"Okay~" Hoshimi was doing the job next to Kasumi Hill, he hooked Kasumi Hill's shoulder with one hand, and put the other hand naturally by his side.

"Hmm~" When he was about to take a photo, Kasumi Hill noticed something was wrong.

Hoshimi's hands hooked her shoulders, and she couldn't raise her hands upwards, so she couldn't take a selfie from the angle of looking up.

"Shiyu, let me do it." Hoshimi noticed the problem and took Kasumigaoka's phone.

"Well, that's fine." Kasumi Oka who had freed his hands thought for a while, and approached Hoshimi intimately, hugged Hoshimi's waist with both hands, and rested his head on Hoshimi's shoulders, looking like a cute little bird. appearance.

It's just that judging by the turbulent waves on Xia Zhiqiu's chest, this little bird is a bit out of tune.

If it is replaced by the snowy snow of Yimapingchuan, or the petite and exquisite Qinzi, maybe it can perfectly reflect the beauty of a small bird and a person.


The lights flashed and the photo was taken.

"Xingjian, let me see." Xia Zhiqiu grabbed the phone and confirmed the effect of the photo.

After confirming that it was correct, she put away her phone contentedly and asked, "Xingjian, what shall we do next?"

"What to do?" Xing Jian's eyes were a little subtle, there was something he really wanted to do, but unfortunately he couldn't.

He thought for a while, and said with strange eyes: "Shiyu, have you heard of 'AttaFami'?"

"Xingjian, are you referring to the fighting game that dominated the charts recently?"

"En?" Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly.

Shi Yu actually heard of it?

Oh, that's right, after all, Shi Yu is an insider of ACGN, and knows that it's normal to dominate the rankings.

On his side, because he was tired of being with Xue Nai for a long time, he fell into a cognitive barrier, subconsciously thinking that girls don't understand games.

"Shiyu, do you want to fight?" Seeing that Shiyu knew "AttaFami", the strangeness in Xingjian's eyes became more and more obvious.

"..." Knowing that Xingjian had ulterior motives, Xia Zhiqiu's legs softened, and his eyes dodged: "Yes."

The corners of Xing Jian's mouth rose, and his smile became more thought-provoking, "Shi Yu, just fighting is a bit boring, let's raise some bets."

"..." Here comes the familiar method, the familiar taste, and it's her turn to suffer the most.

Xia Zhiqiu, who was thinking like this in her heart, couldn't help trembling slightly, she lowered her head, preventing Xing Jian from seeing the uncontrollable excitement in her eyes.

"Xing Jian, what do you want to bet on?" Xia Zhiqiu pretended to be calm.

"Let me think about it..." Xing Jian said with his eyes slightly bright: "Well, the loser of each game must drink 200ml of water, whether it is a beverage, tea or plain water, anyway, as long as it is Liquid will do."

"Then when someone wins 11 sets, the first stage of the game is considered over, and only then can they leave the room. Before that, no matter who they are, they cannot leave the bedroom."

"If Shiyu agrees, I'll prepare enough drinks and water."

"Huh?" Kasumi Hill looked at Hoshimi in astonishment.

That's it? !That's it? !That's it? !Not exciting at all!

She originally thought that Xing Jian would offer to lose a bet to take off a piece of clothing, but she didn't expect it to be this.

200ml, even if you lose 11 times, it is only 2200ml. Generally, a bottle of beverage is 500ml-600ml, so it is only about four bottles of beverages.

Drinking a little every time you lose a game is completely fine.

It's not exciting at all...

See you, is this still you? !Give me more exciting chips!

Xia Zhiqiu, who kept complaining in her heart, didn't have much reaction on the surface. After pretending to think for a while, she said in a tangled way: "Okay, just follow what Xingjian you said."

Xingjian raised his brows and eyes, smiled brightly and said: "Shi Yu, you go to my bedroom and wait for me first, I'll get water, by the way, what do you want to drink? Tea? Drinks? Or plain water ?”

"Let's have some of each." Kasumigaoka who didn't want to eat too much sugar said so.

"Okay~ Then Shiyu, go up and wait for me."



In the bedroom, half an hour after the game started, Kasumigaoka finally realized Hoshimi's sinister intentions.

There is still a draw in this game! ! !

262. "The green snow on the head and Qinzi"

Half an hour after the game started, Kasumi Hill's white hands trembled slightly, not from excitement, but from anger.


The game time runs out and the tie symbol appears again.

Xia Zhiqiu finally couldn't bear it anymore, she squeezed the handle tightly, and bumped into Hoshimi who was beside her with some annoyance, "Hoshimi! Can you stop the water?! Can't you take a good look at it?"

Xingjian smiled and said nothing, just exerted his dominant position as 1P, and continued to click on the next game, "Shiyu, the game has started, don't just stand still."

"Hmm~~" Kasumi Hill clenched the handle tightly, feeling more and more aggrieved in his heart.

She came here to seek defeat today!Begging for abuse!As a result, except for the fact that Xing Jian had won five consecutive rounds in a row, this bastard didn't continue to win? !

A bastard who doesn't know what's good or bad!Sooner or later there will be retribution!

"Shiyu, why are you not moving? Passive combat is not acceptable."

Hearing Hoshimi's teasing, Kasumigaoka bumped Hoshimi's shoulder twice unhappily.

What are you moving?Anyway, I can't touch anyone!There is a fart for moving!

This game called "AttaFami" is a very standard horizontal version of the fighting game, but it is different from the previous popular King of Fighters, its map is very large, and the map has a Z-axis.

In addition to the platform on the ground floor, there are two platforms in the air on each map, adding up to a total of three platforms. The roundabout field becomes very wide. If the skill is too poor, it is very likely that you will not be able to hit people. Case.

Unfortunately, she belongs to the kind of player with poor skills. After all, she doesn't play fighting games very much, and she can't keep up with Xingjian's nimble agility in terms of reaction and operation.

The result is that Xingjian wants to sneak her, all he needs to do is jump up and down on the three-story platform.

After waiting for the time to end, the two people who are still full of health will naturally be judged as a draw by the system.

At the same time, if there are three consecutive small rounds of draws, there will be a fourth round in which the outcome is determined by one round, and if the fourth round is still a tie, both sides will be judged to be all losers. In other words, there will be no winner.

According to the bet given by Xingjian, someone must win 11 rounds to end the game and leave the room...

At this moment, after drinking two bottles of water, Xia Zhiqiu, who had already felt a little in his lower abdomen, finally realized Hoshimi's sinister intentions.


When the draw sign appeared again, the corners of Kasumi Hill's eyes began to twitch, she stretched out her legs, and kicked Hoshimi with her jade feet wrapped in delicate black silk.

"Xing Jian, don't be too high~ If you want to win, win hard, don't think I don't know what you're thinking?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Shi Yu? Why can't I understand?" Xing Jian spread his hands innocently.

"..." Kasumi Hill narrowed his eyes, looked at Hoshimi slightly sideways, "Hoshimi, in order to see you, all my clothes are brand new from the inside to the outside, let me say this, You can understand."

"So that's how it is..." Xing Jian glanced at the hem of Kasumi Hill's skirt, and said with a smile: "No wonder Shi Yu you wear suspenders, so it was prepared for me."

"Huh~" Xia Zhiqiu snorted softly, stretched out his hand to pull the hem of the skirt with a reddish face.

Accidentally, the hem of the skirt rolled up, exposing the elastic band of the garter stockings, which is not acceptable. If the elastic bands are exposed in garter stockings, it is not discreet enough and shows a lack of restraint.

"Xingjian, now that you understand, let's play the game and don't play tricks." Xia Zhiqiu took the controller and wanted to see how Xingjian would behave next.

"Okay, I see." Xing Jian saw the joystick and started the next round of the game.

At the beginning of the game, Xingjian attacked like a storm, directly cutting down the hill of Xia to the extent that there was still a trace of blood left.

And then...Hoshimi started jumping around to delay time again...

Xiazhiqiu glanced at Xingjian, and the anger in his heart gradually dissipated.

It's okay, as long as Xing Jian is willing to continue to win, she can bear it if there is a delay in the middle.


At the end of the time, Xingjian won the small game, and at the same time, he just won the game.

"I lost, I'll drink." Kasumi Hills simply opened a 500ml bottle of drink and drank half of it.

"Come on, continue." She took out a tissue, wiped the water stains from the corners of her mouth, and then picked up the handle to signal Xingjian to continue.

Next, Xingjian seemed to have really changed his ways, and won four games in a row. In addition to the previous victories, Xingjian had already won ten games. It seemed that he was only 11 minutes away from the final 3 games. .

"Hoshimi, hurry up, hurry up, don't stop." Xia Zhiqiu, who had already drank 2L of water, urged urgently.

No, she couldn't help it a little bit, if she held back any longer, her sphincter would protest.

"Alright, that's the beginning." Xingjian smiled and started a new round of the game.

At the beginning of the game, Hoshi saw A and went to Xia Zhiqiu for a while, and then started his usual procrastination.

Looking at Hoshimi jumping up and down, Xia Zhiqiu felt very calm.

It doesn't matter, anyway, Xingjian has already got an A, she will lose this round, even if the last two rounds are tied, Xingjian who won one round is also the winner, just wait for another 3 minutes.


The time was up, Hoshimi won, and the second round began immediately.

In this round, Xingjian didn't even have an A, so he used the time delay at the beginning.

Xia Zhiqiu didn't care, but according to the usual practice, the manipulative character threw a few long-range skills at will.


Seeing that Xingjian took the initiative to bump into the long-range skill she threw out, Xia Zhiqiu looked suspiciously at Xingjian beside him.

She suddenly had an ominous premonition...


Time ended, Kasumi Hill won, and the third game began immediately.

Xia Zhiqiu's ominous premonition also came true. This round of Xing Jian did not attack from the beginning to the end, but deliberately bumped into the long-range skill she threw at will.


Xia Zhiqiu, who played two small rounds in a row, won this set.

"Oh~ I lost, it's my turn to drink..." Xing Jian, who happened to be thirsty, took out a bottle of drink at random, and drank half of it slowly.

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