Patterns? After hearing what they said, Qiyana frowned, and realized that the matter was not simple. Could it be that the navy already knew that there would be patterns on Qianbian's back? Otherwise, why did she want to check her own back?

"What pattern are you talking about?

"It's nothing, you don't need to know, all right, put on your clothes.

Qiyana put on the clothes she had taken off, and secretly became vigilant in her heart. If there is no accident, the navy should know about the pattern on her back, but they didn't know that it was actually a stigmata, and they put the stigmata on their own. When it is removed, the stigmata pattern will naturally disappear, so we have to pay attention to this aspect in the future.

It seems that when I learned about the medical examination before, it was correct to remove the stigmata in advance.

Then, after another examination, blood was drawn to check for infectious diseases, the doctor also stamped Qiyana's medical examination form and handed it to Qiyana.

"Put it away, don't lose it, it needs to be checked.

" "

" "

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After Kiyana put away the form, she also walked out of the room. The women who came up with Kiyana have also had their physical examinations, and they are greeting each other at this time.

Qiyana had no intention of communicating with them, but went straight down to the second floor. The men downstairs were undergoing medical examinations. Because of the large number of people, they were much slower than the girls.

"Have you had a physical examination?"

Seeing Qiyana coming down from the second floor, Carey also asked.

"Well, what's next?"

"Let's wait, wait for the batch of physical examinations to be assigned to the dormitory, and then start the training camp.


Kiyana nodded, then walked to the bench next to the hospital gate and sat down, waiting for the batch of physical examinations to end.

Unexpectedly, the wait lasted from the morning to around three in the afternoon. Finally, all Qiyana's group had completed their physical examinations. Kaili led the people who passed the physical examinations to leave the hospital building and head for the naval dormitory area.

Carey first brought the women like Qiyana to the female soldiers' dormitory, and asked the men to wait outside.

"Your room is on the fifth floor, and the daily necessities in it are all ready. After tidying up by yourself, go to the cafeteria to eat. The formal training will start tomorrow.

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Carey pointed to one of the dormitory buildings and said, he left here and led the men to the boys' dormitory.

Qiyana and the others entered the building with their luggage, walked up the stairs, and reached the fifth floor.

There are two large rooms on the fifth floor, one of which is full of people, and the other is empty. Qiyana walked into the unoccupied room and chose one of the upper berths, which is far away from the gate and away from the dormitory. The toilet that comes with it is also far away, which belongs to the middle position.

I have to say that the room is quite big, even if there are more than a dozen people, there is no major problem, and it is even more than enough.

"Hey, redhead, I want to sleep on the top bunk, get down for me!

The red-haired one was obviously talking about himself, after all, he was the only red-haired person in this dormitory.

Kiyana looked at the person who was talking to her. She had short flaxen hair and was two meters tall, which was considered tall for a woman. Even many men would be ashamed of her muscular body. There are freckles on the face.

"Isn't there an upper bunk next to it?

Kiyana casually pointed to the bunk next to her.

"I'll see. I'm here for you, will you let me go?".

Qiyana's behavior in the eyes of others was naturally a sign of weakness, and several girls laughed immediately.

"A flirtatious woman, dressed in such a way to seduce men? This is a naval base, not a custom shop.

"That's right, pirates don't know how to be sympathetic, they will kill people.

Did she offend them? Kiyana secretly thought, she thought she didn't seem to have talked to them much, did she? Is it wrong to be beautiful? In other words, she doesn't want to be so beautiful.

Unexpectedly, it's only the first day, and she seems to be excluded from this small circle, well, it doesn't matter, anyway, Qiyana has no intention of pleasing others.

After reaching the military rank, Qiyana must get a single dormitory.

Then the time passed slowly, and soon it was time for dinner. Instead of going to the cafeteria, Qiyana took some dry food and water from the package, and then continued to rest on the bed. The first day of joining the navy passed like this .


Chapter 2 Follow me

At four o'clock in the morning, a sharp whistle blew, and the sound almost spread throughout the dormitory area.


Kaili's voice came from afar, and Qiyana quickly opened her eyes, quickly folded the quilt, and rushed out of the dormitory first, then jumped directly from the balcony on the fifth floor, and then used the Use moon steps to slow down and land easily.shave

Kiyana then used shaving, her speed suddenly increased, and she came to the open space next to the dormitory. At this time, Kaili had just finished speaking, and Qiyana was already standing not far in front of Kaili.

Carey was slightly stunned, is this guy so fast? It's almost nothing.

A full minute passed after Qiyana came to the square, and many people ran out of the dormitory, all of them were sleepy, as if they hadn't woken up yet. Compared with Kiyana, Kaili suddenly I think these people are just so useless.

Although the gathering speed of these people is not too slow, but there is no way, who made Qiyana's speed so fast? Without comparison, there will be harm.

After a full 5 minutes, all the people in the dormitory finally came out, - one by one standing in the open space, lined up in more than a dozen rows, with a full hundred of them, these are only female soldiers, if there are people in the male dormitory More".

Kaili stood there with a serious face, his eyes swept over everyone, and the soldiers who were swept by Kaili's eyes couldn't help swallowing, feeling very nervous.

"I have to say, I'm very disappointed in you, except for her, almost all of you came out 2 minutes after I blew the whistle.

Carey pointed at Kiyana and said loudly, all eyes immediately turned to Kiyana, and the female soldiers in the same dormitory as Kiyana felt a little dissatisfied when they saw this.

"Tsk, this guy is actually so fast."

"Is your assembly speed so slow when the pirates attack? Do you wait until someone else's cannon hits the warship before you get up?

Carey reprimanded loudly, and many people immediately lowered their heads in shame.

"Everyone except her, give me two hundred push-ups first!

When Kaili's words fell, he immediately made money everywhere. "SF light novel

"Two hundred?

"Okay, do it quickly, or there will be three hundred in a while."

More than 500 people immediately did push-ups on the spot, and did not move except for Qiyana standing on the spot.

Two hundred push-ups, for the people of Pirate World, it is not too much, and it is not too little. After all, most people are at a normal level, but their physical strength is better than that of people on earth.

After more than ten minutes, most of the people did the same, and stood up out of breath. It was a pity that they hadn't eaten breakfast, otherwise some people might spit it out.

After a few more minutes, the last group of people also did it, their foreheads were covered with sweat, and their clothes were clinging to their bodies.

Although the assembly speed is very slow, the physical fitness of this group of soldiers is quite good. Carey secretly thought that all the troops would be ready within 10 minutes.

"The next thing is to run, follow me around the coast and run around the island, and those who don't finish before eight o'clock will not have breakfast!


Many people suddenly felt that they were going to collapse. They only had to do two hundred push-ups, and they had to run around the island? Didn’t they run and didn’t eat breakfast? Are you a devil?

Kaili shouted loudly, and at the same time led the team to run ahead, there was no way, the five hundred soldiers could only start running behind Kaili, and Qiyana followed closely behind Kaili's body x

Carey led the soldiers all the way away from the gate of the Admiralty, crossed the street and came to the beach. At this time, it was five o'clock and the sky was still dark.

A group of people started running along the beach by the sea.

This guy can keep up with me? Not bad.

Kaili noticed Qiyana behind him, but he didn't expect this woman to be able to keep up with him, so Kaili immediately accelerated his pace.

But what Kaili didn't expect was that Kianayi 18 could keep up with his speed and followed closely behind.

But Kaili's acceleration actually caused the other people behind to complain, and they were tired enough after only doing two hundred push-ups.

"Run, don't fall behind!

SF Light Novel

Seeing that other people seemed unable to keep up with his own speed, Kaili had no choice but to slow down, after all, he had to take care of other people.

"Major Carey, can I run first? This is too slow.

Qiyana felt that this speed was a bit slow, she wanted to have breakfast, but if she ran at this speed, she probably wouldn't be able to eat it.

"Oh? Too slow? Okay, you run first, you must run around the island honestly, if I find out that you are lazy, the consequences will be very serious.

Carey warned that the seaside is basically sandy beaches, and running will leave footprints, and he is not afraid that Kiyana will slip away and be lazy when she runs halfway, after all, she can see the footprints.

"no problem."

After saying that, Qiyana sped up, and slashed for more than ten meters in an instant, leaving Kaili far behind.

The female soldiers following behind Qiyana suddenly widened their eyes, looking at the back of Qiyana's rapidly going away almost in disbelief.

"that house

"What a speed.

Seeing this, the woman who snatched Qiyana's upper bunk yesterday couldn't help but feel a little scared. She thought that Qiyana was a soft persimmon, but she didn't expect to be a ruthless person. Fortunately, the other party didn't care about her yesterday.

Kaili was also stunned and speechless, —is this shaving? I really underestimated her. I didn't expect this guy to master one of the six styles of shaving? He also just mastered it recently.

" "

" "

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I really didn't expect that someone among the recruits actually mastered the six-style shaving, and his instructor almost lost all face.

"Hurry up, everyone!"

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