"Fu Hua, you? How come? I just saw it....".

Bonnie hesitated to speak, with a surprised expression on her face.

Qiyana turned her head and glanced at her, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and said with a little embarrassment: "Ah, this is my ability.

Kiana didn't go into too much detail, but as long as it is the ability of the devil fruit, I believe Bonnie should understand. After all, the ability to resurrect from the dead is not without it in this world. Isn't Brook of the Straw Hats just one of them? example?

"So that's the case, but your ability is really powerful, and you can actually come back from the dead."

Bonnie was also relieved, but she was still a little surprised that Kiyana was able to come back from the dead, and there is such a fruit? Isn't it amazing?

While the two were talking, Enilu, who had been beaten to the side by Qiyana before, also sat up from the ground, and then held down the right half of the face that was punched by Kiyana. But - he didn't spare any strength, he almost shot with all his strength.

Enilu's cheeks were swollen high, like a pig's head, but he was not angry. He stared blankly at Qiyana, who should have died, with his mouth slightly open and speechless.

The surprise in his heart clearly appeared on his face, he didn't know what to say now, he lost and regained this huge psychological gap, now he wanted to laugh, but also wanted to cry, he didn't know what to put on kind of expression.

"Don't look at me, pervert, if I didn't get up just now, what are you going to do? Wow, I didn't expect you to have such thoughts about me, pervert!

Qiyana blushed and scolded Anilu angrily.

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Hearing Kiyana's voice again, Enilo was very moved. Even though she was scolding himself, as long as he could hear her voice again, it would be a great happiness for him.


After scolding Enil, Qiyana also calmed down her mood. Just now she came to take advantage of Enil's fight with the enemy to leave quietly, but she didn't expect Bonnie to rush over. Without Bonnie, the spoiler, Kiyana's previous ideas would naturally be impossible to realize.

All he could do was lie obediently on the ground, letting the bleeding debuff drain the blood of the Baiye armor.

Qiyana was so angry, why didn't you come, but came here at this critical juncture? It's better to come early than coincidentally, I'll fuck you.

In order not to expose other identities, Qiyana cannot switch armors, and Bai Ye's armor has naturally entered the trimming state, and Qina is lying on the ground feeling aggrieved, my crystal is just gone, although There aren't many crystals that can be resurrected once, but that's what Kiyana earned through hard work.

Just when Kiyana was considering whether to spend the crystal to revive, Enilu actually wanted to kiss herself, Kiyana stopped hesitating immediately, immediately revived, and punched Enilu in the face past.

Forget it, just think that I spent crystals to protect my virginity, there is no way, Kiyana can only comfort herself by thinking like this, after all, Kiyana still cannot accept kissing a man from the bottom of her heart.

"By the way, why didn't you stop me just now? This guy wants to take advantage of me.

Kiyana looked at Bonnie with some complaints and said, Bonnie was standing by the side just now, and she was expecting Bonnie to stop Enelu's perverted behavior, but she didn't expect Bonnie to stand like this without doing anything Watching silently from the side.

"Well, uh. How should I explain it? Haha."

Bonnie smiled awkwardly, turned her head to one side, and looked at the distant coast. At this time, she was a little afraid to meet Kiyana's eyes, knowing that she was wrong.

How could she have imagined that Kiyana was still alive? Besides, Enilo acted like an image of an infatuated good man, how could she have the heart to stop him? At that time she ran to stop Enelu , is simply too ignorant.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to pursue it, Qiyana sighed, anyway, she didn't get taken advantage of in the end, so she stopped pursuing, and it was useless to keep caring about this matter.

However, Qiyana still gave a fierce stare. Anilu, who was sitting on the ground and holding his face in the distance, did not expect that, before, Qiyana thought that this guy had a crush on Bonnie. Who would have thought of this? The goods are actually interesting to me, although my mother...I am a daughter now, but I am still a real man!

"Is that the last enemy just now? Is there no one else?

Bonnie obviously didn't want to continue talking on this topic, so she quickly changed the subject, turned her gaze to - - and checked, but she didn't see any other people around her.

"I killed five people, plus the two people killed by that pervert, there should be no enemies on the island. I don't know the situation on the spaceship, but there should be no enemies.

Qiyana thought about it - she would respond, when she sneaked into the spaceship, there were only seven enemies on the island, and all seven of them had been dealt with, so there should be no enemies on the island. Nilu also killed one, perhaps there may be other people in the room that Qiyana did not go to.

But even if there is, it shouldn't be a fear. She and Bonnie, plus the strength of the perverted three, even if there are ten more people, they will be able to fight against one of them.

"Really? Great, it's finally resolved.

Bonnie breathed a sigh of relief. She was a little tired after fighting the two blood wolves for a long time. If there were still enemies, she couldn't stand Bonnie and sat on the ground directly, and began to rest.

The rain in the sky continued to fall, dousing the flames on the surrounding trees that had been struck by lightning and ignited.

Enilo also stood up from the ground, and walked towards the place where Qiyana and Bonnie were.

"Don't come here, pervert.

Qiyana immediately stopped Anilu, not letting him approach again. Anilu froze in place, with an embarrassed expression, not knowing what to do

Bonnie couldn't help laughing when she saw this, the two really looked like a pair of enemies, she really saw a good show.

"Fu Hua, I...you listen to my explanation.'

After thinking about the wording, Anilu spoke, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Qiyana, who put his hands on his ears, closed his eyes and shook his head and shouted: " I won't listen, I won't listen, I won't listen, you pervert.

Enil was speechless, Qiyana couldn't communicate at all in this state, but the reason for this was because of his own actions just now, Enil was also very sad, who knew that things would turn out like this?

But as long as she is still alive, the other Enilu doesn't want to ask too much.

The atmosphere - time fell into silence, no one spoke anymore, after a while - the silence was finally broken, and in the woods in the distance, a few pirates from the Bonnie Pirates walked out of it, and they saw each other with a single glance. Seeing Captain Bonnie and Kiyana, they quickly raised their hands and shouted hello to this side.

"Captain Bonnie, are you all right?

They ran towards this side while shouting, and the three of Qiyana also turned their heads to look at the words.

"Oh, I'm fine.

Seeing that her crew members were safe and sound, Bonnie nodded calmly and responded, and soon, those pirates all ran over.

"Captain Bonnie, it's good that you're fine. The battle here just now was too fierce. We didn't dare to approach at all. We didn't dare to come here until the battle was over. I'm sorry for not being able to help.

One of the pirates who approached said with guilt on his face that they couldn't get involved in the battle just now, and they didn't even dare to get close. After all, that level of battle is no longer what they can help.

Bonnie looked calm, and she knew how fierce the battle was just now, and even she couldn't intervene to help, so she didn't blame the crew.

"It's nothing, you're fine.

- After some exchanges, Bonnie suddenly seemed to remember something, turned to Qiyana and asked: "Fu Hua, where is Mi En?

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"I have moved her to a safe place according to Mi En, and she is ready to leave at any time.

Kiyana responded, and Bonnie felt relieved after hearing this, and then continued to ask.

"Have you really decided? Go back with Mien to inherit the throne? Let's think about it again, it's too dangerous."

Qiyana looked a little helpless, and said with a wry smile: "There is no way, if I don't inherit the throne, who knows what the king will do?

"Inherit the throne? Are you going to the Yar Empire?

Enilu, who didn't know when he approached, looked at Qiyana in surprise when he heard the words, he didn't even know there was such a thing

"None of your business, pervert, who else sent you here? Stay away from me.

Enilu was choked by Qiyana and lost his temper, but he still chose to stand where he was and did not leave.

"If you are going to the Yar Empire, then take me with you, according to what you told me before, the king is the culprit, right?

"Are you going too?"

Qiyana asked with some doubts.

"Of course, these killers were sent by the king, right? How could I let him go?"

Enilu folded his hands in front of his chest, and said with a calm face, sneaking glances at Qiyana from time to time, which seemed normal.

But in fact, Enilu's real thoughts in his heart are not like this. To be honest, the king or something doesn't matter to Enilu, whatever is fine, he just wants to find a reason to get along with Qiyana.

Kiyana's gaze - staring at Enilu, seems to be thinking about something, the atmosphere - - time fell into a strange silence, Enilu - - has been stared at by Kiyana like this, unconsciously going to I took a step back, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Hehe, Qiyana suddenly showed a charming smile to Enilu, and he was stunned seeing Qiyana's beautiful smile that suddenly bloomed.

"Since you want to go too, go for it.


Chapter 48

"Hey hey!"

Qiyana stood up from the ground, with her hands behind her back, her body leaned forward slightly, and slowly approached Anilu with a malicious smile, but Anilu didn't feel any danger, just innocent I was secretly excited that Qiyana took the initiative to approach her

"So you agree?"

Enilu said excitedly, he was still worried about what would happen if Qiyana didn't let him follow him? Could it be that he followed up with a shameless face? Would this make her feel disgusted? Come to my own just now This behavior has already disliked her. If I do this, I'm afraid that my image in her heart will fall to the bottom.

Anilu pretended that he was planning to trouble the king, but in fact, whether the king lived or died was none of his business? Just saying that, Nilu could have - an excuse to follow Qiyana - - to go to the Yar Empire Now, it won't appear too deliberate, and the investigation is well-founded and convincing, as long as you act as if you really don't like the king.

"Do you really want to go?"

"Of course, I won't let that guy go.

"That's it."

"So can I follow-up?

Enilo asked cautiously, for fear that Qiyana would veto it.

"of course.

Kiyana nodded, and then continued: "It's your freedom to trouble the king, and I can't stop you from going if you want.

Qiyana smiled slightly. Hearing this, Anilu suppressed the excitement in his heart, pretending to be expressionless and nodded.

"Hey, that's right, I can go if I want to.

"Yeah, yeah, since you're going to go, can I ask you-- one thing? If you can do it, I'd appreciate it, how? Is that okay?

Kiyana's smile became more and more charming, and at the same time she showed her pleading little eyes, which are cute and make people want to agree to her request. Every frown and smile seems to be touching the softest part of Enilo's heart . "U

"You said, as long as it is something that I can do, I will definitely help you do it... Bi Jing, you are also my savior.

Enilu immediately swears and patted his chest to reassure him, - an obligatory look, but later he seemed to feel that this was a bit inappropriate, would he be too obvious? What if it scares Qiyana? The scene where Qiyana called her pervert just now is particularly vivid in Anilu's memory.

So Anilu immediately added the second half of the sentence, because Kiyana is his savior, so he intends to help Kiyana with things, so it seems very reasonable, and it won't be too abrupt, so it shouldn't be too much Would it make Kiyana feel disgusted?

"Really? That's great. Since you are willing to agree to my request, it's really great, but I haven't said what it is, so you agreed to me. Is this really okay?"

Kiyana looked very happy at first, and then showed a vaguely worried expression, as if she was afraid that after she said what she wanted Enelu to do, he would not help her.

Naturally, Anilu also noticed Qiyana's worry, and quickly assured Qiyana: "You tell me, no matter what it is, I will do it.


"Of course it is true. I will do what I say, and I will never break my promise. If I can't do it, I will be struck by lightning!

Enilu said with a determined expression on his face, and put down the harsh words.

Qiyana couldn't help being speechless, it would be strange if Lei could kill you, but since Enilu said so, he should help her.

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