Looking up at the bright crescent moon hanging high in the night sky, Qiyana couldn't help but

The desire for the remaining dragon balls is also gone. "


Chapter 10 Leave

The sky is dotted with stars, and the navy soldiers have also entered the cabin to rest, only two soldiers standing on the watch stand chatting on the watchtower

Qiyana came to the bow of the boat and looked at the sea surface reflecting the stars in the distance. The sea breeze was blowing, and she felt unspeakably uncomfortable, but she was finally rejected.

When Liya rejected Qiyana on the grounds of gender, Qiyana told Liya her secret almost without thinking too much, thinking that this would change Liya's mind and make her change her mind.

If she didn't really want to give up, how could Kiyana do this? In the face of feelings, should she choose rationality or sensibility? This made it difficult for Qiyana to make a choice for a while, but Qiyana doesn't want to regret it in the future, at least she tries It's better to stay, not to say nothing.

It's a pity that Liya doesn't feel anything about herself, which makes Qiyana a little sad. It's the first time she was so excited and ended up with this result.

Even the desire to find the remaining dragon balls is gone, and I can't arouse any energy, it seems that I have lost the reason to continue to struggle.

Kiyana let out a long sigh, took one last look at the warship, and it was almost time to leave.

When she joined the navy, Kiyana had thought about what would happen when she left the navy, for example, she failed to steal mission documents and was discovered by the old thief Red Dog, and was chased and intercepted by everyone in the Navy Department. Anyway, it was the kind of trouble Vigorous and restless events.

Being able to leave without attracting anyone's attention like now is the result that Qiyana did not expect.

Kiyana didn't plan to tell anyone, and she didn't bother to mention resignation to Sakasky.

Anyway, if she resigns, Sakaski will definitely ask her why, and she will definitely find various reasons to find a way to keep her in the Navy. It shouldn't be a big problem to use the armor of Jizi's appearance and not let the navy know that Jizi is Qianbian.

Jizi's appearance is no longer a necessity for Kiyana now. The main task has been completed. In the battle, other appearance armors can also be competent. Jizi's appearance armor can be hung in the background. Unless Kiyana dies, Jizi It's just that the secret of Qianbian is unlikely to be exposed.

Kiyana came here intending to leave after returning to the Admiralty for this cruise mission, but now Kiyana doesn't want to stay for a moment.

After tonight's incident, she didn't know what expression she should make when she saw Liya tomorrow morning. She took care of her meticulously in exchange for a refusal without hesitation. Kiyana still feels hurt.

I made an appointment just now that I will return to the Ministry of the Navy to find Liya. Now even the Kiyana people are not sure whether they intend to abide by this agreement. After being rejected, they still pretend that nothing happened. arrive.

"Sure enough, it's better not to meet again in the future."

Kiyana murmured to herself in a low voice, she was rejected, and meeting again would only embarrass Kiyana.

Kiyana looked up at the two soldiers who were talking on the observation deck, and found that they didn't seem to notice her appearance, and it was a good time to leave.

Qiyana turned around and stepped on the handrail of the boat, jumped off the bow of the boat, and then flew towards the sky using moon steps. Under the cover of the night, Qiyana quickly flew to a height of several hundred meters In the air, looking down.

"Huh? Did you hear anything just now?"

One of the soldiers seemed to have heard the movement, and looked towards the bow of the ship, but saw nothing, and the other soldier followed him and turned his head to look at the bow of the ship.

"Did you hear me wrong?"

"Maybe, count E to continue chatting

The two soldiers didn't find anything unusual after looking at it for a long time, so they simply ignored it, and then chatted.

Kiyana, who was flying in mid-air using the moon step, took one last look at the warship docked at the port, and sighed softly: "- You must take care of yourself, Liya. .

After finishing speaking, Qiyana turned around with a little reluctance and flew away using moon steps, without attracting anyone's attention, and left quietly.

The sun rose slowly, and the naval warships sailed on the sea. The soldiers in the early morning seemed to have not woken up, rubbing their eyes, yawning and starting to wash.

As usual, Casa moved a chair to the bow and sat down, holding a thick book in his hand and began to read.

"Good morning, Kasa."

Liya stepped on a few steps to the deck at the bow, and greeted Kasa. Kasa nodded slightly, and also greeted Liya as a response, and then Kasa continued to read the book.

"Liya sauce, it's time to have breakfast, is Lieutenant General Ji Zi still awake?"

Saska came to the bow of the boat with a puzzled face and asked, Liya was stunned when she heard this, is Sister Jizi still awake?

"It's strange. She's usually awake at this time."

Kasa lit a cigarette in his mouth, closed the book in his hand, got up and walked towards the cabin, Liya followed closely behind, with a vague premonition in his heart, could it be that sister Jizi has already left? ?

The two soon came to the interior of the cabin, and followed the aisle to the door of Qiyana's room.


Kasa knocked on the door, but there was no response. It was very quiet. Kasa and Liya looked at each other, and then Kasa knocked on the door again.

This time, Casa also raised his voice and knocked harder on the door.

"Jizi, I'm coming in.

After Kasa gave a warning, he put his ears on the door and listened for a while, but there was still no movement inside. Kasa then tried to push the door, but unexpectedly the door was not locked at all, and he entered very easily in the room.

Casa and Liya entered Kiana's room, and the quilt on the bed was folded to a very standard.

"Is sister Jizi up yet?"

No, she didn't sleep at all.

Kasa reached out and touched the bed, but there was not even a little bit of warmth. It was obvious that there was no one sleeping in this bed just now.

Liya lowered her head slightly when she heard the words, a little frustrated. Did sister Jizi really leave? Although the other party came to her last night and said that she was going to leave the navy, Liya didn't expect it to be so soon. She thought that Jizi My sister will stay for a while longer.

"what is that?"

Casa noticed a note on the table next to the wall that was pressed by the candlestick, pointed to the note and asked, Liya noticed the note on the table behind her, and then Liya took the candlestick that was holding the note Open it, pick up the note and check the content on it.

I'm leaving, don't read!

A few simple words stated the fact that Sister Jizi had left. Liya's hand holding the note trembled slightly. She thought she was ready to part, but in fact Liya was not. , it all came too fast.

Casa came to Liya's side, snatched the note from Liya's hand and checked it.


Kasa was very surprised. What does this mean? Did he leave the navy? No matter how he thought about it, Kasa could only think of this situation.

But Kasa couldn't figure out why Jizi would abandon her subordinates, especially leaving the navy when Liya was still here? This sudden departure without saying goodbye was really surprising.

"Jizi left, Liya, do you know something?"

Casa asked with a note, Liya's eyes were slightly red, and she shook her head slowly.

"I don't know, why did Sister Jizi leave?"

Liya responded to Kasa pretending to be ignorant, and Kasa didn't suspect Liya when she saw that Liya was about to cry, but put away the note.

"It's weird, well why did you leave the Navy?

Casa took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He really couldn't think of the reason why Jizi left the navy, and he felt a little inexplicable.

As Lieutenant Admiral Scarlet Fox of the Navy Department, one of the general candidates, there is no need to say anything about the future. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the future achievements will not be too low. What would it be like to leave the Navy without authorization when the career is booming? as a result of?

Such a high military rank can be described by more than just deserters.Yuan

Casa couldn't help feeling a little worried. I hope this is just Jizi's joke, and it's better to come back soon.

Liya turned and left the room and came to the corridor outside, feeling as if there was a vacancy in her heart, thinking that she would never see Sister Jizi again in the coming days, and no one would talk to her. After training with her, Liya understood I was actually not mentally prepared.

"Liya, keep this a secret for now, and don't tell anyone except Saska."

Casa chased out of the room, grabbed Liya's arm and said, it's best not to say anything about Jizi's departure for the time being, and absolutely not to let the high-level navy know about it. The impact is hard to control.

In case Jizi changed her mind and planned to come back, but Marshal Sakaski knew that she had left her post without permission, the punishment would definitely be unavoidable, and the nature of doing such a thing as a new image created by the navy would be even more serious. Only heavier than normal people.

Liya also nodded when she heard the words, and agreed, but she knew in her heart that it was impossible for Sister Jizi to come back, and it was useless to keep it secret.

"Are you here, Lieutenant General Ji Zi woke up?"

At this moment, Saska also entered the aisle from the deck, saw the two standing in front of Lieutenant General Jizi's door, and asked.

"You came at the right time. Ji Zi left this note and left. She probably left last night. She may still be on that island now. We will return to find her right away.

Seeing Saska's arrival, Kasa also handed the note left by Jizi to Saska's hand. Saska took a look and couldn't help being stunned.

Saska obviously didn't expect that Ji Zizhong would leave them without saying a word.

"Remember, don't mention this matter to anyone until you find Ji Zi.

Casa warned with a serious face, and Saska nodded heavily, indicating that he knew the importance of concealing this matter.


Chapter 11

"Listen everyone, we're heading back to Rui Island."

Saska came to the deck of the warship and said loudly to everyone.

"Return flight? Why return flight?"

The soldiers couldn't help being stunned when they heard the words, and looked at Saska suspiciously.

"I have something that landed on Rui Island, just return to the voyage.

Casa, who was standing beside Sasca, ordered that the soldiers understood the reason for returning, and many soldiers immediately showed dissatisfaction. They had left Ruy Island for a few hours, and now they told them that they had something. Landed on Ruy Island and have to turn back to get it?

If it weren't for the identity of Casa Tianlong, some soldiers would have wanted to scold them directly. It's really a lot of things.

"Tsk, what a difficult Tianlong person to serve.

"Hush, don't say a few words, if you offend him, he can behead your head as much as he wants."

The native soldiers dared not speak out, and there was no doubt that Casa's move made the soldiers dislike him.

Saska looked at the eyes of the soldiers below looking at Casa, and couldn't help sighing secretly. These soldiers didn't know, but Saska knew the real reason why they returned to Rui Island.

The soldier at the helm turned the rudder and turned back in the same direction as he came.

After another two hours of sailing, the warship returned to the port of Ruy Island again. Saska and Liya jumped off the deck of the warship before the ship stopped and ran towards the town.

"You guys wait, we should be back soon.

Sas-Ka asked the soldiers to guard on the warship. Although it would be more efficient to mobilize all the soldiers to look for Ji Zizhong together, Kasa has already said that this matter cannot be told to others. The more people who know, The possibility of leakage will increase.

At that time, the situation will become unfavorable to Lieutenant General Jizi, which is not what Saska wants to see.

Saska and Liya left the warship and entered the town, and then they split up. Saska-lu ran around along the street, but neither saw the familiar bright red hair.

On the other hand, Liya did not search as hard as Saska. Liya knew in her heart that sister Jizi would never come back. Once she left, no one would be able to find her unless she showed up on her own initiative. Names are not just words.

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