet rubbed against each other and slid for several meters, and a large amount of dust rose up.

With the blast of the last punch, Luffy finally exhausted himself and completely lay on the ground, unable to exert any strength from his body, while Lu Qi lay down on the ground in a coma with a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. From the point of view of the situation, Luffy can be said to have won miserably.

"Robin, let's go back together."

Luffy took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly, the naval soldiers on the surrounding warships also noticed this scene because of Luffy's shout, and their eyes widened immediately.

What? Straw hat kid Luffy actually defeated Lu Qi when they were paying attention to the changes? This result is very surprising. You must know that Rob Lu Qi is the one who is called the strongest among the CP9 in the past.

He was also defeated? The navy couldn't help being surprised.

But at this time they don't have time to control Luffy, because the bigger threat is still in the sky. At this time, two vice admirals are fighting with Qiyana in the sky.

They were Huoshaoshan and Ghost Spider. As for the flying squirrel, Dauberman and the other three were seriously injured and floated quietly on the surface of the sea. Hold them above the water and keep them from drowning.

Huoshaoshan and Ghost Spider have been able to survive until now, not because they are stronger than Flying Squirrel and others, but because Qiyana hasn't dealt with them seriously.

At this time, there were only the last two naval warships left on the sea, and the bridge of hesitation was surrounded by the wreckage of warships floating on the sea.

Huoshaoshan and the two are not in a good condition. The ghost spider has a lot of wounds, and the seeping blood soaks the clothes on the body and dyes them into a black blood color. The blood drips down the corners of the clothes into the sea fall down.

On the Bridge of Hesitation, Sauron and the others struggled more and more to face the increasing number of navies. There were only [-] naval colonels and lieutenant colonels, but as the number of warships destroyed by Kiyana increased, those who The major generals on board also had nowhere to go.

They can't beat Kiyana, so they can only come to the Bridge of Hesitation to catch Nicole Robin. Fortunately, Kiyana has been taking time to pay attention to the situation on the bridge_, whenever the members of the Straw Hats are in crisis At any time, she will arrive in time and kick those marines down the bridge.

Especially those major generals, each one of them was kicked hundreds of meters away by Qiyana. As for the colonel-level navies, Kiyana didn't do anything cruel, after all, her strength is terrifying now, a little bit It is very troublesome to be kicked to death if you pay attention, Qiyana doesn't want to kill Haijun.

First of all, these navies are out of control because of their responsibilities. Kiyana will not kill them all just because they have a different position from her own. things.

Maybe Qiyana's behavior seems stupid to some people, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, but in Kiyana's view, kindness is the privilege of the strong, and the weak are not qualified to be kind Yes, and Kiyana is undoubtedly the strong one now

- Kiyana, who was flying straight in the air, also noticed that the battle on Luffy's side had ended. It's been a long time, and she had already demolished seven warships, so why did she fight?

However, Luffy's victory also indicates that the Meili is coming to meet Luffy and the others. It seems that the 2 side has to speed up to resolve the battle, otherwise the support from the Admiralty will not be very good.

Thinking of this, Qiyana also turned her head to look at the remaining two warships. When the naval soldiers standing on the deck saw Qiyana's gaze on them, their backs felt cold and they broke out in cold sweat.

They could see clearly how Kiyana dismantled one after another of the naval warships. It was simple, direct, and purely violent, and the naval warships were sunk by one blow. That kind of power was not theirs at all. can be resisted.

So when Kiyana set her sights on them, some navy soldiers jumped off the ship and left the warship. They couldn't stop it at all, and Kiyana's purpose seemed to be just to dismantle the ship. Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan also told them before, Just abandon the ship, and the ship can be rebuilt if it is gone, but people cannot be resurrected after death. 50 rounds

Soon the decks of the two warships were deserted, and Qiyana was very satisfied when she saw this, she was very cooperative, so good.

Kiyana held up the imitation Judas and threw it directly at the warship. The imitation Judas flew out like a shell, bombarded the deck, passed through layers of wood, and then broke the keel, a huge crack appeared, just a With one blow, the huge naval warship split in two and began to sink.

Kiyana switched the armor, and then took the imitation Judas back into her hands. Very well, another warship was settled, so there was only one left in the end.

Kiyana shifted her gaze to the last naval warship beside the bridge of hesitation, the last lonely ship on the sea, looking a bit pitiful.

Just when Kiyana was about to make a move, Kiyana's complexion changed slightly, and she leaned back slightly, and then a laser beam flew from the side, crossed Kiyana's eyes, and then flew to the distant sea.


The powerful laser cannon directly blasted the sea water in that area, set off a water wall hundreds of meters above the road, and the water mist floated in the air. Everyone saw that scene and couldn't help but click their tongues inwardly. It's so powerful .

Seeing this, Qiyana couldn't help but become serious, and then turned her head to look in the direction where the laser was flying, and saw - a stream of light flew from a distance at high speed, and then came to the high-altitude floating 100 meters away from Kiyana , showing his true face.

Seeing the person coming, the naval soldiers floating on the sea cheered immediately.

"It's the general, it's the yellow ape general, the general is here!"

"It's finally here, we're finally here!"

The general's arrival undoubtedly allowed them to see the dawn of victory.

(PS: Updates will be added on the fifth.)


Chapter 44 After I Broke

In the eyes of the navy, the general represents the word strong, they will not lose, no matter what kind of pirate, the general can capture Fang.

It is a veritable symbol of the navy and a spiritual pillar. They really can't imagine that they will lose to the pirates, even if the opponent is an enemy like Qianbian that can be called a monster.

The navy soldiers cheered, all of them showed extremely excited expressions, as if they had won the victory.

"Admiral of the Admiralty? Hey, isn't it? A terrible enemy is coming.

Sanji's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. He didn't know much about the admirals of the navy, but he met one by one a while ago, the admiral code-named Aokiji, one of the three admirals of the navy.

"Admiral? That guy is an admiral? Isn't that a navy of the same level as Aokiji? Liar? Such a strong navy has also come

Nami's pupils dilated slightly, and she had a deep memory of Aokiji's powerful fighting power. In just an instant, Luffy, Zoro Sanji and others were at a disadvantage. I don't know why they let them go.

"Looks like this is going to be trouble... Can Chipina beat that guy?

Sauron's face became serious, and he looked worriedly at Kiana who was confronting the yellow ape in the sky. Sauron, who had fought against the general, knew very well how terrifying the general was. Frozen - large expanses of sea.

At that time, Zoro knew the general's strength very well. Although the general in front of him was not Aokiji, he should not be underestimated no matter how weak he was in the position of general.

And the performance of the laser move just now has proved that this somewhat wretched uncle in front of him does not have the title of general in vain, but has something.

Usopp is carrying the immobile Chopper on his back, with his mouth wide open. The arrival of the general makes his forehead break out in sweat. This is going to kill him. All the generals are here, and the escort ship was also bombed and sunk by the navy. Now they have no means of escape.

The arrival of the general indicates that the support from the Ministry of the Navy will come soon. They will not have escort ships at that time. How will they face the large number of support from the Ministry of the Navy?

Frankie remained silent. Looking at the reactions of the people around him, he also realized that it was not easy to come. The title of admiral alone was enough to prove the strength of the person.

There are only so many of them, unless they can all fly away like Qiyana, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to escape, and it is impossible for Qiyana to leave here with everyone. or Mu Xiao "play

Although Franky doesn't know the principle of the so-called moon step, one of the six styles, when he fought with CP9's owl just now, the other party seemed to say that the moon step can't bear the weight of two people. It takes a lot of time, and it takes a lot of physical strength to be able to barely fly

Qiyana is very strong, maybe she can bring two people with her, but it is absolutely impossible to take everyone present. It is difficult to imagine how difficult it is to overcome gravity with so many people.

It seems that except for Kiyana who can escape today, everyone else may die here. Even if Kiyana can take away one or two people, the others who stay here will definitely not be able to stop these powerful navies Yes, not to mention generals, even major generals can't resist them.

Moreover, Kiyana may not be able to escape with her people. The yellow ape general can also fly, and the speed is not slow. Franky also saw the speed he came just now. Not to mention the real speed of light, it is absolutely Much faster than Qiyana.

If Qiyana brought two people with her, how would she fight against that yellow ape general? It would definitely have an impact, - while fighting - while protecting, no matter how strong Qiyana was, she would not be able to win.

The bridge of hesitation. Everyone on the bridge couldn't help but feel hopeless, and successfully rescued Robin, but in the end, their strength is still not enough to fight against the behemoth of the world government?

"Yellow Ape...

Luffy, who was lying on the ground, had also disengaged the second gear at this time, the steam was no longer coming out of his body, and the color of his skin had returned to normal, but his physical strength was severely overdrawn, and his body could not move at all.

Through the broken wall, he could see the yellow ape floating in the sky, its whole body glowing yellow.

Is the admiral coming too? No, you have to help. Luffy knows the horror of the admiral. If he doesn't stand up and help the dead, his companions will be in danger.

"...Damn it, move me quickly!

Luffy struggled to get up from the ground, but his body didn't respond, and he didn't listen to his commands at all.

On the bridge of hesitation, Usopp suddenly heard a voice, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly put his hand to his ear, what is this voice?

Soon, he heard the message conveyed by that voice clearly, his pupils dilated slightly, could it be?

Usopp shouted loudly to his companions around him.

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"Jump into the sea? Why?"

Nami asked with a puzzled look, she couldn't figure out what Usopp meant.

"We're going to run away.

"Escape? How? Swim back?

"No, we have another companion.

Everyone looked at Usopp suspiciously.

"...- Pick us up."

As Usopp talked, he shed tears, thinking that the Merry was gone, but he didn't expect the Merry to appear here

"Hey, Luffy, jump into the sea."

Afterwards, Usopp also wiped away his tears, hurriedly ran to the edge of the Bridge of Hesitation, and yelled loudly at the road on the first pillar, "Fei.

Luffy said weakly, Usopp barely heard what Luffy was saying.

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