"The golden lion Shiji appeared in the Chambord Islands, the reason is not yet clear.

On the other end of the phone, the voice of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider came. Hearing the words, Warring States couldn't help being silent for a while.

...I see, I will send the yellow ape to support, you stay where you are and don't act rashly, he is very powerful, you are not his opponent.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider responded very calmly, without saying any unnecessary nonsense, and then hung up the phone. Zhan Guo put the microphone back on the phone bug's back, then put his hands on the table, crossed his hands, and supported himself with the back of his hands chin, and began to meditate.

".Ki-.What is the purpose of your visit this time?

Warring States whispered, disappeared for 20 years, why did he suddenly appear in the Chambord Islands at this time? He didn't really want to interfere with the execution of Roger's son Ace? He tried to interfere with Roger back then The execution was only stopped by him and Karp.Now he suddenly appeared. Apart from this reason, the Warring States Period can't think of any other reasons. I hope things are not what he thought, otherwise the Admiralty will have to face the two legend-level seas of White Beard and Golden Lion at the same time. Thieves, it is still a bit difficult.

After thinking for a while, Zhan Guo picked up the microphone on the back of the phone bug again, and made a call. After a few rings, the other party also picked up the phone bug, and a slightly obscene voice came from the phone bug.

"Yo, what's the matter?"

"Huangyuan, Shiji has appeared in the Chambord Islands, you go - - to find out why he appeared, it is best not to start a confrontation, just let him go, now the big battle is coming, it is not appropriate to start a war with such a powerful enemy , In addition, I allow the use of the Science Force PX series.

"Ski? He's really a scary person, I see, I'll just go there.",

Then the other end of the phone hung up the phone, it seemed that they were ready to go, and it would not be too long to go to the Chambord Islands at the speed of the yellow ape

Zhan Guo sighed, and put the microphone back to the distance. Although he had heard the ghost spider report that he had the intention to go to the Chambord Islands and was prepared for Shi Ji's appearance this time, he did not expect that he would actually go to the Chambord Islands. will appear here.

Just now he approved Huang Yuan to use the humanoid weapon PX series robots secretly developed by the world government. This weapon has to be hidden for a while until the war starts. It catches the enemy by surprise, but this time Shiji's arrival makes him faint worry.

Moreover, these robots have undergone large-scale upgrades and reforms based on the research materials brought back by Aokiji from a certain island in the past few months, but this is the first time in actual combat. It would be bad if the performance was not as expected during the war. Now this time is also an opportunity to test the actual combat effect in the Chambord Islands in advance.

Although doing so may expose the existence of this secret weapon and give the enemy more intelligence, it is better than going wrong when fighting the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even if there is an accident, rectification can be carried out overnight.

"Hopefully there won't be a fight."

Sengoku leaned back in the chair, took off the black round glasses and put them on the table, then reached out and massaged his temples.

Right above the Chambord Islands, Skeet is on the edge of the empty island, looking down, and beside him is Mia who is bound by a few thick ropes and cannot move.

The fracture of Mia's right arm has undergone emergency treatment, and a thick bandage was wrapped around it, with blood oozing faintly, falling drop by drop, and a ball of sackcloth was stuffed on her mouth, making her She couldn't grit her teeth and kill herself.

Mia's whole body was carried by the thick rope and floated in mid-air, her feet couldn't land on the ground, her face was ashen, and her eyes had no brilliance.

"Chambord Islands, I haven't been here for a long time. Or Mu Xiaowan

Looking at the islands below, Shiji couldn't help sighing. Shiji couldn't remember how many years ago he came to Shiji last time. He almost forgot how beautiful the scenery of Chambord Islands is.

Those bubbles flying in the air, after being illuminated by the sun, emit colorful light, which is pleasing to the eye.

"Oh, baby sauce, don't put on such an ugly face, I'm going to see your good friend soon, just smile.

Shi Ji looked at the expressionless Mia beside him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a playful smile.

Behind the two of them, a group of pirates in black suits held weapons and stood silently behind Shiji. It was so dark that it seemed that there were some high-ranking people.

"Okay, go down, move fast, find those journalists, and bring them to area 23, move fast, try to get things done before the navy arrives.

Shi Ji turned to his subordinates and said, he appeared in the Chambord Islands at such a high level, it is impossible for the navy to not know his arrival, and he must be so nervous now, the guy from the Warring States period should also send a general to come, right?

Although Shiji was not afraid of them, but this time Shiji came not to fight the navy, but simply wanted to spread the news of the gray-haired woman through the news media of the Chambord Islands, telling the gray-haired woman that her companions were fighting against them. hands.

Shi Ke was not sure if the gray-haired woman would come if he did this, but other than that, he had no other choice. No matter how hard the woman named Mia was tortured, she refused to tell the whereabouts of the gray-haired woman , not even revealing his name.

Shiji can only hope that the gray-haired woman is a person who values ​​her companions very much, and will show up for her companions, but this is unlikely, even Shiji himself does not believe that the other party will Show up for Mia.

If the other party really appeared, Shi Ji would look at her differently, admire her courage and loyalty, but at the same time call her stupid in his heart.

Shiji used his ability to control the small floating island where they were located and slowly descended towards the Chambord Islands. At the same time, the men behind him also picked up their weapons and waited to descend to a certain height. Then jump down and look for those news media reporters.

Soon, the floating island descended to a certain height, Shi Ji also stopped and stopped falling, otherwise it would crush the mangroves of the Chambord Islands.

Skeleton used several huge stones to continuously send his hands down to the island, and at the same time he brought Mia to the small town in the 23rd area.

In area 24, on the street outside the coating shop, Qiyana looked at Shiji's subordinates in black suits who were falling in the distance, and frowned slightly.

Why did Shiji come to the Chambord Islands? Kiana probably has a guess in her heart, probably because she committed suicide and killed his companion? Otherwise, according to the theatrical version, Shiji should have encountered Luffy and the others by now. .

However, due to his own reasons, instead of meeting Luffy and the others, Shi Ji came to the Chambord Islands, but Kiana didn't know how Shi Ji knew that he was in the Chambord Islands. A blind cat met a dead mouse? coincidence?

In any case, Kiyana decided to slip away anyway, and Shiji was obviously looking for her, why is she still here?

Besides, next to it is the Ministry of the Navy. Shiji is so high-profile, the navy must have noticed. Kiyana just needs to hide it. At critical moments, she can even switch to the Gale Armor in Jizi's appearance. She has neither been offered a reward nor by the people on the island. The well-known Himeko's appearance is an excellent concealment identity. After Shiji was driven away by the navy who rushed here, she became safe.

What Qiyana wants now is to spend the past few days in peace, and there is no need to have contact with Shiji when the top war begins.

Thinking of this, Kiyana decided to leave, but Bonnie at the side held Kiyana and didn't let her leave.

"Wait, Fu Hua, where are you going?

Bonnie asked with some doubts, the two met again, and before they said anything, Fu Hua was about to leave, of course she refused to let her go, after all, she still wanted to get Fu Hua into the group.

"I want to leave here, and the navy is likely to come back later, I advise you to go to sea and leave the Chambord Islands as soon as possible.

Kiyana advised Bonnie that when the navy comes, conflicts will naturally occur when encountering pirates. It is the wisest choice to leave as soon as possible before the navy arrives.

"Why? Because of the islands in the sky? Do you know something?"

Bonnie was very puzzled, Fu Hua seemed to know the origin of those floating islands, his expression was a little nervous, and he even asked her to leave, thinking that the origin of those islands was not easy.

"That's the floating island of the golden lion Shiki. I don't know if you have heard of Shiji, but many years ago, he was a legendary figure who ruled the entire sea with White Beard Roger. His strength is unfathomable. The navy will definitely respond to his arrival and send people over, so you should leave as soon as possible.

After Qiyana quickly explained the reason, she was also preparing to leave. She wanted to find a corner where no one was around and switch to the Gale Armor and Jizi's appearance, so that she would be safe. There are too many people here, and it is inconvenient for her to switch.

"Ah? So it's that guy?"

Hearing this, Bonnie seemed to know Shi Kee, and looked up at the floating island in the sky.

"Yes, you are a pirate, and you are still a supernova, once you meet the navy, you will be in trouble, run away quickly.

"how about you?

"Don't worry about me, just take care of yourself." =

After finishing speaking, Kiyana shook off Bonnie's hand, and disappeared from Bonnie's sight among the crowd standing and watching the sky.


Chapter 25 Finding

Area 23, in the central square of Minmin Street Town, Shi Ji sat on a chair brought to him by his subordinates, with his hands folded around his chest, a cigar in his mouth, white smoke slowly drifting out.

There are no civilians around the central square, and most of them fled here directly after Shiji and his men arrived, and now only Shiji and his gang are left here.

Beside him, Mia was still tied up in mid-air by thick ropes, her feet couldn't touch the ground, her hands were tied behind her, her face was slightly pale, her brows would frown from time to time, it looked like the wound on her arm It still hurts.

It has been 10 minutes since Shiji ordered his men to catch the journalists on the Chambord Islands. People rushed back one after another. I saw a group of pirates in black suits holding weapons and driving some of the journalists hanging around their necks. Camera people, let them head to the central square.

The expressions on the faces of those reporters were terrified, and there were some doubts. They didn't know why they became the targets of these pirates, but they didn't dare to resist, so they could only obediently obey these pirates.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, the navy will be here soon.

One of the reporters whispered to his colleagues, and the rest nodded. This is the Chambord Islands, and the Admiralty is nearby, so they arrived very quickly.

"Hmph, navy? Do you think that the navy can save you when it comes? Our captain is the legendary pirate Golden Lion Shiki, the navy doesn't care about anything, okay?

One of the pirates heard the reporter's words, and immediately sneered disdainfully. In his mind, Captain Shiji was the greatest Haicheng, even the former Pirate King Roger couldn't compare with Captain Shiji.

"Ski? Who's that?"

Many reporters became even more puzzled when they heard the words. They had never even heard of this name, but some older reporters were shocked when they heard the words, and quickly introduced Shi Ji to the younger reporters. background.

"Shiki is the legendary pirate who ruled the sea 20 years ago. He is as famous as Whitebeard and Roger. There are rumors that he is dead. There has been no news about him for so many years. I thought he was dead. I didn't expect him to die. Reappeared after disappearing for so long and still here

"..--Then why did he arrest us? We didn't offend him, I don't want to die yet."

"...We did not offend him, calm down, we are all journalists, maybe he has some special reason for arresting us.

"Reason? What could it be?"

"Who knows? Maybe he wants to use us to announce his return to the world?

The reporters communicated with each other in low voices, guessing Shiji's purpose of arresting them, and the pirates beside him also drove them to speed up their pace.

"Don't say a few words, let me go!"

The reporters didn't dare to speak anymore, they could only move forward quickly, no matter what Shi Ji wanted to do by arresting them, anyway, they could only obediently obey.Finally, it was also - I saw Shi Ji sitting next to the artificial fountain in the center of the square with his eyes closed and meditating.

As expected of a great pirate at the legendary level, many people were overwhelmed by the aura emanating from Shiji's body the first time they saw Shiji, their legs trembled slightly involuntarily, and they couldn't even walk steadily.

Some of the women hugged each other even more, and looked at the golden lion in the field with fearful eyes.

"Captain Skee, we have brought the man back."

One of the pirates stepped in front of Shiji and reported. After hearing this, Shiji opened his eyes, looked forward, and stretched out his hand to signal him to back down.

Then Shi Ji said to the journalists who were kneeling on the ground in front of him and looked at him with fearful eyes: "You don't need to tie Zhangs, I am not interested in your lives, I just want to ask you all for a favor.

The reporters didn't speak, just looked at Shiji silently. When they heard Shiji said that they would not kill them, many people immediately relaxed.

"As for what I'm asking you to do; that's it. Wen

Shi Ji pointed to Mia, who was hanging in mid-air by a thick rope beside him, and everyone looked in the direction he pointed. They had noticed this woman from just now, but no one dared to ask Shi Ji.

"This woman's...-I don't know if it counts or not. Anyway, it has something to do with her. That woman killed my crew, and I also arrested her companion. What I want you to do is to The news that I caught this woman was published in tomorrow's news paper, and then sent to all over the world, ah yes, I allow you to take pictures.

After Shi Ke finished speaking, the reporters quickly raised the cameras hanging around their necks, pointed at Mia and took pictures, and the dazzling flashes kept flickering for a while.

After a while, the flashes gradually stopped, and the reporters still knelt on the ground, not daring to move, waiting for Shiji to speak again.

"and this."

Shiki took out a stack of film from the pocket of his orange-and-yellow coat, and threw it forward, onto one of the reporters, who quickly reached out and grabbed it firmly.

"This is the video recorded by the portable video phone bug. It has the appearance of the gray-haired woman. You just say in the newspaper that if she wants to save her companion, let her come to me, and I will Wait for her on the island where she killed my companion.

Shi Ji said slowly, he did not say the name of Xilu Island, but changed his wording, but Shi Ji believed that the other party would definitely understand what he meant, the reason why he did not say the name of Xilu Island was mainly because Skee doesn't want anyone to bother him, such as the navy

"What? Why are you all stunned? Can't you understand what I said?"

But what made Shiji feel strange was that after he said what he said just now, the expressions of these journalists became very strange, which made Shiji wonder if he made a mistake in expressing what he just said.

"...Is that grey-haired woman you speak of beautiful, who likes to wear suits and fight with fists?"

The reporter who caught the film that Shiji threw out just now asked suspiciously.

"Huh? You know her?"

Shi Ji was a little surprised, he didn't expect these people to know that woman.Of,

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