Facing a strong enemy at that time, it had no choice but to forcibly eat the blue wave ball it refined to improve its strength. It also knew very well that its body had reached its limit at that time, but if it didn't do that, it would not be able to defeat the enemy.

But attacking Nami is indeed a fact, this has not changed, Chopper is a little lost, always feels like he is holding back.

Chopper took his gaze away from Luffy and the others, and turned to look at Kiyana. At this time, Kiyana had closed her eyes and let out a slight breathing sound.

Didn't Kiyana join the Straw Hat Pirates earlier than herself? Although - - -has never seen her, Chopper has already known from Luffy and the others that there is such a person as Kiyana.

If Kiyana had this ability, she wouldn't need the ship's doctor at all. It seemed redundant. If Kiyana and Luffy were together, she wouldn't need it to see Nami's illness.

Of course, Chopper would be happy to see Luffy and the others able to recover from their injuries in such a short period of time, but it felt a little disappointed that it didn't help.

The more Chopper thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, and his mood was very low. Even Qiyana had opened her eyes and looked at it without noticing that it was already in an extremely negative state.

"What's the matter? Chopper."

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Chopper also came back to his senses when he heard the words, and then looked at Kiyana.

"You've been staring at me, and I thought you had something to tell me.

..-No. '

Chopper shook his head, then took his gaze back, and sat obediently in his seat, not daring to look at Qiyana anymore, for fear that she would see what was going on in his heart.

At that time, Robin also came over, stood in front of Kiana and said to her: "Thank you.

"you are welcomed.

"No, I must thank you. When I saw the Demon Slaughter Token, to be honest, I thought it was enough. Thank you."

Robin said softly that the Demon Slaying Order destroyed the existence of her hometown of O'Hara, leaving her displaced and living in a dark life of betrayal and betrayal.

- Hearing the word Demon Slaying Order, she will recall the burning O'Hara, the dead mother, and O'Hara's scholars

So when she saw Kiyana dismantling the warship of the Demon Slaughter Order, she felt very touched in her heart. The return of the Demon Slaughter Order came again, and did not take away the people around her again, which made Robin very sad happy.

The Demon Slaughter Order is not as terrifying as she imagined, and it is irresistible. Of course, all this is thanks to Kiyana, who made the Slaughter Demon Order, a nightmare that has plagued her for many years, sink into the bottom of the sea, so Robin must thank Kiana's.

"Nothing =

After Qiyana said that, she didn't speak any more. At this time, all her attention was on Chopper. For some reason, she felt that Chopper was in a low mood.

And there seems to be a very complicated emotion in the eyes looking at her. Although Qiyana is not such a smart person, she is very sensitive to the eyes of people around her looking at her. Chopper must have something on her mind.

But Qiyana didn't know what it was thinking now, and became sullen.

In the original book, Chopper doesn’t seem to have such emotions. Why is this? Could it be because of himself?

Kiyana is very concerned about this, but why did Chopper become like this? It seems that she didn't do anything, right?

On the side, Sauron was wiping the knife in his hand with a white cloth, very seriously, sneaking glances at Chopper from time to time.

After Sauron wiped it, when putting the knife back into the sheath, he suddenly gasped, and everyone turned to look at him. It turned out that Sauron accidentally scratched his hand when putting the knife back.

"Are you an idiot, Chlorella head.

Sanji taunted immediately when he saw this scene on the sidelines.

"You're the idiot, pervert.

Zoro glared at Sanji angrily, and then said to Chopper, "Chopper, can you bandage me up?"

"...This, let Qiyana use her ability to do it."

Chopper looked at Qiyana with some hesitation. Her ability is definitely faster than his own healing, right? There is no need for it.

"No, she told me that her abilities are limited, right? Kiyana."

After Qiyana was stunned for a second, she finally came to her senses and nodded slowly.

"Ah, I can only use this ability a few times a month, any more will put a burden on my body.

"Eh? Is that so? So using this ability will cause a burden to the body?"

Hearing this, Sanji hurriedly asked Kiana with concern, Kiana nodded, then reached out and pressed his forehead and said: "Ah, I'm a little dizzy now, I'll rest first.

"Then you rest, I will prepare a great food for you right away, and you can eat it when you wake up."

Sanji was a little nervous, and then he turned his head and asked - Uncle Bingshan next to him asked: "Uncle Bingshan, is there a kitchen on this boat?

"Yes, the leftmost room on the second floor is the kitchen."

"Okay, there are all the ingredients, please use them."


After Sanji nodded his thanks, he turned his head back and said to Kiana: "Please wait for a while, Kiyana-chan, I will make up for you right away."

After all, Sanji ran out in a hurry, leaving only Kiyana alone in place. How should I put it, Sanji is really good to women.

On the other hand, Chopper was very happy to disinfect Sauron's wound with medicine, and then + very cutely and seriously used a bandage to help Sauron bandage the wound.

Seeing this scene, Kiyana finally understood the reason why Chopper was depressed just now, and she did everything it was supposed to do, which made it feel like it couldn't help it.

Zoro discovered the reason for Chopper's depression one step ahead of himself, and even scratched his finger on purpose, and told himself what to say in words.

Unexpectedly, Zoro doted on Chopper unexpectedly. Kiyana watched the interaction between Chopper and Zoro, and couldn't help laughing in her heart.

Perhaps this is the so-called relationship between companions who get along day and night. Kiyana and Chopper met for the first time, so they couldn't detect the reason for Chopper's depression.

The main reason is that Qiyana didn't expect that Chopper would be depressed because of this kind of thing. Think about it carefully, in fact, Chopper's age is less than ten years old in terms of human beings, and he is still a child, very innocent.

It just wants to help everyone. It can come in handy, but it has nothing to do. It is inevitable to feel a little lost.

Kiyana looked at the two silently, then closed her eyes, intending to take a rest while thinking about the next move.

First of all, she wants to stay in the water capital to protect everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates until the Sonny is built and Lu Fei and they can sail.

During this period, if Kasa wants to attack his companions, Kiyana can also stop it, and then Qiyana plans to find the next Dragon Ball mission.

At present, Qiyana's level is not high enough for the mainline Dragon Ball quest, she can't claim it, and she can't know what the quest requirements are, so she can only upgrade first.

It seems that after leaving Water City, he will return to his old job as a bounty hunter.

By the way, there is still a need to go to Sky Island. Luffy and the others didn’t take all the gold on Sky Island. Good things can’t be wasted, right? If all the gold on Sky Island is taken away, Qia Na might be able to draw ten consecutive times a few more times.

At that time, his strength will be greatly enhanced, and he will be more sure about the task.

And in this world, not only the original characters are a threat to Kiyana, but even other reincarnated people may pose a threat to Kiyana. Like myself, they may be familiar with the plot, and there may be some people who are also very familiar with Beng San.

This is a big hidden danger for Kiyana.

By the way, speaking of the reincarnator, I don’t know what happened to Sami who was captured by the soul of General Zi 2. Such a dangerous character, Master Besta must have solved it, right?

"Oh? Do you care about that guy?"

Suddenly, Besta's voice sounded in Kiana's mind.

The sudden words scared people to death. You peeping tom doesn’t work hard and peeps into my inner thoughts every day. Are you a pervert? Qiyana was almost scared to death.

"I didn't kill that guy Sammy. Thinking about it, I'm really kind."

Besta spoke to himself.

"Do you know how much my workload has increased because of that guy? I can't vent my anger without punishing him.'

"Isn't it? You just kill that guy, what are you keeping?"

Qiyana said in surprise in her heart.

"How can we kill it directly? That would be too cruel. After all, my mother is not a devil. I asked him to complete the task of Dragon Ball just like you.

Like me? Then wouldn't he...become a girl too?

"Yeah, becoming cuter than you is really a good thing

As for the toy, I was really happy to see her crying expression, oh oh oh, I won’t tell you anymore, I will continue to tease her. "After that, Besta's voice never sounded again, presumably he left.

You found a new toy, so you changed me back, what about the agreement to love the new and dislike the old? I don't mind losing your favor, my lord.

(PS: Updates will be added on the [-]th.


Chapter 52 Explaining Domineering

It was as if Besta hadn't heard what Kiyana was saying, and never spoke again.

Qiyana was very helpless, she could only close her eyes and start to sleep depressedly, time passed slowly, and after a few hours, Qiyana opened her eyes and woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Kiyana saw that Sanji was moving a chair and sitting in front of her, with her hands on the back of the chair, her head resting on her arms, and she was staring at Kiana obsessively.

"Oh, are you awake? Kiyana sauce, I have carefully prepared delicious food for you. You haven't tasted my cooking for a long time, right? Come and taste it, you will definitely be satisfied."

Sanji said with a smile all over his face, while Kiana twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and when she opened her eyes, she saw an idiot, it was terrifying, bastard.

By the way, why does Sanji keep looking at him?Being stared at all the time while sleeping, it's kind of scary when you think about it.

On the side, Luffy Zoro and others had already sat around a table and started eating. Even the employees of Carrera Company were attracted by the meals made by Sanji.

The aroma of the dishes made by Sanji wafted into their nostrils, and many people felt very hungry when they smelled the aroma, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

That bastard Lu Fei was clearly sleeping, but he kept reaching out and holding the meat into his mouth to feed it. It's okay to sleep and eat at the same time.

"I really lost to him, I can still eat while I'm sleeping."

Sanji was a little speechless, fortunately he had prepared another one for Kiyana in advance, otherwise Kiyana might not have anything to eat after she wakes up now.

"Nami-san, Robin-chan, Kiyana-chan, I specially prepared this for you."

Sanji ran to another unoccupied table very gentlemanly and pulled out the chair for Nami and others to sit down. At the same time, he slapped away Luffy's hand that was going to take the food.

"Thank you, Sanji."

Robin thanked Sanji with a smile, and then sat on the seat Sanji pulled out.

"You're welcome, Robin-chan, it's better to say that I hope you will always sit by our side."

"... Yes, I won't go anywhere, and I will always stay by your side."

Robin showed a faint smile, and everyone around laughed happily when they heard the words. This time Robin left and finally came back, and he really experienced a lot in the middle.

But she herself said that she would not leave again, presumably in the future Robin will not leave here without saying anything like this time.

"But this time it's really thanks to Kiyana-chan, thank you for being here, otherwise, we would definitely not be able to escape."

Sanji took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, walked to the window and sat down.

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