But there is no regret medicine in this world, and it is too late to regret.


Kiyana's figure disappeared in place again, and a gust of wind blew up. After seeing Kiyana disappear, Doc hurriedly shouted to his companions, "Everyone activates the burst mode, we must block her.

Then Duo Ke and other stools turned on the burst mode at the same time, the black armor instantly turned dark red, emitting white steam, all energy restrictions were lifted, and the firepower was fully activated.

They understand that they must go all out to face this woman, otherwise they will only die.


Chapter 40

After turning on the burst mode, the speed of Doc and others has been greatly improved, and he can barely keep up with Qiyana's speed. He was able to turn around and back to defend in time, blocking his own attack.

However, this scene had already been expected by Qiyana, so she was not surprised. She took advantage of the situation and stepped on the ground, immediately creating a deep crack in the ground, which continued to extend out.

Several people in front of the crack - couldn't avoid it in time, and one foot fell into the crack. Fortunately, the crack was not wide, so they didn't fall down.

Kiyana threw out a heavy punch, the wind of the fist even bent the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees, and countless fallen leaves flew, even if they didn't hit the enemy's body, they could block one by one with the powerful wind of the fist. The enemies in front of Kiyana repelled and flew away.

The man flew upside down, collided fiercely with his companion, slid on the ground for more than ten meters, and finally hit a tree before finally stopping.


Even with the protection of Hailoushi armor, this blow still caused them a lot of damage, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

Every time Kiyana launches an attack, the enemies will have fewer future branch tracks, and their future development will all follow the way Kiyana wants to see, approaching the end of death step by step.

As the end of death draws nearer, their future possibilities become less and less branched, and the more Kiyana sees

In other words, the situation is becoming more and more favorable to Qiyana, all thanks to the huge increase in Kiyana's knowledge and arrogance brought about by Shura's state, controlling all future trajectories, and not letting go of any a possibility.

Unless it is an unavoidable danger, Qiyana can dodge it, which greatly reduces the possibility of overturning. For Qiyana who is usually not good at waves, the Shura state is simply a magic skill. It's just a pity that if she wants to play it out, Qiyana must do it without interference.

This time, the enemy was very cooperative with her and did not step forward to interfere with her, so Qiyana was able to enter the Shura state so smoothly. She doesn't know if she will have such a good opportunity next time, after all, the enemy is not Maybe every time I obediently stand aside and wait for myself to adjust my state and enter the Shura state?

That's too unrealistic, Qiyana still needs to fully grasp the state of Shura, to a level where, anytime and anywhere, she can successfully enter with just one thought from Qiyana.

"Is that all?"

Kiyana said in a very flat tone, the contemptuous eyes made Doc very upset.

"Don't be too complacent!"

Doc shouted loudly, and immediately burst out with powerful force. All the armor on his body began to deform, revealing the black fumaroles, and a propulsion force burst out from it. For a while, his speed was so fast that ordinary people could barely see it with the naked eye. Can't see clearly.

But in front of Kiyana, Doc's every move has long been controlled by Kiyana, no matter how fast he is, Kiyana already knows Doc's next step or even several steps The trend, after having the foresight, Qiyana uses it, it will be easier before Doc starts x<=

avoid doc's attack jane

"Drink ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah waving lightsaber, dazzling light blue sword body is waving in the jungle, several sword qi flew out,

Doc's angrily hissing sword qi cut off, whirled, slashed, flew vertically, and chained moves. In the eyes of others, the explosion burst out and the surrounding trees were smashed.

There was an astonishing momentum.Kiyana's position forced her to retreat again and again, but anyone with a little combat experience could tell that the superficial

-Time is so imposing, it seems to have the upper hand, but in fact, Qiyana was not cut by Doke at all.

On the top is Doc wielding a lightsaber, in the middle, Kiyana is like a martial arts master, strolling in the courtyard, confidently avoiding Doc's continuous attack

With the efforts of sword light and sword shadow, no matter how fast the movement of swinging the knife was, Yi Ri could not hurt Qiyana in the slightest.

Offensive, no matter how Doc attacks, Qiyana seems to have foreseen where he will attack next, and avoids it in advance

every time he raises his hand

Attacked by Doc.Surprised, every move of his was captured by the opponent, and he even used fake moves to deceive

Doke is hitting more and more] as if to attack Qiyana's left shoulder, but in fact he aimed at Kiyana's throat and stabbed.

Kiyana, on the surface, turned a blind eye to his fake movements, as if she was not paying attention to herself, but was watching

However, Kiyana's feelings for the opposite made Doc very uncomfortable.

Among other things, this monster's attack failed again, and the tip of the light blue lightsaber narrowly passed Qiyana's neck by a millimeter,

Of course, more, Kiana's neck will be wiped off by his knife.

Not too much, not too little, but the next inch seems like an insurmountable gap, no matter how hard Doke tries, he can't make any more progress, just at his extreme

But this one

outside the limited attack range.There was a slight illusion, the opponent seemed to know the limit of his sword, no more, no less, just to avoid, if

Seeing this, Doke couldn't help attacking, probably already in a hurry.

Ordinary people encounter such a fierce expression from the beginning to the end, there is no change in the expression, the abnormal calm, and the indifferent contempt, as if

but this woman

The eyes that looked like ants finally recognized how terrifying the woman in front of him was, and every move he made seemed to be able to

At this moment, Doc, Doc seemed to have been seen through.

Seeing everything, being able to understand - everything flowed slowly, Doke couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the seeds of fear had been planted deep in his heart, and quickly

Cold sweat eased the excitement from the temples, and bitterness surged in my heart, followed by deep fear.

Growing stronger, Doke's fierce attack also slowed down, and he took all his shots with a trace of hesitation, except that he had been attacking continuously for a long time.

Gradually, besides Doc, his fear of Qiyana was the root cause of the change in his swordsmanship.

Tired, need to slow down

"口 F Mu Xiaowan

..... Dodged Doc's attack, and even closed her eyes at the end, anyway, what happened next has already happened to her

Kiyana kept hiding and opening her eyes, but the result was the same, and Doc still couldn't hit herself.

Got it, close your eyes and

"You bastard! Then he closed his eyes, and Doc's lungs were about to explode. He had never seen someone so arrogant,

Seeing Qiyanaju, I dare not close my eyes when I am fighting with myself. This is because I am sure that I can’t hit her? No matter how you look at it, you don’t know that even Harvey Ship Seven =

There must be a limit to being a human being, which made the fear in Doc's heart subside a lot, maybe because of anger, or because Kiana closed her eyes

Kiyana's actions that pierced everything and stopped staring at him made the pressure in his heart relax a lot.

After that, Doc's companions, who seemed to be able to watch the battle, were also surprised when they saw that Qiyana dared to close their eyes.

Even watching from the sidelines, Qiyana's strength is so strong that even if they close their eyes, they can't look down on them, but it's a bit scary.

However, this woman actually slashed several times in succession, but as before, she failed to pose any threat to Qiyana.

Doc grips the lightsaber

"Cut!", Captain Harvey's battle in the distance is still very loud, obviously the battle over there is very stalemate, the discharge

Doc was anxious at the beginning because Captain Harvey and Vice-Captain Cheek had joined forces for such a long time and failed to take it down.

The men here are powerful, Captain Gen and the others cannot come to help their side, Doc and others can only rely on themselves to face this enemy.

Harvey will be in trouble for a while, this woman is too powerful, if the burst mode is not turned on, Doc and others will have nothing to do.

The situation can be said to be very high - she will find a flaw and be seriously injured in a face-to-face meeting.

I can't resist this woman, a good example, I just left for a while before I was beaten by this woman and fell to the ground, half

Kribill came back in time, otherwise the other three might not be able to last for 10 minutes.

I can't live or die, fortunately I can't hold on for long, right?

"You have such a model eye, after avoiding an attack from Doc again, you said indifferently.

Kiyana closed her eyes, just as the woman said, in burst mode, the A32 armor consumes energy at the original speed

Chuck didn't speak

times, it is true that the remaining energy displayed in the lower right corner cannot last much, and Cheek can maintain the burst mode for about 3 minutes at most, 3 minutes

According to the current line of sight, the energy will be exhausted, and it will no longer be able to move.

Afterwards, Chek's armor was believed to be A32 armor, which was very heavy just to wear it on the body, and it was impossible to walk, let alone fight. After 3 minutes

Losing his energy and ability to resist, he could only let this woman decide his life and death.

Chuck will completely lose his desire to win, and the only way to defeat Kiyana before the energy is exhausted is how easy it is? No matter how he

If Doc were Yana now, the other party would even close his eyes.

I tried, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration, can I really stop this woman? If he can't, let this woman

This made the men in Doc's heart, Captain Harvey, they would also be in danger.

The woman ran to help the man who must intercept her here, this battle must be won.

No, I must

Peng! Doc desperately squandered the energy of the A32 armor, trying to defeat Kiyana, even if he knew

The battle continues

He can't do this you played v1" =

"Forget it, don't look like you're tired, and said in a flat tone.

Kiyana seems disgusted

nirvana, thousand stars


Chapter 41

Qiyana didn't waste any more time, the time was ripe, and she directly activated Baiye Armor's nirvana, Qianxing.

The gray hair was windless and automatic, and an oppressive aura emanated from Qiyana's body. The oppressive people present couldn't breathe. It shot out a bright light, like lightning piercing the night, firmly staring at Doc and the others.

The pupils of Doc and his companions shrank suddenly, their feet staggered, and they almost fell, as if they had fallen into an abyss, an extremely dark and deep canyon, he felt as if he was falling continuously, grasping There was nothing to cling to, a sense of weightlessness enveloped their bodies, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.


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