"Yeah, you can escape from the general and so many navies alone, Kiyana, you are so powerful, you are really reliable."

Nami, who was sitting next to Kiyana, hugged Kiyana's arm very happily. If she had known that Kiyana was so powerful, she would definitely ask Kiyana to save her hometown when she was in Donghai.

"Well, it's nothing, I just threatened him with the life of Tianlongren to let me go, the general is very powerful, it's really lucky to be able to escape."

Kiyana said calmly, from the surface, it was indeed Kiyana who escaped, Nami and the others thought it was normal, after all they didn't know their true strength.

Qiyana didn't intend to speak out, so Huang Yuan let her go?I'm sorry, but Huang Yuan has a strong desire to survive, so he can only let her go.

"Yeah, this time the Celestial Dragons are also here. The general must be concerned about the safety of the Celestial Dragons. It can really be called luck. The general's monster-level navy is very troublesome."

Sauron also couldn't help sighing, he had fought with Aokiji, he was very aware of the general's terrifying strength, he couldn't help stroking his arm that was frozen by Aokiji, just for a moment, his arm couldn't move, this is very important to him Deadly for a swordsman.

"But Kiyana-chan is so powerful, she can only run away from the general. The general is really scary. I don't know why that Aokiji let us go last time. I can't figure it out."

Sanji looked out the window, slowly exhaled the smoke in his lungs and said, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why Aokiji let them go last time, obviously it was very simple for him to catch his group.

"That's right, and that guy's fruit ability is still the strongest nature type. Normal attacks are useless against him, it's too foul."

Nami also continued down the topic, and the scene at that time could not help reappearing in her mind. Robin used his ability to smash Aokiji's body into pieces, and as a result, his body that was broken into ice cubes was glued together again. recovered together.

This kind of ability is too foul, it can't be killed at all, the body is shattered like that, but it still doesn't die. It's not without reason that the nature department is called the strongest of the three devil fruit departments.

As soon as Nami said this, Sauron didn't say anything. If Aokiji was a superhuman type like Luffy, Sauron could still do something, but he couldn't do anything about the natural type.

Since the last time he fought with Aokiji, Sauron has been thinking about how to defeat the enemies of the natural department, but he can't think of a way at all. No matter how he thinks, he will never be able to defeat the enemies that he can't cut.

Just like Captain Smoker in Rogue Town, or Luffy's brother Ace, they are all natural-type abilities. Zoro believes that they will definitely lose if they face them, and he has no hope of winning, because he has no hope of winning. It can't cause even a little harm to them.

"The natural system is like that. Once you master the domineering, it will be easy to deal with."

Qiyana sat on the seat, holding a knife and fork in each hand, staring intently at the steak on the plate in front of her, and said while cutting the steak.

Hearing the words that came out of Kiyana's mouth, Sauron and the others couldn't help looking at Kiyana.

"Qiana, what do you mean by domineering?"

Sauron asked with some doubts. Judging from Kiyana's tone, domineering seems to be able to restrain natural ability users?

"For domineering, I seem to have heard Crocodile say that it is a means of restraining natural ability users, and can capture the entities of natural ability users. Am I right? Qiyana."

Robin explained for Kiyana, but she only heard it from others, and the delicate relationship between Crocodile and her also caused him not to say everything to himself, so Robin had heard of Domineering, but she didn't know much about it. She was also afraid that Sauron would misunderstand her because she said something wrong, so she asked Qiyana for confirmation.

"Well, that's pretty much what it means, but you only mentioned one of its functions. Domineering is divided into three categories, knowledge color, armed color, and domineering color that only a few people have."

Kiyana put a piece of cut beef into her mouth and chewed, then continued vaguely: "The domineering that Robin mentioned just now belongs to the armed domineering, and the armed domineering can attack entities with natural abilities. To a certain extent, it has a restraining effect on devil fruit."

After swallowing the meat in her mouth, Qiyana also put the knife and fork on the side of the plate first, picked up the napkin on the table and wiped her mouth, her posture was very elegant.

Sauron, Sanji and the others looked at Kiana very seriously, and listened to her explanation of domineering. At the same time, they were also very surprised. Is there a way to restrain a natural ability user?

"Of course, the use of armed domineering is not limited to this, it can also enhance one's own defense and destructive power, and it is not only for the nature department, it also has a certain restraint effect on other department abilities, I will take Luffy Let me give you an example."

Kiana grabbed the hand of Luffy who was sleeping soundly on the next table, reaching out to take away the steak on the plate in front of her and said.

"You all know that Luffy is a rubber man who ate rubber fruits, right? Ordinary blows have no effect on him. Only sharp, sharp objects can hurt Luffy, such as swords, needles and the like. "

Everyone nodded, and even Frankie came over and watched Qiyana's explanation of domineering curiously.

"Luffy can ignore the damage caused by the blow. Although he will feel the touch, he will not feel pain. But this situation is different after using the armed color domineering."

As Kiana said, she covered her right hand with the armor-colored domineering, and then the hand that grabbed Luffy's wrist also began to exert force.


There was a crisp sound as if a bone was broken, and Luffy, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes wide and jumped up from his seat.

"Ah, it hurts!"

Kiana immediately let go of Luffy's hand, and Luffy's outstretched arm bounced back directly, hitting himself in the face.

Do you dare to grab my food?snort!

Kiyana looked at Luffy crying in pain and secretly thought that although she is not a big eater like Luffy, she will still protect her portion of food.

"It's just a squeeze, and Luffy will cry out in pain..."

Nami was very shocked and said that no matter how much she taught Luffy, she would not be afraid to hit him hard, because she knew that Luffy was a rubber man, and hitting him by herself was like tickling him, it was nothing at all.

Zoro was also very surprised to see that Luffy, who was holding his swollen wrist and blowing air, was really useful. Is this armed domineering?

"As you can see, this is the usefulness of Armed Color Domineering. It has a certain restraint effect on ability users, so natural-type ability users are not so scary. As long as you master Armed Color Domineering, it is still easy to deal with."

After that, Kiyana picked up the knife and fork again, cutting the steak in front of her very elegantly and ladylikely, just like a noble princess.

"Armed domineering? What are you talking about? Kiyana."

Luffy, who just woke up, didn't understand what Kiyana was talking about. He missed Kiyana's explanation before, and only heard that something called domineering seems to be able to restrain nature-type abilities.

"Qiana, can you teach me domineering color?"

Zoro looked at Kiana and asked.

"Okay, but I'm not very proficient in my own domineering, so I can't teach you much useful things."

(PS: Guaranteed on the [-]th, and the draft of the cover has already been drawn, the character is Besta, you should be able to see it next month.)

Chapter 53

"But let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm tired today.

Kiyana said and continued to eat the steak, and Zoro nodded. This time, Kiyana put in a lot of effort, and even faced the general, so it's only natural that she would feel tired.

Anyway, the Qiyana people are here, the difference between learning today or tomorrow is not very big, don’t be in a hurry, it’s okay to learn tomorrow,

And he is already very tired today, even if Qiyana is teaching now, he probably won't be able to continue learning, maybe he fell asleep while Qiyana was explaining domineering.

"What are you talking about? Sauron, what is domineering?"

Luffy still didn't understand the situation, and asked suspiciously.

"Kiana will tell us the method of restraining natural ability users.

Sanji explained to Lu Fei on the side, Lu Fei also frowned when he heard the words, rubbing his chin with his left hand, a natural ability?

"Naturally...ah, do you mean someone with abilities like Ace?"

"Yes, Kiyana said that in order to deal with enemies like them, one must learn to be armed and domineering, so that one can capture the entities of natural ability users.

"Is there such a thing?"

Luffy said with a shocked face, speaking of nature-type ability users, Luffy is also quite a headache, now that there is a way to restrain nature-type ability users, Luffy is also a little excited.

"Qiana, that thing called domineering, can you teach me?"

Although the Judicial Island incident was good in terms of the outcome, all the companions were rescued safely, and even the younger brothers of the Franky family escaped safely, but Luffy still felt that his strength was too weak.

Coupled with Kiyana for comparison, Luffy feels that he is too weak now. If Kiyana didn't join in to help them halfway through this operation, I'm afraid that all members of the Straw Hats will die in this operation. Justice Island.

So now Luffy wants to increase his strength very much, and this domineering ability that can restrain nature-type abilities may be a way for him to become stronger.

Otherwise, the next time you meet a powerful enemy, with his strength, maybe you won't be able to have a happy ending like this time. It is necessary for Luffy to become stronger, and he must protect his companions.

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow.

After a quick breakfast, Kiyana came to the window and looked in the direction of Judiciary Island. It seemed that the navy and the others were not chasing after them, so Kiyana felt a little relieved.

The navy didn't come after her, and Qiyana wasn't very surprised. The strength she showed was strong enough, and their attitude towards her would naturally change.

Just like a big pirate at the level of the Four Emperors, would the navy dare to go to war easily? No, even if it was a war on top, the navy would only consider doing it after careful consideration.

Now the navy has given him enough respect, which is good news, as long as Qiyana doesn't do anything too much, the navy should not take care of her.

Soon, several hours passed, and the time was approaching noon. The dazzling sunlight shone on the sea. Looking into the distance, the shadow of the water capital could already be seen on the sea level.

When she got closer, Kiyana was finally able to see the whole picture of the city of water. Its architectural style is like the water city of Venice. There are rivers everywhere in the streets and alleys, and the back streets were also destroyed by the tsunami of the gods of water last night. And became a little dilapidated.

There are damaged buildings everywhere, and the residents of the backstreet have also returned to the backstreet from Shipbuilding Island at this time, looking at the damaged houses in the backstreet with sad faces, not knowing what to do.

They were all amazed by the scale of this year's tsunami of the Gods of Water. They had never seen such a large-scale tsunami in the past few decades. It made people worry that Shipbuilding Island would also be swallowed by the tsunami.

Because the foundations of the city of water are sinking every year, perhaps the day they are worried about will come sooner or later.

"Has the back street been destroyed like this?

Frankie stood at the bow, looking at the buildings in the back street, a little surprised.

He was taken away by CP9 people last night, so he didn't see how terrifying this year's tsunami was, but just from the extent of the damage in the back street, Frankie knew how powerful the water gods were last night. horrible.small toys

Praise them for crossing the terrifying tsunami and coming to Judiciary Island to save themselves? Frankie - Thinking of those younger brothers of the Frankie family trying so hard to save themselves, I can't help being moved and want to cry, these brats , It really touched him.

And Robin was also lost in thought looking at the destroyed buildings. It's great to have such a group of companions.

"Are you tired too? I'll take you to the dormitory behind the shipyard. In addition, I will help you hide it from the Navy. Don't worry.

Bingshan turned his head and said to Luffy and the others.

"Excuse me, thank you.

"You're welcome. After all, you saved my life. Isn't it natural to help the savior?"

Bingshan said with a smile, if it wasn't for the Straw Hat Pirates last night, maybe he would have been burned to death by Lu Qi and the others.

Now that the Straw Hat Pirates are in trouble, he naturally wants to help.

"Oh look, Mr. Iceberg is back.

The residents in the back street saw the Carrera company's ship on the sea, and they waved quickly. They also heard about what happened last night. Their beloved mayor, Bingshan, was attacked by government spies. He was the Straw Hat Pirate. The regiment rescued him.

Moreover, the Straw Hat Pirates seem to have gone to Judicial Island to rescue their companions. Today, the tsunami just calmed down, and Bingshan took the employees of Carrera Company to sail to Judicial Island.

They are very worried about the safety of the Straw Hat Pirates who saved the iceberg. You must know that Judiciary Island is the chassis of the World Government. It has never been heard that a pirate can come out after entering.

Soon, the boat docked. Bingshan and the Straw Hat Pirates came down together, and Qiyana walked at the end. She didn't like being stared at by others, so she used a veil to cover her face. On the lower half of the face, only the eyes were exposed.

"Look, the Straw Hat Boys are actually back, and Nicole Robin is also here."

"It's unbelievable that they actually rescued their companions from the hands of the world government.'

"It's amazing."

The residents of the water city surrounding the port exclaimed when they saw Luffy and the others. They really did not expect that everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates came back safely. They successfully rescued their companions, which is simply incredible. up.

Wearing the mask of the sniper king, Usopp waved excitedly around.

"You don't have to be too surprised, this battle is under my wise command, and success is inevitable.

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