When Tsundere ended, Xue Nai's pretty face was slightly hot, and she suddenly didn't know how to place her white and tender hands.

After a while, Yukino, who came out of her shyness, lowered her head, staring at Hoshimi's side face with rippling eyes.

Looking at it, Xue Nai suddenly felt a little dry mouth.

She pursed her lips and called out softly, "Xingjian...Xingjian...are you asleep?"

Seeing that Xingjian didn't respond, some thoughts in Xue Nai's heart rose like a tide, she reached out for a pillow, carefully held Xingjian's head, then moved her body aside, and replaced her legs with the pillow.

"Huh~~" Xue Nai who was released let out a long breath.

Then, she leaned sideways on the sofa and lowered her head slowly until she was on the same pillow as Xing Jian.

Seeing the sleeping Xingjian up close, Yukino couldn't help getting closer, and then... kissed her...

Ten seconds, no, 20 seconds, no, just 30 seconds.

After 30 seconds, I will get up and continue reading, and I will never be greedy for more...

Xue Nai warned herself in her heart...


Ten minutes later, looking at Xingjian who was sleeping soundly, Yukino pursed her lips, and kissed Xingjian's neck while avoiding her eyes.

Another 30 seconds is enough, we can't go on any longer, if Xing Jian finds out, it won't end well...


Another 10 minutes later, seeing that Xingjian still hadn't moved, Xue Nao became more and more bold. She took the lipstick she just bought last Sunday, and after applying it, it was printed on Xingjian's forehead and side face.

Just play around and take a picture...

After taking the photo, wipe it off with a wet towel, don't let Xingjian find out...



Xingjian, who had already woken up but was pretending to be asleep, let out a silent sigh of regret.

He slept lightly, and woke up when Xue Nai whispered his name. At that time, he was going to see what Xue Nai would do, but there was no answer.

Unexpectedly, Xue Nai became more and more bold, which made him dare not wake up.

Right now, with the "Exhausted" buff on his body, he dare not wake up to "punish" Yukino......

If Xue Nai is careful, it is easy to find something wrong...

Alas~ It's a pity, if you can't find fun from Yukino, you can only get it back from Kasumi Hill...

269. "The Seductive Kasumi Hill"


After an unknown amount of time, Youyou "woke up" Xingjian rubbing his eyes, and asked in a vague voice: "Xue Nai, what time is it?"

Sitting on the single sofa, Xue Nai, who seemed to be reading a book seriously, closed the book, and said with a normal expression: "It's almost ten o'clock."

"It's ten o'clock? Does time go by so fast? Huh?" Xingjian, who was muttering to himself, seemed to have discovered something. He touched his face and asked suspiciously, "Why does it feel wet?"

When Xue Nai heard this, her eyes drifted away unconsciously for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, she sat upright, clasped the book in her hands and placed it on the base of her thighs, and said dignifiedly and calmly: "The air in the room is a bit dry. I turned on the humidifier just now, which may be the reason."

"Really?" Hoshimi, who knew everything, looked suspiciously at Yukino.

Is it a humidifier under the brand of Meow?

"Otherwise?" Xue Nao, who looked indifferent, met Xing Jian's eyes without blushing or panting.

"..." It's not good for Xingjian to delve into it further. If the matter of pretending to sleep is exposed, it will be difficult to explain. He stroked his hair and touched his cheek, as if acquiescing to the explanation given by Xue Nao.

"Huh~" Seeing that the matter was covered up, Xue Nai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She picked up the black tea and took a sip, then changed the subject: "Xing Jian, it's getting late, you should go back."

"Emm..." Xingjian rested his chin and looked at Xue Nao with strange eyes, "Xue Nao, I can..."

Xue Nai put down the teacup, and interrupted Xing Jian's request with a smile, "No, Xing Jian, you'd better go back quickly."

Xingjian curled his lips, walked in front of Xue Nai with a faint expression, "Xue Nai, I always feel so bad, I didn't do anything today..."

Xue Nai, who was sitting in a dignified and elegant posture, looked up at Xing Jian, and said with a faint smile: "Xing Jian, this is your own problem, not mine, who made you sleep for so long, but... "

Xue Nai stood up, stood on tiptoe, pulled Xingjian by the collar, and gave him a comforting kiss.

After a while, Xue Nai, whose lips were parted and her cheeks were hot, turned her head and said in a voice like a mosquito: "That's it, it's worth your trip today, well, you should go back early."

Saying that, Xue Nai pushed Xing Jian towards the entrance.

"Xue Nai, wait a minute, my tie is still on the sofa." Xing Jian, who was being pushed away, noticed the tie at the corner of the sofa from the corner of his eyes, and he quickly reminded him aloud.

"Tie?" Xue Nai glanced back and found Xingjian's tie.

After she turned around and put on the tie, she continued to push Xing Jian out.

Xing Jian didn't resist too much, and walked out following Xue Nao's strength.

Come out at six o'clock, now it's ten o'clock, it's almost time to go back, it's not good to let Xia Zhiqiu stay alone in the empty room for too long.

"Xingjian, your tie." After pushing Xingjian to the door, Xue Nai handed the tie to Xingjian.

"No hurry, I'll change my shoes first." Xing Jian, who waved his hand to refuse, supported the shoe cabinet and began to change his shoes.

"Okay, give it to me now." After changing, Xingjian reached out to take the tie.

"..." Xue Nai looked at Xingjian and hesitated for a while, then chose to tie the tie for Xingjian herself.

She stepped forward and patted Xingjian's shoulder lightly.

Xingjian understood immediately, and bent down to let Xue Nai tie his tie.

Snow: "..."

The five steps of crossing, wrapping, flipping, inserting, and fastening are completed, and a standard and classic four-in-hand tie tie is completed.

Obviously it was the first time to tie a tie for someone else, but Xue Nai's movements were as skillful as if they had been tempered a thousand times.

After fastening the tie, Xue Nai clenched her fists and gently pressed Xing Jian's heart, "Okay, let's go back."

"En..." Xingjian replied, and then took advantage of the opportunity when Xue Nai's thoughts were drifting away, he made a sneak attack, knocked Xue Nai's wall against the entrance, and gave a long and deep farewell kiss.


After a long time, Xingjian broke through the door and left.

In the end, he didn't forget to close the door, lest some "lucky" passersby witness the moment when Yukino softened.


The door of the room was closed tightly, and Xue Nai, who seemed to have been exhausted from all her strength, leaned against the wall and slid softly on the floor of the entrance.

She touched her own face, which was so hot that it almost melted your heart.

"Hmm~~ Handy bastard...what's the rush...sooner or later, you will be taken advantage of..."

Xue Nai murmured in a low voice while stroking the corner of her slightly messy clothes.

In the long and narrow entrance with ambiguous lights, she fell limply to the ground, and the thoughtful Xue Nai was screaming like a resentful kitten.


On the other hand, Xing Jian, who was the object of the cat's attention, didn't go home directly. He left the apartment, first made a call to order food, and then walked leisurely to the restaurant where he just ordered food.

The street writer who is alone in the vacant room at home has not eaten any serious food today, and it is time to bring something back to feed him.

Although the sudden arrival of this street writer has caused him a lot of trouble, no matter what, the girls have come over on their own initiative. Not to mention anything else, at least nutrition must be provided.

In addition, he himself needs to add some nutrition, otherwise he won't have the energy to have fun with Xia Zhiqiu later.

The bowl of porridge that he ate at Xue Nai's house just now can only be regarded as stuffing between his teeth, or as a cushion, so that his stomach will not growl from hunger. If he wants to be full, he still needs some regular meals.


When approaching 11 o'clock, Hoshimi finally returned to his home.

When he first stepped into the house, Xing Jian was stunned for a moment, there was no light in the house, and there was no sound, it was very quiet, very much like his usual scene when he came home.

If he hadn't noticed the faint light in the living room, he would have thought that Xia Zhiqiu had left.

Xingjian was a little puzzled, it was so late, why didn't Xiazhiqiu turn on the lights?Ready to surprise him?Or fell asleep?

He thought for a while, kicked off his shoes, barefoot, and walked silently along the dim entrance corridor to the living room.

After arriving at the living room, Xing Jian immediately saw Xia Zhiqiu lying on the sofa with his back facing him.

The living room was dim and the only source of light was the cool glow of the TV screen.

Kasumigaoka, whose back was facing him, also turned his back to the TV screen, a slightly cool glow just shone on Kasumigaoka's body, perfectly outlining the curves of her graceful figure.

At the same time, there is only a white shirt on Xia Zhiqiu's body at this moment, and a large piece of white and greasy skin is exposed in the air. After being illuminated by the cool light, the white shirt and the white and greasy skin complement each other, making people unable to tell the truth for a while. Is the clothes whiter, or the people whiter.

In addition, because Kasumigaoka's figure is too perfect, and she sleeps curled up sideways, the hem of the white shirt really can't play its role as clothes.

This feasted the eyes of Xing Jian who had just returned.


After Xingjian stood there and watched for a while, his blood continued to surge.

He took a deep breath, strode to the back of Xia Zhiqiu, raised his palm, and slapped Xia Zhiqiu's buttocks mercilessly.

"Crack! Crack!"

Sleeping like this in a man's house?How can you not teach me a lesson? !

These two slaps are just the beginning!

270. "Xia Zhiqiu: Then, what is the price?"

"Crack! Crack!"

After two slaps, Xia Zhiqiu, who was stimulated by severe pain, suddenly woke up. She lay there stiffly, looking at the back of the sofa in disbelief.

This is......

Feeling the pain from her buttocks, Kasumigaoka thought at first that Hoshimi had acted like a beast while she was sleeping.

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