"Well, thank you, you are such a good person."

Kiyana pretended to be very grateful, and looked at Anilu. The grateful little eyes looked at Anilu and couldn't help but feel a little flustered. Fu Hua actually praised me as a good person? It's really great, it looks like The image of herself in her mind has changed, and she is no longer a pervert.

Anilu was secretly excited, as long as she approached Qiyana step by step, and let her know more about herself, there is still a good chance.

"The thing I want to ask you to do is very simple, that is, to ask you to go to the Yar Empire to inherit the throne instead of me.

Huh? Enilu couldn't help being stunned, even Bonnie and others around him were also stunned, what? This is what you want to ask?

"Wait, I will inherit the throne in your place? What about you? Aren't you going?"

Enilu hurriedly asked, listening to what Kiyana means, does she not plan to leave the earth? Just go to the Yar Empire by herself? How can that be done? Enilu wants to go to the Yar Empire because Kiyana also wants to go to the Yar Empire. Go, if Kiyana doesn't go, then what's the point of inheriting the throne? Isn't this the end of the world?

"I still want to stay on Earth. I still have important things to do.

Qiyana replied very calmly, what are the important things? Of course, looking for the Dragon Balls to turn back into a man is the most important thing for Qiyana, not one of them.

"No, if you don't go, I...

Enilu hesitated to speak, didn't know how to react, so he swore to Qiyana that he would help her with things, and if he regretted it temporarily, I am afraid that the image he managed to recover just now would be lost. If there is nothing left, I will become a dishonest person.

"What? Could it be that you want to go back on your word?

Qiyana looked at Enilu, her expression became indifferent in an instant, and she completely lost the attitude of asking for help just now.

"No, it's just me-

Enilu froze in place, not knowing how to respond, if Qiyana didn't follow, it would be meaningless for him to go to the Yar Empire

Seeing Enilu's hesitation, Qiyana also knew the reason, so she could only sigh and give Enilu a reassurance

"Actually, I will leave the earth in the future. I will leave here after I do what I want to do. You first go to the Yar Empire to inherit the throne. I might come over later. By then, those who are not familiar with the place will be all It's up to you to take care of food and drink, my lord

Qiyana said lightly, these words are not to deceive Enilu, Qiyana had this idea before, after she turned back into a man, she didn't intend to stay in the Pirate World, but planned to Go to other planets with more advanced technology.

Before, Kiyana was troubled because she couldn't leave Pirate World, but if Enilo went to the Yar Empire to inherit the throne, it would not be impossible for Kiyana to leave Pirate World in the future. After all, there is a Acquaintance, but also the lord of a country, the noble king.

At that time, wouldn't it be very grand to send two spaceships to come to the earth to greet him casually?

So Qiyana's words were not purely to persuade Enilo to help her, but also to prepare for her to leave the earth in the future.

"What you said is true? Will you leave the earth to come to the Yar Empire in the future?"

Anilu didn't believe what Kiyana said, thinking that she was deliberately deceiving herself, but in fact she just said this to get rid of herself, right? Although Anilu likes Qiyana, he is not a fool.

"Don't believe me? Okay, then I will inherit the throne myself. I will kill that king for you. Don't bother you to follow. You can go back to your moon and continue to be a god.

Qiyana said very coldly, and at the same time her body took a step back away from Anilu, a strange sense of distance instantly separated the distance between the two, which made Anilu very uncomfortable.

"Liar liar, you said you would help me, huh."

Qiyana turned her head away, and muttered in a dissatisfied voice. Although the voice was small, it was heard in Ainilu's ears, and Ainilu's expression suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

"Ah... Damn it, I see, I will go to the Yar Empire.

Enilu was troubled for a long time, but in the end he couldn't stand Kiyana's indifferent attitude towards him. He didn't want to be rejected by Kiyana, even though he felt that he might be fooled, but he really couldn't accept Kiyana's indifference. So indifferent to him.

"Really? Thank you, you're such a nice guy!"

Seeing that Enilu agreed, Qiyana's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and a bright and charming smile appeared on her face again. The rapid change of attitude made people speechless.

-Bonnie next to her accidentally laughed out loud. She always felt that Fu Hua and Ai Nilu were together--it was really interesting and joyful, especially Ai Nilu. On the surface Going to give people a very strong feeling, but in front of Fu Hua, he always behaves like a weak side, being eaten to death, making people want to laugh uncontrollably.

"Then will you really come to the Yar Empire in the future?

After Enilu sighed, he continued to ask, his eyes were fixed on Qiyana's eyes, trying to see Qiyana's truest thoughts.

Qiyana no longer smirked, but responded very seriously that she would indeed go, but how long she would stay was uncertain.

"That's right, I get it.

Enilu nodded, as if a big rock had been put down in his heart, and he calmed down a lot.

Gradually, the rain stopped, and the sparse raindrops finally stopped falling. The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing the setting sun in the distance that had half-submerged to the sea level, and the slightly salty sea breeze blew past.

The beauty of the evening is always so pleasing to the eye, Bonnie watched the sunset for a while, then turned her head and said to everyone

"Come to the banquet, for the victory of this battle."


"Have a party!"

The pirates immediately echoed, raising their hands high. The banquet of victory has always been a tradition among pirates. The joyful banquet atmosphere can eliminate the sadness brought by the dead companions, and it is also a kind of good blessing for the future.


Chapter 49

As night fell, the fire that had burned most of the mountain was also extinguished in the previous heavy rain. Although there was some unpleasant smell, the fire was extinguished anyway, and Qiyana and the others fled to the sea without avoiding the fire.

On the street in front of the gate of the tavern in the town, Bonnie commanded a group of crew members to move out all the fine wine in the tavern and use it as fine wine for the banquet.

The tavern owner had already fled with most of the pirates long before the previous enemy arrived, and Bonnie also took advantage of so much good wine that she wanted to take.

Bonnie is also welcome. As a pirate, you can take whatever you want. Why do you care so much? She is not a good person.

I'm afraid that when the tavern owner returns to the island in the future, he may cry to death when he sees the emptied cellar.

A huge bonfire was raised, and the heavy rain wet a lot of firewood. The pirates did not raise a bonfire for a long time. They had no choice but to dismantle all the wooden seats in the tavern and use them as firewood. .

Fortunately, there are quite a lot, enough to burn until morning.

The crackling sound continued to come from the bonfire, and the small sparks flew towards the surroundings with the slight sound, and then went out.

Beside the bonfire is a row of small fires. Many pirates are holding barbecue meat and roasting on it. Several pirates are holding oil brushes and brushing oil on the barbecue meat, turning it over from time to time, then brushing- Once, then sprinkle with a layer of fine salt, cumin pepper or herbs, each sprinkled with their favorite spices according to their own taste.

After some treatment, the fresh and tender meat that was still slightly beating on the skewer also had a layer of oil. After seeing the surface of the meat turned golden yellow, the meat was taken off and placed in a silver tray. Gently slice with a knife.

The smell of barbecue floated into Kiyana's nose with the breeze. After a big battle, Kiyana was already very hungry, and her stomach made a lovely grunt immediately.

Bonnie smiled slightly when she heard it, and then walked towards Kiana who was sitting aside with the plate handed to her by the crew.



Kiana is a little embarrassed

Embarrassedly blushing and nodded, she was indeed very hungry, and her stomach was also very disappointing, and she actually made such a loud sound.

Bonnie handed the plate in her hand to Kiyana, who took it casually, then picked up the fork placed on the plate and forked a piece of roasted meat into her mouth. The roasted meat was very chewy, and Qiyana Yana couldn't help letting out a satisfied sigh with her mouth in her mouth.

"Really delicious."

"That's right, my chefs are all carefully selected by me, and there is absolutely nothing to say about their cooking skills.

Bonnie said proudly that as a big eater, she not only eats a lot, but is also very picky about the taste of food.

Kiana nodded, these pirates are really good at cooking, but there is still a certain gap compared with Sanji, after eating Sanji's barbecue in the water capital, eating these people's barbecue, I can't help but compare it. It can be said that Sanji's appetite has been spoiled by Qiyana.

"How? Do you want to join my pirate group? You can eat such delicious food every day?"

.. please allow me to decline.

Kiyana rejected Bonnie's invitation without even thinking about it. She didn't expect that she hadn't given up the idea of ​​inviting herself to join. Do you look down on people? I'm the kind of man who will compromise when given something delicious..... man?

"Really? That's really a pity."

Bonnie sighed when she saw that Kiyana refused without even thinking about it, and then picked up her own piece of barbecue and ate it.

Halfway through the meal, Bonnie saw Enilu who was drinking beer not far away, and she couldn't help turning her head and asking.

"Being a king, how can it be a lie? I really plan to leave the earth in the future."

Kiyana was a little speechless, unexpectedly, even Bonnie felt that she was cheating Enilo, she was really wronged, although Kiyana admitted that she did use Enelu's favor for her to force him to be What king, but that's his own free will, right?

Don't like me if you have something to do? Don't worry about me, then I can't use you? Kiyana secretly thought.

The topic ended, and the atmosphere-time fell into silence. It wasn't until Mien walked over from a distance holding Fei Yuwan that the silence was broken.

I saw Mien pick up the grilled meat on the plate, and then delivered it to the mouth of Hiyumaru who was sitting on his shoulder, and Hiyumaru pouted his mouth in great enjoyment, chewing the delicious grilled meat.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana couldn't help showing a few black lines on her brows, she bought you with a plate of barbecue? Do you remember who your eldest sister is?

"Fu Hua, I heard, are you going to let that man inherit the throne instead of you?".

Mi En came to sit beside Kiyana, glanced at Enilu in the distance, then turned his head and asked.

"Yes, it doesn't matter if he goes with me, right? They are not real royal descendants anyway.

"Although it is true, but is he really willing to help us traditionalists?"

Mi En was a little worried. This Enilu looked a bit like a bad guy, and he felt that he was not the kind of person who would help them. Mi En admitted that she did judge people by their appearance, but she still expressed her innermost feelings. worry.

"It's okay, I've already told him that he will definitely help you defeat that king.

Kiyana told Mi En not to worry, would Enilo dare to help the traditionalists? Kiyana understood that he didn't have the guts.

"Since you've said that, fine.

Mi En had no choice. In fact, she really wanted Qiyana to go, because Kiyana seemed easy to talk to, unlike the man who looked like a villain BOSS, which made people feel insecure.

"By the way, do you have any equipment that you can use to communicate?"

Kiyana suddenly remembered something, turned to Mi En and asked.


"Yes, it is possible to contact the Yar Empire from the earth, it is better to be a simple device, which can be used by me.

Qiyana said lightly, if she is going to leave the earth in the future, she must contact Enilo and send someone to pick her up, so there must be a way to contact her.

"Well, neither do I. It's too far away from the Yar Empire, and there is no signal station built on this planet. It is impossible to use normal contact methods.

"That's it...then how can I contact the Yar Empire?

Kiyana continued to ask, and after Mi En thought about it, he pointed to Kiyana and said, "The way to contact lies with you.

"On me? You mean the distress signal transmitter?

Kiyana was puzzled at first, and then understood what Mi En was referring to.

"That's right, normal contact methods are unavailable. Only the help signal transmitter can be used to send messages from the earth to the Yar Empire, but it is limited to this, and no more information can be sent.

"I understand."

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