He laughed dumbfounded, and gently pinched Qinzi's small Qiong nose.

What Qinzi said was the truth, compared to Xue Nai who was nine points arrogant and one point coquettish, Qin Zi who played straight ball every day really made him feel better.

But to be honest, he can't answer this question. If he answers it, he will pass the "knife" to Qinzi and stab Yukino.

This little girl doesn't know what harmony and modesty mean, she took the "knife" and promised to give Xue Nai a knife as soon as possible, so as to frustrate Xue Nao's spirit.

"Xingjian, I haven't seen you for a few days, do you have something to say to me?" Qinzi looked up at Xingjian, and there was an indistinguishable glow hidden in the strange purple pupils.

"Huh?" Xingjian tilted his head and thought for a while, then smiled and lowered his head to rub Qinzi's soft face, "That's for sure~ I haven't seen you for a few days, how can I not say 'I miss you' Woolen cloth?"

"Cough~cough~" Xingjian cleared his throat, looked at Qinzi with a smile and said: "Qinzi, long time no see, I even miss you."

After saying that, Xingjian bowed his head and kissed Qinzi's lips.

"..." Qinzi didn't refuse, didn't resist, but took the initiative to cater to her.

Although I didn't hear the answer I wanted, this sentence is also quite good.

In addition, no matter how true or false what Xing Jian said, anyway, she felt comfortable listening, and she should be intimate if she should be intimate, and she must not be left behind in terms of benefits and treatment.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Qinzi looked up at Xingjian, and asked again: "Xingjian, what else? Do you have anything else to say?"

She chose to give Xing another chance to meet...

"En?" Xing Jian tilted his head, thinking quickly about what Qin Zi wanted to know.

278. "Qinzi, let's rest~"

Xingjian thought about it, and guessed that Qinzi probably wanted to know where he went today.

Today when Qinzi came back, it was fine that he didn't go to the station to greet him, and he left the school, leaving Qinzi who came back in vain.

He could almost imagine Qinzi's disappointed expression when she returned to Zongwu High but didn't see anyone else.

In this way, it is normal for Qinzi to have some small emotions.

Straightening out the logic, Xingjian lowered his head and pressed against Qinzi's little face, smilingly telling the lie about going to his aunt's house today again.

"That's it..." After hearing Xingjian's explanation, Qinzi's smile didn't change at all.

She didn't choose to expose Xingjian's lie, but silently strengthened her thoughts.

It seems that the cultivation method really has to wait for a suitable opportunity to meet Xing...

It’s not okay to always give without expecting anything in return. Since you have capital in your hands, you must take out some real feelings from Xing Jian’s heart, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

"..." Qinzi's smile deepened, and she stroked Xingjian's face silently with her backhand.

"Qinzi." Xingjian suddenly remembered something, he locked Qinzi's waist with his hands, lowered his head and exhaled a warm breath by Qinzi's ear.

"Huh?" Qinzi, whose ears were numb for a while, narrowed her eyes like a cat, enjoying the warmth of Xingjian comfortably.

"Qinzi, what do you mean by sending me the photos of those two girls? Are you holding back? Or do you want me to use dreams to pry some information out of their mouths?"

"..." Qinzi blinked her eyes twice cutely, as if she didn't expect Xingjian to think so.

"Isn't it?" Seeing Qinzi's expression, Xingjian asked suspiciously, knowing that he might have guessed wrong.

"No~" Qinzi explained: "I sent Xingjian you a photo of the two of them to provide a layer of insurance for your safety. When I am not by your side in the future, you happen to meet a monster and make trouble. Then Then you can use my name to ask them for help."

"That's it..." Xingjian poked Qinzi's flat belly, and asked curiously: "Qinzi, what are their names? What abilities do they have? Are they... strong?"

Qinzi huddled in Xingjian's arms, and said casually: "The one with the Ji hair style is called Isayama Koizumi, and the one with the short hair is called Tunomiya Kagura. Ability... It is a unique onmyoji, basically relying on the onmyoji As for the set of battles, as for whether it is strong or not, it depends on who it is compared with."

Qinzi paused, and after finding a comfortable position in Xingjian's arms, she continued: "But generally speaking, the strength of the two of them is very strong in the modern age when the aura is weak."

"Isayama Koizumi... Tsunomiya Kagura..." Hoshimi repeated the names of the two, then rubbed Kotoko's face with a smile, "Okay, I remember them, and thank you very much , my lovely Kotoko~"

"En~" Qinzi nodded lazily, "You don't need to thank them, as long as you don't mess with them, I will be very touched."

"How could it be? Am I that kind of person?" Xingjian feigned dissatisfaction and pressed Qinzi's lower abdomen.

"..." Qinzi curled her lips and said nothing.

In her opinion, Xingjian is that kind of person.

But since she dared to show photos of Isayama Koizumi and Tumiya Kagura to Hoshimi, she was not afraid that Hoshimi would get involved with them.

These two girls are not so easy to be captured. Among them, Isayama Koizumi has a fiancé, but the serious lily tendency of these two people is not something that Hoshimi can easily handle!

Besides, she's still alive!Under the snow is still there!And that girl with big breasts who I don't know her name yet!The three of them surrounded Xingjian, could Xingjian spare time to attack a pair of extremely difficult lilies? !

It's not realistic to think about.

"By the way, Qinzi..." Xingjian asked suddenly: "I remember you said before that the two of them are official people, which organization are they from? Which department?"

"Ministry of the Environment? Natural Environment Bureau? Supernatural Disaster Countermeasure Room." After finishing speaking, Qinzi squinted at Xingmi, "Xingjian, why are you asking this?"

"Just curious, let's see which department has mastered this power, but are they actually under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Environment? It's a little unexpected..."

Xingjian caressed Qinzi's lower abdomen thoughtfully.

If he remembers correctly, there seems to be an official in the Ministry of the Environment who is a good friend of his father...

Also, there seems to be someone from the Arisugawa family working for the Ministry of the Environment...

Xingjian, whose eyes became more subtle, didn't think about it any further. He leaned close to Qinzi's ear and said softly, "Qinzi, we haven't seen each other for a few days, why don't we rest first?"

"Okay..." The sloppy Qinzi didn't look shy at all, she twisted her little butt twice, raised her hand and said with a cute face: "See you~ I'm going to the sea~"

"Okay ~ let's go now ~" Xingjian thought, and the two disappeared from the dark red bench in an instant.


In the early morning of the next day, Xing Jian woke up on time. He opened his eyes and looked at Xia Zhiqiu, who was sleeping in his arms, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

Why is Shiyu in his arms?Shouldn't there be Qinzi in his arms?

After being stunned for a moment, Xingjian suddenly reacted.

"..." He rubbed his temples and sat up with some headaches.

After a busy night, I was a little in a trance.

Shi Yu, Xue Nai, and Qin Zi, he wants to keep wandering among the three of them without revealing his flaws, and even flirts with them, he will be a little bit in a trance overnight.

If this continues, he is really afraid that one day he will call the wrong name...

"Ah~" Xing Jian sighed silently, gently lifted the quilt and got out of bed to get dressed.

He walked to the window and opened a corner of the curtains, wanting to see the sun rising and shining brilliantly.

But looking up, the sky was gloomy, and the thick cloud in the distance completely blocked the morning sun.

"..." Xing Jian shook his head, turned around and went downstairs to wash up.



At some point, Xia Zhiqiu Youyou woke up, she rubbed her sleepy eyes with one hand, and subconsciously touched Hoshimi beside her with the other hand.


After touching for a long time without finding anything, Xia Zhiqiu suddenly woke up. She opened her eyes wide and looked around for signs of Hoshimi.

"Shiyu, you're awake."

Familiar with the deep-rooted voice ringing in his ears, Xia Zhiqiu followed the sound and saw Hoshimi standing by the desk, looking at her with a faint smile.

"I was just going to leave a note, Shiyu, you're awake." Xingjian walked to the bed, leaned down and squeezed Kasumi Hill's face with a smile.

279. "Now is Yukino's turn to attack"

Xing Jian: "Seeing that Shi Yu is sleeping soundly, I didn't call you."

"Hmm~ What time is it? Xingjian why did you wake up so early?" Xia Zhiqiu, whose face was pinched, spoke with a slightly ambiguous voice.

Hoshimi sat down on the edge of the bed, rubbing Kasumigaoka's face gently, "It's almost [-]:[-], today is Wednesday, I have to go to class, I skipped class yesterday to play with Shi Yu all day, today If I miss class again, our class leader will not spare me, and if she sues my aunt again, I will not be able to bear the torture."

"Hmm~ her? Is Hoshimi your class leader a woman?" Kasumi Oka keenly noticed the small problems exposed in Hoshimi's pronunciation.

"Yes~" Xingjian shrugged and said helplessly, "Go to Zongwu High School to inquire, who doesn't know the name 'Iron Fist Wushuang Quiet and Cute'."

"Tekken Warriors..." Kasumi Oka blinked, "Hoshimi, does your class leader often use 'violence'?"

"En~~How should I say~~" Xingjian thought for a while, and said: "To be precise, Mrs. Hiratsuka usually uses "violence" as a deterrent method, and it is rare to actually use "violence". He is very concerned about the growth of students, so he is a rare good teacher."

"Is that so..." Xia Zhiqiu tilted his head slightly, looking thoughtful.

"Okay, stop talking, if you don't leave, I'm going to be late." Xing Jian took out a few restaurant business cards from his pocket and put them on the bedside table, "Shi Yu, these are the business cards of the restaurant. If you're hungry, just choose a restaurant and call to order." The meal is enough, tell me my name, and they will deliver the meal.”

"Also..." Xing Jian raised his finger to the clothes rack near the door, "Your clothes are already dry, I brought them up for you along the way."

"Also, I remember Shi Yu that you said that your leave will end today, if you want to go home before I come back, remember to lock the door for me, just pull it, the door will be locked automatically."

"The last thing..." Xingjian took out a bunch of keys and put them on the bedside table, "This is the key on the door, if Shiyu, you want to cook for yourself, go downstairs and turn right for 200 meters, there is a fruit and vegetable supermarket , everything is complete, basically everything.”

"If you don't want to wash the pot after cooking, just leave it there, and I will clean it up when I come back."

"En~~ That should be all." Xing Jian looked at Xia Zhiqiu, "Shi Yu, do you have any questions?"

"..." Kasumi Hills blinked, and glanced sideways at the keys on the bedside table.

"Xing Jian, can I take the key?" Xia Zhiqiu asked softly with rippling eyes.

"No, this is the only key in my house. You take it away, Shiyu. If there is something wrong with the door lock, it will be difficult for me." Xingjian rubbed Kasumi Hill's head with a smile .

This is true, there are two sets of keys for his house, one is the key in front of him, and the other is in the hands of Aunt Arisukawa.

Originally there was another set, but that set was lost by his mother during her lifetime.

"Hmm~" The brilliance in Xia Zhiqiu's eyes dimmed a little, and he looked a little disappointed.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised her head to look at Xingjian, "Xingjian, there is only one key in your house, so when I go home, where will I put the key at home, Xingjian, won't you be unable to enter?" Is the door open?"

Xing Jian laughed dumbly, "Shi Yu, when did you become a fish memory? Did you forget that my house has a fingerprint lock? I'll just come in and press the fingerprint."

"Uh..." Kasumi Hill was stunned for a moment, then pulled up the quilt to cover the lower half of his face with a blushing complexion.

She remembered that Xingjian did come in by fingerprinting yesterday, and she also saw it at that time...

"Okay, stop talking, I really have to leave this time." Xingjian got up, straightened his clothes, turned his head and walked outside.

"See you, wait..."

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