And it's impossible for Kiana to save Ace and protect the Straw Hats at the same time. Leaving aside some of Luffy's main combat powers, Nami Usopp will die if he is accidentally injured by a big move. Take them They are all dragging their feet, and they can't help them. At that time, Qiyana will have to be distracted to protect them.

After thinking about it, Kiyana decided not to do this, but let Xiong break up the straw hat group first, and let things develop as in the original book, so that when it comes to the top of the war, Kiyana can also be familiar with it. Control the rhythm with the plot, and save Ace at the critical moment.

In this way, Kiyana does not have to be distracted to protect the companions of the Straw Hats, and can also use the advantage of familiarity with the plot to imitate Ace. This is a comparison. After all, if the Straw Hats are reduced in order to save Ace, it must be Chia Things that Na didn't want to see.

Besides, how does Kiyana stop the bear from taking the straw hats away in the Chambord Islands? Luffy and the others beat the Celestial Dragons, and the yellow monkey general came to the island to catch the straw hats. They shot them away, did Kiyana use her face to scare the orangutan away like Shanks did?

You must know that the reason why Kiyana was able to stop the yellow monkey on Judiciary Island last time was because she took the Celestial Dragon in Casa as a hostage. Could it be that Kiyana is still using the Celestial Dragon as a hostage this time? Near the Admiralty I'm afraid it's a little too much, right?

As for saving Ace, the plot that Kiyana is familiar with must be completely different, so even Kiyana herself doesn't know what will happen in the future. reduction, there are uncertainties.

But Kiyana can't control so much now, let's save Ace first, but after saving Ace, Luffy will definitely not have a qualitative change in his mood like the original book. Growth is necessary.

Qiyana is also worrying about this. She is afraid that if she does this, Luffy will not have Baileli as his teacher and devote himself to practicing domineering for two years. If the Straw Hats go to the new world in their current state, it will definitely be Undoubtedly.

She was very distressed and didn't know what to do. She wanted to save Ace, but she was afraid that the Straw Hats would not grow because of this, just like a dead end.

"Ah, it's so annoying, no matter how much it is, let's save Ace first."

Kiyana put the quilt over her face and started to sleep. She decided to do nothing. The most important thing is to save Ace first. As for whether Luffy will grow because of it, Kiyana is too lazy to care. At worst, Qiyana will escort him to apprentice and force him to practice

Although Luffy is usually stupid, he still cares about his companions. Kiana believes that after he has experienced the cruel battle on the top, he should understand the new world in the second half of the great route, the Four Emperors and the Navy. He will also understand how terrifying the battle between them is, and he will also understand that the current Straw Hats are not strong enough to go to the new world.

As long as Kiyana made it clear to him, she still believed that Luffy would make the right choice and would not rush to the new world.

Although doing so, Luffy may not have much change in mood, but as long as the strength. Up, everything is easy to say, after all, Kiyana is also a member of the Straw Hats, at a critical moment Kiyana Will also help.

Kiyana only needs to collect all the seven dragon balls in the past two years and make a wish to turn back into a man. After Luffy and the others finish their training, and finally help Luffy become the One Piece dream, she can retire.

After retiring, Kiyana can use the rescue device to call Enilo to pick her up to other planets with advanced civilizations. At that time, Kiyana can continue to be a happy otaku who stays at home and plays games all day, which is not very good Well?

Thinking that she could live such a comfortable life again in the future, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and she fell asleep with a smile on her face.


Chapter 23 Shiki Arrives

"Is this the Chambord Islands? It's finally here.

Bonnie jumped off the pirate ship and landed on the shore, looking at the surrounding bubbles emerging from the ground, she couldn't help reaching out to touch them.

The seemingly fragile bubble is like a soft transparent balloon in Bonnie's hands. As long as no excessive force is applied, it will not burst, and the soft touch is very comfortable.

"Captain Bonnie, go find the coater, we'll just guard the boat.


Bonnie nodded, and then walked towards the town with a few crew members. On the huge tree root in the distance, the number 22 seemed to be printed on it.

Bonnie-Pedestrians came to the town, people came and went, and the civilians walking on the street quickly gave way to Bonnie and others when they saw Bonnie and others, obviously recognizing Bonnie's identity as a supernova pirate.

"Another supernova has come. There are so many pirates with a bounty of over [-] million this year."

"Yeah, two came yesterday, adding up to twelve supernovas, except for the Straw Hat Pirates, the rest of the people are all here

Alas, there are more and more pirates. What is the use of the navy? It is not as useful as bounty hunters. At least that bounty hunter named Fu Hua can help us suppress these dishonest pirates. .

Two passers-by walked past Bonnie, and Bonnie listened to their conversation.

"Fuhua? Bounty hunter?"

Bonnie muttered in a low voice, the same name? It shouldn’t be such a coincidence, right? Fu Hua also came to the Chambord Islands? And became a bounty hunter?

Fu Hua never told herself that she would come to the Chambord Islands. If I knew it, I would let her sail with me, but Bonnie didn't expect that Kiana would come to the Chambord Islands to become a bounty hunter. , Didn't she say that she is a pirate?

Is that just an excuse she made to refuse her invitation? Bonnie thought about it and thought it might be so, forget it, and invite her to join her pirate group when she sees her again. Ni swears - be sure to pull the symbol into your own pirate group.

After asking passers-by about the area where the coating artisan is located! Bonnie also took the crew to the location of the coating artisan, planning to find the coating artisan along the way.

Passing through several streets along the way, Bonnie and others also came to the small town in the 24th area. There were obviously more people dressed as pirates on the street. Basically, pirates with weapons can be seen everywhere. Obviously These pirates also came here to find coating artisans.

The number of pirates is so large that Bonnie didn't expect it. It is indeed the Chambord Islands where seven routes of pirates have gathered, but it is different.

Bonnie and others came to the door of a coating shop. The door was old. It seemed that the shop had been open for some years, and there were many people waiting inside.

One of them caught Bonnie's attention. It was a man wearing a fur hat with leopard spots, two gold earrings on his ears, black sleeves and hat matching yellow clothes, A smiley face is printed on the chest.

Trafalgar Law, ranked sixth on the Supernova Pirates ranking.

Seeing the pirate who is also a supernova, Bonnie didn't intend to go up to say hello, and the other party didn't seem to notice her appearance, just waiting for the pirates in front to complete the order.Bang

Suddenly a gunshot came from outside the store, and the pirates in the store all followed the reputation and looked at the street outside the store.

On the street, a pirate with short black hair and wearing a white vest was holding a pistol in his hand, and the muzzle was still smoking slightly. Obviously, the gunshot just now was caused by Shin's shooting < =

And in front of him, a thin, poorly dressed, and even dirty little boy covered his shoulders, lay curled up on the ground, and a pool of blood slowly flowed out.

There is an iron collar hanging around the neck of the little boy who is no more than ten years old. This collar shows the identity of the little boy as a slave

"Tch, I bought you to ask you to work, and you actually told me that you don't want to steal other people's things? Do whatever I tell you to do, and dare to talk back to me?"

The pirate raised his pistol and shouted angrily, how dare a mere slave resist him?


When the passers-by saw this, they didn't dare to move forward, and they all stayed away from the gun-wielding pirate, afraid of being involved, and stood watching from a distance.

The slave boy's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the wound was still bleeding continuously. The excruciating pain made him unable to speak, he could only gasp heavily.

Bang bang!

It seemed that the slave was useless, or he was too lazy to take him to see a doctor, so the gun-wielding pirate simply fired two more shots to end the slave's life.

The bullet penetrated the little boy's body, and two small bullet holes appeared on the little boy's chest. Warm blood splashed out, and a young life just passed away.

"Cut, I wasted three thousand Baileys and bought - a waste.

After all, the gun-wielding pirate put away his pistol and was about to leave, and no one around dared to stop him.

At this moment, a figure quickly rushed from a distance, blocking the pirate's front, completely blocking his way.

After everyone saw the appearance of the figure, Bonnie couldn't help being surprised. The person who came was Fu Hua who had fought side by side with her. She didn't expect that she was actually on this island, and it wasn't the same name. other people.

"Who are you? Get the hell out of here."

Seeing someone standing in front of him, the black-haired pirate pulled out the pistol that had been holstered just now, and pointed it at Kiana.


Qiyana didn't answer, just glanced at the lost slave boy lying on the ground behind him, frowning slightly, he was already dead? It's a pity that he was a step late, otherwise he could have taken him elsewhere Use the Saintess nirvana to recover blood.

"Did you hear what I said?

The black-haired pirate became impatient, and shouted at Kiana loudly.

"Pfft, he's fucked, he dared to offend that guy.

"Is it the pirate who just came today? It looks like he doesn't know about that bounty hunter yet.

The two pirates beside Bonnie couldn't help laughing, and exchanged in a low voice, and Bonnie asked with some doubts, "Do you know anything about that bounty hunter?"

Seeing Bonnie talking to them, the two pirates were about to respond when they suddenly realized that the person who asked them was actually one of the supernova pirates, the gluttonous girl, Joelle Bonnie. They were startled and backed away two steps.

"...We don't know much about that bounty hunter. We only know that she is a very powerful bounty hunter, but she doesn't kill pirates when she sees them. Only those who attack or do things to the local residents Only pirates who have done bad things will be targeted by her. In the past two days, the pirates in the Chambord Islands have not dared to make trouble because of her.

Bonnie nodded when she heard the words; looking thoughtful, Luo next to him naturally heard the conversation between them, and couldn't help but look at Kiyana twice, she is really a strange bounty hunter, Not just for money, but also seems to have a sense of justice.

Just as Bonnie was questioning, the black-haired pirate outside also shot at Kiana.

A blue light flashed in Qiyana's eyes, she avoided it very easily, then stepped forward, raised her foot and kicked the opponent's hand holding the gun, only to see that the opponent's right elbow was broken, and the bones were broken. The skin was pierced and exposed.

"Uh ah ah ah!

A shrill scream sounded, but he stopped in the middle of shouting, and Qiyana's heavy punch hit his heart, shattering his internal organs, breaking his ribs, and flying backward like a cannonball. A few meters away, before falling to the ground, there was no more movement

-Everything happened in a blink of an eye. From the shooting to the end, the whole process took no more than two seconds. Many passers-by felt that the conflict was over when their eyes dazzled.

Kiyana grabbed the collar of the suit with both hands, pulled it forward, straightened her appearance, and then planned to turn around and leave. This pirate didn't even offer a reward, and Kiyana didn't even have the desire to cut off his head.

- A life pays a life. Fair enough, isn't it?

"here you go!"

"Kill those pirates and get them off this island!

.SF light novel

The passers-by around cheered for Kiyana's actions. Although Kiyana came to this island for a very short time, Kiyana's popularity among the local residents of the Chambord Islands is already very high.

But for pirates, Kiyana's existence is a bit of an eyesore. Powerful pirates, such as supernova pirates, just want to coat and go to the new world, and don't want to conflict with Kiyana.

Kiyana will not take the initiative to find trouble with them, the two sides live in peace, and those pirates with low strength have nothing to do with Kiyana.

Amidst the cheers from the surrounding residents, Kiyana turned around and was about to leave, at this moment, Bonnie also walked out of the door of the coating shop, came outside, and waved to Kiyana: "Fu Hua.


Kiyana turned her head and looked, and found that the person who called her was Bonnie, whom she had met not long ago. Unexpectedly, Bonnie also came to the Chambord Islands? It seems that Luffy and the others should be arriving soon Bar?

"Fu Hua, why are you...

Bonnie was just about to ask why Qiyana was a bounty hunter in the Chambord Islands, when suddenly a huge dark shadow shrouded the heads of everyone, everyone was attracted by the sudden change, looked up to Looking into the sky.

Several huge floating islands were seen hovering directly above the Chambord Islands. Seeing this rare and unusual situation, people couldn't help but exclaimed and pointed at the sky.

"what is that?"

Luo also came to the street outside the store, looked towards the sky and muttered softly, at this time, all the people in the Chambord Islands, civilians, navy

We all noticed this strange scene.


Kiyana's face changed slightly, [Ski? No way? He actually ran here? What are you doing? According to the direction of the theatrical version, shouldn't you be killed by Luffy and his plot now?

And next to it is the Navy Headquarters, you reckless man, are you afraid that the Navy won't know you're here by making such an arrogant appearance?


Chapter 24 Admiralty Response

In the Office of Marshal Sengoku of the Ministry of the Navy, the phone bug placed on the table suddenly rang harshly. Sengoku, who was reviewing the documents, picked up the microphone, his eyes still fixed on the documents in his hand.

"What's up?

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