"No, although I did come to talk about this matter, there is something else I want to tell you, Liya, are you willing to leave Navy B with me?"

Kiyana shook her head slowly.

"Leaving the Navy?"

"Yes, my goal of joining the navy has been achieved, and now it's time to leave, I want to take you with me, would you like to?

heart F sacrificial play

Kiyana was a little uneasy, afraid that Liya would reject her.

"Speaking of the navy, I haven't asked about it, but now I want to ask, sister Jizi, what is your purpose for joining the navy?

Liya didn't reply to Kiyana immediately, but asked about Kiyana's purpose of joining the navy.


The corner of Kiyana’s mouth twitched slightly, you might not believe me, I joined the navy just to steal a copy of the nautical charts of the islands around the Admiralty Department? Oh, the charts.

Because this nautical chart lady has been lurking in the Admiralty for more than half a year, and she has worked hard to carry out the mission. The bounties of all the pirates that have been solved add up to more than 2 billion Bailey. The thief ordered to wait, this is the purpose of the old lady, so what did Qiyana say?

In any case, Kiyana was too embarrassed to say that she joined the Admiralty and did so much hard work just to steal a chart of the surrounding islands of the Admiralty. Just saying that made Kiyana feel ashamed.

"Actually, I joined the navy just for fun? Well, let's not talk about this, Liya, do you want to go with me? The choice is yours and I will not force you.


Liya didn't speak, but looked at Kiyana, seeming to be thinking.

"Sister Himeko, can't you stay in the navy forever?"

"Stay in the navy forever? It's not possible, sooner or later I'll have to go.

Due to the main mission, it is impossible for Qiyana to stay under the navy system for the rest of her life, she needs a high enough degree of freedom.

"Have you decided?

Qiyana asked again, Liya remained silent, and Qiyana didn't bother her anymore, but let Liya think about it herself.

After a long time, Xiao Liya took a deep breath and seemed to have finally made up her mind. Liya smiled at Qiyana and said softly

"Looks like it's time to say goodbye, sister Himeko, I'm staying in the navy."


Chapter 9

"Are you going to stay in the Navy?

"Well, I've thought it through, sister Himeko."

After careful consideration, Liya finally decided to stay in the navy instead of leaving the navy with Kiyana.After hearing Liya's reply, Qiyana couldn't help but sigh secretly, a little disappointed, she really hoped that Liya could leave with her.

However, Qiyana also respects Liya's choice. If Liya leaves the navy with her, she will definitely be rewarded by the navy again. Staying in the navy would be a good choice.After some "I know Zixin, I am not in Hailuozi. You have to learn your life and take good care of yourself. In the future, there will be nothing in the future. I will come back to find you."

The warm touch between the two is remembered deep in my mind.Hope, after returning to normal.Kiyana will use her own

Wait until someday in the future, Qiyana completes all the tasks and collects all the dragon balls

He returned to the Admiralty with his truest appearance to pick up Liya.

"Will you come back to me? In the Navy, but the feelings for Sister Himeko are still not clear."

Liya was also very happy to hear Qiyana said that she would come back in the future, although she chose to stay

will change.

"Of course, it's just that you might not recognize me at that time.

"Could it be that Sister Jizi still needs to change her identity at that time? Sister Zi's concubine is called Qianbian, change her identity

Liya asked curiously, but after thinking about it, this is also normal, after all, it is like a novel

Everything is commonplace.

s C If you reveal your identity lightly, you can draw a picture on my palm

"Well, if Sister Jizi is worried that I won't recognize you in the future, it's not convenient

Circle so I know it's you.

"Drawing a circle? It's a good way. It's a little secret between them.

Kiyana muttered softly, only the two of them know this identification method, and the identity is completely different from Liya's identity

But Liya obviously misunderstood what Kiyana meant, the rich sister Jizi that Kiyana said is actually a man!

Liya probably thought that it would be a woman who would come back to her in the future, but she didn't expect that, you

"Liya, what do you think of me? Do you like it? It's not easy to ask.

Qiyana asked with some embarrassment, such a question is very embarrassing, just like a real sister. "

"Like it? Of course I like it. Sister Jizi is so kind to me, just like me

A little depressed, it is obvious that Li Ya is not that kind to her.

My own sister? I only want to be my sister, but you treat me like my own sister? Kiyana has

The above thoughts are just purely treating herself as a gentle big sister.the emotions involved in her.

This made Kiyana a little frustrated, no, she had to make Liya realize that she

"Liya, in fact, I have always liked you very much." Liya was also surprised by Kiyana's serious attitude

Kiyana approached Liya, - grabbed Liya's hand, and said the novel very seriously

He froze, not knowing how to respond. P magic power bar L see your figure when you practice hard

"When did it start, I don't know, it seems that there is a

Can't look away. " Eyes widened slightly, she couldn't think of Sister Ji Zi

Liya also seemed to understand that Kiyana seemed to be confessing to her.

That's how my sister thought of her.Liya didn't speak either, she listened to Qi silently.

Kiyana talked a lot on her own, pouring out her inner thoughts to Liya

Yana's voice.They're all girls, if we're together

"Sister Jizi, I understand what you mean, but I'm sorry, the two of us were in a hurry at the time, and quickly shared the secret we had been keeping.

Liya seemed unacceptable and wanted to reject Qiyana. Qiyana didn't want to be told by Liyami because of the same gender. Although Qiyana has always been reluctant to talk about it, but chia demon

reject.Because of the side effects of devil fruit. "

"Don't rush to reject me, I'm not a woman, it's just wonderful that I became a woman, I couldn't help but take a step back.

The amount of information in Qiyana's words is too huge, and Liya's expression instantly becomes Yang

"Ji, sister Jizi, do you mean that you were originally a man?" So she has been with a man all this time.

Liya seemed unable to accept this explosive secret, she didn't know what expression to make,

Men live under the same roof, and all things like changing and washing are seen?

Um.It was extremely embarrassing and extremely silent.

Although embarrassed, Kiyana nodded and admitted, the atmosphere suddenly passed for a few minutes, and finally Kiyana couldn't stand it anymore

Liya looked at Qiyana with a very complicated expression, and the two looked at each other.

Be the first to break the silence.I have a way to change back, just give me a

"But this situation can be changed, Liya, you may not believe it, but

Give it some time, then we will be able to start in H = Kiyana doesn’t want to miss Li because of being full

Kiyana then said that she wants to let Liya know that she can change back,

Ya, it will make her regret it for the rest of her life.

....open.Kiyana felt terrified when she saw it, she was inexplicably a little

Liya was silent^ for a while, her gaze was fixed on Kiyana's eyes without moving.

Fear.Whether you are a man or a woman, I thank you for being there for me

After a long time, Liya sighed and said, "Oh, sister Jizi,

do everything. "

"So you agree?"

"No, I refuse." Answered so quickly?

Liya replied decisively, her attitude was very firm, Qiyana was stunned, and now you suddenly tell me that you are actually a

"Sister Jizi, you are very kind to me, but I have always regarded you as my own sister"

Man, I can't accept it for a while, I'm sorry, sister Jizi, I am a hundred thousand

In the middle of speaking, Liya frowned and thought about her words.

"Needless to say, I understand..." Sad, rejected, again.

If Qiyana doesn't understand at this time, she is really hopeless, and she can't help but feel a little bit hard this time, but she also failed.

Since her previous life, Qiyana has never confessed successfully, and she was always rejected, which made her feel uncomfortable and worried.

At the end of the day, at this time, Qiyana can be considered to have experienced Liya's mood when she was rejected by Casa

"Don't disturb your rest, go to sleep." Said, then Qiyana turned around and walked to the door

Kiyana was afraid that she couldn't help but want to cry, so she pretended to be calm and took a deep breath and said

] Open it and step out with one foot. ] said what to say to comfort, after thinking about it, Liya felt

Liya looked at Kiyana's heavy back as if she had suffered a huge blow, and she didn't know

It's best not to say anything right now.Walking along the aisle to the deck outside the cabin

When Qiyana left, she closed the door smoothly, her footsteps were heavy, like walking F

superior.Feeling very sad, very uncomfortable, even looking for

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