Saska asked suspiciously, and Kiyana slowly shook her head.

"It's not them, it's Xiu."

"Xiu? Are they here too?"

Sas-ka was startled when he heard the words, he never expected that Brigadier General Jizi was actually fighting with Xiu's people just now.

"Have you found anything over there?"

Qiyana turned around and asked.

"No trace of the Draconian slaves was found, and they don't seem to have come to this island.

"Really? Bring the phone bug, I'm going to report the situation to Marshal Akainu.


Saska quickly took out the phone bug in his pocket and handed it to Kiyana.


Chapter 40

Sitting on the trunk of a big tree that had collapsed due to the fight just now, Qiyana reached out to take the phone bug from Saska, dialed the number, and quickly picked it up. It seemed that the signal was weak and slightly There were some harsh noises, but the traffic was fine.

"Himeko? Have you caught the criminal?"

Akainu's voice came from the mouth of the phone.

"No, the Draco slaves are not on this island.

She replied, but even if she found the Tianlong slave, she would hide it.

"But that's not what I want to talk about. I met Xiu's person, and I also met the successor of Zhenzhen Fruit."

"Xiu? Tell me the details.

When Akainu heard the words, he immediately became serious, so Kiana reported what happened after she came to the island to Akainu, Joshua, Liya, and Catrodi's gender appearance, and All ability characteristics are reported.

And the key point that Liya is controlled by Xiu is also repeatedly emphasized. After all, Red Dog is-a person who has zero tolerance for evil and will never let anyone go-a pirate. Kiana is afraid that Red Dog will kill Li Ya is also classified as the target of the attack. Li Ya is only controlled by Xiu, not the real enemy.

After listening to Kiyana's report, the phone bug pondered for a moment, and then said: "I probably already understand the situation, and I will talk about the specifics when I come back. Since the slaves of the Tianlong people are not on Arson Island, you should come back first, not in Kai. Staying too long near too many sites.


After that, Kiyana hung up the phone bug, and then handed it over to Saska next to him for safekeeping.

"Then... Brigadier General Jizi, is what you said just now true? Was that person named Liya with the ability to shake the fruit called Liya controlled by Xiu?

Saska, who has been staying by Kiana's side all the time, naturally listened to most of the conversation between Kiana and Akainu just now, so there is this

"That's right.

After getting an affirmative answer, Saska's expression also became complicated, and he felt a little uncomfortable. When they collected the corpses of the soldiers who were killed by the shaking fruit ability, they also thought about avenging them and killing them as soon as possible. The opponent catches.

But now they know that the person with the ability to shake the fruit they want to catch is just a poor girl who was ruthlessly used by the Xiu organization, and not their real enemy, so they can't help but sigh secretly, whether it's the dead soldiers, Or Liya, poor people

But in the final analysis, all of these are "good things" done by the Xiu organization, and they are the real culprits.

"Brigadier General Jizi, you will destroy the Xiu organization and rescue Liya, right?"

Saska was very sympathetic to Liya's experience.

"Of course, I will never let them go, let's go back to the Ministry.

Kiyana stood up from the collapsed tree trunk, patted the dust off her clothes, and took the lead to walk towards the warship. Her attitude was completely different from the past. Maybe one day in the future, Xiu would regret provoking Kiyana as an enemy .

When Kiyana left with the large navy troops, a middle-aged man dressed as a fisherman appeared from behind a tree where the navy people were just now.

"Dragon slaves, xiu, those with the ability to shake the fruit? No wonder the navy will come suddenly. This matter must be reported to Master Kaido as soon as possible.

The fisherman looked at the direction where Kiyana and the others were leaving, and whispered to himself, then he turned and left, disappearing into the jungle.

In the dark cave, a small fire was burning, and there was a barbecue grill standing beside it. The barbecue on it kept emitting golden oil, dripping into the fire, making a slight noise.

A tall and burly man with a pair of sharp horns on his head sat cross-legged beside the fire, with a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm, and a cross scar on his right abdomen can be seen on his naked upper body.

Even when he just sat there, doing nothing, he exuded breathless majesty.

And in front of him was a man in plain clothes kneeling tremblingly. Although the man in plain clothes was two meters tall, he looked like a child in front of this person. The height gap was obvious.

"That's it, Master Kaido." 0) py SE4Z novel

The commoner man suppressed the fear in his heart and truthfully reported the information he knew. "G

"Xiu? - A group of defeated dogs who escaped from the city by relying on the Blackbeard Pirates, but they also want to take revenge on the Navy. They probably refer to this kind of people.'

Kaido sneered disdainfully, his words were full of contempt for Xiu, and he was not to blame for his attitude, after all, the three of them couldn't defeat a Commodore of the Admiralty, so how could they even talk about revenge against the Navy with such strength?

It's just that he didn't expect that Whitebeard's Zhenzhen fruit would fall into the hands of this kind of trash. I'm afraid that Whitebeard would be very angry when he learned about it underground.

"Let them make trouble, as long as they don't make trouble, I'll be here, by the way, tell Doflamingo by the way, it's best to bring me the artificial fruit as soon as possible.

"Yes, Master Kaido!"

The commoner man nodded, then got up and left slowly respectfully.

On the vast sea, a merchant ship tens of meters long is sailing slowly. The wind is sunny and the seagulls are circling in the sky looking for food. It should be a peaceful atmosphere.

However, a miserable howl came from the merchant ship, breaking the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

"...No, don't, please, don't kill me, all my property can be given to you."

A middle-aged, overweight man fell down on the deck with a face full of panic, his whole body trembling with fear, his heels could not stand still, and he slowly crawled backwards until he hit the cabin wall and was unable to retreat. Finally stopped.

There were corpses everywhere on the deck, all the sailors fell on the deck, blood flowed across the deck, and the expression of each body was extremely horrified, as if something terrible had happened before death.

"I killed you, isn't your property all mine?

Joshua clenched his right fist, and walked step by step towards the middle-aged man who was cornered.

"...don't, let me go, I still have old people and children to take care of in my family.

The middle-aged man hurriedly kowtowed, knelt down and begged for mercy, his head was bleeding from the excessive force.


However, Joshua remained indifferent. He grabbed the opponent's head with both hands and twisted it vigorously. Only a crisp sound was heard, and the middle-aged uncle's head turned to a very strange angle. He couldn't breathe anymore and lay down on the ground. .

Seeing this, Liya felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart, turned her head and couldn't bear to look any more.

"Have you finished cleaning? I can finally rest. After flying you all so far, my hands are sore.

Quattrodi, who had recovered his human form, was sitting on the side of the boat, with his left hand on his right shoulder, massaging his sore muscles, and his right arm was stretched out accordingly.

It was the first time for him to fly so far with two people. If he hadn't seen this merchant ship halfway, he might have run out of energy and brought Joshua and the two into the sea together. They are devil fruit capable users, and they are all landlubbers.

Falling into the sea is absolutely dead.Unless a miracle happens.

"Joshua, what you said earlier still counts?

Cattrodi glanced at Liya, turned around and asked Joshua with a smile. What he was referring to was naturally Joshua's agreement to lend Liya to him for one night.

Of course, Joshua understood what the other party meant. After all, Quattrodi's eyes had been wandering over Liya's body for so many times.

Although Joshua was very reluctant, but what the other party said this time could be regarded as saving his life, and he just closed his eyes and endured it.

"Don't hurt her.

"Don't worry, I know.

Quattrodi stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, gave an uncomfortable sneer, and then shifted his gaze to Lia, looking at her breasts that were about to come out.

"Joshua, what are you talking about?"

Liya couldn't help feeling sick when she saw Quattrodi showing her obscene eyes, and listening to the conversation between the two seemed to be talking about herself.

Pack F SF Light Novel

Joshua didn't answer, turned his head, searched for the phone bug on the ship, and prepared to contact Lord Potter.


Seeing that Joshua ignored her, Liya yelled again in doubt.

At this moment, a pair of Hailoushi handcuffs were directly locked on Liya's left hand, which made Liya feel weak all over, and was immediately embraced by Cattrodi.

"...what are you doing? Let me go!"

Liya was furious immediately, struggling to break free from Catrodi's arms, but the Hailoushi handcuffs made her unable to make a strong resistance, and the ability to shake the fruit was also blocked.

Quattrodi put his hand on Liya's chest and grabbed it hard, which immediately hurt Liya.

"I didn't expect that the Hailoushi handcuffs brought out from the city of advancement could be useful.

"You bastard, aren't you Joshua's companion? Why would you do that?"

Liya asked angrily, while struggling desperately, but couldn't break free.

"It's because I'm a companion that I asked for his opinion. Don't you see it?"

Quattrodi put his head close to Liya's neck, sniffing her body.

"What are you talking about... How could Joshua agree to such a thing, Joshua, come and save me!"

Liya desperately wanted to allow Quattrodi to drive, and at the same time called Joshua, but Joshua completely ignored it, and his attitude was already obvious.

Seeing Joshua's indifferent attitude, Liya couldn't help being stunned, with an unbelievable look on her face, as if she couldn't believe that all this was true.

"Joshua, why are you not moving? I am asking you for help.



Chapter 41

"Joshua, why don't you come here? Joshua, I'm going to be raped. I'm being raped, why don't you move?"

Liya asked loudly, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes. Although she felt that something was wrong when she heard the conversation between the two before, she still couldn't believe that Joshua would really do this.

Aren't the two of them lovers? Why did it become like this? Why was Joshua indifferent.

"Hehehe, that's interesting."

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