It's just pity for the orthodox heir, it's really unlucky, the throne was robbed, and if you encounter difficulties, you send a distress signal, and you probably have to be targeted by Jean's madness. I really want to get to know her, please forgive her unkind laugh.

Qiyana is so happy, she is living a miserable life now, being used as a toy by the God of Shaking S for her entertainment, and now she suddenly hears that there are people who are more unlucky than her, that kind of feeling is really not too good.

Just as Kiyana was secretly laughing, the surrounding pirates were not calm.

The pirates who were clamoring to find the heirs of the royal family to get rich rewards backed off one after another, and their faces became hesitant.

The fear that the monster brought to them just now was unimaginable. If it wasn't for the fact that Bonnie, the supernova pirate, was also here, they would have had no choice but to flee all day long, with heavy casualties.

How powerful is the killer sent by Jean? They dare not imagine that no matter how rich the rewards provided by the Yar Empire after finding the royal descendants, they still have to spend their lives.

Many pirates are still very clear about their own strength, knowing that their own strength is not enough, and they can only die if they go to the muddy water. It seems that this opportunity may only be given to those with strength, such as Bonnie This supernova pirate.

"How strong are those killers? Are they strong?"

Bonnie asked, keeping her eyes on Meen's expression, trying to see if she was lying.

N_set, this An Ruo Ming Cheng Liang is almost the strongest of this group of people, just now I also saw the performance of Bonnie, and very easily eliminated the monster that slaughtered their rescue team.

If Mi En wants to find the royal descendants, the power of this woman is indispensable, and she must be firmly tied.

If she exaggerated the enemy's strength too much, Bonnie might not help her, and turned her head away directly. This is what Mi En didn't want to see, so she had to weaken the enemy's strength, You can say how weak it is, but it can't be too obvious.

The other party has been observing his expression, just wanting to see from his expression whether he will lie or not. If he wants to deceive the other party, his acting skills must reach a very high level.

"If you use your strength to defeat them, there is absolutely no problem. You can rest assured."

Bonnie remained silent without saying a word. She didn't see that Mi En was lying, but she wasn't good at it. There must be risks. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch a tiger. Dangerous, if there is no such awareness, Bonnie will not go to sea.

"Okay, I can help you find the descendants of the royal family, but do you know where he is now? If it's too far away, I don't have time to spare."

Bonnie thought about it and said, as she said, if the royal descendant is too far away, she is going to give up, if the royal descendant is in the East China Sea, Beihai and other four sea areas, no matter which sea area, just give up , without even thinking about it.

She came to the great route with great difficulty, and she was about to reach the fishman island to go to the new world. At this time, she would turn back and pass the reverse mountain, and Bonnie would never do it.

"The detection equipment in my hand can confirm the specific location of the descendants of the royal family. After I have detected it first, you are considering whether to accept it or not.

Mi En raised the detection instrument she has been holding tightly, she has been protecting it very well, this is the only hope of finding the descendants of the royal family, and it must not be lost".

Oh? Can this thing find that unlucky guy? Qiyana looked at the instrument in Mi En's hands curiously. It looked like a mobile phone, but with a curved surface.

"Just rely on this? Are you sure you can really find the descendants of the royal family?"

Bonnie looked at the instrument in Mi En's hands suspiciously. For something she didn't understand, it was really hard to imagine that they could find the person they were looking for with just such a thing.

"Well, it can locate the help signal transmitter of the descendants of the royal family. Although it is a very old model, it can still determine the approximate range. The accuracy error can be reduced to 100 meters, and the closer the accuracy is, the more accurate it will be. higher.

It sounds very powerful, Kiyana thought secretly.

"Then use it quickly, if the distance is very close, we will start right away. Xiaowan

Bonnie urged that it would be best to find the mission target as soon as possible, Mien nodded, then turned the detection instrument to F and started positioning.

The moment the instrument was turned on, an extremely weak energy emanated from the instrument, and the pores on Qiyana's body shrank slightly, responding to it.

But the people around didn't seem to be aware of it at all, there was nothing abnormal, and 8 was still focused on watching Mien fiddle with the detection equipment.

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Qiyana observed the reactions of the people around her. It seemed that they couldn't feel the existence of that weak energy. Was her reaction too sensitive? She could detect things that ordinary people couldn't.


Soon, the detection instrument in Mi En's hand also made a sound, as if it had detected the location of the descendants of the royal family.

Everyone around suddenly became engrossed and X stared at Mi En very nervously. Although they were not strong enough, they planned to give up this opportunity, but this did not prevent them from watching the show.

"How? Where is the so-called descendant of the royal family now?

Bonnie casually took an oversized pig thigh from her crew and began to eat it, - chewing - - while asking, obviously just ate something, no-would she start eating again, this time Qiyana became more and more I'm sure this is the girl with a big stomach like Bonnie, she can really beg, and her figure won't be out of shape.

If Qiyana is not due to system restrictions, she will definitely gain weight after eating so much food. What about the law of conservation of mass? Why doesn’t this guy get fat? It’s unscientific.

But Qiyana has found the same kind, and both of them have physiques that can't eat fat.

Mi En took a look at the detection instrument in his hand, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Is this instrument broken? Why is the target displayed so close to him? It's almost close to him.

"Hey, where is he? Say something quickly, we are all waiting.

At this time, the arm next to him had been fixed, and Bryce, who had finished bandaging, couldn't help urging him. His arm was seriously injured in the previous battle. If possible, he really wanted to help Mien find that royal descendant and overthrow him. Jean's throne, this way to avenge

This, it seems that the descendants of the royal family are in this small town.

Mi En hesitated for a while, before finally speaking, everyone couldn't help being stunned, what? Right here?

Qiyana was also very surprised when she heard the words, isn't it, that unlucky guy is here? Isn't this too coincidental? Where is it? Let me see what that guy looks like.

Qiyana turned her head and looked around, but she didn't find any red-skinned humans except Mien, and everyone else had normal yellow skin.

"Hey, are you mistaken?

Bonnie glanced around, and then asked suspiciously, most of the people present had the same idea as Bonnie, thinking that it was Mi En who made the mistake.

"There should be no mistake, the energy response of the distress signal transmitter is here.

Mien himself was a little confused. How could there be such a coincidence? The place where the spaceship crashed happened to be the island where the descendants of the royal family were located.

Mien put his finger on the screen to narrow the search range of the detection instrument, so that he could more accurately locate the location of the distress signal transmitter, even down to the measurement unit of meters.

Soon, the detection instrument issued an instruction again. Mi En looked down at the screen, and then looked up at a strong man with a height of more than two meters in the crowd with a surprised gaze. Minn looked away.

The atmosphere on the field was silent for a moment, the strong man with a flowery face touched the back of his head in a daze, pointed at himself with the index finger of his left hand and said, "Eh? Why are you all looking at me? I'm not a royal family." Future generations, there must be something wrong.

Looking at the strong man in front of her, Qiyana couldn't help secretly laughing, it turned out that the unlucky guy was you, you deserve it, you look like you have been destroyed by humanity, no wonder you have such bad luck.

"Please get out of the way, don't block me.

The strong man moved away with a dazed expression, while Qiyana, who kept giggling behind him, came into the sight of everyone.


Qiyana was stunned, and the corners of her snickering lips became stiff.


Chapter 19 Got it wrong

Qiyana, who was still gloating at other people's misfortune, suddenly realized that something was wrong, and her smile that was still snickering gradually became stiff, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Well, what's going on here?" Kiyana muttered in a low voice, the voice was so small that people thought she was talking to herself, and everyone around her was focusing on her at this time, and the atmosphere fell into * * In an atmosphere of silence.

Mi En stood up from the ground. Although she had given her a blood transfusion, her recovery was not so fast. Her body was trembling and she might fall down at any time. But at this moment, she didn't care about her body at all. up.

Finding the descendants of the royal family made her very excited at the moment. She never thought that after coming to Earth, she could find the person she wanted so easily. What a coincidence.

"Hey, wait, this guy is the royal family of your empire? How do you think this person is from Earth? The skin color is completely different from yours."

On the side, Bonnie looked at Qiyana with puzzled eyes. If this person is a descendant of the royal family, wouldn't she have done nothing? The task is done? Then there will be no reward.

Mien shook his head when he heard the words and said: "The descendants of the royal family may not necessarily have the same skin color as mine. It has been a long time since the descendants of the royal family left the Yar Empire. It is normal for the descendants of the royal family to have the same skin color as the people on your planet." Yes, but it doesn't matter, as long as the blood in her body is orthodox, there is no problem.

After all, for the Yar Empire, the blood of the descendants of the royal family blessed by the gods is the most important, even if the skin color of the descendants of the royal family has been assimilated and changed by people on this planet, it doesn't matter.

Mi En came in front of Kiyana, with a serious face, slightly bent forward, and saluted very respectfully.

"Dear king, please forgive my rudeness, can I see your proof of being a descendant of the royal family?

Qiyana took a step back in embarrassment, uh, what's going on? I'm just a fringe OB--wave, and I somehow became a descendant of the so-called royal family? Heart oF Check Xiaowan

Just now-- the unlucky guy who was gloating and mocking was actually me? No, no, no, there must be a mistake somewhere, and I absolutely cannot be a descendant of the royal family, because I was reincarnated directly from Besta to this pirate international.

It is impossible to be a descendant of the royal family at all, it is definitely Mi En who made a mistake.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you must be mistaken, I'm not a royal.

Kiyana was about to turn around and leave while talking, just kidding, Qiyana should not get involved in such inexplicable things, although Qiyana did think about getting along with the aliens on this spaceship, See if you can go to other stars after changing back by yourself in the future

But the current situation is obviously different from what Qiyana wanted before. She just wants to have a way to leave the pirate world in the future, instead of being implicated in the power struggle on the alien planet.

One thing more is worse than one thing less. If this is the price Qi Yana has to pay for leaving the earth, then she would rather stay in Pirate World for the rest of her life. Anyway, Pirate World is not bad, except that it does not have the convenience of modern life, but with the road It would be nice to fly them on an adventure too.

However, Mi En directly grabbed Kiyana's arm, not letting her leave here. The detection instrument showed clearly that the energy response of the distress signal transmitter was on the gray-haired woman in front of her.

This woman is the one who used the transmitter, there can be no mistake.

"The signal transmitter for help is on your body, there is no mistake, you are the most honorable royal bloodline successor of our Yar Empire

"I don't have any kind of help signal, you made a mistake."

Qiyana wanted to get rid of Mi En, but she held it very tightly, and Qiyana didn't dare to use too much force, because the other party was injured, and Qiyana was afraid that too much force would make the other party's injury worse.

or Mu Xiaowan

But what is going on? She said that the distress signal transmitter was on her body? Kiyana thought about it secretly, and she seemed to have nothing. By the way, the strange thing she got on the empty island.

Kiyana's eyes widened slightly, and she remembered that she had indeed obtained it on the empty island-a very strange thing, even Ai-chan didn't know what it was, and she used that thing to launch it by mistake. There was an extremely dazzling light.

Could it be that that is the so-called help signal transmitter? It is also similar in terms of time. I was indeed on the empty island half a month ago.

Thinking of this, Kiyana immediately understood that all this was caused by Zi 2, she sent a signal for help to the outer planet, that's why they sent people to the earth, and Mien and his rescue team did it. was attacked.

It turned out that after a long time, everything started because she pressed that button with her hands. After thinking about it, Qiyana also sighed secretly. She didn't expect that she would kill so many people just by pressing it casually.

The disgusting smell of blood on the spaceship was blown by the sea wind. Although she didn't see the tragedy on the spaceship with her own eyes, she could also imagine their despair when they faced the monster on the spaceship through Mien's narration. .

Thinking of this, Qiyana was speechless immediately, with a faint sense of guilt in her heart, she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say, she was speechless, although those who didn't know were innocent, after all, how could Qiyana Knowing the consequences of her casually-pressing? But Qiyana still feels very uncomfortable.

"My Lady Queen, please don't run away anymore, the Yar Empire needs you.

Seeing that Kiyana wanted to leave, Mi En also held onto Kiyana's arm tightly and refused to let go.

"I said you found the wrong person, I'm not a queen. Then I handed it to Mien, SF loses the novel

The signal transmitter is taken out, this is the transmitter, right? This is just what I picked up, and it’s not mine at all. Do you understand now?

"The distress signal you mentioned identified the wrong person!

?I'm not a queen, get rid of your trouble, just kidding, she doesn't want to get into such a big trouble out of nowhere.

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