Liya was walking on the street, feeling a little frustrated. She didn't expect Sister Jizi to leave so quickly, so she wasn't even mentally prepared.

Was it really because she rejected her last night? Liya secretly thought that when she was rejected by Kasa that day, she was also sad for a long time and had the urge to escape. Later, this feeling was because she accidentally learned that Sister Jizi was F became more secretive and diluted a little.

But Liya still feels a little unnatural when facing Casa, so she can also understand Sister Jizi's behavior of leaving without saying goodbye

To be honest, when Kiyana revealed her secret to Liya at first, Liya was very surprised, a little unacceptable, and felt cheated.

But after thinking about it, this was just a side effect of the Devil Fruit, not what Kiyana intended, and Liya became a little sympathetic again. Was her performance last night too hurtful? Liya couldn't help but start to reflect on herself.

Time passed by little by little, seeing that noon had passed, and when it would be dark again in a few hours, Liya and Saska, who were searching for Kiana's traces all over the street, met again.

"Ha, have you found Lieutenant General Ji Zi?"

Saska was sweating profusely from running, panting heavily, not bothering to wipe the sweat off his face, asked anxiously.

Liya handed Saska a handkerchief to wipe off her sweat, while slowly shaking her head and said, "I didn't find it, sister Jizi should have left this island.

Hearing this, Saska's complexion became slightly gray and he was very depressed. He really couldn't understand why Lieutenant General Ji Zi left without saying goodbye. Did they do something wrong?

"Go back, Sister Jizi has left, unless she shows up, we won't be able to find her.

Liya sighed and said, if she could choose again; Liya felt that she would probably choose to keep the other party, some things are always treasured after they are lost, when Qiyana left, Liya Yacai realized that she was actually very dependent on the other party.

Although Sas-ka didn't want to go back like this, he couldn't find Lieutenant General Ji Zi. In desperation, he could only return to the port with Liya, thinking about how to hide this matter for a longer time.

The two quickly returned to the port. Kasa, who had been standing on the deck waiting for the two to return, didn't see Jizi's figure, and frowned slightly. Where did Jizi go?

Liya and Saska returned to the warship, and Kasa hurried over and asked, "Did you find her?"

"No, I searched everywhere. Lieutenant General Ji Zi should have left Rui Island."

Saska shook his head and replied, Casa was not calm anymore, took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth, and took a deep breath.

"Brulu, Bruce will...

The phone bug in Saska's pocket suddenly made a sound, and Saska quickly took out the phone bug. This phone bug was specially used by the Ministry of the Navy to contact their troops.

In this situation, Saska didn't know whether he should answer the call or not.

Saska looked at Kasa asking for help, Kasa pondered for a moment, then nodded to Saska to pick up the phone bug.

"Brulu, Gaga!"

Saska picked up the microphone and put it to his mouth, forcing himself to calm down.

"Jizi, what's going on? According to the original cruise plan, you should have returned to the Ministry today.

Marshal Sakasky’s voice sounded from the other end of the phone bug, as if asking for guilt, Saska took a deep breath and replied: “Report to Marshal Sakasky, we found that the pirates are hunt."

"Lieutenant Saska? Tell Himeko to answer the phone.

"Well, uh... the good lieutenant general is fighting pirates.'

"Fighting? Let her call me when the battle is over." C Zhi

After finishing speaking, Sakaski hung up the phone bug, and the phone bug immediately went into a dormant state, closed its eyes and snored, looking very cute.

Ask Lieutenant General Ji Zi to call you back? I can't do that, Saska couldn't help covering his face. He lied just now to conceal the news of Lieutenant General Ji Zi's departure, but this lie will probably be exposed in a short time.

At that time, if Marshal Sakalski knows that he dared to lie to him, Saskar can't help but feel chills down his back just thinking about the consequences. Lieutenant General Jizi, where are you? Come back soon, okay?

To tell the truth, I have no responsibility at all when I came to Saskatoon. Now I have become responsible even if I don’t report it.

"Don't worry, if Marshal Sakasky blames it, you can say that I told you to say so.

Kasa patted Saska's shoulder and said, Saska was stunned for a moment, then nodded in response.

After two days of sailing, even if Saska and Liya tried their best to conceal it, Lieutenant General Ji Zi left them without saying goodbye.

Even if Saska didn't say anything, the soldiers knew that Lieutenant General Ji Zi was no longer on the warship. For two days, the soldiers didn't see Lieutenant General Ji Zi come out of his room, and there was no movement at all.

Although Saska falsely claimed that Lieutenant General Jizi was sick and needed to rest in bed, and Liya kept pretending to bring food to Lieutenant General Jizi's room, but in fact they all knew in their hearts that Liya took care of all the meals.

How could Lieutenant General Ji Zi, who is so good, suddenly become seriously ill? In terms of physical fitness, Lieutenant General Ji Zi is many times better than them. Even if they are not sick, how can it be possible for Lieutenant General Ji Zi to be so sick that he even gets out of bed at night? not coming?

Of course, the soldiers were not blind and noticed such an abnormal situation, but the soldiers also turned a blind eye to it with a tacit understanding, pretending that nothing happened, not even mentioning it, silently waiting for someone to return.

The local soldiers turned a blind eye to such a cooperative performance, and Saska was also very moved. It seems that Lieutenant General Ji Zi is also deeply respected by his subordinates. At the critical moment, no one made trouble, and they all helped to cover. "Worker sucks

However, the thing that cannot be concealed is that it cannot be concealed. It has been several days behind the original cruise plan. Under the urging of the Ministry of the Navy, Saska and others had no choice but to return to the Ministry of the Navy on a warship.

From a distance, the soldiers standing at the bow saw Marshal Sakalski standing on the port with his arms around his chest, looking like he was waiting to ask questions.

The warship slowly approached the port, and then stopped. The soldiers put down the pedals, but no one dared to go ahead and get off the ship first. Sakaski on the shore was like a wild dog ready to bite, staring at the warship. People on deck.

In the end, Kasa was the first to take the lead and walked down, and Saska followed behind Kasa - walking down together, and the others dared to follow after seeing this.

"Where is Jizi? Tell her to come out and meet me.

Sakaski's tone of voice seemed to be trying to suppress his anger, and only waited for Jizi to come and reprimand her severely

"Well, I asked her to help me with some errands, and she should be back in a few days.

Kasa said with a flat face, even in the face of the furious Sakalski, he still managed to sink his face into the water, calmly, so that Sakalski could not see the slightest hint of emotion.

"Don't think I don't know that you are helping Jizi hide it, where is she now?"

Sakaski shouted loudly, does this Tianlong man really think he can't see it?

"As I said, she will be back in a few days."

Kasa glanced at Sakalski lightly, took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, lit it in his mouth, and then walked around Sakalski towards the base.


Sakalski remained silent; just after he was promoted to lieutenant general, he disappeared for fun and left his post without permission. If he didn't give him a reasonable explanation after returning, he would be severely punished.


Chapter 12

"Inch strength. Open the sky!

By the sea, Liya wore the glove given by Kiyana and aimed at a stone pillar. The stone pillar with the height of three people was broken in two by Liya's fist, and the gravel fell on the shallows, kicking up some dust and smoke .

Liya panted slightly, grabbed the towel hanging around her neck and wiped off the sweat on her face, wearing a sports vest and shorts, her slender waist exposed.

As if feeling tired, Liya sat directly on the stone pillar lying on the ground after being interrupted by herself, planning to rest for a while before continuing to practice.

Looking at the deserted beach, Liya slowly stopped wiping her sweat, feeling empty in her heart, feeling a little uncomfortable.

In the past at this time, Sister Jizi would always hand over a bottle of water with concern, asking her to replenish the water lost after a lot of exercise, and then say a few words of encouragement to her, and point out the flaws in her posture.

And Kasa would move a chair and sit under the shade of a tree not far away, with a cigarette between his fingers, read a book quietly, and glance at their training from time to time, but such a familiar daily life seems to have been a long time ago up.

It has been half a month since the warship returned to the Admiralty, and Liya insisted on coming to the beach to practice every day. In the first two days, Casa would still come here to have a look, but she didn’t stay here for a long time. Is not coming.

Now Liya is the only one who trains alone at the seaside every day. No one talks to her, and no one competes with her.

In the past half a month, both Lieutenant General Jizi and the news of Qianbian seemed to have disappeared. There was no news at all. Marshal Sakaski seemed to think that the Ministry of the Navy had no such person, and he was going to rearrange Liya and others. to the troops of other admirals.

At the request of Tina, who has been promoted to Rear Admiral of the Navy Department, Liya was assigned to her army, and she will officially follow Tina to carry out the mission tomorrow.

Although Tina treats Liya very well, Liya always feels that Tina is not as close to her as she is with Sister Jizi, as if there is a gap between the two.

Huh? How strange? Why does the Admiralty make itself feel like it doesn't belong?

Liya couldn't help feeling puzzled, she didn't feel this way before? Why? Isn't this the only place that can accommodate her?

Liya raised her legs, hugged them with her hands, her eyes were reddish, a faint light flashed, and her back looked + very lonely.

It was getting late, and watching the sunset slowly sink into the sea, Liya, who was sweating profusely, took off the towel around her neck and wrung it dry, then wiped the sweat off her face.

Liya, who finished a day of practice, was also preparing to return to the base at this time, find some food for dinner, take a shower and then lie in bed to sleep, and wait until tomorrow - - - early put on the navy uniform to report to Tina.

Liya came to the side of the tree, jumped to the branch very easily, took off the bag she had hung on the branch in advance, and then jumped to the ground.

Opening the bag, it contained a coat, which Liya put on immediately.

No matter how poisonous the afternoon sun was, under the evening sea breeze, Liya, who was sweating a lot, could easily catch a cold.

After putting on her coat, Liya carried her bag and walked towards the base. When a gust of sea breeze blew, the leaves on the surrounding trees also rustled.

Soon Liya walked along the path--the road to the town outside the base, and the smell of food wafted from the surrounding passing residential areas. Liya, who was already hungry after a lot of exercise, smelled this smell, and her stomach was controlled. Started calling incessantly.

Liya hurriedly quickened her pace, intending to rush back to the base, hoping that there would still be food left in the cafeteria.

From a distance, Liya saw standing in front of the gate of the base - a girl who looked about [-] or [-] years old, about the same age as Liya, looking inside from the main gate, as if she was waiting for someone .

Looking forward to it, Daihatsu standing at the base is about 1.5 meters tall, a head shorter than Liya.

girl with flaxen hair

....." Liya felt a familiar feeling, and she began to recall whether she had met the other party before.

Looking behind the girl's back: she stretched out her hand and patted the other person's shoulder, the other person obviously jumped in fright and turned around quickly.

Soon Liya came to "Young Girl" and read this novel

"Martha? She really showed an excited smile. She had a vaguely familiar feeling just looking at her back before, but now she sees the

Liya was very surprised, following the identity of the other party.

After looking at her face, Liya finally recognized her playmate who lived in the same town.

This person has been with her since she was a child-

"Liya, long time no see. After it was Liya, Martha breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

I found that the person who patted me on the shoulder was so nice, I thought everyone in the town was killed by pirates.

"Martha, you're alright. Martha X organized an attack on the town where she lived, burning, killing, looting and committing crimes everywhere.

Liya hugged everyone very excitedly and was killed by the Xiu organization. Now that her childhood playmate is still alive, Liya doesn't mention the blood.

What a joy.It's a little darker--somewhat.

Speaking of pirates, how did Martha escape?

"By the way, Martha, what are you guys doing? That day, the Yao organization was aggressive, and hundreds of pirates surrounded the town. Martha's home was far away from her.

Liya's curious inquiries should not be able to escape the siege of the pirates.

My home is not very far away, so it stands to reason that I went on a trip.

"That day our whole family couldn't help sighing, compared with her, Martha's family was so lucky.

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