"You hold this woman first, I'll get rid of the others, these guys are too annoying.

Doc said to the other companions, although most of the pirates in the Bonnie Pirates are not very strong, it is too annoying for Doc to get rid of them, and it is more beneficial for them to reduce variables.

"Understood, you try to hurry up, the four of us may not be able to hold her back."

Doc's companion nodded, and at the same time told Doc to solve it as soon as possible, because they didn't have the confidence to stop Kiyana. Doc is the strongest of the five of them. If he wants to hold Kiyana, he is the main force. .

"Don't worry, I'll be able to deal with these scumbags soon."

Doc reassured his companions that these people had not been taken seriously by Doc, and he, who was the most powerful in the field, would take action to solve them. He believed that they would be able to deal with them soon, and then came back to help his companions.

Doc turned around and rushed towards the pirates of the Bonnie Pirates at the side, at an extremely fast speed. Seeing Doc rushing, the pirate who had fired the shot suddenly panicked, turned around and let go of his feet to start Running away, the others saw him fleeing and running around in the bushes, so they also separated and ran wildly.

At the same time, he also cursed in his heart, since you are going to run away, don't shoot, the enemy is attracted by you, shit.

Although these pirates were very dissatisfied with the companion who shot, Kiyana was very grateful, because they helped them share some pressure. Although only one person was reduced, the enemies that Kiyana had to face One less, the pressure is greatly reduced.

After all, the enemies are all enemies wearing Hailoushi armor, and having fewer individuals is also a lot less troublesome for Qiyana.

Qiyana was overjoyed, and then began to take a deep breath to calm herself down.

The enemy seemed to be very afraid of him, and didn't come forward to attack him, but surrounded him to prevent him from leaving. It seemed that he just wanted to hold him back, and Qiyana didn't initiate an attack when he saw this.

If the opponent doesn't come to attack, Qiyana will simply try to calm herself down and see if she can enter the Shura state. The powerful ability to foresee the future in the Shura state is of great help to the battle.

Kiyana just stood there, trying to relax her mentality as much as possible, and everyone in the Harvey Pirates was a little puzzled when they saw that Kiyana just stood there and didn't make any movements. Why didn't this woman break through? C

"What is she doing?"

"Who knows? - She's not panicking at all, isn't she afraid that Captain Harvey will come to deal with her after they finish the guy who discharged the discharge?

"Never mind her, it's best if she doesn't attack, we just need to make sure she can't leave.

The members of the Harvey Pirates communicated with each other through the voice device that Kiyana didn't attack them, so they wished they could just keep going. After all, if they really wanted to fight, they didn't have the confidence to stop Kiyana.

Kiyana slowly closed her eyes.Everything around her seems to have slowed down in her perception, becoming extremely slow, even the speed of falling leaves is slow_

dry times.

The trajectories of all things began to appear, and more and more, so densely packed that it would dazzle ordinary people just by looking at them.

However, after Qiyana opened her eyes, so many future trajectories were not chaotic at all, running in an orderly manner according to certain laws.Sound, a subtle sense of danger enveloped their hearts unknowingly.

This feeling of danger came very suddenly, but it seemed to be a matter of course. It was very strange. Their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up slightly. Their bodies subconsciously protected themselves. Response, put your hands in front of you.

Obviously Qiyana didn't do anything, but they were extremely nervous, as if they were facing an enemy.

"She seems a little different from before."

"Is there? She's just standing there the whole time, isn't she?


"I also have a feeling, be careful: you must not relax." Light novel

Everyone in the Harvey Pirates communicated with each other, and at the same time they became more serious about Kiana's guard. Maybe the feeling just now was just an illusion.

Qiyana took a breath slightly, her gaze became extremely cold, without any emotion, she successfully entered the Shura state.

It's also thanks to the fact that the enemy just stood on the side and didn't come forward to interfere with her. If it were any other time, Qiyana would naturally not be able to enter the Shura state so easily. It can only be said that the opponent was too cooperative.

Qiyana didn't know why the enemy didn't come forward to attack her, but just stayed at the side, but after thinking about it carefully, Qiyana also understood the reason why the opponent didn't attack.

Maybe the enemy knew that they were powerful and didn't dare to take the initiative to attack them, but they didn't attack them. They wanted to live in peace, so they just dragged the time and waited until the two people who fought against Enilo came back to help them, right?

But this is just Kiyana's guess, the reason is not important, the important thing is that Kiyana successfully entered the Shura state without interference, although the actual combat power has not improved, but at this time she has seen the realm of domineering It has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Qiyana's eyes swept over the enemies, observing their future trajectories, looking for a way to win.

Those who were swept by Qiyana's gaze felt that Qiyana's gaze seemed to see through their hearts, and they knew exactly what was going on in their hearts, and she controlled everything they did.

This weird feeling made people very uncomfortable, and cold sweat gradually covered their backs.

"Your future r I have seen and N

Qiyana said in a flat tone, with an expression of unprecedented contempt, as if she was looking at a group of ants.


Chapter 39

After Kiyana said these words, she also looked at the Harvey Pirates in front of them with contemptuous eyes. Countless branches of the future extended from their bodies.

Most of the branch trajectories point to the future of Qiyana's failure. She was caught by her, and she was defeated and under the restraint ability of Hailoushi's armor.

But the horror of the Shura mode is that as long as there is a branch of the future that wins, Qiyana can make changes according to that future and turn the situation to her advantage.

Unless the opponent has an enemy who is more knowledgeable and domineering than Qiyana, sees farther and more futures than Qiyana, and destroys Qiyana's actions, otherwise it is impossible for Qiyana to lose.

But such a terrifying existence obviously won't appear here, it can be stronger than Qiyana's knowledgeable domineering aura that has entered the Shura state at this time, such an existence can only be called a god.

"See our future? Hmph, playing tricks.

The enemy was obviously a little disdainful. Although Qiyana was very strong, did she think that she would definitely win against him-Pedestrian? It was too arrogant.

The [-]-yard power is indeed very high. To be honest, they have never seen a human being able to reach this level of yard power without any auxiliary props. It can almost be said that it is beyond the scope of human beings.

When they came to this planet before, they looked down on this backward planet from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that the human beings on this planet are all inferior races, which are too inferior to their noble blood.

Especially seeing that the technology on this planet is too backward, it confirmed their thinking.

In the end, they didn't expect this woman to be so powerful. Qigan's strength made them wonder who was the inferior race.

But even though Kiyana is so powerful, they are still very unconvinced when they see Kiyana looking at them with contempt. One is you.

Qiyana didn't speak, but she had already seen one of the enemy's future branches of death in her eyes, without any emotional support, Qiyana took a step forward, and broke out at an extremely fast speed in an instant.

The person who was targeted by Qiyana only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the gray-haired woman who was more than ten meters away just now appeared in front of him, so fast that he had no time to react.

But although he didn't react, the pressure that Kiyana put on him was too great. His body was already extremely tense just now. Now - seeing Kiyana's movement, his body reacted subconsciously and stepped back. go.

However, no matter how fast he retreated, it was not as fast as Qiyana's. Kiyana swung out with one hand, and the double wolf gloves were covered with armed domineering, which improved the attack power and hardness in disguise.

Directly bombarded on the opponent's chest, the powerful force made the opponent fall back again and again. On the way back, he was almost tripped by a stone. His whole body was on the verge of falling, and he would lose his center of gravity immediately.

No, he secretly thought something was wrong, the other party would definitely not let go of this opportunity, just when he thought that Qiyana would continue to pursue him while he lost his center of gravity, but Qiyana suddenly moved towards- - edge back.

This momentary change made the other people unable to react. It was obviously a very good opportunity just now. They didn't quite understand why Qiyana suddenly retreated towards the side.

But they soon knew why Kiyana backed away. On the battlefield between Enilo and Harvey in the distance, a laser with terrifying and destructive power pierced through several fallen leaves and flew here. It just hit the target that Qiyana attacked earlier, and sent it flying.

The aftermath of the explosion spread out, scorching flames swept everything around, and Qiyana, who had retreated earlier, happened to retreat to the edge of the aftermath, no more, no less, everything seemed to be such a coincidence.


The rest couldn't help shouting nervously at the companion who was accidentally injured by the wave bullet. They also knew very well how powerful the laser was. If they were hit head-on, even wearing A32 armor would not be able to bear it.

"Hey, I'm fine.

In the thick black smoke, Kribir walked out, but he looked quite embarrassed, as if he had suffered serious injuries.

Seeing that their companion was fine, the rest of them also breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Qiyana again, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

What happened to that woman? As if she had predicted it in advance, how did she know that the attack from that side would fall to this side? And she also retreated to a safe distance of + points in advance, which is unbelievable.

Is it a coincidence? But is this too coincidental? This woman was able to notice such a distant place during the battle? You must know that her back was facing the direction where Captain Harvey was. Could it be that this woman has eyes on her back? ?

At this time, they couldn't help recalling the words that Qiyana said before, I have seen your future.

Could it be that this woman can really see the future? Otherwise, what happened just now is really inexplicable, but isn't this too ridiculous?

A trace of fear gradually shrouded their hearts. Regarding Qiyana, they felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Kiyana took a deep breath, then continued to observe the future branch without any emotion, and soon she saw clearly the future branch where one of the people died, and started to act again.shave

Kiyana's figure instantly disappeared in place and appeared behind Kribill. The poor man had just been accidentally injured by his own captain's attack. Before he could recover, Kiyana attacked him again. .

When Kribir saw Kiyana disappearing, he was taken aback for a while, but the combat assistance system of the A32 armor quickly helped him capture the location of Kiyana, and his back couldn't help but feel chills. Unexpectedly, Kiyana instantly It's behind him.

Before Kribir even had time to turn around, he was bombarded by Qiyana's combo.

Li style. Into the cloud eagle!

(IoF Mu Xiaowan

The fast and powerful combo hit Kribir directly. In the end, an uppercut hit his chin fiercely. Kribir, who didn't grit his teeth, also paid a heavy price. Half of his tongue was directly crushed. Qiyana pushed her jaw up and bit it off, and her mouth was filled with the smell of blood in an instant.

Kribill wailed in pain, but the sound he made with his tongue broken was so ridiculous.

Li style. Rattan peacock!

Qiyana didn't give his companion another chance to rescue him, and then kicked out dozens of powerful kicks, constantly bombarding Kribir's body,

The hard Hailoushi armor continued to sag under Qiyana's powerful kicks, and finally a deep crack appeared with a click, and this crack became bigger and bigger under Qiyana's continuous attacks. more and more.


With the last - - kick, Kiyana kicked Kriber out fiercely, spinning in the air like a kite with a broken string, and after spinning a few times, it fell heavily to the ground, and the Hailoushi armor on her body was also shattered. It shattered and fell to the ground.

The entire upper body was exposed, bruised and purple, and the chest was even sunken, and the broken ribs fell down * * * the lungs.

From Kiyana's attack to the end, the whole process took less than three seconds. Even if Kribir's companions reacted, they didn't have time to help Kribir, and they could only watch Qia helplessly. Na severely wounded their companion.

"Kribi...Damn it, Doc, come back quickly, this woman is too strong, we are no match at all."

- Seeing this, a member of the Harvey Pirates quickly used the communication device to contact Doc, who was going to hunt down the members of the Bonnie Pirates, and told him to come back quickly. Kiana's strength exceeded their expectations. Doc and the four of them couldn't resist each other at all.

Doc, who was a little further away at this time, also stopped chasing and killing everyone in the Bonnie Pirates. He was a little unwilling to look at the fleeing pirates not far ahead, and Doc angrily chopped chop feet,

Then turned back.

He made a wrong decision, he shouldn't be chasing and killing these pirates, Kiyana's strength is much stronger than he expected, and it can't be held back by Kribill and others alone.

Soon, Doc had already returned to his companion. He didn't go very far, but in just a few minutes, the place was completely different from the original place, and the situation changed beyond Doc's expectation.

When he saw Kribir lying on the ground, who was exhaling more air than inhaling, he glared even more, and various emotions surged and agitated in his eyes.

Not to be outdone, Qiyana stared back, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a sneer.

"Just because you want to stop me? It's not far away.

After turning on the Shura state, Kiyana's self-confidence is also bursting. At this time, even if the Four Emperors are here, Kiyana dares to go up and fight with one. Kiyana, who controls all future branch trajectories, can't help giving birth to Created an illusion that everything was under his control.

Doc's complexion became more and more difficult to look at. Kribir's current state obviously lost the ability to continue fighting.

If I had known earlier, he would not have chased those people, but defended with his companions. Generally speaking, he and his companions underestimated this woman too much.

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