Seeing Liya's heartbroken, Quattro

Di couldn't help but feel amused that the stupid woman didn't seem to understand the situation yet.

"Joshua, answer me, what am I to you?"

Joshua remained silent, without saying a word, expressionless, with his back to Liya.

Not getting a response from Joshua for a long time, Liya felt as if a sharp knife had been inserted into her heart, and the pain was extremely painful.

"Give it up, you belong to me today, face the reality, Joshua is not coming to help you.

Quattrodi kissed Liya's side face lightly and said, Liya suddenly felt sick, and pushed Quattrodi hard.


Joshua finally spoke, and Liya was excited when she heard the words. She knew that Joshua would definitely not ignore it, but what Joshua said next made Liya feel as if she had been hit hard. I froze on the spot.

"Can't you just put her to sleep with a pocket watch?"

"Hey, I'm different from you, I like to move.

Quattrodi had a smirk on his face, and if he didn't resist, it would be boring.

"About the book...

Liya didn't expect Joshua to say such words. Tears flowed out uncontrollably, and she was in a trance, which caused great turmoil.

"Okay, let's go rest.

After that, Quattrodi dragged Liya forcefully, trying to take her to the next room. At this moment, Liya finally couldn't restrain herself, and burst into tears.

"Joshua, thanks to my trust in you, aren't we lovers? You bastard.

Liya struggled desperately, trying to get out of Catrodi's control, and rushed to Joshua's side, but Liyagen, who was locked by Hailoushi's handcuffs, was powerless to resist Cattrodi.

Soon, Liya was taken to the door of the room by Catrodi. Liya stretched out her hand and pulled the door tightly, stubbornly refusing to give up resistance

But this was just buying her a little time, which was useless. Cattrodi pulled Liya's hair vigorously, and pulled her into the room. "Naru...don't, let me go.

Liya was crying, her left hand was still clinging to the edge of the door, but in the end she was dragged into the room by Quattrodi and closed the door.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of clothes being torn, and the sound of the girl struggling to resist.

"No...ah, Joshua, please, help me.

Liya's heart-piercing begging came from the room, and Joshua outside the door took a deep breath, pretending not to hear, then picked up the phone bug he had just found, and dialed the number in his memory. hit the past.

After a while, the phone bug was picked up by the other party, and a slightly old voice came.

"who is it?"

"Lord Potter, it's me, Joshua."

"It turned out to be Joshua, has the escaped Liya been caught?"

"Yeah, got it back.

"That's good. You were only allowed to take care of the Zhenzhen Fruit because your ability can cooperate with it. This time, forget it. If you let her escape again, you know the consequences, right?

Joshua swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and Joshua couldn't help but feel frightened by the other party's warning, and quickly responded: "Master Potter, please rest assured that I will never let her escape this time, please believe me.

A cold snort came from the other end of the phone, and then he seemed to have noticed the movement here, and asked, "What's going on with you? Why is it so noisy?"



Xiaozhi of QE

Joshua turned his head to look at the room where Liya and the two were. Liya's crying sound came from the room, desperate and helpless.

"Nothing, just a few slaves.

"That's it, by the way, I want to remind you that the control effect of the pocket watch is limited, if you encounter strong emotional fluctuations, the control effect is likely to be weakened, try to avoid it.

"...I understand, please rest assured, I promise not to let such a thing happen.

"Is there anything else to say?

"Yes, when I captured Liya this time, I met Commodore Jizi of the Navy Department. She is very powerful. I am no match for Liya and Carterodi. Please pay attention to this navy, she His strength is seriously inconsistent with his military rank, at least he has the strength of a lieutenant general, so he must not be careless."

"Brigadier Jizi? Is that the navy that killed Gerst? None of the three of you can get rid of her?"

Porter seemed surprised when he heard the words. He was quite familiar with the strength of Joshua and the three of them. He didn't expect that the three of them could not solve this navy together. It seems that this guy named Jizi is not simple. .

"Yes, she is really strong.

Joshua looked down at the wound on his chest that was cut by Kiyana's slash, and he still felt extremely painful until now.

"I see. I have also received news from my side that the navy is looking around for information about us. You should stop acting. It is your task to develop and train Liya's ability to shake the fruit." "Yes!"

"That's how it is, if it's nothing serious, don't contact me, lest someone monitor and lock your location.

After all, the phone bug hung up on the other end of the phone, and the phone bug also entered a dormant state.

Joshua put away the phone bug, then looked into the room, Liya's desperate crying still rang in his ears.

There shouldn’t be any problems, right? He’s seen how powerful the control effect of the pocket watch is, and Joshua is a little uneasy. The violent emotional fluctuations will weaken the control effect of the pocket watch) If it wasn’t for Master Potter reminding him do not know.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful, in case something unexpected happened, it would be difficult.

On an unnamed island, Marco, the former captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, is leaning against a tree trunk, looking at the blue sea in the distance. Beside him are the other captains, Diamond Jozzy, Foil Vista and others. all there.Everyone sat around the fire, and there was a barbecue next to it.

"I heard that an organization called Xiu has been attacking naval warships recently."

Joz stretched out his hand to grab the barbecue, biting it with big mouthfuls.

"I know, they are all escaped prisoners from the city of advancement, probably because of the various criminal laws in the city of advancement, they have a grudge against the navy and want revenge."

Bista held a wine bowl and said Mi

"Thanks to them, the navy hasn't come to trouble us recently, it should be because we are tired of dealing with them, as far as I know

"However, it seems that they not only attack the navy, but also the merchant ships passing by. The methods are very bad."

"It's really too much. Isn't it enough to charge some protection money? You can do things like killing chickens and taking eggs."

Many pirates suddenly lost their affection for Xiu. Although they are also pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates will not do this.

There was a bird song in the sky, and Marco looked up, and it turned out to be a news bird, and then waved his hand, and the news bird waved its wings and landed.

Marco took out a few coins from his pocket and put them into the Newsbird's box, then took out a newspaper, opened it and checked it, and the Newsbird also "flyed" into the sky again, looking for the next buyer.

After opening the newspaper, Marco glanced casually, then froze.

Marko's strange expression naturally attracted the attention of others, Joz asked suspiciously: "What's wrong? Marko.

Marco took out the three wanted warrants mixed in the newspaper and showed them to everyone.

Qiaoz looked at the two men and one woman on the wanted notice, and found that he didn't know any of them, but the bounty was quite high, the highest was close to 20 million, and the lowest was [-] million Bailey.

Although compared with them, this bounty is nothing, but it is already very powerful for new pirates.

"Isn't it just a few pirates? Is it necessary to be so excited?

Joz couldn't help feeling that Marco was making a fuss.

"No, this woman named Liya is a person with the ability to shake the fruit, and these three people are all organized by Xiu."

Marko's words shocked everyone present, and the other captains stood up and walked towards Marko, took the arrest warrant and looked at it.

"It's really a person with the ability to shake the fruit?"

"Fruit of Papa-..

After all the captains saw the arrest warrant, they couldn't calm down. The Zhenzhen fruit undoubtedly meant a lot to them. After all, the owner of Ren Zhenzhen's fruit ability is White Beard, their father.

"I really didn't expect that the Zhenzhen fruit would be eaten by this guy, and he also took the initiative to attack the navy.

"Only 20 million Pele, it seems that the strength is not enough."

"If caught by the navy, the Zhenzhen fruit will fall into the hands of the navy, how can this work?"

Captains, you said one word at a time. After all, the Zhenzhen fruit is too important to them, and the Xiu organization has been attacking the navy, and the Zhenzhen fruit is very likely to be taken by the navy. They don't want to see such a situation things happen.

"Marco, what shall we do?"

Vista turned his head and asked Marco. After the deaths of Whitebeard and Ace, the captain of the first team, Marco, undoubtedly became the actual leader of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Does it need to be said? How can Dad's fruit fall into the hands of other people? You have to grab it.

Marco said very firmly, and the rest of the captains also agreed after hearing the words, and they all echoed: "That is, the fruit of the old man cannot fall into the hands of others.

"Yes, especially not for the Navy to get

"Let's do it, and get back the Zhenzhen fruit.


Chapter 42

On the sea, two ships with pirate flags were floating on the sea. One of the pirate ships was on fire and was constantly burning, while the other pirate ship was unharmed. The three huge The pirate flag made of skulls flutters in the wind.

Ordinary people can recognize at a glance that this is the pirate flag of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Zhenzhen fruit? Gehahahaha, did this guy eat the Zhenzhen fruit?

Tiki held a few wanted warrants, staring closely at the black-haired girl on the wanted warrants, seeming to be a little moved.

"Are you going to snatch her abilities?"

On the side, Shiliu asked with his back leaning against the mast while smoking a cigar.

"Ah, Gan Bian is missing now, and even if she is found, there is probably nothing to do with her, so let's forget it.

Tiqi nodded and said that his original goal was only the Zhenzhen Fruit, but later he found that the ability of Qianbian seems to be more powerful, with a powerful destructive power that is not inferior to the Zhenzhen Fruit, and can be resurrected and regenerated continuously.

It's a pity that Qianbian's strength is too strong, and he failed in the end.

After being on the top, Qianbian didn't know whether he was dead or alive. Tiqi had been looking for the traces of Qianbian, but- he couldn't find it. Qianbian seemed to have evaporated from the world. To be honest, Tiqi had already wanted to to give up.

After all, Qianbian's strength is so strong, Tiqi is not confident that he can take it down, and it is very likely that he will be counter-killed.

Compared to the untraceable and astonishingly powerful Qianbian, it is better to deal with this weaker Shaking Fruit ability user. The reward of 20 million Bailey proves that her strength is nothing more than that.

Moreover, Tiqi gradually felt that his strength seemed to be unconvincing. With just a dark fruit, his strength was not enough to convince the prisoners brought out from the city of advancement. Coveting his own position, he has no time to waste.

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