"At this time, you have to break the stereotype of thinking, jump out of the cage of Qinzi's words, think carefully about what her real purpose is for saying this, and think from Qinzi's perspective, what will happen if she faces this problem Case."

"So, Yukino, do you understand? You have to think about it more deeply, and don't be led by the nose by Qinzi."

"If you really fell into Qinzi's trap, then she should be overjoyed."

"..." Xue Nai was speechless.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Xingjian who looked strange, and a feeling of embarrassment burst from the bottom of her heart.

Hoshimi Kiyokawa, Iwanaga Kotoko, how can these two guys have so many convoluted things?

Xingjian can understand that he can understand these things with good genes and devil education from childhood to adulthood.

But what about the little one?Why is she so much?This is not scientific!

"Okay, Xue Nai, don't think so much, just pay more attention to what Qinzi says in the future, but don't think too much, lest you be led into the pit by her."

Xing Jian went around behind Xue Nai, pushed her shoulders and walked forward, "I'm going to self-study soon, don't be stunned here, let's go quickly, I will teach you how to deal with Qin Zi later."

"Alas~" Xue Nai sighed silently, and walked forward helplessly following Xingjian's thrust.

She thinks she is not stupid, but in front of two "abnormal" peers, Hoshimi and Kotoko, she is just like a high school student.

No, she was originally a high school student!

Uh~ so annoying.

"Jingle bell~~~"

The morning self-study bell rang, and Yukino and Xingjian entered the classroom just by the bell.

The two returned to their seats and started today's campus life.


In the first class in the morning, a math teacher with extensive teaching experience hypnotized me on the podium.

Under the podium, the drowsy Xing Jian rested his chin and looked at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

There is no sun today... The sky in the distance is still a little gloomy. Does it look like it will rain today?

Hmm~ The cool sea breeze is really comfortable, today's weather is also suitable for sleeping...

Thinking so, Xing Jian closed his eyes and fell asleep very peacefully.

Xue Nai on the side had already been paying attention to Xing Jian when he was drowsy, and now Xing Jian is completely asleep, which is also what she expected.

She was too lazy to take care of Xingjian, and took out the "Chinese-Japanese Dictionary" to continue learning Chinese.


The sea breeze blew, and the light blue curtains raised the corners of the clothes, gently soothing the sleeping Xingjian.

The wind breaks, everything returns to calm...


At Hoshimi's house, after Hoshimi left, Xia Zhiqiu lay on the bed for an hour before getting up.

She changed into her own clothes, went to Hoshimi's bedroom, and stood by the window overlooking the city of Chiba.

The scenery of the steel jungle did not cause waves in her heart. In Xingjian's dream, she had seen modern cityscapes far beyond reality.

The tall buildings that go straight into the sky can show the charm of the "steel jungle" even more.

She shifted her gaze and looked at the end of the sky.

The cloud is a bit heavy... Will it rain today?

"It's raining..." Xia Zhiqiu murmured thoughtfully.

She had an idea in her mind, but let's wait until the rain really started to fall.

"En~~~~" Xia Zhiqiu, who suddenly felt a sore back, stood by the window and stretched a big lazy waist, the perfect body curve was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

The exaggerated chest outline may be something that some two flat ladies would never dare to hope for in their entire lives.

"What are we going to do today?" Kasumigaoka asked himself with a gentle smile after stretching.

Do you want to prepare a "Love Dinner" for Xingjian?


Think about it or forget it, her cooking skills are only at the level of ordinary home cooking, which is too far from the high-end restaurants that Xingjian usually eats, so it's better not to show her shame.

So are there any other surprises that can be prepared?

Xia Zhiqiu thought about it, and found that there really didn't seem to be any. Hoshimi's family was well-off and well-informed, and many small surprises might not be able to play a good role.

As for saying that it's fine when the feelings are over, that's just a word of consolation, a word of evasion.

If the real surprise is not backed by real material, it will still lose a bit of flavor after all.

"Hmm~~" Kasumi Hill was a little distressed.

At this stage, apart from giving herself as a gift to Xingjian, she really can't think of anything that can "surprise" Xingjian.

But today she is going back to Tokyo, and this surprise will definitely not work.

"By the way..." Xia Zhiqiu suddenly remembered something, she quickly took out her mobile phone, called up the calendar, and counted the days.


"Is 14.15 just a weekend? It seems to be possible then..." Kasumigaoka pursed his lips, and his legs suddenly became weak.

She took a few steps back and sat on the edge of the bed, her pretty face flushed, her eyes dodging thinking about something.

"Are you coming to Xingjian's house then? No, you can't imply it so clearly, you should be a little more reserved..."

"Then... Ask Xingjian to go out to play? This seems to be okay... If Xingjian gets impulsive then..."

Xia Zhiqiu, who was thinking brokenly, blushed more and more, and his voice became smaller and smaller.


A moment later, Kasumi Zhigao covered his burning face and rolled around on Hoshimi's bed.

and many more!

Xia Zhiqiu sat up suddenly, if he wanted to meet Hoshi, wouldn't it be better to find a reason?

June 6th, June 14th, are there any activities in these two days?

Xia Zhiqiu thought about it, took out his phone and checked it.

"Huh? Really, is there a Tokyo cat and dog show? It seems to be pretty good..." Looking at the adorable cats and dogs on the website, Kasumigaoka's wine-red eyes rippling with undisguised waves.

282. "Senior Yukinoshita, You're Really Useless~"

"Xingjian, did you forget something?"

After school in the afternoon, on the way to the service department, Xue Nai suddenly said.

"En?" Xingjian looked at Xue Nao suspiciously.

Xue Nai tilted her head, met Xing Jian's eyes indifferently, "Do you remember what you promised me this Monday?"

"Oh~~~I remember now." Xingjian suddenly realized.

This Monday, he promised Xue Nai to investigate and deal with the conflict between Yu Bibin and Bi Qigu, and Xue Nai had already paid the remuneration for this matter in advance.

And today is already Wednesday, but he hasn't started to act yet, no wonder Xue Nao couldn't bear to remind him.

"Xue Nai, don't worry, I will deal with it as soon as possible." Xingjian hooked Xue Nai's shoulders and squeezed.

If it wasn't for the sudden attack by Xia Zhiqiu, maybe he would have finished dealing with this matter yesterday.

When Xia Zhiqiu came, he disrupted his rhythm of life and made him accidentally forget about it.

But now that he remembered it, he could solve it soon.

"En..." Xue Nai responded without another word, and went to the service department with Xing Jian silently.


Not long after Hoshimi and Yukino arrived in the activity classroom of the Ministry of Service, Kotoko and Hikigaya also arrived one after another, leaving only the last one, Yuigahama.

But after waiting for a long time, the front door of the service department was not opened again.

Seeing Yubihama's delay in coming, Yukino frowned unconsciously. She closed the book, got up and sat beside Xingjian, and poked his side quietly.

"..." Xing Jian glanced at Xue Nai's exquisite profile, and immediately understood.

He picked up the cooled black tea, took a sip, then looked up at Hikigu, "Hikigu, why didn't Yubihama come today?"

"..." Hikigu, who was sitting on the single sofa reading a book, was silent for a moment, then said in a vague voice, "I don't..."

"Cough~" Xing Jian coughed lightly, interrupting Bi Qigu's words.

He put down the teacup, leaned forward, crossed his fingers and clubbed his chin, and said in a slightly deep voice: "Hikiya-san, Yubihama and you are both in class F, you should know her whereabouts."

"..." Hikigu remained silent.

After a while, he turned his head slightly, and said with a lack of confidence: "Yubihama...she and Miura walked together, it seems...to go to karaoke...the companions are also There are a few girls from Class F..."

"Is that so..." Xingjian said thoughtfully: "So I went to sing K with my friends, that's why I didn't come."

Hoshimi looked up at Hikigu, "That's okay, going out with friends is also a very important thing, we didn't deprive Yubihama of the right to make friends and socialize, but as a club partner, we still have to care about her, In case she encounters any trouble, now that I know her whereabouts, it will be fine."

"...En..." After Hikigu replied vaguely, he continued to read with his head down.

"..." After listening to the conversation between Xingjian and Hikigu, Yukino took out her phone and glanced at it, only to find that she hadn't received any message.

She frowned, and poked Xingjian's side again.

"..." Xingjian, who knew what Yukino meant, was a little speechless.

My smart and lovely second lady, don't rush, you have to pay attention to the basic...method step by step in solving things, if you keep urging, I won't be able to get Yubibin back right away.

"Ah~" Xing Jian sighed silently, picked up the black tea and sipped it, while thinking about the solution.

Before Xingjian finished sipping his tea, Biqigu had another problem.

After a long period of contemplation, Hikigu seemed to have made some decision, he closed the book, and looked up at Hoshimi and Yukino.

"That..." He hesitated, not knowing whether it was nervousness or simply not knowing what to say.

"Tell me, I'm listening." Xingjian put down his teacup and assumed the attitude of a listener.

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