Thinking about it with his lower body, he knew who was calling at this very moment.

"Shiyu, I'm going to answer the phone." Xingjian took out his phone and walked away from Xiazhiqiu.

Xiazhiqiu opened and closed his lips, wanting to say something, but seeing that Xingjian had gone far, he didn't speak again.

She thought for a while, stood where she was, and didn't follow Xingjian.

On the side, Xingjian, who walked far away, answered the phone call from Yukino.

"Meet the stars?"

"it's me."

Hearing Xing Jian's steady and powerful voice, which didn't sound like he was sick at all, Xue Nai asked, "Xing Jian, are you alright?"

"The body is fine, but there is something wrong." Xing Jian began to think about what excuses he should use to hold Xue Nao.

"What's the matter? Can you talk to me?" Xue Nai continued to ask.

"Yue Nai, I sent my report card to my aunt yesterday, and my aunt just sent a message to say that she wanted to meet me, so I had no choice but to make a bad move. By the way, Yukino, please help me ask Hiratsuka-sensei for leave, just say I... went home and rested."

"Is that so... I see... Does Xing see you coming back tonight?"

Xingjian looked back at Yanxia Zhiqiu, and said in a steady tone: "There is a high probability that I can come back. If I can't come back, I will send you an email in advance."

"Well, okay, then you go."

"Then Xue Nai, I'm hanging up, I'll be back as soon as possible." After speaking, Xing Jian hung up the phone.

He put away his phone and rubbed his temples with some headaches.

To be honest, he doesn't like to tell lies. Starting with a lie means using countless lies to complete it. Even he can't guarantee that every link will not reveal its flaws.

In addition, Xue Nai, Qin Zi, and Shi Yu are all quick-witted and smart people, so it is very difficult to fabricate lies that they cannot discover.

It's better to think about what to do after exposure.

"Alas~" Xingjian sighed softly, put on a faint smile again, and walked towards the hill of clouds.


At the same time, in the "reality" that Hoshimi cannot see, a little pink monster the size of a fist is sitting on a branch, tilting its head, watching Hoshimi and Kasumi Hill with their fingers interlocked.

Ah~ The princess is green again...

Huh?Why do I say again?

261. "The Hill of Kasumi who is About to Die"

"See you, your house is really nice."

Kasumigaoka, who had already walked around Hoshimi's house, praised with some emotion.

Before today, she didn't have any real sense of the life of the rich, but after walking around Hoshimi's leaping mansion, she finally understood why the world is so keen on chasing wealth.

As far as Hoshimi's leaping mansion is concerned, she doesn't know how many years of writing it will take to save enough money to buy it.

"It's really not bad, I like it very much." Hoshimi who brought the tea handed one of the cups of tea to Kasumigaoka, "Come, drink tea."

"Thank you." Xia Zhiqiu took the tea, took a sip, and placed it on the coffee table.

Then, she looked at Xingjian who was sitting on the sofa, and asked, "Xingjian, are you alone in your family? Where are your parents?"

In fact, she came to visit Xingjian's house today with the intention of meeting her future in-laws.

It's not that I want to confirm the relationship with Xingjian directly in one step, but to get acquainted in front of my future in-laws, so that it will be more convenient if I want to make an appointment with Xingjian in the future, or if I want to do other things.

"My parents?" Xing Jian took a sip of tea and said with a strange expression: "Shi Yu, didn't you notice just now? The photos of my parents."

"Huh?!!" Xia Zhiqiu was stunned, and she was stunned to recall.

Posthumous photos?She didn't notice at all...

"It seems that Shi Yu really didn't notice, is it because the posthumous photos are too hidden?" Xing Jian sipped his tea thoughtfully.

Speaking of which, at the beginning, the photos of his parents were hung on the wall facing the door of his parents' bedroom. When he opened the door and walked in, he could see the photos in black and white.

Later, after Aunt Arisukawa came several times, the position of the photo was changed to the side wall. After pushing the door and entering, one had to look left and right to notice it.

He also understood Aunt Suchuan's thoughts. During that time, he had just traveled over here. In order not to show his feet, he kept pretending to be an autistic boy and refused to communicate with others.

Aunt Arisugawa moved the photos of his parents to a place where he was not easy to see in order to get him out of the psychological shadow as soon as possible.

In this way, he will not see the photos of the deceased every time he opens the door of his parents' room, and then suffer another psychological trauma.

"Xing Jian, I'm sorry, I..." Kasumi Hill realized that she had said something wrong, she hesitated to speak, not knowing how to apologize.

"Well~ don't worry about it, that's the truth, I've been used to it for a long time." Xing Jian sipped his tea and said casually: "Shi Yu, you don't need to apologize, and you don't need to have any pity or sympathy for me because of this, a People are actually pretty good, no one cares about me, how nice it is to be unrestrained."

Xingjian was telling the truth. For him, it would be uncomfortable if he had a pair of parents he didn't know well after time travel.

In terms of age alone, in his previous life he was close to his thirties, and it was really hard for him to call someone he didn't know as parents.

However, from Hoshimi's point of view, it is a heart-to-heart truth, but from Kasumigaoka's point of view, Hoshimi is completely trying to cover up the pain of losing his parents.

Xiazhiqiu pursed his lips, moved his body, sat beside Xingjian, and whispered: "Xingjian, I'm sorry..."

"I've said it, so I don't need to apologize." Hoshimi put down his teacup, and put his hand on Kasumi Hill's lap.

He lightly bumped Xia Zhiqiu's head sideways, and said with a smile: "Shiyu, let's not talk about this, let's talk about other issues, for example..."

"Shi Yu, are you a little lacking in exercise, and your legs are more plump?" Said, Hoshimi took advantage of the situation and lightly pinched Xia Zhiqiu's legs.

"Hmm~" Knowing that Hoshimi was changing the subject, Xia Zhiqiu got off the donkey along the slope, and bumped Hoshimi's shoulder twice in shame, "No, I have absolutely enough exercise, how could I gain weight?"

"Hehe~" Xingjian smiled, hugged Xia Zhiqiu's waist affectionately, and exhaled hot air at her: "Then let me take a closer look, Shi Yu, are you fat?"

"Hmm~" Xia Zhiqiu's pretty face blushed, and she took the handbag on the side and put it on her chest, "Xingjian...have you made up your mind? have to use up all of them..."

"..." Xing Jian's eyes twitched, he opened his handbag, held Xia Zhiqiu's tender hands, and said with a half-smile: "Shi Yu, what if I said I've made up my mind? 36 , I’m not joking, I may feel uncomfortable for a while, but Shiyu, you won’t feel any better either..."

"Hmm~" Xia Zhiqiu avoided Hoshimi's sight, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "...Anyway, none of the 36 should be missing. If one is missing, neither of us should think of going out of this door..."

"Is that so..." Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Xingjian's mind.

He leaned in front of Xia Zhiqiu, his eyes brightened slightly, and said: "Shi Yu, I can use several at a time, so I can use up 36 easily."

"No! Don't waste it!" Xia Zhiqiu tilted his head, resisting the ripples in his heart, and said in a trembling voice: "This is my hard-earned money written word by word, and it must not be wasted."

"That's right, it's shameful to waste..." Looking at the blushing Kasumi Hills, Hoshimi who was about to move began to think of an idea.

Is he thinking of wasting one or two dream bodies to use the "resurrection" ability?

The "Confucian scholar" of the third level of the deep dream said before, it is best to use it once a month, too frequent use will lead to instability of the deep dream.

It has been less than a month since he used "Resurrection" last time, so he can't use it yet.

As for forcing it?Forget it, he doesn't know the consequences of the instability of the deep dream, anyway, it will definitely not be a good thing.

He wouldn't put himself in danger just to eat the meat in the pot ahead of time.

Plus, there's another reason.

If you act recklessly today, the probability of being discovered by Xue Nai is a little high. The excuse he gave Xue Nai just now can't stand repeated scrutiny and pondering...

"Alas~" Xingjian sighed silently, and could only temporarily detain the "bad wolf" who kept roaring in his heart

But you can't do things that are in place in one step, but it's okay to do other things.

Thinking like this, Hoshimi's eyes gradually changed when he saw Kasumi Hills...

"By the way, I almost forgot..." Kasumigaoka, whose whole body was limp from staring at him, hurriedly took the handbag and took out a gift box from it.

"Xing Jian, this is a gift I prepared for you, open it and have a look."

"Oh? Let me see what a good thing it is." Xing Jian took the gift box, which was about half the size of a palm, and opened it.

"Huh? Is this a dragon scale bracelet?" Xingjian took out the bracelet and observed it carefully.

The overall color of the bracelet is jet black, and the layers of prosperous patterns on it resemble dragon scales, and the clasp of the bracelet is made into the shape of a dragon's head, which looks quite like a dragon's head biting a dragon's tail.

Xing Jian weighed it, and it was quite weighty.

"This is Taiyin, right?" Xingjian said affirmatively.

Thai silver, also known as black silver, is a special process that melts a mixture of silver and sulfur on silver jewelry and forms a covering layer in a glassy state.

The loose and black covering layer of Thai silver is in sharp contrast with the smooth silvery white of silver, producing a special visual effect.Due to the special anti-aging treatment, Thai silver jewelry not only does not change color for a long time, but also greatly enhances the surface hardness. The unique texture and color make this kind of jewelry rough and simple, which is very suitable for men to wear.

"Eh? Xing sees your eyes really sharp." Xia Zhiqiu was a little surprised.

How should I put it, as expected of Mr. Kuo, you can tell what the material is at a glance.

"Heh~" Xing Jian smiled, and handed the bracelet to Xia Zhiqiu, "Shi Yu, please help me wear it."

After hanging out in the society for a long time, it is necessary to get in touch with the philosophy of gift giving, especially things like tobacco, wine, tea, gold and silver jewelry, and luxury goods.


Kasumigaoka who took the bracelet carefully put it on for Hoshimi.

"Does it look good?" Kasumi Hill asked while holding Hoshimi's hand.

"Yes, I like it." Xingjian stroked the bracelet in a good mood.

Although this dragon scale pattern bracelet looks a bit secondary, it is very handsome, and it feels good to wear on your hand.

In addition, it was the first time someone gave him decorations in the past and present, and the meaning alone was worth remembering.

"Take a photo as a souvenir?" Xia Zhiqiu took out his phone and shook it.

"Okay~" Xingjian thought for a while, moved his position backwards, then turned slightly sideways, folded his hands on his chest, and deliberately exposed the bracelet.

"En?" Kasumi Hill looked at Hoshimi's posture, feeling vaguely familiar.

She stared at it for a few moments, and suddenly realized that this is not the standard photo pose of those successful men on TV or on billboards?

If Xingjian turned his head slightly and looked upwards, it would be exactly the same.

"Pfft~~" Xia Zhiqiu couldn't help laughing.

In terms of taking pictures, Xingjian is really pure and innocent like a little virgin.

"Shi Yu, what's wrong?" Xing Jian asked with his head tilted.

"It's nothing, this pose doesn't look good, let's take another pose." Saying that, Kasumigaoka moved to Hoshimi's side, took Hoshimi's bracelet-wearing hand, and wrapped it around her shoulder.

"Hoshimi, come closer." Kasumi Hill tugged at the corner of Hoshimi's clothes.

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