Chapter No.17

After returning to the Hyperion, Qiyana first went to the bathroom to wash off the blood that she accidentally got on during the battle.

Looking at the figure in the mirror, Qiyana secretly sighed, she was still a step late and did not catch up.

If the pirates were discovered that day, they would have killed the people on the merchant ships.

But at that time, Qiyana was not sure about the character of the people on this pirate ship. What if they were just pure adventurers like Luffy? Wouldn’t it be a mistake to kill yourself?

Qiyana once set a rule for herself not to kill indiscriminately, and now she abides by it very well, only killing those villains she thinks death is not a pity, but the world is unpredictable, and the future is still difficult to grasp.

After tracking for three days, there is no shelter on the sea, - it can be seen at a glance, and Qiyana can only be - - kept at a distance that they will not notice, far away, and from time to time Qiyana Na flew to an altitude of [-] meters to check the movements of the Pease Pirates. After all, you can see far from high.

However, this method also has shortcomings. The Pease Pirates did not find anyone following them, but in the same way, once the Pease Pirates took any action, Kiyana had no time to stop it.

Although Kiyana came at full speed when they started shelling the merchant ship, she was still a step late. Except for those women who might have been useful and were not killed, the rest were not so lucky.

The angry Qiyana can only be ruthless. Even if those pirates don't die, they will be half disabled from now on.

Kiyana washed her face, and then took a deep breath. She was also very helpless. It was too difficult to follow the pirates without letting them find out, and to stop them in time when they were doing evil.

Of course, it's not that Kiyana hasn't thought of other methods, such as taking the initiative to approach the pirates to see their reactions.

The result is obvious, - a ship, - a peerless beauty, without anyone's protection, if it is any pirate, it is inevitable that they will not have bad thoughts, in other words, they will lure them to commit crimes.

It’s as if Kiyana deliberately seduced those pirates. At the beginning, Kiyana did kill a few pirate groups by this method, but then it didn’t work. It seems that she has become a little famous among the pirates. .

Several pirates ran away when they saw the single beauty approaching them in a boat, but Kiana couldn't tell what the other party's character was.

In the end, there was no other way but to follow her from a distance; to prevent those pirates from discovering her tracks, and if they did something beyond the bottom line of Kiyana's tolerance, she would take action to get rid of them .

It is very troublesome to do so, but there is no good way for Qiyana, she must abide by the rules she set, and only kill those she thinks must be killed.

If Qiyana can't even abide by her final bottom line, she will feel that she will become more and more cold-blooded, treating human life like nothing, without emotion.

After leaving the bathroom, Kiyana came to the kitchen on the second floor. The Shadow Dance clone had already prepared a sumptuous lunch, which was made with deep-sea salt. The aroma alone had whetted Qiyana's appetite.

The little fox, Feiyuwan, had already been sitting on the table, holding a piece of fried tofu and gnawing on it contentedly. His mouth was full of greasy food. Seeing this, Qiyana couldn't help but smile slightly. She reached out to pick up a tissue and began to help. Hiyumaru wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth.

"Well, sister, are you still upset that you didn't stop them in time?"


"It's a lie, the mood is expressed on the face.

Kiana one-

Without saying a word: sit on Ziliangji’s parking lot: start to eat, then take out the mobile phone to check the small map, looking for new hunting

It has been more than half a month since I left Sky Island, and Kiyana has almost [-] experience points in hunting pirates, and now she is still short of reaching level [-]--Xiaoge Experience points, but it may take a long time for Qiyana to get this small experience value.

After upgrading, you can receive the main task, come on.

Kiyana secretly encouraged herself, it has been long enough to be stuck at level 59

, Qiyana was already level 59 when she was learning Domineering, and later powerful enemies, such as the reincarnation of Sammy, or the bodyguard Butev of Kasa, did not provide Qiyana with any experience.

This made Qiyana very speechless, why is it so difficult to upgrade a level?

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She urgently needs a powerful enemy to provide her with enough experience points. It would be great if she could be leveled up in one breath.

However, the small map did not show the existence of a small red dot nearby. After checking it, Qiyana also put away her mobile phone. It seems that there will be no new prey in the middle of the day.

Soon, Kiyana had her meal and began to take out the arrest warrants she had collected to compare with the leader of the pirate group she had just killed.

Kiyana took out a stack of wanted warrants, flipped through them, and quickly found the wanted warrant for Pease.

"Four thousand and six million Pele? That's pretty high.

Kiyana couldn't help being a little surprised, she didn't expect that the captain of the pirate group she killed just now had such a high bounty, she didn't see it at all.

Qiyana couldn't help but think back to the time when she first entered the great route. At that time, it was a bit strenuous to fight against a pirate with a bounty of 80 million. I didn't expect that it would be almost half a year, and the level hadn't increased by a few levels, but It is not difficult to solve a person who has a bounty of 6 million.

It seems that I have also become a lot stronger without knowing it. Even though the bounty offered by the other party is 6 million, it feels like a little pirate with several million to Qiyana. It's defeated.

But this is also very likely because the white night armor is too strong, no matter, just blow it up.

Soon Qiyana had her lunch, threw away the bowls and chopsticks, and came to the deck outside, stretching comfortably, the afternoon sun was very dazzling.

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Kiyana covered the sunlight above her head with her hands, and looked at the white clouds in the sky. She always liked to look at the white clouds in the sky when she was free.

After all, what is needed to enter the realm of Shura is calmness and a calm attitude.

Suddenly, a large shadow flew over Kiyana's head and headed for the distance. Kiyana's eyes widened slightly, and her eyes followed the smoking spaceship.

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What is that? I wipe it? That is obviously not the technology that Pirate World should have? What's the situation?

Kiyana watched the spaceship beyond the technological level of Pirate World get farther and farther away, and finally landed in the distance - on a small island.

Kiyana hesitated for a while, but decided to go over and have a look. Kiyana was very curious about this spaceship, which was obviously only made by advanced civilizations, and it was no different from a science fiction movie.

Kiana quickly controlled the rudder, changed the direction of the Hyperion, and went to the island to find out.

She had an idea before, and after completing all the main tasks, she wanted to see if she could find a way to go to other planets, and now might be an opportunity.

That spaceship is absolutely impossible to be manufactured by Pirate World's level of technology. Kiyana, who has read the original book, understands this very well-that is to say, this spaceship is very likely to be a product of an advanced civilization planet.

But that "spaceship" looked a little bad, as if something had broken down.

After more than an hour, Qiyana looked at the island in the distance and couldn't help but feel that the speed of the boat was still too slow, so she let the avatar continue to sail, while she was stepping on the moon step and the scarlet jade. Maru went to the island together.

After + minutes, Kiyana finally came to the sea outside the island, and at the same time she saw the spaceship that crashed on the island. It wasn't until she got closer that Kiyana finally saw the spaceship clearly. How huge is the spaceship.

At the same time, Qiyana also saw a small town near the spacecraft, and decided to go to the small town to inquire about news.

Qiyana used the Moon Step to fly around the town, then landed on the outer road and walked towards the town.

There are a lot of people in the town, and Qiyana even saw a lot of pirates on the wanted list, but now she has no time to deal with him], but walked towards the place where the crowd was densest.

On the square in the center of the town, a large group of people gathered together, and Qiyana stood at the outermost edge, unable to see what happened in the middle, and could only ask a passerby for news.

"May I ask what happened here?" o

The passer-by replied without looking back: "I don't know too well. A light novel

Seeing that she couldn't get out of the question, Qiyana could only plunge into the crowd and squeeze in towards the innermost part.

Qiyana's strength was great, and she squeezed in after a while, and many people were pushed away without even reacting.

"What are you pushing me for?"

"What? Aren't you pushing me?

"You want to fight?

"Hit it! Boom

Kiyana ignored the movement behind and came to the most central position, but she did not expect to meet an "acquaintance".

In the center of the crowd, a pink-haired beauty was gnawing on a piece of chicken leg, and beside her was a red-skinned woman lying on the floor with a blood transfusion device hanging beside her.

Regarding the pink-haired woman, although Qiyana was not too sure about her identity, she had some guesses in her heart. Could it be Joelle Bonnie?

It looks the same as the image in the original book. It is normal for Qiyana to guess like this, but one is a Two-dimensional image and the other is a real person. Kiyana dare not be too sure, maybe she just admitted it wrong. .

Just when Kiyana was still guessing whether the pink-haired woman was Bonnie, she also ate the chicken leg, then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and said, "You said you came to this planet to find your imperial empire?" Descendants of the royal family?"

"Yes, as long as you find a descendant of the royal family to inherit the throne, our Yar Empire can provide you with very rich rewards.

The red-haired woman lying on the ground responded.

Kiyana stood silently among the crowd and listened to their conversation, the descendants of the royal family? The Yar Empire?


Chapter 18 Unlucky

Kiyana was a crowd of onlookers with a dazed expression, watching Bonnie interrogate the woman who seemed to be from an alien planet.

The Yar Empire? Descendants of the royal family? What is this all about? By the way, does Bonnie still have this kind of experience? I really didn't expect it.

"Reward? How rich is the reward? Mien."

Bonnie is a little moved, and she is also very excited about the generous rewards described by the other party. If she can find it, it will be a lot of money.

No pirate can resist the charm of money, and Bonnie is no exception.

Mien? Is this red-skinned alien woman called Mien? Kiyana secretly wrote down the woman's name.

"The reward won't let you down, just rest assured.

Mi En pressed the wound that had been bandaged, and said with a slight frown, the faint pain from the wound made her feel a little uncomfortable.

When the surrounding pirates heard the news, they all became excited and clamored to find some descendants of the royal family. They completely forgot their reaction of being frightened when they faced the monster just now.

"Let's not talk about the descendants of the royal family, let me ask you, what happened to the monster that chased and killed you?

Bonnie was still very sensible, and immediately asked about the origin of Mi En's monster.

Mi En was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking of making a speech, and it took a while to tell the whole story.

Everyone listened quietly, and Qiyana also learned the general ins and outs of the whole thing through Mien's narration. About half a month ago, the descendants of the royal family of their empire sent a signal for help on the earth.

And this call for help arrived at the sensitive stage of the regime change of the Yar Empire. In order to stabilize his throne, the new king Jean sent killers to get rid of the orthodox royal heir to keep his position.

On the other hand, Mien belongs to the orthodox faction who prefers the descendants of the royal family to inherit the throne. On the way to find the descendants of the royal family, she was attacked by a killer sent by Jean on the moon, causing almost all of them to be wiped out, leaving her alone.

After learning about the general situation, Kiyana couldn't help but start to sympathize with Mi En's experience. It's so pitiful that her companions have all become victims of politics, and even she was almost spared.

In the final analysis, it is still rights. Kiyana can also understand the mood of Jean. Seeing that the throne is finally about to be obtained, at this time the orthodox heir to the throne suddenly sends a signal for help, showing a wave of presence.of

Qiyana estimated that Jean must be in a depressed mood, and it is normal to send someone to assassinate the rescue team.

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