After sighing, Carey also shouted to the female soldiers behind him.Bang

Kiyana continued to use the shaving, the speed was very fast, and it didn't take long to leave the big troops behind. To be honest, Kiyana didn't really want to participate in this kind of training, after all, Kiyana's physical attributes are controlled by the system .

No matter how much you train, your body strength will not exceed the limits of your system. CL

But Kiyana just showed a shaved hand in front of Kaili, presumably he will tell the people above this situation soon, then Kiyana will no longer have to squeeze into the same dormitory with these female soldiers inside.

She had to show some of her strength, attract the attention of the high-level navy, and tell them that she was different, so she shouldn't be overqualified, but she couldn't be too conspicuous.

Kiyana ran for a while, and saw people on the road ahead. It was a group of male soldiers running along the coast. There were a large number of them, several times more than the girls.

Qiyana didn't care about anything else, and directly surpassed this group of male soldiers.

Kiyana ran past them like a whirlwind, the breeze that could almost knock others over.

The male soldiers turned their heads to look at Qiyana who surpassed them, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Is that a female soldier?"

"Are you kidding? The soldiers actually caught up? We set off half an hour earlier!

"Chasing, how can you lose to a female soldier?"

A group of elders immediately became unconvinced, and hurriedly chased after Qiyana, but Qiyana was still faster than them, pulling away a little bit.

After overtaking the male soldiers and running in the last group, Qiyana chased the male soldiers in front again.

"Wow, the soldiers are catching up, everyone run!

"What? The soldiers are catching up?"

"Come on, brothers, you must not be caught up!"

A group of men who refused to admit defeat immediately quickened their pace, showed the speed of a [-]-meter sprint, and ran forward frantically.

However, Qiyana still surpassed them very easily, and immediately shattered the self-esteem of these men into pieces.

"—we haven't run away from female soldiers?"

"Don't admit defeat, keep chasing, - - must outrun her!

Kiyana silently glanced behind her, and then said viciously: "If you can outrun me, wouldn't it be impossible to date you?"

"Did you hear that? She said that if she can outrun her, she will date us!

"Are you mocking us? Very good, we accept the challenge!" Worker,

Qiyana's words undoubtedly aroused the fighting spirit of the male soldiers, and their speed increased a bit immediately. Qiyana couldn't help being speechless when she saw this, wow, are you animals? When it comes to dating, you are very excited up?

Having said all the big words, Qiyana absolutely can't lose now, and quickly used the shaving to open the distance between them.

"Don't run, wife!

Hearing the voice from behind, a black line appeared on Qiyana's forehead, and she felt an urge to go back and hit someone, but she still didn't stop, instead, she accelerated and ran forward, passing batch after batch of people. Group of male soldiers.

Soon, Qiyana saw the soldiers at the front of the line of male soldiers, and the bald man named Abel from yesterday was also among them.

Qiyana didn't speak, and once again quickened her pace to pass by them and rushed to the front.

When Abel saw someone passing him, he turned his head and found that it was the red-haired woman from yesterday. He was taken aback, and hurriedly speeded up, trying to overtake Kiyana, but Kiyana was faster than him. He went up a lot, leaving him far behind in the blink of an eye

"Huh? Isn't this female soldier good, she actually knows how to use shaving?"

The lieutenant commander in charge of leading the male soldiers was also surprised when he saw this.

At this time, the male soldier behind also shouted loudly to the person in front: "Everyone, the woman in front said that if anyone can beat her, she will be his girlfriend!


When the lieutenant commander heard this, he immediately became excited. He immediately ignored his duties, and quickly used the razor to chase after Qiyana.

"Hey, instructor, why are you here to join in the fun?

Wow, came after me? Why are you a lieutenant commander here to join in the fun? I was talking to the soldiers!

Qiyana looked at the person chasing after her, and suddenly felt a headache.

Hey, keep running, I want to see how fast you can run!

It is really impossible to lose this time, Qiyana showed a helpless wry smile.


Chapter 3 selection contest


On the beach by the sea, two figures were running quickly, moving at a high speed and even setting off a gust of wind, blowing up the surrounding sand and dust.

Kiyana and the lieutenant commander leading the male soldiers started a chase along the seashore.

Kiyana glanced back from the corner of her eye, and found that the lieutenant commander was chasing after him, and he had no intention of giving up at all. He had uttered all his big words, and he absolutely couldn't lose.

You must arrive before the other party rushes back to the naval base, otherwise you will have to associate with others. At this time, Qiyana can't help but regret why she said that sentence, which completely mobilized the enthusiasm of these men.

Although the Lieutenant Commander can also use shaving, his speed is still slower than that of Kiyana. There are a lot of them, and Kiyana is not worried about being chased.

The basic attributes up to level 64 allow Qiyana to move very fast, but Qiyana doesn't want to expose too much strength, so a little distance is enough.

It's not good to be too showy, and Kiyana's plan is to fight steadily and slowly advance to the rank of rear admiral before starting training on the first day

However, the lieutenant commander following behind Kiyana was shocked. He didn't expect Kiyana's speed to be so fast. Instead of decreasing, the distance with Qiyana is slowly expanding with a gap visible to the naked eye.

"This recruit is incredible, he seems serious.

The Lieutenant Commander also realized that Kiyana was not an easy recruit anymore, and he no longer kept it, so he tried his best to catch up with Kiyana. Before that, he just wanted to chase her for fun, and didn't intend to do anything serious.

After all, if he really wins and dated with Qiyana, the tigress at home might make him kneel on the washboard, which is not what he wants.

But now he found that he couldn't catch up with the female soldier if he didn't chase at full speed. How could this work?

The lieutenant commander pursued at full speed without reservation, and immediately shortened the distance between him and Qiyana a lot, which Qiyana naturally noticed.

The SF Mu novel

"Are you serious?"

Kiyana muttered softly, and at the same time began to speed up, keeping the distance between the two of them within a certain range.

After half an hour like this, the male soldiers following behind had long since been thrown away by the two, and soon Qiyana saw the starting point where Major Carey led the female soldiers to start running. , which proves that the two of them have already run around the island once.

At this time, the sun has also risen in the sky, and the warm sunlight shines on the buildings on the island, shrouded in golden sunlight, which looks very beautiful.

Kiyana ran directly in the direction of the Admiralty, passing through a small town on the outskirts of the naval base on the way. Most of the streets in the town also ran past a group of passers-by. That beautiful figure made many people Stop and watch.It didn't take long for Qiyana to see the gate of the naval base, and once again - a speed-up came to the gate and stood still. "Huh!" Qiyana panted slightly, pretending to be very tired, seeing no one around, she quickly took out a water bottle from the material space, sprinkled some water on her forehead and back, treating it as sweat .Acting requires a full set, and just panting is not enough. After finishing it, Kiyana also took the water bottle back into the material space. The moment Qi took it back, the lieutenant commander who was chasing after Kiyana finally rushed back.

Ya, you run pretty fast, I didn't even chase E, you're in good shape, what's your name? The lieutenant commander came to Kiyana's side, wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand, and looked stronger than Kiyana It's a lot easier, of course, the third reason is that Qiyana's pretending is relatively successful. "Wuliangta Jizi, instructor." "Wuliangta Jizi? I wrote it down, but can you tell me how you learned to shave?" The lieutenant commander asked curiously. This is the sixth style of the navy. You can’t learn it.” I’ve seen someone use this trick before, so I wrote it down. It’s easy to learn after mastering the technique. "yes?"

Lieutenant Commander Mu Xiaowan was also speechless when he heard the words. The technique of shaving is very simple, but it is easier said than done. It seems that Qiyana thinks that mastering shaving is very simple. It took a long time to learn to shave.

"A person who can use the six styles, if he is just a soldier, he will be conceited. You certainly don't want to be just a soldier." Then what should I do? Instructor. "Call me Major Brody. Later, I will talk to Major Carey, who is in charge of leading your female soldiers, and ask him to submit your information to sign up for the selection competition." "Selection competition?" Kiyana heard I'm also a little curious." Well, the instructor selects powerful soldiers from among the recruits he is in charge of, such as you, and then goes to participate in the selection and the outstanding ones can directly get the rank corresponding to their own strength.Brody explained to Kiyana a little bit, and Kiyana nodded to show that she understood. "You guys are lucky. The navy never engaged in this kind of stuff before. To get a military rank, you must have corresponding military exploits. But now the world has changed, and there are too many pirates. The scale of this conscription is unprecedented. , There are a lot of powerful people entering the navy. Brody sighed, and then went on to say: "The selection competition should be held next month. After you have trained this group of soldiers, I will continue to take the One batch, I didn't expect so many people to join the army now.

" "

" "

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"Then you really worked hard, Major Brody." Kiyana echoed casually, and Brody shook his head immediately, and responded with a wry smile: "It's nothing hard or hard, it's all for the navy, if One day all the pirates in this world will be wiped out, no matter how hard it is, it will be worth it." - The atmosphere fell into silence, and Kiyana didn't speak.

KSEA then Brody seemed to remember something, and continued.

F light novel "I forgot to remind you, the selection is not only for the recruits of the Navy Department, but also for recruits from other branches of the Great Airway, and even people from within the Navy will participate.

Come to "Will the recruits of the Navy branch also come to participate in the selection?" Yes, among them, the relatives of the admirals you need to pay attention to most are the relatives of the admirals. They have been in the navy for several generations and belong to the family. Yes, although they don't have military ranks, some of them have even received training in the elite troops and have studied the Sixth Form of the Navy. Their strength is definitely not weak, and you should pay special attention to them when the time comes. '

Lian Brody urged earnestly, and Kiyana nodded. "Well, I remember, thank you, Major Brody, for telling me so many things." Well, it's nothing.There is still a month left before the selection competition, so train more. Although you are fast, your stamina is obviously insufficient. If you can overcome this, you may be able to become a lieutenant. I am optimistic about you. "Brody patted Kiyana on the shoulder and said, he saw that Kiyana had only run for this little time, and he was sweating and panting, obviously not very well.

Resistance to speed. It is quite fast on the road, but actual combat is not just about speed. In naval battles, unless you master the moon step, otherwise you can only stay on the boat if you have a speed of 3.

Before Kiyana could speak, the male soldiers running behind in the distance also came back one after another, and they saw Major Brody and Na standing in front of the navy gate at a glance. "Instructor Brody, did you win the run?" After a group of male soldiers ran back, the first thing they said was to ask about the final result of the running competition.

Enough "No, she's too fast, I'm no match." Brody shook his head with a smile, and admitted very generously that he had never run past Kiyana, a recruit.

SF light novel "Isn't it? Even instructor Brody didn't outrun?" Looking at Kiyana complicatedly, Kiyana's eyes met his, and then Abel turned away feeling ashamed. He still remembered what he said to Kiyana when he signed up for the army yesterday, when he He also ridiculed that Qiyana joined the army not as a playboy army but because she wanted to fight the pirates desperately. In the end, she didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a hidden master. A single step can throw him thousands of miles away. Now just Thinking about it, he felt ashamed, and he was ashamed to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. It was too judging by appearance. Gradually, the male soldiers came back one after another, and Qiyana was also going to enter the base to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, and called Brody After making a gesture, Kiyana left in front of the navy gate. After a full hour passed after Kiyana left, and it was close to [-] o'clock, Carey led the female soldiers back to the front of the naval base. Brody, who had been waiting here for a long time, also leaned forward when he saw Carey coming back. "Too slow, isn't it? Carey. "No way, these female soldiers can't get up to speed." Haha, after all, not every female soldier can run as fast as Ji Zi. "Oh? Did you see Jizi?" Carey was also a little curious when he heard that, Brody nodded and continued, "She ran so fast, she overtook our male soldiers half an hour earlier. Even I didn't outrun her." "Isn't it? You didn't outrun her?" Carey was very surprised, he just thought that Qiyana's speed was faster, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. "I think she is a talent, please submit her information and let her participate in the selection." I also have the same plan when I come here. It seems that you are as optimistic about her as I am. (PS: The book has been liked over ten thousand times, and it will be updated tomorrow.)


Chapter 4

"The next training is fighting skills.'

Kelly stood on the playground and said to the female soldiers headed by Qiyana.

Except for Qiyana, the rest of the female soldiers had just finished their long-distance running, and were even too tired to eat, and just wanted to sit down and have a good rest.

And because Qiyana ran first, she returned to the naval base an hour earlier than the others, and also took a long rest.

Besides, this bit of training is irrelevant to Qiyana, she used the moon step to fly for ten hours in a windless zone, and even killed nearly a hundred sea kings in the middle.

Moon steps consume much more physical strength than shaving. After all, moon steps have to overcome gravity, and the strength required is almost several times that of shaving. Kiyana can use moon steps for ten hours continuously. It's not too easy to run around the island.

"Let me do a demonstration first, you have to remember it well.

After saying that, Kaili used a set of fists, and when he punched, he pierced the air and made a whistling sound. Although there was no enemy, he just waved it in the air, but it was like a violent storm, full of power.

Every- - every move, every- - every punch or kick is unscheduled and unsightly, but they are the simplest and most efficient. After all, real fighting skills don't pursue fancy, what is important is- a practicality.

Soon, Kaili punched a set of punches, stopped his punches and stood still.

"Do you remember my actions just now? But on the battlefield, you should not blindly imitate my actions, but learn to be flexible.

Carey directly asked Qiyana to go out, and Qiyana was a little surprised when she heard this.

"Demonstration? Is it sparring?"

"Yes, by the way, let me see if your fighting skills are as good as your speed."

"I understand.

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