Wait, no, he wasn't helping the Whitebeard Pirates. After thinking for a while, Marco realized instantly.

He's just helping Qianbian, but because of Qiwuhai's status, he can't go directly to help Qianbian fight against Kizaru, wait, it doesn't seem right, does Mihawk care about Qiwuhai's position? He is like that people?

What is the reason? Could it be that he really just wanted to learn swordsmanship? Marco couldn't figure it out.


Kiyana was sent flying again, and there was a scream. After hearing the sound, Mihawk's eyes became colder and colder.

"What are you dawdling about? Why don't you leave quickly?"

Marco stopped thinking about it, and quickly flew towards the battlefield on Kiana's side, but Shiliu seemed to understand something, showing a clear expression.

"Since you're in such a hurry, why don't you go there by yourself?"

"You seem to have misunderstood something; what does her life and death have to do with me?

"You're really stubborn, anyway, it's a rare experience to be able to fight against the world's number one swordsman, let me see if your strength is worthy of this title.


Chapter 30 Little Ozzy Resurrected with Full Blood

Mihawk has practiced for many years. Although limited by his strength, he has not yet reached the state of great achievement that he pursues in his heart, but he has already acquired the essence of swordsmanship.

The speed of the knife was extremely fast, and within a flash, it was within three inches of Shiliu's chest. Shiliu's face changed immediately, the sword was so fast, the movement was so fast that even his knowledge and arrogance could not predict it.

Mihawk's moves were erratic, forcing Shiliu to panic and back away again and again.

A real master of swordsmanship can know the gap between himself and the enemy only by one move, Xiliu sighed inwardly, as expected of the world's number one swordsman, his swordsmanship is really powerful.

But Xiliu wouldn't just admit defeat so easily. The two big characters of "warrior" were engraved on his bones, and his blood was also stimulated, which made Xiliu extremely excited and trembling all over.

This is fighting. In the past, killing those prisoners was not fun at all. It is more enjoyable to fight against a master like Mihawk.

Afterwards, Shiliu also launched a powerful counterattack, and saw two silver lights collide fiercely with each other, sparks burst out from where they collided.

The loud noise of metal clashing was deafening, and the two swords trembled slightly due to the extreme stalemate. The eyes of Mihawk and Shiliu met for a short time, and then they each retreated, regrouping and fighting again.

Both of them walked fast and accurate routes, sword lights flickered in mid-air, like countless silver dragons, colliding with each other from time to time, and there was a piercing sound of metal rubbing.

The domineering strength of the armed color, although Shiliu is slightly inferior, it is not much worse.

The shapely long sword and the invisible sword aura criss-crossed, and no one else dared to come within tens of meters of these two swordsmen for fear of being accidentally injured by the fierce sword aura surrounding them.

"Hahaha, it's really amazing."

Shiliu showed warlike eyes, watching Mihawk closely.

But Mihawk didn't concentrate on him, and from time to time he glanced into the distance from the corner of his eye.

"Fighting with me, you still dare to be distracted and look at other people's situation, I am really underestimated""

When Shiliu saw this, he was naturally dissatisfied. He dared to distract himself and look elsewhere, which meant that the pressure he put on Mihawk was not strong enough to make the other party look at him squarely.

"I will make you pay for your underestimation.

Shiliu said coldly, then bent forward again, and fought with Mihawk into a - - group.

Here, Mihawk and Shiliu fought extremely fiercely. On the other side, the team formed by Luffy and Jinpei also rushed all the way to the square above the bay, and came to the square below the execution platform. There are numerous pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"The pirates have come to the plaza, ready to attack!

"Unexpectedly - Lu rushed to the square, damn it."

Many navy soldiers panicked. These pirates are too powerful. Tens of thousands of soldiers led by more than a dozen vice-admirals are no match for them. It is really shameful that they broke through all the way to the square.

Normally, it is impossible for the pirates to break through here so easily. The main reason is the ability to change. From time to time, the sky will dim, and the speed of the navy soldiers will be slowed down. Many people are inexplicable. was knocked down.

Even the cannonballs they used to bombard the pirates were slowed down by the strange time and space, basically in a useless state.

Cannons are useless, they can only fight in close quarters, but in close quarters they are far from the opponents of these pirates with a bounty of over [-] million, which led to the situation where these pirates easily broke through to the square.

"Murloc Karate E [-] Watts Right Lift =-

The rear admiral who was blocking in front of him was sent flying backwards with his punches, spitting blood wildly, Jinbe also felt a little strenuous, and couldn't help panting slightly.

There are too many navies. It was okay on the ice before, but on this square, the number of navies has increased sharply, several times the original number, and the defense force is too strong.

The farther they go, the more navies stand in front of them.

"Block them, never let the pirates get close to the execution platform!"

Warring States took the phone bug and used the radio to order, and immediately several vice admirals stepped out of the queue and rushed towards Luffy - the pedestrian.

The situation was at a stalemate for a while. Although the pirates entered the platform on the square, they couldn't move any further. Seeing Ace not far in front, everyone felt anxious.

Warring States glanced at the pirates who were about to rush to the execution platform, and they were also very anxious. Has Zhan Taowan turned off the live phone bug yet? Si was executed early.

After all, this is a public execution by the navy in the name of justice. The prisoner must not survive. Even if the sentence is executed early, Ace must be killed, and failure is absolutely not allowed.

While Zhan Guo secretly anxiously waited for Zhan Taowan's news, the navy soldiers beside him suddenly took a few steps back and looked aside in horror.

A huge shadow blocked the sunlight. Sengoku looked up and saw Little Ozzy, who had brought huge troubles to the navy before, stood up again at this time, looking at him coldly, holding up He squeezed his huge fist, making a gesture to smash it down.

Zhan Guo was stunned for a moment, with indescribable surprise in his eyes

Little O. Z is not dead yet!

"No way, didn't he all fall down just now?"

"Hasn't anyone been there just now to make sure he's dead?"

"Who knew he didn't die after being beaten like that?"

"It must be that he was healed by Qianbian's ability when he was still breathing. Look, the wounds from the previous shelling are gone.

Soon, the sharp-eyed navy noticed that all the wounds on Little Ozzy's body had disappeared, and quickly pointed at Little Ozzy and shouted straight.

"Then he was lying on his stomach just now, was he pretending to be dead? Just to wait for the pirates to rush to the square - - to cooperate?"

Little Ozzy stood up again, which not only shocked and frightened the navy, but also surprised the pirates, and then showed a look of excitement.

"Oh, look everyone, little Ozzy is not dead yet, hahaha! 0

"Great, Ozzy, you bastard, lied to us so many tears.

Diamond Qiaoz and other captains were all happy that Ozzy stood up again. They didn't expect that Ozzy, whom they mistakenly thought to be dead, was still alive, which was an unexpected surprise.

"After being beaten up, you have learned to be good. Instead of rushing forward blindly, do you wait for your companions to join?"

After Whitebeard's fist shattered the space and forced Steel Gu Kong back, he also smiled when he saw Little Oz standing up again.

"Ace is waiting for me, I will rescue you right away."

After Little Ozzy stood up again, he looked at the execution platform. Ace, who had already burst into tears, said that Ace was kneeling on the execution platform, feeling very complicated. He thought he had lost six of his friends, but unexpectedly He is still alive.

Although the current situation is still not optimistic, Ace still wept with joy. Looking at the little Ozzy who was covered in blood but intact, he was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"That's amazing, little Ozzy? It's about the same size as Ozzy.

Luffy - while running - looked at Little Ozzy's huge body, and couldn't help sighing, he didn't notice much before, but when Little Ozzy stood up, it was simply spectacular.

Little Ozzy, who was revived with full blood, was lying on the junction of the square and the ice in the bay just now. After suffering a loss, he also realized that he could not rescue Ace by himself, so he also- endured.

Waiting for the other pirates to rush to the square, and then catching them by surprise, although he is usually one-sided, Little Ozzy still knows how to bear it when it is critical.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!'

Little Ozzy's huge fist slammed fiercely at the marine soldiers in front of Luffy and the others. The terrifying power immediately smashed several marine soldiers into meat paste, and a huge pothole appeared, The air wave also swept through the vicinity, blowing countless naval soldiers away.

Immediately afterwards, Little Ozzy turned his fist into a palm again, and swept across the square like sweeping garbage. Immediately, more than a hundred people were sent flying, and even the poor navy soldiers were thrown hundreds of meters away. High altitude, and then landed on the hard ice.

Little Ozzy's huge body brought unimaginable pressure to the navy. With just one punch and palm, the navy suffered countless casualties. Many people were frightened and retreated one after another. ) Q Death Wen Xiaozhi

Just now, Little Ozzy fought several naval giant lieutenant generals, and the scene of knocking them all down is still vivid. How could they be stronger than the giant lieutenant generals?

"How can you keep going crazy?

At this moment, a female giant lieutenant general also brandished a big knife and rushed towards Little Ozzy, but her size was no match for Little Ozzy, just like the difference between a seven or eight-year-old child and an adult.

Little Ozzy just grabbed the head of the female giant lieutenant general with one hand, then lifted it high, and smashed it heavily on the square.Bang

A lot of smoke and dust floated up, and the female giant lieutenant general lay down in the deep pit, losing consciousness, and a lot of blood flowed out from the cut on her forehead

After killing the female giant lieutenant general with one move, Little Ozzy became more and more unstoppable, and the momentum of the pirates reached its peak

"Come on, follow Little Ozzy to the execution platform!

Little Ozzy took a step forward and came to the square, just as he was about to stretch out his hand to blow away the two executioners beside Ace on the execution platform-

A figure in a navy coat jumped up and came to the side of Little Ozzy's head, with a fist that seemed to be able to make mountains fall and the ground shattered heavily on the side of Little Ozzy's face, Little Ozzy Several of those thick teeth were shattered by this blow.

The huge force even drove the incomparably huge body of Little Oz, causing it to soar into the air, fly upside down, and fall heavily back on the ice surface, causing countless cracks to open on the ice surface.

The figure also fell back to the ground, and everyone looked intently, and it turned out to be Lieutenant General Garp.

"So strong

"Shocked Oz to 6? Is that guy a monster?

"As expected of Lieutenant General Garp, that's amazing."

For a moment, the pirates and the navy were shocked.


Chapter 31 Waking Up

Little Ozzy was lying on the ice, with broken teeth scattered on the ground, his side face was deeply sunken, and his head was dizzy. As a giant race, few human beings can rely on their own strength alone. You can't hurt him with force, let alone knock him flying with a single punch.


Ace looked at Little Ozzy who was beaten into the air, and couldn't help shouting.

Garp stood under the execution platform. Although he knocked Ozzy down with a single punch, he couldn't be happy, his expression was gloomy, and the emotions in his heart were extremely complicated-

The nearby Warring States did not speak at this time, but just patted Garp on the shoulder. He thought that Garp would not make a move, and did not expect Garp to do it. Now it seems that Garp has finally made up his mind.

Luffy in the distance looked at Garp's uncomfortable expression and sighed. Even if Garp stood in front of him later, he would not hesitate.

"Well, don't get in my way

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