Little Ozzy reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, climbed up again, and stared at Garp. Although his head was still a little dizzy, he still wanted to blow away all those who blocked him.Whoosh

Little Ozzy punched again, and the huge fist stirred up a wave of air. Even before it hit, many people were already bent down by the pressure of the wind.

But Karp just jumped into the air again, punching heavily against Oz's fist, only to hear a crackling sound, Ozzy's arm was bent at a strange angle, the bone was broken, stabbed Broken skin exposed outside the body.Bang

After punching Little Ozzy's arm to the bone, Garp stepped on the foot step again, flew to the position parallel to Little Ozzy's head, turned around and accelerated, and then kicked hard on the ground. Little Oz's profile.

Little Ozzy's huge body flew into the air again, his feet left the ground and smashed back hard. Countless pirates and marine soldiers fled to the side in a panic to avoid being hit by Little Ozzy when he fell down.

A large amount of ice cracked, and the pirates and marines standing on the ice fell to the ground without standing still.

This time, little Ozzy didn't stand up again, and completely lost consciousness" SF light novel

Seeing this, Whitebeard couldn't help sighing inwardly, Karp is still young, and little Ozgen is no match.

"It's really scary, that giant, fortunately Lieutenant General Garp made a move.

Yellow Ape looked at the fallen little Ozzy, and couldn't help sighing. Marko, who was flying in mid-air in the form of a phoenix directly in front of him, also sighed and couldn't bear to look any more.

With Marco's help, Qiyana, who had been besieged by Huang Yuan and Tiqi, was a little more relaxed, and she had a chance to breathe.

But the situation is still not optimistic. Most of Qiyana's armors have entered the dangerous blood line, and armors such as Strike, Shadow Dance, and Bailian have entered a state of repair, and can only be revived with crystals.Dark water!

Tiqi's right hand was covered with a cloud of black mist, and the powerful suction pulled Qiyana's body again, trying to suck her in.

Switch, sakura dance!

Kiana switched to the Sakura Fire Dance armor with the appearance of Theresa. The powerful basic attributes of the Higokumaru suit and the addition of fire elements make the Sakura Fire Dance armor very powerful, but there is no graduated Judas , greatly reducing the output of the Sakura Fire Dance Armor.

Qiyana can only fight with the full-level four-star weapon Fire Angel, and the difference between it and the five-star weapon is naturally huge, and the attack power alone is nearly -[-] less.

Qiyana unfolded the fire angel and released her weapon skills, and saw several fireballs flying out of the fire angel and hitting Tiqi, but all of them were absorbed by Tiqi with dark water, which had no effect at all.

"Back to you!

Tiqi sneered, and bounced back all the fireballs he absorbed just now. Facing the flying fireball, Qiyana slightly-dodged away, and at the same time, Qiyana also erupted three stages of sword energy , flew around and flew out.

Tiqi forcibly resisted these three stages of sword energy, and a scarlet cherry mark that only Qiyana could see appeared on his body.

The output method of the Sakura Fire Dance Armor is somewhat similar to that of the Anti-God Armor. It also adds three layers of Scarlet Cherry Count to the enemy, and then turns it into a Scarlet Cherry Mark, and uses branch attacks to eliminate the Scarlet Cherry Mark, causing a lot of damage.

It's just that the Nishen armor is physical damage, while the Sakura Dance Armor is fire elemental damage.

After dodging, Qiyana also directly used a branch to attack the Burning Cherry Foxfire, and a spinning foxfire emerged from Tiqi's side, igniting the Scarlet Cherry Mark.Bang

A ball of flames exploded suddenly on Tiqi's body, and Tiqi was blown to the side before he even had time to react.

There is still such an attack method? Tiqi was surprised for a while. He just felt that after being surrounded by a ball of flames, his body suddenly exploded, and he didn't see how Qiyana shot at all.

Fortunately, the armed color domineering also helped him to block a lot of injuries, but he was not injured much, but the side effect of increased pain still made him a little uncomfortable.

The dark fruit is good for everything, but this side effect is too speechless.

Qiyana threw out a red spiritual body sword casually, and the whirling blade flew quickly, but they were all blocked by Tiqi, unable to cause any damage.

Tiqi resisted Kiyana's attack, moved towards the ground, and at the same time used dark water to pull Kiyana's body.

Come again? Are you annoying?

Kiyana, who felt her body being pulled again, was also very annoyed, but she didn't have a good way. No matter what Kiyana did, her body approached Tiqi uncontrollably.

Once caught, the ability will be suppressed, the physical strength will be absorbed, and there is no way to resist. This ability is really disgusting.

Switch the crimson armor, nirvana Amaterasu!

Kiyana held a knife in both hands, and slashed out a sword aura. The sword aura continued to cut through the air, and the hot fire elemental damage was also contained in it. However, Tiqi moved forward with both hands, directly absorbing the sword aura that Kiyana cut out It reached into his hands, and then punched Qiyana's lower abdomen.

The sword energy was also released and returned to Qiyana. The sword energy from 2 was cutting Qiyana's body continuously, the blood volume was reduced exaggeratedly, and it fell below the body in a blink of an eye. 5.00%+.

There was also a deep wound cut by the sword energy on the lower abdomen, and blood spattered on the ice.

Kiyana's mouth smelled of rust, and she backed up again and again, but Tiqi didn't give Kiyana a chance to breathe, strode forward, took a step forward and punched Kiyana's shoulder heavily, About to shatter Qiyana's shoulder blades.

The shattered bones pierced into the flesh, making Qiyana couldn't help crying out. "J are

"You bastard

Just as Kiyana was about to swing his sword to fight back, Tiqi immediately slashed on Kiyana's right wrist with a knife, knocking down the 3rd holy relic, and then Tiqi shamelessly aimed at Kiyana's lower abdomen Wound Attack-

The fist slammed on Qiyana's lower abdomen, and then her fingers * * * went into the wound, clasped tightly, and then pulled hard.

The severe pain kept attacking Qiyana's brain, almost causing her to faint, but the intense stimulation kept her awake, which was very contradictory.

Tiqi picked up the 3rd holy relic that fell on the ground, pierced through Qiyana's heart forcefully, and nailed Qiyana to the

"uh uh

Kiyana's eyes widened, and blood continued to flow from the corners of her mouth.

"Jiehaha, I won't give you a chance to be resurrected.

As Tiqi said, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Qiyana's neck, and pressed Qiyana to the ground tightly, unable to move.

"Thousands of changes!"

When Marco saw this, he was also very anxious, and quickly wanted to fly over to help Qiyana, but the yellow ape was turned into an element, and walked around in front of Marco to block him.

"The old man won't let you go, to be honest, I've had enough of the recovery ability of the thousand changes, let's end it as soon as possible.

Marco kicked, but the oracle just changed into a lightsaber and easily blocked him. The two fought for several rounds in an instant. Marco was constantly injured, and then the flames of the phoenix covered the wound. Just as good as ever.

But doing this is very exhausting, and Marco doesn't want to do it, but there is no way, he must get out of the dry change as soon as possible.

Consciousness gradually faded away, and Qiyana's eyelids slowly closed. She was very tired and painful. At this moment, she really wanted to just fall asleep like this.

Physical strength was continuously absorbed, and a sense of fatigue kept attacking Qiyana's brain, making her reaction extremely sluggish.

The sound of artillery fire on the battlefield seemed to have quieted down, and everything around her seemed to be in slow motion in Qiyana's eyes.

Whitebeard and Akainu, who were fighting in the distance, also looked at this side. Shichibukai, Blackbeard Pirates, and the navy couldn't help but pay attention to the movement here.

Even if they wanted to help Qian Bian, they were powerless, and there was no time at all. They could only watch Kiyana's life slipping away bit by bit, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Po)p SE3 Novel

The live phone bug in the hands of Bucky and others in the distance also broadcast this scene live on the big screen of the Chambord Islands. Countless reporters, civilians and pirates did not speak, but watched the scene on the screen nervously.

The number one supernova, the super rookie with a bounty of 32 billion, is he going to die like this?

Am I going to die? I am so unwilling to die like this, what is it?

A tear fell from the corner of Kiyana's eyes, Tiki naturally noticed it, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

"What is this? Tears? Jiehahaha, no pirate will sympathize with the tears of the weak, ever changing!"


Tiqi's hand holding Kiyana's neck became more forceful, and half of Kiyana's body was embedded in the ice. She thought she was a powerful person, but it turned out to be just a woman with powerful abilities. In the end, she was still exposed weak side.

Qiyana clenched her fists tightly, but she lost a lot of physical strength, and it was extremely difficult to even lift it up. Tears of unwillingness flowed down slowly.

"Sister Kiyana, I will always be by your side to protect you, so please don't cry.

A voice sounded in Qiyana's mind, familiar yet unfamiliar, what is this voice? Just when Qiyana was puzzled, she felt as if something in her heart had left her body, a feeling of emptiness Spontaneously.


Tiqi noticed something strange, but before he could take a closer look, the mutation happened suddenly.

A large number of new shoots began to grow rapidly, surrounding Qiyana's body, isolating between her and Tiqi, sharp wooden thorns continued to extend out, Tiqi was accidentally bound by a large number of vines, Immediately, Tiqi was tightly restrained, and the strong oppressive force almost squeezed his body, and the bones all over his body screamed.


Tiqi couldn't help spitting out a pool of blood, his internal organs suffered a lot of injuries, and his face was extremely painful, while the vines wrapped around his body were still increasing their strength, and as the roots drilled through the ice, they went deep into Marin Vanduo's body The ground absorbs a lot of nutrients, and the power on the rattan is getting stronger and stronger, making Tiqi wailing miserably:


Tiki's face turned red and liver-colored, obviously very uncomfortable, and he shouted at the companions of the Blackbeard Pirates in a panic.


Chapter 32

The mutation on Qianbian's side naturally attracted the attention of everyone present, and Qiyana, who was surrounded and protected by a thick wooden wall, felt countless tree roots extending from her body at this moment. , Deeply plunged into the land of Marin Vanduo.

A steady stream of nutrients came from the roots, repairing Qiyana's injuries, the wounds quickly recovered, and at the same time enhanced her strength.

Qiyana, who had been exhausted by Tiqi's absorption of a lot of physical strength, felt that her whole body was full of strength at this moment, as if she could smash a mountain with one punch.

"Dam that you?

Qiyana couldn't help asking in her heart, the voice just now was undoubtedly Damus, and this ability is also Mumuguo's ability

It's just that there was no sound in Qiyana's mind again. The sound just now seemed to be an illusion produced by Qiyana, and I don't know if she really said it.

.--Isn't that guy's ability?

On the execution platform, Ace looked at the huge vines that were growing rapidly on the ice in the bay with a look of surprise, and couldn't help but recall the figure of a young man in his mind. At that time, he and Qiyana only met for the first time.

At that time, he also had a battle with the holder of this devil fruit, and finally lost to the other party due to various reasons. Generally speaking, that guy's strategy was better, and he used the environment reasonably to defeat himself .

But why did that guy's ability appear here? Or did it come from Kiyana? Didn't Kiyana already have a devil fruit? Why did Mumuguo's ability show up on Kiyana's body?

When Doflamingo saw the huge vines stretching continuously across the entire battlefield, he couldn't help whispering, this fruit should have been obtained long ago, all because Qian Bian snatched it from his underground black market branch, Seeing it again at this time, I was very upset.

It’s just why Qianbian can use Mumuguo’s ability? Didn’t she already eat a devil fruit? I’ve never heard of Mumuguo’s ability to slow down time and space. Could it be said that Qianbian is a double-fruit capable person? ? is this possible? Crack!

The vines continued to extend, and the ice surface was also broken by the thick branches. The vines wrapped around Tiqi's body became tighter and tighter, making Tiqi breathless.

The vines around the neck were even more tightly entwined, just as much force as he had used to pinch Qiyana's neck just now, the vines wrapped around him with as much force, even doubled the force, doubled back.


Tiqi's tongue stuck out slightly, his eyes turned white, and he almost lost consciousness. He couldn't move at all, and his whole body was tightly bound. The more he struggled, the tighter the entanglement became.

"Captain Teach!"

When Bashas of the Blackbeard Pirates saw that his captain was subdued by Qianbian's strange ability, he immediately prepared to rescue Tisi.

Bashas casually picked up a big knife from the corpses on the battlefield, swung it all the way to chop the vines on the road, and moved closer to Tiqi.

However, the more he chopped, the broken vines regenerated from the cuts, one root was cut off, and two grew again, and the more he cut, the more he cut.

In the end, Bashas couldn't move even an inch, and couldn't go any further. Even he himself would be attacked by vines.

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