But after a while, she realized that it wasn't the same thing, as if it was just two slaps on the butt?Or the unreserved two slaps?

"Hmm~" Xia Zhiqiu sat up and looked at Hoshimi with embarrassment in his heart, three parts of resentment, three parts of anger, three parts of shame were hidden in the wine red eyes, and there was also a trace of indiscernible hatred for iron. steel.

"Yo~ I'm awake~" Hoshimi sat beside Kasumi Hill with a smile, and at the same time put the paper bag he was carrying on the coffee table.

"Huh!" Xia Zhiqiu snorted coldly, looking at Xingjian with a gloomy gaze, "Beast! No, it's not as good as a beast!"

"Huh?" Xing Jianruo, who vaguely realized that Xia Zhiqiu's words had a deeper meaning, smiled.

"Shi Yu, do you miss me..." Xing Jian looked teasingly at Xia Zhiqiu, whose clothes were half open.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu covered his chest with both hands, and his eyes became more and more resentful.

Can she accept such words?Picking up will not only show her lack of restraint, but also destroy her plan this time.

This time she came to Xingjian, but she didn't plan to entrust herself to Xingjian, she just wanted to seduce Xingjian, make Xingjian feel uncomfortable, make him feel itchy, hang on His appetite, let him know what is the pain of the burning fire.

This is also just revenge for what Xingjian did to her in the dream before.

"Hmph~" Unable to answer, Kasumi Hills snorted softly, and directly changed the topic to the paper bag Hoshimi brought back.

"What's in there? Food?" Kasumi Hill, whose stomach was full of water, could vaguely smell the mouth-watering fresh aroma.

"This..." Xingjian leaned forward, and took out the dinner for Kasumi Hill from the paper bag.

A box of paella wrapped in tin foil, two boxes of beautifully packaged desserts, and a bottle of sweet hot drink still warm.

"Here, I brought them all for you." Xing Jian tore off the tin foil on the outer layer of paella.

In an instant, the fresh fragrance burst out like a bomb.

Smelling the aroma, Kasumigaoka, who hadn't eaten anything serious all day, was salivating, and his stomach also actively sent out a signal of thirst for food.

Xia Zhiqiu pursed his lips, put his legs down on the sofa, leaned forward, and stared at the paella that Hoshimi brought back with burning eyes.

In the dimly lit living room, the hot paella looked extraordinarily hazy and dreamy in the cold glow of the TV screen, as if it was food served from the TV.

"Here, the spoon." Hoshimi pulled out the spoon from the paper bag and handed it to Kasumi Hills.

"Thank you." Kasumi Hill took the spoon and said in a low voice, "I'm starting."

After that, she stopped being polite and paid no attention to the image of a lady, and enjoyed the delicious food brought back by Xing Jian peacefully.

"Hmm~" After taking the first bite, Xia Zhiqiu's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and her round toes unconsciously opened.

what is this?Paella can be so good?It is completely different from what I have eaten before!

"Is it delicious?" Seeing Kasumi Hill's reaction, Hoshimi asked with a smile.

"Mmmmmm~~~" Kasumigaoka nodded while continuing to eat with a spoon.

Hoshimi smiled, put his arms around Kasumi Oka's waist, and explained softly in her ear: "This is a delicacy prepared by a chef with the strength of a professional star chef, so the taste is naturally very good."

Xia Zhiqiu gave a thumbs up to show his approval.

At this time, she was chewing food in her mouth, and it was inconvenient to speak, so she could only respond to Xingjian in this way.

"Does Yuanyue Academy know?" Xingjian continued with a smile: "The chef who cooked this meal is an outstanding graduate of Yuanyue Academy. I heard that he was a member of the "Ten Great Masters of Yuanyue" when he was in the academy. , and the seat is quite high, it seems to be No.2?"

"En?" Xia Zhiqiu, who swallowed the food in his mouth, said in surprise: "Is it so powerful?"

Totsuki Saryo Cooking School, referred to as Totsuki Gakuen, is a well-known culinary school in the Japanese culinary world, and it can be said that it is the number one cooking school in Japan.

As long as there are people who have studied and pursued food, it is impossible not to know about this academy.

Although she is not an insider in the gourmet circle, she happened to know about this academy when she was writing a book and researching information before, so she is very aware of the gold content of "Excellent Graduates of Yuanyue School".

Not to mention the "Ten Elites of Yuanyue", who represent the strongest students of Yuanyue. There are only a few students of this level in each class, and there are not many in the whole of Japan. It can be said to be a very rare existence.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu's curiosity suddenly emerged. She hugged Hoshimi's arm sideways, and after giving him some small benefits, she asked: "What is the name of this chef? What is the name of his restaurant? Specifically Where is it?"

Hoshimi's smile grew deeper, he hugged Xia Zhiqiu tightly into his arms, and replied one by one: "The name is Mujiu Zhiyuan Guo, the name of the restaurant is "Spring Fruit Pavilion", and the specific location is... .”

Hoshimi picked up a small card from his pocket, smiled and stuffed it into the ravine that came with Kasumi Hill.

"Hmm~" Kasumi Hill rolled her eyes and took out a small card with her scent and temperature.

She glanced at it, and found that the card was the restaurant business card of "Chunguo Pavilion", which recorded the location of the restaurant and the reservation number.

"Shi Yu~" Xing Jian whispered with strange eyes.

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka held the card, turning his head to meet Hoshimi's eyes stained with strange colors.

She clenched her hands, and suddenly realized that Xing Jian might be about to make a move.

She unconsciously put her legs together, waiting for Xingjian to make a move with a little expectation in her heart.

"Shiyu, you can go to this restaurant anytime when you come to Chiba in the future, and report my name. No matter what the situation in the restaurant is, they will welcome you." The strangeness in Xingjian's eyes became more and more obvious, even to the point of degree of concealment.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu pursed his lips, and said with wandering eyes: "Then, what is the price?"

"Hehe~" Hoshimi smiled gently, then leaned forward suddenly, and buried his face in Kasumigaoka's broad chest, "The price is very simple, Shiyu, you only need to come to Chiba in the future, then we can take a bath together .”

With the change of the sound transmission medium, Xingjian's voice sounds a little dull, but no matter how dull the voice is, the word "bath" with a strong bite can be clearly distinguished.

Knowing Hoshimi's subtext, Kasumigaoka stroked Hoshimi's hair, and said softly, "Hoshimi, you really don't want to suffer at all! If you do this, you will lose me... eh~~ "

271. "The big bad wolf is coming~~"

Saying that, Xia Zhiqiu suddenly groaned, her pretty face flushed, and she pushed Xingjian's head away in embarrassment.

"Hoshimi! You!" Kasumigaoka, who was protecting her chest with both hands, looked at Hoshimi who was licking the corner of her mouth with evil eyes. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Xing Jian, who took advantage of it, felt that it was almost done, and if he continued, maybe something unexpected would happen, um, unexpected things in various situations...

Xing Jian leaned back, resting his chin on the sofa with one hand, and asked with a smile: "Shi Yu, where do you want to sleep tonight? Sleep with me, or in the guest room?"

"..." Watching Xingjian change the subject, Xia Zhiqiu felt a deep resentment in his heart.

You bastard, come back to this trick again, pick up the fire and run away. In the dream before, Xing Jian used this trick to bully her a lot.

But the key point is that because of the strange setting that Xingjian added to her, she would be tricked every time, and in the end, she could only pray for his "blessing" according to Xingjian's various strange requests, filled with grief and indignation.

Now in reality, she wanted to punish Xingjian according to Xingjian's method, but she didn't expect to be defeated by Xingjian.

Hmm~ It's also her own fault, if it wasn't for being tired of Xing Jian for so long during the day, how could the fire in Xing Jian's heart be so stable?

"Shi Yu, if you don't talk, you just want to share a room with me~" Seeing Xia Zhiqiu's delay in responding, Xing Jian said happily with a smile.

"Hmm~" Xia Zhiqiu, who was full of resentment, said angrily: "I sleep in the guest room!"

The closer she was to Xingjian, the more she couldn't control herself.

If she really sleeps on the same bed with Xingjian, it is estimated that Xingjian only needs to beg for a while, or if she is a little tougher, she will...

So absolutely not!At least not at this stage!

She only took three days off, and she has to go home tomorrow!

"That's fine, Shi Yu, you eat first, I'll clean up your room." After saying that, Xing Jian got up and went to the second floor.

When leaving the living room, he turned on the light in the living room.

The incandescent lights came on, and the dim living room instantly brightened up. Kasumigaoka, who had been in the dark for a long time, couldn't help squinting his eyes.

She looked at Xingjian's back, picked up the paella angrily, and fed it into her mouth spoonful by spoonful.

She chews hard, as if eating someone's flesh raw...


Not long after, Hoshimi leaned on the railing of the corridor on the second floor and waved to Kasumigaoka in the living room.

"Shi Yu, come up after eating, I've tidied up the room for you, it's next door to me."

"..." Xia Zhiqiu looked up at Xingjian, she pointed to the packaging bag on the coffee table, and asked in a slightly raised voice: "Xingjian, don't these things need to be packed?"

"No, just let it go, I'll clean it up tomorrow when I'm free." Xingjian waved his hand indifferently.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu shook his head and did not respond, and silently packed all the garbage on the coffee table, such as packaging bags and wrapping paper, into the largest paper bag.

After packing up, she left for the second floor.


In the corridor on the second floor, Xing Jian looked at Xia Zhiqiu in front of him, gave a thumbs up and praised: "Not bad~ Shi Yu, you have the potential to be a good wife and mother~"

Xia Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and stared at him, raised his index finger to poke his heart, and said, "Isn't this a normal thing? You think everyone is like you, who likes to leave the garbage until the next day, right? ..."

Saying that, Xia Zhiqiu suddenly realized something, she squinted her eyes and looked at Xingjian, "Xingjian, I'm curious, how do you keep your house so clean with your lazy nature?"

"What are you talking about..." Xing Jian said nonchalantly: "Of course it's a housekeeper. There will be a housekeeper to clean up the house on a regular basis every Sunday. Once a week, the house will naturally not be too messy."

"Housekeeper..." Xia Zhiqiu silently kept this point in her heart, maybe it will come in handy in the future.

Then, he looked up at Xingjian slightly, and asked again: "By the way, Xingjian, I forgot to ask just now, why do you only need to report your name when you go to the "Chunguo Pavilion", and they can entertain you no matter what the situation is?" Also, Kikuchi Sonoka, is this a female name? Hoshimi, do you have anything to do with this chef..."


Hoshimi smiled and gave Xiazhiqiu a head-scratcher.

"Hoshimi!" Kasumi Hill covered his forehead, staring at Hoshimi full of resentment.

"What are you thinking about?" Xingjian explained: "That lady chef has nothing to do with me, she has a friendship with my father, eh? It's not the kind of friendship you think, it's a friendship of funding and investment, understand ?"

Seeing Kasumigaoka's suspicious eyes, Hoshimi waved his hands and said: "Forget it, it's hard to explain this to Shiwa, you can just search "Hoshimi Takuma" on your phone and you'll find out."

"Eh? Hoshimi Takuma?! Hoshimi Stock God!" Kasumigaoka's beautiful eyes slightly opened, looking at Hoshimi in astonishment, "Hoshimi Stock God is your father?!"

Xingjian "Yeah, is there a problem?"

"..." Xia Zhiqiu was speechless.

She still knows a little about this stock god who is quite well-known on the Internet.

It is the same as the situation in Yuanyue Academy before, I learned it when I was writing a book and checking the information.

There is no need to repeat how powerful Xing Jian Stock God is. Just putting this name on it is a gold-lettered signboard. It is a pity that God is jealous of talents. Xing Jian Stock God died too early. He died in an air crash with his wife in his early forties.

She hadn't expected that Xing Jian would be the son of Xing Jian's stock god. This made her suddenly have a sense of dislocation that a character she would only see on TV suddenly appeared in front of her.

She looked Xing Jian up and down, and her mood gradually became more subtle.

what is this?Are super high-quality stocks being delivered to your door?Although she didn't care much about Xing Jian's family background, after knowing the real situation, she suddenly felt like winning a lottery...

It's not about utilitarianism, it's just... how should I put it... All in all, it's a little subtle, very subtle...

"Shi Yu, from the way you look, you should be aware of my father's rumors and reputation." Xing Jian leaned on the railing of the corridor, looking at Xia Zhiqiu casually.

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