Liya searched for a long time but couldn't find Kent. There were people coming and going on the street, but the black-haired young man in the vest was nowhere to be seen.

Cheng y

Walking around a corner again, Liya, who couldn't find Kent for a long time, was about to give up, when she saw a person walking through the crowd not far ahead.

r Mu Xiaowan


Liya waved her hands and shouted, but Kent didn't seem to hear it, and walked forward on his own.

"Wait for me, Kent!

Liya chased towards Kent, but there were too many pedestrians on both sides of the street, and Liya couldn't catch up quickly, and if she used moon steps, the impacting air waves might overturn the goods on the roadside stalls, so Liya Ya dare not use either.

While Liya shouted, she chased towards Kent. The yelling of roadside vendors and the conversation of passers-by overwhelmed Liya's shouting, and Kent walked towards the exit of the town without looking back.

Soon, Liya followed Kent to the exit of the town, but Kent got into the woods on the side and disappeared

Liya came to the exit of the town, looked at the large dense forest ahead, and couldn't help but sighed. If she could, she really didn't want to dirty the dress on her body, but when Kent went in, she had to follow.

"Kent, can you hear me?"

Liya followed Kent into the dense forest, put her hands to her mouth and shouted loudly, but no one responded, except for the dense weeds and trees around, there were only some insects chirping.

Liya looked at the traces on the grass. There was no road here. The row of trampled grass was very obvious. It must have been caused by Kent just walking past. Liya followed the footprints all the way.

However, the footprints are getting more and more remote, and they are all sparsely populated places. Liya followed Kent's footprints all the way. After half an hour, there was the sound of waves in her ears. Obviously, Liya was close to the sea, but the distance The port where the warship landed on the island is far away, almost to the other side of the island.

At this moment, Liya finally saw Kent's back, and quickly shouted: "Kent!"

uh, lia?'

Kent turned around, very surprised, obviously he didn't expect someone to follow behind him.

"Why do you leave without saying hello? CC big; ii out

Liya quickly ran towards Kent, - said while running, Kent's behavior of leaving without even saying hello was a bit rude.

Kent opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer, and soon Liya came to Kent. Liya also noticed the beach behind Kent, and saw a ship with a pirate flag docked on the seashore. The Merry is about the same size.

The moment she saw the pirate ship, Liya's expression changed slightly, and she immediately understood why Kent left without saying goodbye. Was Kent a pirate? So Kent left after the two soldiers arrived just now?

Although Liya is still unable to confirm Kent's true identity, if Kent is not a pirate, why did he cross most of the island and walk so many difficult mountain roads to the seaside where the pirate ship is docked?

"You, are you a pirate?"

Liya showed an unbelievable look on her face. She really couldn't imagine that the black-haired young man who patiently took care of children, helped lost children find their parents, and punished evil and promoted good was actually an evil pirate.

"Lia, although I am a pirate, I assure you that I have not done anything bad. I just want to find the big secret treasure left by Pirate King Roger to help my hometown."

Kent quickly explained to Liya that he didn't want to destroy his impression in Liya's heart because of his identity as a pirate.

"Pirates... aren't all bad guys?"

Liya couldn't help feeling a little confused. After knowing that Kent was a pirate, Liya felt a great shock.

"Why do pirates have to be bad guys? Liya, do you think I'm a bad guy?"

Liya looked at Kent's face, very confused, not knowing how to respond.

"Goodbye, Lia."

Liya didn't respond for a long time, and Kent also waved goodbye with a complicated expression. Then Kent boarded the pirate ship and drove the boat away from the coast, leaving Liya standing alone and watching the pirate ship gradually go away.

"Aren't all pirates bad guys?"

After a long time, when the sky tortoise was getting dark, Liya came back to her senses, whispered softly, thoughtfully, the knot in her heart that had been blocked seemed to dissipate.


Chapter 8 Liya's decision

After thinking everything through, Liya looked at the direction Kent left by boat and smiled, and said softly, "Thank you."

Ever since she inadvertently learned the real identity of Sister Jizi that day, Liya has been a little depressed. Everything that the pirates did to her and her hometown made Liya deeply disgusted, and she wanted to get rid of it quickly.

It can be said that pirates are evil existences in Liya's heart, and they are all a group of bastards who do all kinds of evil.

Even Sister Jizi, Liya has doubted whether she has ulterior motives and other purposes for being so good to Zi 2.

But today was different. Kent didn't know who he was beforehand, and the good things he did were all from his heart, without any self-interested purpose.

Liya couldn't help wondering if her previous thoughts were wrong? Are there any kind-hearted people like Kent among the pirates?

"Ah, it's time to assemble."

Liya, who came back to her senses, noticed the dusk when the sun was setting in the west. The setting sun, like a big fireball, finally rolled down to the sea level.

Liya remembered that Kiyana said that they would gather at the port tonight, because of Kent's relationship, Liya completely forgot about this, and immediately used the moon steps to fly in the direction she came from.

Although the sky was getting dark, the lights of the town were very obvious in the night. Liya followed the lights to identify the direction, and soon returned to the hotel in the city and flew towards her room.

Fortunately, Liya didn't close the window when she left, so Liya returned to her room very easily, and then Liya began to pack her personal belongings, put them back in the box, and prepare to go back to the port to gather.

When leaving, Liya didn't use the monthly steps, but honestly took the room key and came to the front desk in the lobby on the - - floor to check out. After getting back the deposit, Liya hurriedly ran towards the port - - road.

When Liya returned to the port, Qiyana and the others had almost assembled, and the soldiers lined up in a dozen rows in an orderly manner, counting one by one.

When Qiyana saw Liya coming back, she also reached out her hand to signal Liya to return to the team quickly.

"I'm sorry, Sister Jizi, I'm late, and something has delayed me."

Liya came to Kiyana and whispered, and Kiyana shook her head slowly, expressing her indifference.

"Put the things back on the warship and set off tomorrow morning."

"SF light novel

Liya responded very energetically, as if she had returned to the previous state, and walked towards the warship with the box in her hand. Kasa, who was standing next to Kiana, couldn't help being surprised when she saw this.

"Liya seems to have regained her spirits today.

"Yeah, she is really tired, it's normal to rest for a day.

Kiyana looked at Liya's back and said, after a day's rest, Liya's state really returned to the past. Before Liya seemed to have something on her mind, she was very irritable. The difference is obvious, there is no such sense of depression.

Saska took the list and counted the number of people one by one, and soon after confirmation, he returned to Qiyana and reported: "Lieutenant General Jizi, everyone has arrived.

"Well, let's board the ship and leave at six o'clock tomorrow morning."

All the subordinates gathered, and Qiyana waved her big hand to signal everyone to board the ship. You must know that Qiyana is about to leave the navy now, so the number of times she can command naval soldiers like this is getting less and less. This kind of commanding others Kiyana really feels a little bit reluctant

The soldiers boarded the ship in an orderly manner, while Qiyana and Kasa stood on the ground and watched the soldiers board the ship one by one.

Now that Liya has regained her spirits, Kiyana also began to consider finding an opportunity to tell Liya her true identity. Whether Liya will leave the navy with her or choose to stay depends on Liya's own choice.

Quickly, all the navy soldiers boarded the sub-warship, and Kiyana and Casa stepped on the pedals to board the warship and came to the deck. After Kiyana came to the warship, she stepped into the cabin and walked towards Liya to the room.

Kiyana came to Liya's room door and reached out to knock on the door. Liya's voice quickly came from inside: "Who?"

"it's me.

There was a sound of footsteps, getting closer and closer, and soon Liya opened the door. At this time, Liya seemed to be changing clothes, and half of her clothes were taken off, leaving only white underwear.

Qiyana immediately realized that she came at the wrong time, and quickly said: "Uh, I'd better wait outside the door--let's go.

"It's okay, Sister Jizi, come in." Mouth r Mu Xiaowan

Liya pulled Kiyana into the room, and closed the door casually. Kiyana had a chance to resist, but for some reason, she half-pushed and came in. Her eyes swept over Liya's immature body. Immediately, Qiyana couldn't help scolding herself secretly, and moved her gaze to the ceiling, very honestly.

"Sister Jizi, is there anything you can do to see me?"

Liya - - asked, - - changed her clothes into pajamas.

"Liya, there is actually something I have always wanted to tell you, and it has been in my heart for a long time, and I have never dared to tell you

Kiyana took a deep breath, and finally mustered up the courage to confess everything to Liya.

"What's the matter?

Seeing Qiyana's serious expression, Liya was also puzzled.

"Maybe you'll be mad at me when you find out, because I've been cheating on you, but what I'm trying to say is that I never meant to hurt you, really.'

Kiyana kept thinking about the wording, thinking about how to tell her identity so that Liya could accept it more easily.

"Actually, my real identity is not what you see on the surface, ..-.".

"Qianbian, right? Sister Jizi, you are Qianbian.

Liya said with a very calm expression, and Qiyana swallowed all the words that were brewing on her lips, and was speechless.

Eh? What's the situation? Why did Liya know that she had changed before she even said anything? When did she know?

Thousands of questions flashed through Qiyana's mind. It turned out that Qiyana was still worrying about how to tell Liya, but Liya already knew it, and Qiyana suddenly felt depressed for a long time in vain.

"When did you know Liya?" y

"Last time when I was fighting with the cadres of the Xiu organization, you mistakenly thought that I was stunned by the domineering aura, but I didn't. I already knew it at that time." (. F Mu J said

Liya also seemed to feel very embarrassed, and the fingertips of the index fingers of both hands touched each other.

"So you already knew it at that time?"

When Qiyana heard the words, she couldn't help but want to slap herself on the forehead. After a long time, Liya turned out to know the identity of Zi 2 Qianbian at that time - so many doubts can be explained clearly.

For example, Qiyana should have thought of Liya's inexplicable attitude change before. She thought that Liya was too tired to change her attitude, but the result was not what Qiyana thought.

"Since you knew my identity that day, why didn't you tell the navy?"

Surprised, Kiyana was also puzzled by the fact that she didn't report Liya's knowledge, but instead helped herself to hide it. According to Kiyana's understanding of Liya, her attitude towards pirates is undoubtedly extremely hateful.

"I did think about telling others this secret before, but after much deliberation, I still didn't tell others, Sister Jizi, not all pirates are bad people, right?"


"Can I trust you, Sister Himeko?

"Of course, you can always trust me.

Kiyana smiled slightly. After learning that Liya knew her identity a long time ago, instead of telling others, she chose to help her keep the secret. Kiyana felt warm in her heart.

Especially after Kiyana knew how much harm the pirates had done to Liya, this invaluable trust moved Kiyana even more.

"Sister Jizi, did you come here just to talk about this matter?"

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