On the street, a group of pirates who smelled of alcohol and blushed were walking in groups on the avenue, and the residents of the surrounding civilian areas were afraid to avoid them, so they hurriedly gave way.

"Come out, bounty hunter!"

"Yeah, come out for me, don't you believe me if you don't come out and kill me?"

The pirates held a weapon in one hand and a wine bottle in the other, and poured it into their mouths as soon as they shouted.

Passers-by were not very clear about what this group of drunk pirates wanted to do, they only knew that these pirates seemed to be looking for a gray-haired female bounty hunter.

Usually the conflict between bounty hunters and pirates is very big. When they meet, they start fighting without saying a word, but it is very rare to actively look for a bounty hunter like this. I don’t know what this bounty hunter did today. What caused so many pirates to want to find her.

"Get out, bounty hunter, I'm here to find you, sir.

"Yo ho!

The pirates were very happy to fight together all the way, with weapons in their hands, some with guns, and some with knives.

Kiyana was walking on the street, when she heard the voices of the pirates from a distance, she couldn't help but stop and stay where she was, then turned to look at

Aren't these people the pirates in the tavern just now? Listening to their shouts, they seem to be looking for themselves? Kiyana raised her brows slightly, with a weird expression on her face.

Why did these pirates suddenly change their temper? When she was in the tavern just now, didn't they all sit in their seats and dare not even speak? Now they are actively looking for themselves? Someone is instigating them ?

Qiyana couldn't figure out why the courage of these pirates suddenly became so bold, but for Qiyana, she was very happy to see such a situation. Come on, it's fine if you don't come to me. No wonder I am.

Kiyana once set a rule for herself, it is good to kill a good person. As for the definition of a good person, it is up to Kiyana to judge, but if she is bullied, no matter who you dare to come, you must face it Mental preparation for death.

Kiyana just stood there quietly, waiting for the arrival of those pirates. Soon, those drunk pirates saw Kiyana waiting for them in front of the street. Seeing this, the pirate with his head parted in the middle and a mustache raised his knife in his hand and pointed to the front, and shouted to his companions: "I found her, she is right in front!

The rest of the pirates also looked forward when they heard the words, and they saw Kiyana, and the expressions on their faces instantly became evil. Looking at Kiyana's beautiful and temperamental face, some even stretched out their eyes. He licked his lips with his tongue, showing greedy eyes-

A group of pirates, about more than 30 people, rushed forward and surrounded Qiyana to make sure she couldn't escape.

"Hey, bounty hunter, you just looked at the wanted notice in front of us, isn't it a bit embarrassing?"

Kiyana stood still, scanned the surrounding area, and compared the appearance of the pirates in the wanted list in her mind, and found that there were only four or five pirates with rewards, and none of them were very serious. High, the tallest one is only 3 million Baileys, opponents of this level are so good that they don't even show red dots on the mini-map.

Qiyana immediately relaxed a lot. She thought that this group of people dared to look for her because of some powerful person sitting in the town, but after a long time, all the people who came here were five small fish, few shrimps, and even tens of millions of rewards. None of the pirates.

Kiyana couldn't figure out who gave them the courage to come to trouble themselves. It was their great luck that Kiyana didn't trouble them. Kiyana controlled herself not to laugh out loud. With a very calm expression, he said: "Oh? As a bounty hunter, I look through the arrest warrants, which is very reasonable and logical. Do you have any questions?"-

All the pirates looked at each other when they heard the words, and burst out laughing.

"No problem, it's just that there is a problem in front of us.

One of the pirates, holding two huge machetes, came out of the crowd. He was full of fat and looked like he weighed five or six hundred catties. His fat head and big ears looked a little funny.

The huge size gives people a strong sense of oppression, but for Qiyana, she doesn't take him seriously at all. The huge size is certainly powerful, but the combat effectiveness of One Piece World does not depend on the size.

Unless the body size is unimaginably large, it exceeds the specification too much, and it is not in the same order of magnitude, it will be possible, such as an elephant owner walking on the sea with a country on his back, or an ancient weapon An ancient giant Neptune summoned by the mermaid princess of Poseidon.

Only those who have reached this level have the terrifying power to destroy everything, but it is a pity that this pirate is not, even the height of the giants is not comparable, and Qiyana does not take him seriously.

"Okay, we don't bother to talk nonsense to you anymore, do you want to surrender obediently? Or do you want us to use violence to subdue you? By the way - I recommend you to choose the first one, so that you can suffer less, buy The price can be higher when it comes to the auction."

"Really? Then I choose the third option and kill you all.

Qiyana said slowly, and the Yongmu Double Wolf Gloves in her hands were also equipped. Kiyana tried to clenched her fists, making a crisp sound.

The pirates also sneered when they heard the words.

"Come on, kill her!"

The pirates surrounding Qiyana rushed forward, several of them clenched their weapons tightly and attacked Qiyana, Qiyana's eyes instantly glowed with a faint blue light, and her body was slightly forward Dodge to avoid the attack of one of them.

The surrounding space dimmed in an instant, and the speed of everything in sight, people or things in Qiyana's eyes became extremely slow, the time-space break effect was triggered, and the powerful deceleration support made these unarmed and domineering people feel extremely slow. The movements of the pirates became extremely slow

After decelerating, Qiyana easily avoided all the attacks, and came behind the six hundred catty pirate who spoke just now—

The punch hit him right in the waist. c or Niu Quan Novel

Kiyana's fist seemed to be trapped in a ball of elastic cotton candy, smashing the fat on the pirate's body like a wave.

The huge amount of fat relieved him a lot of strength, but even so, his face turned pale in an instant, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he fell to the ground immediately, unable to breathe again-

Hitting, Qiyana no longer cared about the pirate, but turned around to find the next target nearby.

With a backhand, he struck the neck of the skinny pirate next to him with a hand knife, and immediately broke his neck, and his head was tilted to a very strange angle."


Kiyana's movements were very fast, one punch and one kick would definitely kill one person on the spot, but Kiyana also specifically targeted the pirates who had a bounty among the pirates, and for the other pirates who didn't have wanted warrants. The thieves seriously injured them, but did not completely end their lives.

After all, my old lady is not a devil, so it's not bad to give them a chance to reform themselves.

Bang bang bang!

Fisting to the flesh, each blow set off a punching wind, and the pirates flew out one by one, hitting their heads on the walls of the buildings on the side of the street, or on the big trees planted.

Li style. Rattan peacock!

Qiyana knocked several people into the air, and before they landed, kicked dozens of times with her left leg. The terrifying speed made it impossible to see her movements clearly. Over and over again, afterimages continued to pass by.

more than 30 pirates, none of them can resist Kiyana's - - move, or die or be disabled. Of course, this is the result of Kiyana's mercy, otherwise it will be the same for Kiyana. very simple thing.


After the last pirate was kicked out by Qiyana, he flew upside down ten meters away and rolled several times on the ground, then Qiyana clapped her hands, and walked to the bounty hunters with a very calm expression. In front of the pirates, stack their corpses on top of each other

Kiyana's performance really shocked them, and the local residents who have been persecuted by pirates all year round are also happy, hugging and cheering together. Kiyana's appearance can be said to be their hope.

With the arrival of such powerful bounty hunters, those pirates may never dare to do anything to civilians like them again.

Many people were so excited that they shed tears and cast grateful glances at Qiyana.

Qiyana piled up the corpses of several pirates with bounties on the side, and then glanced at the pirates not far away, as if saying that if you dare to continue to do bad things, this is the fate.

Qiyana didn't know if what she did was too much, and she was worried that it would attract the attention of some people. Let's stop here for today, and let's end today's work after collecting the bounties of these pirates.

Kiyana borrowed a carriage from a passer-by, threw the body into the carriage, and drove all the way towards the naval station. After 10 minutes after Kiyana left, Kidd and others who came out of the tavern also came to this street to prepare Go back to the pirate ship.

When Kidd saw the scene after the battle around him, he couldn't help but froze for a moment. He saw many pirates lying on the ground, howling constantly. The bounty hunter pirates.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots, she's afraid of me, not you trash.

Kidd couldn't help sneering, these people are really stupid, why did the gray-haired woman run away in despair in the tavern?

Kidd took a sip from the wine bottle, then stepped past these people and left here, Kira and other companions also followed behind Kidd, turning a blind eye to those dead pirates.


Chapter 22

"Have you heard? It seems that a very powerful bounty hunter came two days ago. The pirates on the island are much more peaceful. It has not been so quiet for a long time.

"Ah, I know that guy, he seems to be called Fu Hua, he is very skilled, thanks to her, now we civilians don't have to be afraid of pirates anymore.

In area 25, people in the small town spread the news that a powerful bounty hunter has come to the Chambord Islands.

They specialize in dealing with pirates, and there are many powerful pirates among them. Even the pirates who have been in the Chambord Islands all year round have died a lot, such as Tamir, a pirate with a reward level of tens of millions.

All the pirates were in danger for a while, and some pirate groups even left the Chambord Islands directly, waiting for the bounty hunter to leave here, but there were still many pirates who stayed on the island and did not leave.

Among them is a group of more powerful pirates headed by the supernova pirate Kidd, and the bounty hunter doesn't seem to have any idea of ​​doing anything to them, and they have always been in peace.

Gradually, the pirates also seem to have discovered that this powerful bounty hunter didn't just kill people for the bounty. It's just killing anyone who doesn't like it simply.

Anyway, when the pirates of the Chambord Islands see the gray-haired woman, except for the supernova pirates like Kidd, the rest of the weaker pirates hide away and dare not show up at all. In front of her, and they all settled down quite a bit, just waiting for the coating craftsmen to coat their boats before leaving directly.

Thanks to this, the civilians living in areas where a large number of pirates gather have also lived a good life for two days, and they will never see those evil pirates on the road again.

But even so, some pirates who just came to this island will still cause them a little trouble. Whenever this time, the new bounty hunter will appear to wipe out those evil pirates.

Although she is just a bounty hunter, in the eyes of these civilians, her existence is like the navy, no, even more useful than the navy.

If the navy catches the pirate, it will not necessarily kill the pirate, it may be sent to prison, but once the pirate is targeted by the bounty hunter, Ji will surely die.

"Today's portion!"

After Qiyana finished speaking, she dropped the bag she was carrying on the ground, and the bag spread out immediately, and all the heads inside fell out.

In the naval garrison, Kiyana brought the heads harvested today to receive the reward, and Captain Kroll, who stood in front of Kiana, compared them skillfully with the wanted warrants to confirm the value of these heads.

"Brow, the bounty - 2 million Bailey, the ancient tower, the bounty is 23..." Curol read the name and the bounty, and quickly calculated the specific price of several heads, and then gave Kiyana glanced at the wanted notice to confirm.


Qiyana nodded. To be honest, Jin Qiyana didn’t really care about these bounties. In terms of the number of the entire pirate group, there are only one out of hundreds of thousands of people, which is very difficult to meet.

If Qiyana kills one casually, the navy probably won't be able to sit still, and will recruit her as a navy.

In fact, the navy has already noticed her now. After all, on the Chambord Islands, the navy has a lot of eyeliners, and the navy knows exactly what Kiyana has done.

For such a powerful bounty hunter, the navy naturally sent out an invitation.

"Are you really giving it a second thought? Joining our navy?" 2 long out

Koror handed over the black suitcase containing the bounty to Kiana, and asked at the same time.

Kiyana shook her head slowly, rejecting Koror again.

"I'm not interested in being a navy, but a free life is more attractive to me--point."

"Really? What a pity.

Koroll said with a regretful expression, Qiyana is also a very beautiful woman, he naturally hopes to work with such a woman, but if the other party doesn't want to be a navy, they can't force it.

After receiving the bounty, Qiyana also carried a suitcase, walked through the navy dormitory with ease, and walked towards the gate. The passing navies were also familiar with this beautiful bounty hunter, and they called Qiyana one after another. Say hello.

Kiyana just nodded slightly as a response, not even bothering to show a smile.

After leaving the naval station, Kiyana walked towards the hotel street in area 73, returned to the hotel where she was staying, then returned to the room, took a shower, washed off the bloody smell from the day, and lay down on the bed. Get up in bed and rest.

Kiyana looked at the ceiling and sighed. I have to say that there are really many pirates in the Chambord Islands. Because of coating, the pirates have to stay for a long time, and there are also many new pirates. .

Even now that she is well-known in the Chambord Islands, there are still pirates who dare to make trouble on the island, and she gets rid of them easily.

"When will the execution begin?"

Kiyana whispered, she can't wait to rescue Ace, but the navy has not released the news for a long time, and Luffy and the others have not yet arrived at the Chambord Islands, which proves that there is still some time before the execution begins. .

Because the Straw Hats first broke up in the Chambord Islands after the bears slapped them, and then the top war started, so Kiana was also worried about what to do, whether to stop the bears from sending the Straw Hats away in the Chambord Islands, and then everyone Let's go together to save Ace.

But if this is done, Qiyana is worried that under the intensity of the battle on the top, the Straw Hats will have fatal accidents. After all, the current Straw Hats are too weak, even after two years of experience, the Straw Hats may be on the top. There will be accidents, let alone now.

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