Just two steps away, Xia Zhiqiu called out to stop Xingjian.

"What's wrong?" Xingjian turned around and looked at Xia Zhiqiu who was huddled under the quilt.

"Xingjian, come here..." Xia Zhiqiu stretched out a white and tender jade hand from under the quilt and beckoned to Xingjian.

Hoshimi walked to the bed and stared at Kasumi Hill from top to bottom.

"Xing sees you lower your head, let me tell you something..." Xia Zhiqiu, whose face was glowing beautifully, grabbed the quilt with both hands nervously.

"Huh?" Kasumi Hill, who had already expected it, slowly bent over and approached Kasumi Hill.

When Hoshimi's waist was bent to almost 60°, Kasumigaoka suddenly lifted the quilt, hooked Hoshimi's neck with both hands, and offered him a long-planned good morning greeting.

After 1 minute, Kasumigaoka reluctantly let go of his hands.

She still remembered that Xingjian was going to be late for class, otherwise how could she meet the standard in her mind in just 1 minute?

"See you, see you." Xia Zhiqiu retracted into the bed, only revealing a pair of wine red eyes and said goodbye to Xing Jian.

"Well, goodbye~" Hoshimi lowered his head and kissed Xia Xia Zhiqiu's forehead like a dragonfly.

Then, he straightened his body and left the bedroom without delay.


In the elevator of the apartment, Xingyue faced the mirror in the elevator, arranging his clothes and hair while arranging his hair, and at the same time he did not forget to put on a faint smile.


The elevator arrived at the first floor, and Xing Jian just returned to his former appearance.

After smiling at the mirror in the elevator, he turned and stepped out of the elevator without hesitation.

Walking to the door of the apartment, Xingjian immediately saw Xue Nai waiting for him downstairs.

Xue Nai, who stood like a peony, was as cold as ever. She looked at Xing Jian who walked in front of her, and asked calmly, "Why is it so late today?"

"I didn't pay attention to the time when I was taking a bath, and I accidentally soaked for a while longer." Xingjian scratched his head and explained a little embarrassedly.

"..." Xue Nao didn't ask any more questions, she took a step forward, and naturally took Xing Jian's arm, "Let's go, I have to walk faster today, or I will be late."

"En." Xingjian replied, and walked to the school with Xue Nai.

The two walked not far, and met Qinzi at the first traffic light.

Qinzi, who was standing under the traffic lights, changed into the school uniform of Zongwu High School, and waved to Xingmi across the road with a smile on her face.

Hoshimi and Yukino cross the road to meet Kotoko.

"Good morning~See you~"

"Good morning~ Yukinoshita-senpai~"

After greeting the two of them, Qinzi also naturally found her place, holding Xingjian's arm on the other side.

"Good morning, Qinzi." Xingjian, who was hugging left and right, responded to Qinzi's greeting with a smile.

On the other side, Yukinoshita, who was getting more and more at odds with Kotoko, just nodded in response.

"Xingjian, where did you get your bracelet?" Qinzi, holding Xingjian's arm, accidentally discovered the dragon scale bracelet on Xingjian's wrist.


"It was given to him by Xingjian's aunt's daughter."

Xingjian was just about to answer, but Yukino answered first for some reason.

Not only that, after Xue Nai finished answering, she leaned forward and smiled at Qin Zi.

280. "Hirashita Hira is defeated!"

"..." Xing Jian's eyes twitched, he closed his mouth and stood silently in front of the background board.

"Oh~~ So that's the case, then do I want to thank Senior Yukinoshita for answering my questions?" Qinzi met Yukino's eyes with an undiminished smile.

Xue Nai kept smiling, and said very kindly: "If you want to thank me, then thank you. If you don't want to thank me, then it's okay, after all, you are that kind of person."

"Oh?" The smile on Qinzi's little face gradually deepened, "Senior Yukinoshita, what kind of person am I, can you please explain clearly?"

"Eh?" Yukino seemed a little surprised, "Student Yan Yong, don't you even know what kind of person you are? Now it's a little difficult to deal with. It takes a lot of energy to communicate with people who don't know themselves."

"..." After a moment of silence, Qinzi said with a bright smile: "Senior Pingxia, I didn't hear what you said just now, can you please say it again?"

"..." Xue Nai's smile disappeared, and she stared at Qin Zi with a stern expression, "What did you call me just now?"

"Senior Pingxia~" Qinzi said with a smile: "Senior Pingxia, look, you are so mediocre, why don't you change your name to Pingxia Pingnao, it's great that you live up to your name."

Yukino's face became colder and colder, and a layer of frost formed in her icy blue eyes at some point, "Student Yanyong, have you failed to the point where you want to call others nicknames?"

"Aiya~Aiya~~" Qinzi sighed while holding his forehead, "It's obvious that you are so angry, but you still have to put on the airs of a famous lady, senior, don't you feel tired? Could it be that you usually do it like this?" Do you get along with Xing Jian in such an attitude? Wouldn't Xing Jian die from exhaustion?"

"..." Xing Jian watched his nose, nose and heart with his eyes, but he didn't hear what was going on around him with his ears, and his heart was only used as the background board.

"Senior Pingxia, please listen to my persuasion." Qinzi said with sincerity on her small face: "You, it's really not wrong to put down your airs occasionally and express your true thoughts in your heart. You always hide like this Tuck it in, Xing will be very tired when he sees him."

"Besides, you can't put your airs on the bed, can you? Could it be that in the future, when you and Xingjian are doing business, you still insist on asking Xingjian to turn off the lights?"

"I'll tell you a secret in advance. Seeing him, Xing doesn't like to come here with the lights turned off. If he really obeys your wishes and turns off the lights, he will feel so aggrieved. He will definitely go to another woman. Just turn off the lights and make it up again."

The corners of Xingjian's eyes twitched, and the expression on his face became a little tense.

This girl's mouth, Qinzi, dares to say anything!Going on, I really don't know what this girl can shake up!

"Cough~" Xingjian coughed lightly, ready to stop the fight between the two.

Oh no, it's not a fight, it's Qinzi's unilateral abuse of Yukino.

"Xing Jian, you are not allowed to be biased! This time, Yukinoshita provoked me first! Are you going to be biased again?!"

Just as Xingjian was about to say something, Qinzi blocked him back with one word.

"..." Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly.

This time it seems that Yukino was the one who provoked first. Is this a righteous counterattack by Qinzi?

But if he doesn't stop him again, Xue Nai will be depressed by Qin Zi for two or three days...

Also, is it his illusion?I always feel that after coming back this time, Qinzi's resentment is a bit heavy...

In the past, as long as he had the tendency to open his mouth to stop him, Qinzi would immediately take the initiative to stop. There is something wrong today...

"Forget it, Xing saw that you were ready to sideline, so what else can I say, I won't say anything."

Qinzi keenly noticed the thoughtful look in Xingjian's eyes, and she knew that maybe her intransigence today exposed some problems.

She waved her hand depressedly, too lazy to say anything to Yukinoshita.

Going on, it would be bad for Xingjian to notice something.

In terms of enemy level, Yukinoshita is nothing more than a petted and proud elite leader, not at the same level of threat as the boss-level Siesta and the girl with big breasts whose information has not yet been disclosed.

For the sake of final victory, she should not be too hostile to Yukinoshita right now, so as not to expose the information she knows.

In addition, the bracelet on Xingjian's hand was given by the girl with big breasts, right?It's not the daughter of the so-called aunt's family at all.

Ninety percent of this false information was used by Xing Jian to coax Xue Xia, right?But Yukinoshita used false information to provoke her...

Ah~ I can only say that it is a good thing that she and Yukinoshita are not teammates, otherwise she would be cheated to death by Yukinoshita!


Qinzi glanced at Xingjian, and suddenly felt a little more depressed in her heart.

The elite little boss under Yukino was so lucky that he airborne directly in front of Xinghui. Without this, she would have been able to kill this little boss with a single skill.

Qin Zi gave up, but Xue Nai was a little unwilling, she wanted to say something, but Xing Jian stopped her with his eyes.

"..." Xue Nai with a frosty complexion turned her head to look ahead, too lazy to argue with this little guy who only speaks a yellow accent.


She glanced at Xing Jian, and a thought could not be dispelled in her mind.

Seeing him in the stars... really like not turning off the lights?

Qinzi stopped, Xue Nai kept silent, Xing Jian naturally would not provoke any more disputes, and the three walked to the school quietly.

Along the way, the three of them bumped into many students of Zongwu High School.

For the threesome of Hoshimi, Yukino, and Qinzi, these students of Zongwu High School were obviously very interested, and they paid part of their attention to the three of them, both openly and secretly.

But they didn't dare to talk loudly, and even when discussing with their friends, they kept their voices extremely low, for fear that others would hear them.

After all, none of the protagonists of a threesome is simple.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the Yukinoshita family, the Iwanaga family is also a well-known family in Chiba.

As for Xingjian, they didn't know the specific situation, but just because Xingjian was able to transfer to the Zongwu High International Class halfway through, it could be seen that his family was unusual.

The three of them from such family backgrounds got together to walk together, and they really didn't dare to say anything other than "the expensive circle is really messed up".


At Zongwu High, the first-year Qinzi parted ways with Xingjian and Xue Nai, and went to the first-year teaching building.

And Hoshimi and Yukino are arm in arm, going to the classroom of Class J of the 2nd grade.

On the way, Xue Nai suddenly asked: "Xingjian, are you tired being with me?"

"Alas~" Xingjian sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to pinch Xue Nao's waist without the slightest bit of fat.

"Xue Nai~" Xing Jian said helplessly: "Don't listen to Qin Zi's nonsense, you are so cute~ As for whether I am tired or not, don't you know best? When have I ever accommodated you?"

He's telling the truth, he likes Xue Nao to maintain the elegant airs of a famous daughter, so that teasing is more interesting.

If Xue Nai is really obedient to him, the fun will be lost, and there may be more children...

281. "Xiao Jiujiu of Kasumi Hill"

"..." Xue Nai suddenly realized that this bastard Xingjian really didn't seem to have accommodated her much, whether it was before or now, this bastard did things as he pleases, she couldn't persuade her at all.

Thinking of this, Xue Nai suddenly felt angry.

Xing Jian, this bastard, it's okay to treat her like that before they were dating, but after dating, she doesn't look like a man at all, which makes her doubt how much gold Xing Jian's feelings for her have.

"Xue Nai..." Seeing that Xue Nai's eyes were getting more and more wrong, Xing Jian said with a strange expression: "Xue Nai, you are not angry because I don't accommodate you, are you? If so, then you have fallen into Qin Zi's trap again up"

"Xue Nai, you have to know that the purpose of Qinzi's words is to create a gap between us, so whether you think in the right direction or in the opposite direction, there will be problems."

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